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权鹏飞 《旅游》2012,(3):86-93,3
新疆听说很远,和田听说不近。有时候,旅行不在目的地,而在旅行过程中的奇遇与艳遇。造访流水村,叫我有了想住下来甚至想落难时逃避此地的冲动。选择和田需要决心,更需要充足的时间和单纯的心境。奔玉而来非但短浅,而且失去玉缘。昆仑山、塔克拉玛干大沙漠,胡杨、核桃王、无花果王、梧桐王,玉石、地毯、丝绸,维药、大芸、阿胶,皮亚曼石榴、安迪尔甜瓜、和田玉枣,沙漠玫瑰精油、阿布丹麻糖、和田果酱,烤全羊、抓饭、拌面,道教、佛教、伊斯兰教遗迹,这一切构成鲜明的和田元素。和田的火车通了,北京的飞机直航和田了,北京人、天津人、安徽人都来援建和田了。和田真的很亲,和田真的很美,和田真的值得一看。天堂很远,和田很近。  相似文献   

本文以辽文化圈内墓葬、窖藏所见金、玉首饰为依据,结合传世品,对契丹人的头饰、耳饰、璎珞、项饰、手镯、指环等,作初步的梳理,以展示契丹族富丽而饶具风情的装饰风格。契丹首饰融汇、吸收北方草原民族以及中原汉族文化因素,结合自身的创新,形成了独具特色的妆饰艺术。摩竭耳环、琥珀璎珞、盾面指环为契丹人所特有,且男、女皆可使用。耳饰的凤鸟、飞天造型,手镯表面的花蝶、婴戏及缠枝花装饰题材,与唐、宋艺术一脉相承。步摇、镯端的龙首造型、环面的立体动物装饰,则体现了与北方草原金器传统的关联。唐、宋盛行的插梳习俗、宋代异彩纷呈的簪、钗,在契丹人中并不流行,或很少使用。契丹人喜欢佩戴的指环、璎珞、项链,在唐、宋时期则很少见到,或并不使用。这种差异的形成,应与汉人、契丹人文化传统、生活习性的差异,发式、服装的不同相关。  相似文献   

赵雁平 《收藏家》2006,(8):10-16
中国玉器的发展历程,萌芽于距今一万年前的新石器时代。经历了孕育、成长、嬗变、发展、繁荣、兴盛六个历史时期,为社会物质和精神文化的发展作出了贡献。中国玉器,从新石器时代开始,历经商、周、春秋、战国、秦、汉发展到唐代达到了鼎盛时期。在商代,有属于生产工具、礼器和装饰玉器,如玉刀、玉斧、玉铲、玉璧、玉璜、玉琮、玉圭、玉璋、玉瑗以及单体动物的玉鱼、玉鸟、玉兽。商代礼玉是新石器时代玉礼器的传承和延续,它具有代表神灵的功用。工具类玉器大多并非实用,仅作象征之物。常见纹饰有饕餮纹、斜方格纹、弦纹、云雷纹。到了西周,大…  相似文献   

张宏林 《收藏家》2013,(6):31-36
2013年是我国农历癸巳年,也就是生肖民俗中所称的蛇年。生肖中的“生”指出生年,“肖”是说相似,故也叫属相。所谓癸巳年,是以干支纪年的一种方法。干为天象,支为地象,故又称天干、地支。天干,又称十干,是甲、乙、丙、丁、戊、已、庚、辛、壬、癸的总称,通常用来表示次序。地支,又称十二支,是子、丑、寅、卯、辰、巳、午、未、申、酉、戌、亥的总称,古代用以记时。  相似文献   

每年的lob23日或24日,太阳到达黄经210度时为霜降,2014年霜降为农历九月三十,公历10月23日。 霜降是秋季的最后一个节气,也是秋季到冬季的过渡节气。随着霜降的到来,草木开始落黄。呈现出一派深秋景象。 霜降来临,天气渐凉,秋燥明显,燥易伤津。养生首先要重视保暖,其次要防秋燥,运动量可适当加大。饮食调养方面,此时宜平补,要注意健脾养胃,调补肝肾,可多吃健脾养阴润燥的食物,玉蜀黍、萝卜、栗子、秋梨、百合、蜂蜜、淮山、奶白菜、牛肉、鸡肉、泥鳅等都不错。在中国的一些地方,霜降时节要吃红柿子,泉州老人说,霜降吃丁柿,不会流鼻涕。除了鸭子、柿子,有些地方到了这天一定要吃些牛肉。  相似文献   

