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摄影测量技术越来越广泛地应用于文物考古、保护工作,基于数字近景摄影测量的研究及应用步入了全面发展期,已成功应用于很多领域。石窟寺考古采用这一技术进行数字化线描图的制作,只是近几年的事。麦积山石窟利用这一技术进行洞窟的数字化摄影测量,制作了20多个洞窟的十分精准的数字化线描图,可以用于石窟考古研究与文物保护及展示。  相似文献   

摄影测量技术越来越广泛地应用于文物考古、保护工作,基于数字近景摄影测量的研究及应用步入了全面发展期,已成功应用于很多领域。石窟寺考古采用这一技术进行数字化线描图的制作,只是近几年的事。麦积山石窟利用这一技术进行洞窟的数字化摄影测量,制作了20多个洞窟的十分精准的数字化线描图,可以用于石窟考古研究与文物保护及展示。  相似文献   

方启 《北方文物》2011,(1):102-104
全站仪在考古绘图、考古测量与发掘布方中有着广泛的应用前景,如能很好解决当前对全站仪缺乏认知、教育缺失和其价格昂贵的三大问题,应该会在考古中得到更好的应用。  相似文献   

颜色的定量判断、描述和比较是文物考古中的重要内容。色度测量可以快速、准确、无损地获取研究对象的颜色数据,对其计算分析,可得到更多信息。目前,色度测量已被广泛应用于科技考古和文物保护的实际工作中。本文结合国内外文献,对色度测量方法在文物考古中的应用和研究现状进行梳理后发现色度测量能够有效地帮助解决以下问题:研究文物呈色机制和制作工艺;评价文物清洗效果和保护材料的颜色稳定性;分析环境因素对文物色彩的影响。随着色度学理论和方法的完善和发展,以及与其他分析技术和方法等的结合,优化的色度测量条件、对颜色数据计算处理后得到的文物色貌模型和数字颜色管理系统将在文物考古研究中发挥更大的作用。  相似文献   

考古绘图是将制图学应用于考古发掘调查和研究工作中,用制图学的理论知识和技术方法来表现考古材料的一门基础学科,也是考古工作者必须掌握的一门基本技能,考古调查、发掘和研究都必须借助于绘图、照相、测量等技术手段,最终才能完成简报、报告的编写和论文撰写。考古绘图具体包括绘图工具的使用、绘图的步骤与方法、图字的标注等,通过客观翔实的绘图尽可能全面地反映出土遗物的大小形状、花纹和质地,达到见图如见物的效果。近年来,数字化技术飞速发展,数字测绘在考古工作中发挥着越来越重要的作用,但传统的考古测绘也有其独特的优势,二者相辅相成,共同构成考古测绘中不可或缺的两部分。  相似文献   

全球范围内动物考古研究方兴未艾,其研究成果很大程度上为考古学家提供了有关过去人类社会不可多得的信息,推动了考古学研究走向深入.动物考古实际上是研究遗址出土动物骨骼的学问. 考古学家们日益重视利用从动物骨骼上获得的信息展开考古研究,动物考古学家为此做出很大努力,尽量从出土动物骨骼上挖掘信息.为此必须从收集基本数据开始,也就是从测量出土动物骨骼入手.  相似文献   

考古发掘信息记录和出土文物遗存共同构成了考古研究的珍贵载体,二者缺一不可。随着信息技术的发展,考古发掘信息记录手段越来越多样化、智能化,测绘技术成为应用最广泛的技术之一。测绘技术是记录遗存位置、形状、规模、分布及相互关系的重要手段。传统考古将一种或几种测绘技术应用于发掘信息记录,但受技术、成本、应用对象和人为因素的限制,同时将地面激光扫描(TLS)、无人机(UAV)和近景摄影测量等多种测绘技术同时应用到一个考古项目的情况较少。闻喜酒务头墓地发掘过程进行了全面的测绘记录,另外还进行了光谱信息、纹理信息以及传统的文字、图像、录像等记录,构建了一套较为完整的考古发掘信息记录体系,为深入开展考古研究提供了详细、全面、直观的记录资料。  相似文献   

