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少年时代,常跟父亲到山里放羊,我最怕碰见狼。从老一辈流传下来的故事中,我晓得了狼的凶残与狡猾。并亲眼看到村里不少人家的猪、牛、羊被狼咬得血肉模糊,或被拖到荒郊野外吃得只  相似文献   

与狼金城剪影●王胜利我们每个人从小时起,就听过狼与羊的童话和寓言。狼与羊的故事流传了一代又一代,但狼真像故事中说的那样吗?自从我当上了牧羊人,城市中讲惯了的故事就让人倒了胃口。放牧在高原牧场壮阔的峡谷中,1000多只羊浩浩荡荡,可是在祁连山连绵不断的...  相似文献   

"竹叶羊车"典出<晋书>,<南史>也有类似记载,反映帝王生活荒淫."羊车"并非驾羊.该故事实出于民间传说,是竹、羊生殖崇拜与帝王荒淫生活的结合.这种传闻入史,保留了一定历史时期的民间传说,成为后人认识该时期文化的宝贵资料."竹叶羊车"在后代成为文学典故,广泛用于宫廷、闺情等题材.通过考察其传闻入史的生成过程及情爱内涵,有助于理解诗文中的用典.  相似文献   

“竹叶羊车”典出《晋书》,《南史》也有类似记载,反映帝王生活荒淫。“羊车”并非驾羊。该故事实出于民间传说,是竹、羊生殖崇拜与帝王荒淫生活的结合。这种传闻入史,保留了一定历史时期的民间传说,成为后人认识该时期文化的宝贵资料。“竹叶羊车”在后代成为文学典故,广泛用于宫廷、闺情等题材。通过考察其传闻入史的生成过程及情爱内涵,有助于理解诗文中的用典。  相似文献   

韩若冰 《民俗研究》2013,(2):135-146
日本动漫角色在社会现实生活中不断被神化、被偶像化、被娱乐化甚至被商品化,而由动漫角色所演绎的故事和行为规范已经成为人们社会生活的导向标。国家、政府、企业、民众对动漫角色的认同和依赖,使得角色以及角色认同在日本已成为个人、群体以及各种经济社会组织的标识和交流的介质。日本动漫、动漫角色以及由角色意蕴所形成的符号表达系统已经具有了民俗的意义并成为当代都市民俗的一种表征。  相似文献   

女扮男装的故事在我国文学史上历史久远,源于千百年来处于被压迫和被奴役地位的女性对自我价值的追求和自身解放道路的探索。封建三纲五常对女性不合理的要求使得女性不得不改变妆容,装扮成男性来实现自己的报复和愿望。  相似文献   

陈柯芯 《人物》2018,(1):176-177
P:记录这些故事的时候,你经常遇到的问题是什么? D:最大困难是与遭遇过强奸的女性见面并且谈论这件事。印度法律的制定非常严格,我找到许多遭受过强奸的女性,还有一些因为拒绝男性不当要求而被泼硫酸的女孩。但由于印度法律的制定非常严格,她们无法轻松地与我交谈,即使她们真的很想告诉你她们的故事。2012年2月,我从纽约回到印度居住,  相似文献   

<正>每一特定时空范畴之内的生活主题和装饰艺术,都是当时当地人思想观念的反映和对美好生活的追求。美好吉祥的主题艺术中,不同时代和不同地域均有许多传统的吉祥之物,但有些意象却是许多地域和民族共同的东西,羊就是其中之一。羊是食草动物,与其他动物如凶猛的狮子、健壮的马相比较,羊的性格善良、温柔。因此,羊历来被认为是祥和之物,是祥瑞的象征。此外,羊还是人们的主要食物。对于中国北方草原游牧民族来说,羊作为一种膳食极为重要,羊群的肥壮表明人们的生活富足。在草原民族眼里,拥有羊的数量往往被看成是财富的象征。千百年来,羊作为吉  相似文献   

吴兆民 《民俗研究》2007,(4):252-259
作为徽州历史上最重要的传说人物之一的许宣平,由于在南唐沈汾《续仙传》中的被仙化,以至于后人难以相信他是现实中的人物。那么许宣平究竟是不是现实中存在的人物?许宣平及其故事在徽州具有怎样的文化意义?  相似文献   

本文指出《左传》中的“祁奚荐仇”是后世类书中不同荐仇故事的源头,而战国至西汉是该故事发生讹变的时期。此外,文章还对有关的文字讹误进行了校勘。  相似文献   

SHEEPCOTES were late medieval buildings for the shelter of flocks and the storage of fodder, among other functions. They are visible as earthworks and are recorded in documents. This study uses mainly Gloucestershire examples to provide insights into medieval sheep husbandly, and changing patterns of land management.  相似文献   

