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Putting Wulfstan's earliest legal texts – the Canons of Edgar and the so‐called Peace of Edward and Guthrum – in dialogue with his homilies on the role of the bishop, this article argues that, from his earliest writings, Wulfstan adapted approaches from Kings Alfred and Edgar as well as from the Benedictine reform to make ambitious claims concerning the role of the bishop in the secular sphere. These claims went beyond the contemporary understanding of the relationship between bishop and king both in England and on the Continent, to frame the bishop as the primary authority in the nation because he is the teacher of teachers.  相似文献   

Early fourteenth-century Scotland produced some of the period's clearest expressions of nationhood, most famously with the so-called Declaration of Arbroath of 1320. Despite the letter's fame, its conceptual language and that of related Scottish texts has not hitherto been entirely recognised. The present article demonstrates that these writings are closely informed by contemporary legal ideas concerning lawful jurisdiction and just war. Their use of legal ideas can be shown to have been inspired by the concerns and outlook of the papacy, particularly with regard to its temporal lordship in Italy. It is this inspiration that can explain the clarity and force with which the Scottish texts of these decades present the kingdom as specifically Scottish and the nation as a political force, for which they have since become renowned.  相似文献   

Startled by NASA’s decision to let orbiting astronauts collect their own feces in a bag for medical experiments, a pair of sanitary engineers at Berkeley designed an algae-based bio-regenerative system to recycle oxygen, water, and even nutrients. This article explains the technological choice facing the emerging space program between the infamous ‘fecal-bag’ and a now-forgotten alternative, the ‘Algatron’, in the mid-1960s. The article situates the case of the Algatron at the intersection of the history of the space program and the history of biology; it uses the case of the Algatron to expose the different meanings of ‘shit’ as an object of scientific, medical, and engineering study. For nearly a decade after Sputnik, engineers worked under the assumption that human waste was part of a new space ecology, but by the time Neil Armstrong landed on the moon, human excrement had become understood solely as a diseased and disposable medical object to be contained and preserved in a bag. The ecological system was rejected in favor of a medical device and served to elevate Man above Nature in contrast to placing people as but one component in a biospheric system.  相似文献   

1953年以后,随着社会主义计划经济的建立,当代中国二元城乡关系结构亦逐渐成形。但是,因大跃进运动的失败及随之而来的三年自然灾害,大量上海城市人口被精简回乡则使这一逐渐固化的城乡关系结构再一次发生强烈震荡,对上海城市和郊区农村都产生了巨大的冲击,从而引发一系列矛盾与冲突。通过对这些矛盾和冲突的协调与解决,上海城乡关系的刚性结构在一定程度上得到软化,城市和乡村都因而受益,城乡间的协调发展也在一定程度上得到实现。  相似文献   

于民 《安徽史学》2012,(1):83-88
中世纪和近代早期,英国关税性质发生了根本性变化,从一种国王特权税,逐渐演变为处于议会严格控制下的议会间接税。中世纪和1625年前的近代早期,关税主要是国王的一种特权税。1625-1660年间,随着议会和王权斗争的高涨,以及议会的暂时胜利,关税一度转变为处于议会直接控制下的间接税。复辟时期,关税的最终课征批准权继续掌握在议会手中,但因缺少日常操控权,其关税权残缺不全。光荣革命后,因议会在与王权的斗争中取得了决定性胜利,关税演变为完全由议会严格控制的间接税。  相似文献   

Indian women's writing in English has long depicted Indian women as victims of society, whose rights are routinely exploited and whose welfare and happiness are commonly sacrificed for the good of their families and communities. The literature has often depicted the women as complicit, accepting and upholding the definition of a good woman as one who is faithful, virtuous, self-effacing and obedient. This definition is also one the women instil in their daughters, thus reinforcing this code of ethics. This article observes that there is a tide running contrary to this and that there is a new breed of women in twenty-first century Indian literary fiction in English: women who are single and married, working and non-working, middle and upper-middle class and wives and mothers, who are no longer prepared to be ‘good girls’. These women knowingly, thoughtfully and successfully defy societal conventions to have pre and extramarital affairs, divorces and even custody battles for children, without shame, guilt, dire consequences or even societal condemnation. This article argues that these writings represent a quietly radical departure from the conventional depictions of the roles, expectations and morals of middle-class urban twenty-first century Indian women.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on Hans Kelsen’s reflections on political parties. During the interwar period, Kelsen participated in a controversy over whether political parties were a necessary part of the democratic process. The debate forced Kelsen to produce a defence of political parties to emphasise their functionality and define their place in his particular definition of democracy. This contribution considers the following aspects. First, the reasons why Kelsen thought political parties are necessary for democratic life are explained. Second, the doctrinal oppositions against which he elaborated his defence of political parties are clarified. Third, the programme that Kelsen conceived of to enhance political parties in a constitutional democracy is examined. Finally, the contemporary questions that have arisen in relation to Kelsen’s conception of political parties are scrutinised. Kelsen’s contribution to the debate about the role of political parties was intimately related to the presence of strong criticisms of that role. This makes his reflections even more interesting today, considering the present relative decline of the political role and appeal of parties.  相似文献   

