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近年来,学术界对南京国民政府土地政策失败原因的研究,史料收集和整理取得进展,在深化阶级分析的基础上,运用政治学、社会学等领域中的理论工具对这一问题进行了多学科、多角度的立体透视。概括起来,南京国民政府土地政策失败原因是由于南京国民政府在土地改革方面的"不愿"、"无暇"和"无力"。  相似文献   

二战后,随着国际人口迁移的加剧,对国际移民的研究备受关注。西方一些政治学者就"国家"、"政治"或"政策"在移民现象中的作用提出了"移民政策理论"。本文试图运用以"利益导向"理论为基础的"客户政治"模式对20世纪90年代澳大利亚转向紧缩的移民政策的原因进行分析。在澳大利亚移民政策的制定过程中,希望增加移民的利益集团通过参与决策进程,在大选中运用"族裔选票"等手段来影响政府决策;而倾向紧缩移民政策的广大民众却因缺乏组织性无法有效地向政府施压,从而在移民问题上建立了"客户政治"模式。但随着80年代后期移民问题的公开化,这一政治模式趋于瓦解。澳大利亚主要政党为了迎合选民需求在上台执政后开始实行紧缩的移民政策。  相似文献   

<正>澳大利亚是一个典型的移民国家。移民在澳大利亚国家建立与发展的历史进程中发挥了举足轻重的作用,"移民构成了澳洲的历史和社会,也改变了澳洲的历史和社会。"[1]可以说,没有移民就没有澳大利亚。澳大利亚的亚洲移民历史悠久,以中国移民为主的亚洲移民曾对澳大利亚作出了不可磨灭的贡献。但是,长期以来,进入澳大利亚的亚洲移民规模很小,不占主导地位,也不被重视。20世纪70年代初,澳大利亚废除了具有种族主义色彩的"白澳政策",公开声明其移民政策是"全球一致、无人种、肤色或国籍之歧视",并积极推行多元文化主义政策。在此背景下,亚洲移民开始大规模进入澳大利亚,进而对澳大利亚社会产生了广泛影响,引起国内外移民问题研究学者的日益关注。  相似文献   

"第十一届中国澳大利亚研究国际学术研讨会"于2008年10月31日至11月4日在北京召开.北京外国语大学澳大利亚研究中心受中国澳大利亚研究会与澳中理事会的委托主办本届会议.中国澳大利亚研究国际学术研讨会每两年举办一次,第一届会议于1988年在北京外国语大学举办,至今已举办11届.2008年是澳中理事会成立30周年和中国澳大利亚研究会成立20周年.因此,本届会议规模宏大、意义非凡.来自中国和澳大利亚的40多所高等院校、科研院所的130余名专家、学者参加了本届学术盛会.  相似文献   

论文利用移民政治理论对20世纪后期美国与澳大利亚的移民政策进行比较,并对其差异性进行了分析。认为这两个主要的移民国家都推行了限制性移民政策,但因其移民政治中的"利益导向",受"权利"的制约程度以及移民政策制定程序的不同,从而导致两国的移民政策无论在内容上还是在实际收效上都出现了巨大的差别。据此可以预测两国未来移民政策的趋势:美国将继续在自由主义的道路上前行,而澳大利亚却可以根据国内外政治经济形势的变化灵活地调整移民政策。  相似文献   

30年代末、40年代初澳大利亚对外政策发生了重大变化。澳大利亚对日政策的演变是这一时期澳大利亚对外政策变化的一个主要组成部分。本文试就澳大利亚自本世纪初成立联邦政府以来到30年代中期的澳日关系发展作一简略概述,着重探讨澳大利亚对日政策演变的诸原因,并全面论述澳大利亚对日政策演变的过程。  相似文献   

刘成刚 《人文地理》1989,4(1):57-62
澳大利亚是一个地广人稀、资源丰富的国家,对农村自然资源的分析评价,开发利用、管理与保护无疑将是乡村地理学研究的中心议题。本文依据有关文献资料,回顾澳大利亚乡村地理学家在1962~1988年期间主要研究工作及成果,以揭示澳大利亚乡村地理学的研究特点和发展过程。  相似文献   