This article is concerned with the Eneolithic period in southeastern Europe, which corresponds to a phase of increasing social complexity. We demonstrate that the development of a new type of settlement, the tell site, which in southeastern Romania fully began with the Gumelni?a culture, was accompanied by changes in the meat component of the diet. The 39 available faunal spectra are processed by correspondence analyses; this shows that the homogeneity that characterized the previous cultures (Hamangia and Boian) was followed by a greater diversity in animal exploitation systems in the Gumelni?a culture. The main change is the important role that large game played for some Gumelni?a communities (the favored species varied). However, variability existed within the domestic species as well. This may result from the interaction between several possible factors (e.g. new husbandry techniques, complex socio-economic relations between the sites, a great social value given to wild mammals). This diversity contrasts with the homogeneity of the pastoral practices developed for sheep (and, to a lesser extent, for cattle) at the Gumelni?a tell sites (reliable kill-off patterns were established for five sites). We also show that sheep exploitation was specialized. Given that this kind of specialized exploitation became the norm from the Gumelni?a period, we propose that the appearance of homogeneous and specialized practices for sheep is linked to the development of tell sites. More generally, certain standardization in pastoral practices during the Gumelni?a period is possible. For three tell sites, it is likely that the youngest sheep and goats died mainly elsewhere; we suggest that these settlements were parts of larger pastoral systems, on a local or regional scale, and that places or sites with complementary functions existed.  相似文献   

This paper explores the changing social and economic roles of livestock within three increasingly complex societies in Chalcolithic central Anatolia. By specifically addressing practices associated with the production, distribution and consumption of livestock, particularly sheep and goats, I show how changes in the use of animals were dynamically linked to the emergence of new sociopolitical environments. These changes, including the development of intensive caprine pastoralism and complex provisioning systems as well as an increased focus on the production of secondary products, strongly suggest that control over animals, particularly sheep, and their products played a central role in the development of increasingly complex and hierarchical social systems in MC Anatolia.  相似文献   

统计分析的方法应用于考古学是以定量化的研究代替定性分析的过程。本文将因子分析的方法应用于郑州洛阳地区出土陶器器形的研究中,以描述陶鬲形制的变化,并检验此变化和商文化演进间的关系。  相似文献   

彭维斌  林蓁 《南方文物》2007,(3):《南方文物》-73-76,77
对古代航海船只上社会群体生活状况的研究是社会史研究的重要课题,也是人类航海史研究不可或缺的内涵构成。但由于资料的缺乏,海上社会生活研究一直没有得到足够的关注。近些年来,由于考古工作者对沉船的科学发掘及对生活遗迹与遗物的详细纪录,使得古代海上社会生活的研究获得越来越丰富的资料。本文以"圣·迭哥"号沉船考古发现为基础,并结合文献资料、航海日记以及其他古代沉船的相关信息,对古代海上社会群体的生活状况以及社会关系进行了复原与探讨,以期能为海上社会生活史的深入研究做基础性的工作。  相似文献   

文化传播和迁徙是导致考古学文化变迁的重要因素.我们既要审慎地对待考古学文化传播与迁徙的复杂状况,对具体问题作出具体的分析;又要从大量存在的文化传播和迁徙的历史事实中尽可能总结出一些普遍性和规律性的模式,并不断丰富和完善这些模式.  相似文献   

Indigenous African sheep genetic resources have been classified into two main groups, fat-tailed and thin-tailed sheep. The fat-tailed sheep are the most widely distributed, being found in a large part of North Africa (from Egypt to Algeria) and in Eastern and Southern Africa (from Eritrea to South Africa). The thin-tailed sheep are present mainly in Morocco, Sudan and in West Africa. African sheep were domesticated outside Africa. They share a common ancestry with European and Asian sheep. Archaeological information supports separate introductions and dispersion histories for the African thin-tailed and fat-tailed sheep. The first sheep entered Africa via the Isthmus of Suez and/or the southern Sinai Peninsula, between 7500 and 7000 BP. They were likely of the thin-tailed type. Fat-tailed sheep entered Africa through its northeastern part and the Horn of Africa. Mitochondrial DNA analysis supports a common maternal ancestral origin for all African sheep, while autosomal and Y chromosome DNA analysis indicates a distinct genetic history for African thin-tailed and sub-Saharan fat-tailed sheep. The main ancestral population of southern African fat-tailed sheep likely originated in East Africa. Further work is needed to assess the possible dispersion of sheep from western Africa to the southern African regions.  相似文献   

长江三角洲的史前环境   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文系统论述了晚更新世末期以来至有文字记录的历史之前长江三角洲地区的环境和史前文化的互动关系。  相似文献   

The arts and culture sector in many countries faces major challenges, as a consequence of ongoing austerity measures and changes in the ways in which the arts are experienced. In major nations such as the United States, the United Kingdom and in several European countries, there is considerable pressure to look for new ways of surviving in an age of consumerism, accountability and rapidly changing technologies. On the other hand, many Asian countries have invested heavily in building their arts and culture sector as part of the new twenty-first-century economy. The arts and culture sector in Australia faces serious challenges at present, including ongoing fiscal pressures, an absence of any national cultural policy and disruption as a consequence of changing governments. In order to explore these issues, interviews were held with 22 key leaders from a range of Australian organisations associated with arts representation, funding, policy and advocacy. The findings highlight both the challenges and opportunities facing Australia towards what may be considered the next wave of innovation and change.  相似文献   

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