2012~2018年,武汉大学历史学院等单位对盘龙城遗址各地点历年考古发掘区域进行了实地调查,并运用RTK、全站仪等数字化测量仪器对历年发掘区和重要遗迹的三维坐标进行了测量,基本实现了对该遗址历年考古发掘区及墓葬、建筑基址等重要遗迹的准确定位。在此期间,武汉市文物考古研究所、武汉大学历史学院等单位还对盘龙城遗址保护区开展了系统性考古勘探,对该遗址地下遗存的分布情况形成了整体性认识。  相似文献   

1902年日本学者伊东忠太来到云冈,他的发现和调查将云冈石窟推向了世界。1938年~1944年.以日本学者水野清一,长广敏雄为代表的调查队在云冈展开了长达7年的考古调查。在这期间他们进行了7次调查.两次大规模的考古发掘.对云冈石窟所有洞窟进行了摄影.并对大部分石窟进行了测量。调查组对云冈的实测和考古发现成果代表了当时国内外云冈石窟研究的最高成就,影响至今。[第一段]  相似文献   

从9种核心期刊的文献计量统计分析入手,分析了不同期刊、不同具体核技术方法、不同年份核技术应用文献量的差别,研究了差别的原因.介绍了主要核技术具体方法的含义和在考古及文物保护工作中的作用.分析和数据表明,核技术在考古和文物保护领域更广泛地应用及提高年代测量精度是核技术应用的两个发展方向.  相似文献   

In this work, we present the results of the characterization of 20 lime plaster samples taken from the Sacred Precinct of Tenochtitlan (Mexico City), the ancient capital of the Aztec empire. The samples come from different buildings of this precinct (A, B and D) and from the west façade of phase VI of the Templo Mayor pyramid. The objective of the work is to characterize the plaster samples, to understand the raw materials used, and to evaluate the presence of similarities and differences among the samples in the building techniques and raw materials employed. All the samples were studied with OM, SEM–EDS and LA–ICP–MS. The study provided evidence of the plastering and replastering practice in the same constructive phases. The results of the analyses showed the existence of important similarities and differences among buildings and constructive phases in the Sacred Precinct. In order to understand the provenance of the limestone used in the plasters, the lumps and the binder of the samples were analysed. The results were compared with those of the limestone outcrops located in central Mexico. The provenance study showed that all the limestone used in the construction of the analysed buildings of Tenochtitlan's Sacred Precinct comes from the Tula region.  相似文献   

‘Stimmung’. The Career of a Concept in Music and Science between 1750 and 1850. The German word ‘Stimmung’ originally refers to the musical praxis of tuning instruments. Whereas the English concepts of ‘tonus’ and ‘atunement’ used to describe the physical status of the body developed independently from the psychological ‘mood’, ‘Stimmung’ was used metaphorically in both physiology and psychology in the discussed period. This leads to various interrelations between the areas of knowledge involved. The paper investigates these on a synchronic and diachronic level. By concentrating a) on the analogy between musical strings and nerve fibres within the framework of a mechanistic conception of the body and b) on the metaphoric use of ‘Stimmung’ as a psychological concept describing the general mood of an individual, it becomes evident that the different metaphorical adaptations do not only have consequences within the specific area of knowledge, but also lead to distinct interpretations of musical effect. The second half of the paper concentrates on the diachronic development of ‘Stimmung’ in physiology and analyses the shifts within the semantic field of the metaphor occurring during the transformation from a mechanical to an organic conception of the body. On a theoretical level the emphasis lies on the conceptual potential of vague metaphors and the function of marginal metaphors in periods of theory change. In this context the results question Thomas Kuhns theory of an abrupt, gestaltlike change of theory by emphasizing the importance of continuous shifts within the semantic fields of vague metaphors.  相似文献   

Thomas Laqueur has brought together half a century of research on modern European mortuary culture into an impressive narrative of how the Christian churchyard was replaced by the modern cemetery, how interment was partly replaced by the technology of cremation, and how writing and preserving the names of the dead coincided with democratization and social reform. Beyond the grand narrative of the history of modern burial, he also shows how the modern culture of history and memory is intertwined with the transformation of mortuary practices. On a deeper level, he points toward new ways of conceptualizing the relation between the living and the dead, leading up toward, if not fully confronting, the challenge that propels his own endeavor, namely the existential‐ontological predicament of living after those who have been and the nature of spectrality.  相似文献   