1901年澳大利亚联邦建立,澳大利亚民族主义开始增长,在新赫布里底群岛问题、建立独立海军问题、英日同盟问题、美舰访澳问题和1911年的帝国会议自治领的权益问题产生了摩擦,但是这种摩擦并没有超出彼此的底线,"澳大利亚民族主义"与"帝国爱国主义"是互补的,而不是对立的。  相似文献   

大革命失败后,中国共产党领导人民走上一条在农村建立革命根据地,保存和发展革命力量的道路,也就是进入土地革命战争时期。在十年内战时,中国共产党带领人民建立并建设农村革命根据地,解决农民的土地问题,发展根据地的农业生产,关心根据地人民群众的生活。这一时期,中国共产党逐渐成熟,开始认识到现阶段中国革命的中心问题是农民的土地问题,对"三农"问题进行探索。该中国出台的一些政策,对当代中国的"三农"问题也有一些借鉴作用。  相似文献   

本研究采用全国城乡最低生活保障数据(2008和2013年),基于划分的中心城区和外围县市共2839个空间单元,探讨中国城市贫困空间的新格局,并构建多层回归模型分析贫困影响因素。2013年,以区县为单元的贫困分布自东往西递增,呈现"中心—外围"格局。2008—2013年,全国层面的中心城区贫困集聚度有所下降,外围县市有所上升;区域层面的"中心—外围"贫困增长东西分异,东部大城市的中心贫困增长率普遍高于外围,而西部大城市则相反。模型显示,劳动力市场是影响中心城区贫困的主要因素,而外围县市的贫困则与经济发展水平密切相关。本研究对于中国的贫困地理研究具有理论意义,为"精准扶贫"政策的实施提供城乡统筹的实践依据。  相似文献   

As a reaction to emerging regional imbalances, discussions regarding growth centre policy began in the Nordic countries during the latter part of the 1960s. At this time, a working group within the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) provided a policy option based on international theories from urban and agglomeration economics. Within the actual growth centre policies in Norway, Sweden and Finland, central elements from the EFTA concept related to the scale of the centres were, however, not adopted. Instead, growth centres were located to places that had a smaller population than the 30,000 inhabitants recommended by the EFTA concept. This outcome was related to the fact that the EFTA concept was adapted to the existing regional policy institutions. As these institutions were egalitarian and redistributive in character, the Nordic growth centre policies favoured a more dispersed settlement structure than suggested by the EFTA concept.  相似文献   

After a Coalition electoral victory in 2013, the Australian Office for Women was returned from the periphery to the centre of government. This was contrary to the expectation that women’s policy will be given greater salience under governments of the left rather than of the right. To unpack this puzzle, we examine institutional arrangements and policy directions under successive Labor and Coalition governments in Australia, including the abolition of intergovernmental bodies concerned with gender equality. We find that the influence of neoliberalism has resulted in a blurring of patterns of partisan difference over gender equality policy. There are some continuing partisan differences but also a common pattern of increased emphasis on international and regional rather than domestic policy. The notable exception to this pattern is in the area of gender-based violence.  相似文献   

This article addresses the role of democracy in Australia’s foreign policy formation. It argues that public debate and deliberation on foreign policy is a normative good. When there is a lack of debate on a government decision, a democratic deficit occurs. Such a deficit is evident in the way Australia goes to war; however, the examples of Canada and the UK show that reforming parliamentary practice is possible. In the context of the ‘war on terror’, this article compares Australia, Canada, and the UK from 2001 to 2015 with regards to ‘war powers’. Drawing from debates recorded in Hansard, it finds that while Canada and the UK took steps to ‘parliamentarise’ their foreign policy formation, the war-powers prerogative of the Australian government remained absolute. It concludes that increasing the role of parliament may go a long way towards democratising the decision of when Australia goes to war. This has practical as well as normative benefits, since it may prevent governments from entering wars that are unsupported by the public. At minimum, it will compel governments to engage more thoroughly in public debate about their proposed policies, and justify their decisions to the nation.  相似文献   

One of the truisms ingrained in much regional development policy and practice is the claimed importance of economic diversity in contributing to socio-economic stability and well-being. There is, however, very little recent research examining this contention in the context of rural Australia. This paper examines the extent to which economic diversity affects the socio-economic performance of local areas in the Western Australian grain belt. The results indicate that employment diversity across industry sectors is clearly associated with population growth, labour force expansion, labour force participation, and rising median incomes. However, the paper also argues that economic diversity is not necessarily the cause of these changes, but simply one, albeit important, component of the dynamics of regional change.  相似文献   