现在,个人居家小酌,或者一大帮人到酒店海饮,所用酒具不论形制如何,大多是玻璃做成的。但在古代,不是这样,什么陶、铜、漆、瓷、玉、金银、象牙、犀角、竹木等,都曾被用来制作酒具。最骇人的酒具是用人头制成的。  相似文献   

南京是中国著名的历史文化名城,是金陵文化的中心。据《建康实录》记载,"楚威王因山立号,置金陵邑"。南京历史上先后有东吴、东晋、南朝宋、齐、梁、陈、五代南唐、明和太平天国、中华民国等在此建都,形成了独具特色的金陵文化。南京地名作为历史见证,从山川、河流、街巷、里弄,到桥梁、寺庙、衙府、书院,都饱蘸浓郁的金陵文化气息,独具魅力。  相似文献   

地球是个最大的生态系统,是我们赖以生存的家园。这里有着丰富多彩的植物。我国地处热带、亚热带、温带和寒带,物种极其丰富。生物的多样性,是地球长期进化、幅员辽阔发展的结果。各种生物之间既能相互依存、相互影响,又能和谐发展。根据一定的特征,广义的植物界可以划分成不同的基本类群,如藻类植物、苔藓植物、蕨类植物、裸子植物和被子植物。  相似文献   

元阳县哈尼族祖先与彝族、拉祜族等同源于古代的羌人。境内哈尼族有罗碧、罗缅、阿邬、豪尼、郭宏、多尼、白宏、阿松等多种自称,解放后,统称为哈尼族。据哈尼族创世史诗《浦嘎纳嘎》记载,哈尼祖先诞生于遥远的"努玛阿美"地方,后长途迁徙,定居滇中"谷哈"(今昆明一带),融入"昆明"部族,后因战乱频繁,哈尼族祖先被迫离开滇中腹地,南迁六诏山区和滇南红河南岸,多数定居于红河南岸的深山老林中,以今元阳、红河、绿春、金平县境一带为生息繁衍和活动的中心。现哈尼族分布于元阳县各地,多集中于高山和半山地区,这些地区水丰土肥,气候温和,物产丰富。自明、清以来,这些地区逐步得到开发。境内先后置纳楼茶甸长官司、纳更土巡检、稿吾土把总和勐弄、宗瓦、宗哈、五亩、五邦、水塘、马龙六掌寨,统属临安府。民国时期直至解放后,元阳县行政区划几经变更,现属红河哈尼族彝族自治州。元阳县世居哈尼、彝、汉、傣、苗、瑶、壮7种民族,少数民族占总人口数的88.02%,其中哈尼族人就占总入口的53.29%。元阳的哈尼梯田就是哈尼族人世世代代留下的杰作。哈尼族人民依山造田,建造梯田堪称哈尼人民一绝,是他们对历史作出的重大贡献。在海拔280米~1800米之间梯田密布,呈现出一幅"山间水沟如玉带,层层梯田似天梯"的农耕图景。  相似文献   

八、满族的传统服饰 历史上满族男子多穿带马蹄袖的袍褂,腰束衣带,或穿长袍外罩对襟马褂,夏季头戴凉帽,冬季戴皮制马虎帽。衣服喜用青、蓝、棕等色的棉、丝、绸、缎等各种质地的衣料制作。裤腿扎青色腿带,脚穿棉布靴或皮靴,冬季穿皮制轨靴。满族男子原以穿靴为主。一般旗人着尖头靴,以利骑射,另有一种薄底短筒的快靴,轻便利步,满语称“卡萨靴”,俗称“爬山虎”。靴有绒靴、革靴等,多做成前掐脸式样。清中叶后,满族男子平时穿家制的布鞋,多为素帮、布底、圆、方口式。官员穿方头靴。清王朝的官服制度具有鲜明的满族特色,有长袍、马褂、顶戴、花翎、剃发、长辫等。其服饰相当繁琐,等级区别分明。  相似文献   

本文主要考释了清华简《耆夜》、《金縢》、《皇门》、《楚居》中的四个字。本文认为《耆夜》中的■,应隶定为"■",释为"游";《金縢》中的■,应释为"坛";《皇门》中的■,应隶定为"■",释为"■","■夫"应读为"鞫夫";《楚居》中的■,应隶定为"■",释为"鄩"。  相似文献   