National Socialism brought about profound changes for the German academic system. Forced emigration not just sent outstanding scholars into exile, thus closing down promising research venues. In fact, it changed the entire climate of scientific inquiry by removing intellectual outsiders from the scene, whose absence usually precludes any success of innovative research. In most disciplines this led to a dominance of just a few academic ‘schools’ and paradigms, which severely harmed intra‐discipline accountability and innovation. The academic bureaucracy worked more effectively than has been assumed for a long time: practice‐oriented research enjoyed massive state support, and huge research projects outside the universities flourished. At the same time the National Socialists looked ambivalently at the universities themselves. They savored the legitimizing functions of the arts and sciences, and yet they distrusted the professors as exponents of the bourgeois world of old. Contrary to the blooming sciences such as biology, chemistry, and physics, the arts and humanities had a hard time demonstrating their practical applicability. In order to prove their worth by means of giving advice to the political sphere, they formed interdisciplinary combines, which were massively funded by the ‘Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft’. The ‘Deutsche Wissenschaft’, which has been incorrectly marginalized in numerous accounts, served in part to provide a Weltanschauung justification for these networks. While the German academic community in 1945 tried to pick up the threads of the a‐political self‐ understanding of the 1920s, in fact there were numerous continuities to academic life before and after 1945. Among them were the encompassing loss of international contacts, the strengthening of hierarchical structures, and the importance of feasibility criteria for the culture of innovation. The arts and humanities (Geisteswissenschaften) could not regain the lost territory of significance, which they had suffered during the Third Reich. It is mainly their development which showed an amazing persistence of national socialist patterns of view and of concepts of the enemy, which in turn as late as 1968 inspired in part the anti‐bourgeois thrust of the critique of the academic world.  相似文献   


The aim is to trace how the ethnonym Kven and the interrelated imagination of Kvenland changed over time in Nordic political discourse from the Viking Age to the mid-eighteenth century. In the negotiations over fixed borders between Sweden, Denmark and Russia, recognition of ethnic groups played an important political role in legitimating the territorial claims of the states. It brought the history of ethnic groups to the table and in the process made visible ethnonyms and names for provinces used previously. The continuity of the ethnonyms is investigated as a chronological chain of communicative and collective memory. The ethnonym and the territory of Kvenland were used by the Norwegians to maintain an ethnic boundary with the Finnish speakers in the upper Bothnian area. The names Kven and Kvenland were never used in Sweden. The investigation shows that the Kvens constituted a group of Finnish speaking people existing in continuity from the Viking Age. Their core territory was situated in the upper Gulf of Bothnia area. When this was integrated into the Swedish kingdom the inhabitants were designated Finns by the Swedes. The Finnish speakers in Tornedalen, thus, kept their linguistic and cultural continuity but lost their western Scandinavian ethnonym Kven.  相似文献   

A noted American specialist on the economies of Russia and major republics of the former Soviet Union explores and discusses the natural gas resources of Central Eurasia and the political and economic issues raised by their general inaccessibility. Central to these issues are the international pipelines required to bring this increasingly important energy source to meet growing world demand, and their intimate connection to the security of all the nations involved. The author explains why they are complicated by the growing, yet still largely potential, competition from a world LNG market driven by new technologies, and hence natural gas sources, outside of Central Eurasia. Each of the major actors in this arena—from the producer states and their national energy companies to the high-income consuming states with an increasing demand for natural gas—are pursuing frequently conflicting strategies to ensure their energy supplies and income security. Addressing the major developments thoroughly, the paper focuses in particular on the strategies of Russia/Gazprom, the Central Asian producers, and the transit states, as well as on the pipelines, both actual and potential, that intertwine them.  相似文献   