The lightweight fast ferry industry that has emerged in Australia over the last couple of decades has been a remarkable and surprising success story. Given the contraction of manufacturing in general and traditional shipbuilding in particular, its growth is all the more noteworthy. This paper analyses the evolution of the industry and considers the impact of industry policy on its development. Although the effectiveness of industry policy in Australia has generally been undermined by a lack of political support and inadequate integration with other government policies, it was, nevertheless, an important part of this industry's expansion.  相似文献   

As concept, policy and practice, affirmative action in Australia has continued to be the subject of political dissension. Currently, Liberal Party policy promises to dismantle the Affirmative Action Agency, while the Labor Government has recently added contract compliance guidelines to the 1986 Act Effective analysis of this institution requires that the political contingencies of policy‐framing and implementation be related to the micropolitics of the workplace. This article begins such an analysis. I argue that the current shape of the legislation enforces its projection as a top‐down ‘policy of persuasion’, a move which reflects and enhances the rhetoric and practices that serve relative advantages to men. Nevertheless, my critique of a ‘best practice’ organisation suggests something more: a dissonance between their expectations and their hostile reception in the workplace can prompt women to mobilise against the imposition of that advantage.  相似文献   

Australia's handling of Indonesia's confrontation of Malaysia ('Konfrontasi') constitutes a case-study of best practice in crisis management. A strong minister of External Affairs, working closely with an effective department, persuaded Cabinet to set policy guidelines which would serve Australia's long-term regional interests. Bureaucratic skill and diplomatic flair helped to ensure the success-and so the continuance-of the policy, despite private and public criticism. An independent foreign policy, such as had also served Australia well in the late 1940s in facilitating the decolonisation of Indonesia, not only assisted Britain to decolonise successfully in Southeast Asia in the 1960s, but had lasting results in establishing Australia as a credible regional player and in defining the enduring importance of good working relations with its neighbour, Indonesia.  相似文献   

The ‘Pacific Solution’ of transporting asylum seekers who arrive by boat in Australian waters to detention centres on Nauru and on Manus Island in Papua New Guinea (PNG) has attracted considerable international attention. Most of this has focused on the treatment of those detained and the morality, practicality and sustainability of Australian refugee policy. In this issue of ‘Pacific Currents’, we focus on the consequences for the Island nations. This article sets the scene for articles on Nauru and Manus Island by: 1. outlining the policy debates that led to the two phases of the ‘Pacific Solution’; 2. assembling data covering the numbers and costs involved; and 3. exploring the policy options in the wake of the PNG Supreme Court’s April 2016 ruling that the Manus Island centre was in violation of the constitution. All three papers are particularly concerned to explore the domestic political and legal ramifications of the centres for Nauru and PNG, and to examine the impact on Australia’s reputation in the Pacific region.  相似文献   

Creative industries are recognised as a key driver of economic growth in both developed and developing nations. In addition to recognising the importance of creative industries, the Australian government has recently renewed a focus on the vast northern tropical area of this island nation as key to future economic and population growth, via the release of a white paper focussed on development options for the north. However, the white paper contains virtually no references to creative industries. In addition, Australia’s most recent national cultural policy, Creative Australia, has after only a few years slipped into obscurity and despite major resources being invested towards its development. Drawing on the almost 100 years of policy documentation relevant to Northern Australia, this paper highlights the limited attention paid to arts, culture and creative industries, and considers this relative policy vacuum in the context of global developments in creative industries.  相似文献   

Regional Forest Agreements (RFAs) are the latest institutional response to conflict over the allocation, use and management of forests in Australia. RFAs involve a process of resource assessment leading to a long-term agreement between federal and state governments. This paper examines the approach to assessment being used in RFAs with reference to the literature on the practice of resource and environmental assessment and the changing shape of intergovernmental relations in Australia. It concludes that RFAs have not succeeded in resolving conflict over forestry, as was intended, but have successfully managed forest politics, both between governments and in the broader policy community.  相似文献   

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