When Hans-Jörg Rheinberger proposed the concept of epistemic things, he drew inspiration from the art historian George Kubler, who had considered the aesthetic object as resulting from problem-solving processes in The Shape of Time (1962). Kubler also demonstrated that a sequence of objects could retrace the progress that led to a solution that was afterwards accepted as the most classical. Parallel to Kubler, Rheinberger demonstrates how temporally extended activities of experimentation are condensed in the object, revealing the moments of innovation that lead to it. In the history of science as well as in art history, various trajectories can thus be grasped in the materially given. Rheinberger conceives of an object as a network of heterogeneous time strings. However, these are manifold: they cannot be thought of as making up a homogeneous temporality encompassing all the others as a temporal container and synchronizing them within it. Since the discovery of the Anthropocene, we no longer separate natural from cultural time, and no hegemonic historical narrative can be taken as unifying all the others. Historical epistemology as proposed by Rheinberger will be read as a contribution to constructing new models of natural as well as of cultural time.  相似文献   

This article analyses the history of Italian energy policy as well as that of Europe from the beginnings of co-operation until the bust of the first oil crisis. The difficulties in realising a united policy as well as the energy status of Italy and Europe until the eve of the 1973 oil shock are underlined. Then, the answers to the crisis as well as the attempts to address the energy difficulties in a united way are analysed.  相似文献   

This article examines Winston Churchill's biography of his ancestor, John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough, as a character study and as a statement of Churchill's own fundamental political wisdom. It argues that Marlborough's capacity for friendship is key not only as a tool for statecraft, but as its very purpose. It examines Marlborough's friendship with Eugene of Savoy as the backbone of the alliance against Louis XIV. It also considers Churchill's purpose of writing the biography as an expression of friendship as the fundamental purpose of politics.  相似文献   

本文介绍了清代宫廷建筑的管理机构与官员状况、宫廷建筑工程的各项管理制度,并列举了内阁、军机处、宫中、内务府、工部等处的部分档案,这些档案内容涉及紫禁城宫殿楼阁、苑囿行宫、陵寝、坛庙寺观、盛京皇宫及与宫殿建筑有关的河道、沟渠、园林、道路等的兴建和维修状况。这些清代档案是我们现今研究清代宫廷建筑的第一手资料,也是我们保护维修现存宫殿建筑的可靠依据,有着重要的史料价值。  相似文献   

洪武初年,朱元璋进兵贵州,在民族关系、文化教育、道路驿传建设、屯垦等方面措施得当有力,为平定云南和贵州建省夯实基础。  相似文献   

This article brings an anthropological approach to bear on the question of ‘children's voices’ and, particularly, on the stories told by some young migrants about their recent arrival as asylum-seekers in Britain. Young migrants' narratives are examined as situated and self-conscious claims to a certain identity as child refugee. The question of why a particular narrative of ‘arrival in Britain’ was offered by a diverse group of young migrants and asylum seekers is discussed. These stories present a view of their tellers as alone and irreconcilably detached from past lives and relationships. These narrative repertoires as well as their telling draw from and elaborate certain views of the ‘proper refugee child’ that circulate through various regimes of immigration, welfare and emancipatory community work that all involved these young people. An approach to the stories as accomplished as well as situated performances that collapse the ordinary division between stories as ‘facts’ or ‘fictions’ is introduced. In this sense, the ‘children's voices’ heard in this study are recognised as situated and interested products of a research relationship.  相似文献   

This article examines the rich symbolism offered by the central Australian desert, and what happens when it becomes a site of feminist protest, as happened in 1983 when Australian women mounted a women-only peace camp at the Pine Gap military facility. The desert holds iconic status as both the ‘centre’ of Australia and ‘the middle of nowhere’, evoked as the ‘heart’ of the country and yet represented as dangerous and deadly. Its ambivalent meaning for white Australia unsettles Pine Gap as a site of protest, and also differentiates it from more traditional protest sites like urban streets, as well as from the most famous women's peace camp at Greenham Common in England. This account is made more complex by my own formative relation to central Australia, where I lived as a child and left in 1983 around the same time as the protest. The impact and limits of situated knowledge and feminist writing practice thus form part of this research as it also intimately addresses the formation of my feminist self through the remembering and remaking of meanings for this landscape of my childhood.  相似文献   

This essay reviews the policy‐oriented literature on economic inequality in wealthy countries published from 2008 to 2018. We focus on this decade because it is a period bookended by both the beginnings of the Great Recession of 2008–2009 as well as the recovery. During this timeframe, attention to inequality by social policy scholars grew substantially, which we argue reflects an interest in both inequality trends as well as redistributive social policy. We observe in the literature sustained efforts to understand both the relationship between social policy and economic inequality, as well as determinants of changes to redistributive social policy. We also note substantial variation in research traditions, as well as opportunities to address substantive, methodological, and theoretical gaps. Our review summarizes the approaches and findings from the literature and discusses the implications of the findings for the study of economic inequality within the academic field of public policy.  相似文献   

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