单位制是计划经济时期,在特殊的时代背景和社会经济条件下,国家在城市构建中通过管理和控制人力及物质资源以实现共产主义和国家现代化为目标的基本工具,经历了形成、发展、成熟和转型的历史过程。单位制研究走过了30余年的历程,成果丰硕,但相对制度性研究,空间性和社会性研究还比较薄弱,实践性研究更加匮乏。提出将单位制研究置于人类社会历史的长时段背景中,从单位化、去单位化和新单位主义三个阶段和单位的制度性、空间性、社会性和实践性四个视角展开。三个阶段分别对应计划经济时期、改革开放的30年和今后和谐社会建设时期。制度性研究包括制度思想、构建逻辑和制度体系三个方面;空间性包括第一空间、第二空间和第三空间;社会性包括社会结构、社区发展和个体历程;实践性包括社会重建、旧单位改造和新单位规划。  相似文献   


The subject of this paper are the Central European ‘foreigners’ in Istria between the middle of the nineteenth and the first part of the twentieth century. The article investigates the notion and identity of foreigners and their role in the social, intellectual and political development of the north-Adriatic peninsula in the concluding period of the Austrian sovereignty, until and immediately after the annexation by Italy. The people who settled in Istria during the period of Austrian sovereignty in the nineteenth century came from different areas of Central Europe, from Italy and the Balkan Peninsula. Some of them were foreigners and some were Austrian citizens, although citizenship was not the only attribute that measured the level of integration in the local society, especially in the multinational Habsburg Empire. Looking at the cultural and political developments in Istria, and analyzing the voluntary associations, the schools and the clergy, this article examines the presence of foreigners and the national composition and identifications in the little Adriatic peninsula. It explores the phenomena of negotiation and the capacity of the ‘outsiders’ from Central Europe (mainly Slovenes, Germans and Czechs) to deal with the local dynamics and patterns of nationalization, and verifies how Central Europeans identified with and integrated into Italian or Croatian national groups or produced separate channels of social and cultural interaction.  相似文献   

A 2 × 2 m column was excavated within the large-scale excavation carried out by a Jugoslav team at tell Gomolava, Hrtkovci, Jugoslavia, occupied from Vinc?a (c. 5000 BC) to post-Roman times. The archaeological zonation of the column's material is briefly outlined to provide the background to the detailed palaeobotanical, palynological and malacological study. The results of this study are used to aid the reconstruction of the palaeoenvironment of the tell. They indicate that the earliest agrobotanical zone, in which most of the cultigens were already present, but which is characterized by a very low count of charred seeds, persists throughout the Vinc?a, Baden and most of the Kostolac layers of the tell. A marked increase in charred seeds, without the appearance of new species, occurs in the next zone (Bronze and Iron Age). In zone 3 (Iron Age and Roman), Triticum dicoccum, Triticum aestivum and Lens culinaris attain significant levels.An interesting correlation between an increase in shade-loving snail species (zone B) and increase in building activity in the same level needs to be verified by further similar studies. This level is approximately that of the end of the Vinc?a occupation, but does not precisely correlate with an archaeological transition, suggesting that new building styles may have ante-dated the full development of the Baden cultural group on the site. During the third malaco zone (zone C) most shade loving snail species decrease abruptly to make place for open country species. The spread of these species could have been caused by the partial or total abandonment of the tell. Aquatic snails, which had first appeared in the lowest habitation layers of the tell become rare towards the subsequent bronze and iron age occupation of the tell, indicating that hardly any riverine clay was used for the construction of houses within these periods. The final malaco zone, representing the disturbed iron, roman and medieval periods indicates that again open grassy slopes must have occurred on or around the tell.  相似文献   

This article examines the question: why and how the wave of democratization in the Middle East has receded, giving way to the prioritization of security in the post‐Arab Spring by conducting analyses at three levels: societal, state, and international. By applying the main concepts and theories found in the literature on democratization and securitization and by analyzing the Bertelsmann Stiftung's Democracy Status Index, the Arab Barometers Survey, and the Arab Opinion Survey, the article concludes that: at the societal level, the tragic unfolding of events after the Arab Spring prohibits the public from pushing a reform agenda; at the state level, the post‐Arab political environment raises doubts among the ruling elite about how far political reforms should be extended; and at the international level, with the rise of new security threats, international pressure on Middle East countries to democratize has been restrained, giving way to security cooperation as the top priority.  相似文献   

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