This paper is a contribution to the study of the ideological production of urban space through the analysis of the meaningful structure of the early-20th-century new plan of the city of Thessaloniki, Greece, and an examination of the ideological function of the plan for its producers as well as for the Greek public. The plan was prepared by a team led by the French architect Ernest Hébrard working in close connection with Greek government officials. It was partially implemented, and has been considered the first major urban intervention in Europe after World War I. The paper combines a historical geographical perspective with insights from the theory and methodology of semiotics. Through a holistic and meticulous analysis of the plan, its urban, aesthetic, nationalist and orientalist aspects are retraced and compared to the identity notions of the Greek politicians and the public.  相似文献   

John Cassian has been criticized in recent scholarship for historical inaccuracy – but it is not self‐evident that his works were intended as histories in the sense that is supposed by that criticism. Instead, Cassian presents himself as the promoter of key traditions. This paper describes of Cassian's own thinking about ‘tradition’ as a key theme in his works. To that end, it aims to redress scholarly misgivings about the worth of Cassian's writings by taking them as the transmission of identifiable traditions into early to mid‐fifth‐century Gaul (rather than as documentary evidence for late fourth‐century Egyptian monasticism).  相似文献   


The Dutch in Western India 1601–1632—A Study of Mutual Accommodation, by Ann Bos Radwan, KLM Private Limited, Calcutta, 1978. Pp. XII + 159. Rs. 45.

Calcutta in Urban History, by Pradip Sinha, Calcutta: Firma KLM Private Ltd, 1978. Pp. xix + 268. Rs 65.

Social History of an Indian Caste: the Kayasths of Hyderabad by Karen Isaksen Leonard. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1978. Pp. xviii + 353. £10.25.

Liberty and Empire: British Radical Solutions to the American Problem, 1774–1776 by Robert E. Toohey. Lexington, Kentucky: The University Press of Kentucky, 1978. Pp. xiv + 210. S13.00.

Patriot‐Heroes in England and America: Political Symbolism and Changing Values over three Centuries by Peter Karsten. Madison and London: The University of Wisconsin Press, 1978. Pp. 257, 66 illustrations. £17.50.

David Livingstone: The Dark Interior by Oliver Ransford. London: John Murray, 1978. Pp. x + 332. 6 maps, 17 illustrations. £8.50.

Southeast Asian Transitions: Approaches through Social History. Edited by Ruth T. McVey with the assistance of Adrienne Suddard. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1978. Pp. ix + 242. £12.60.

The China Station: War and Diplomacy 1830–1860 by Gerald S. Graham. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1978. Pp. xix + 444, maps. £15.00.

The Foundation of the Conservative Party 1830–1867 by R. Stewart. London: Longman, 1978. Pp. xvii + 427. £12.00 ('A History of the Conservative Party’, vol. I).

The Discipline of Popular Government: Lord Salisbury's Domestic Statecraft, 1881–1902 by Peter Marsh. Hassocks: Harvester Press, 1978.Pp.x + 373; £16.50.

Colour, Class and the Victorians by Douglas A. Lorimer. Leicester University Press, 1978. Pp. 300; £8.50.

The International Economy and the Undeveloped World, 1865–1914 by A. J. H. Latham. London: Croom Helm Ltd., 1978. Pp. 217, maps and illus.; £9.95.

Clan Leaders and Colonial Chiefs in Lango by John Tosh. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1978. Pp. xvi + 293. £11.50.

Reformers, Rebels and Revolutionaries: the Western Canadian Radical Movement, 1899–1919, by A. Ross McCormack. Toronto :University of Toronto Press, 1977.

Happy Valley: The Story of the English in Kenya, by N. Best. Seeker and Warburg, 1979. Pp. 224. £6.95.

The Commonwealth and the Nation by S. R. Mehrotra, New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House, 1978. Rs.40; London: Independent Publishing Co. Pp. vi + 108. N.p.

The Princes of India in the Twilight of Empire: Dissolution of a Patron‐Client System, 1914–1939 by B. N. Ramusack. Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1978. Pp. xxii + 322, map and illus.; $20.

Linlithgow and India. A Study of British Policy and the Political Impasse in India, 1936–43 by G. Rizvi. London: Royal Historical Society, 1978. Pp. x + 261. £9.30.

Four Families of Karimpur by Charlotte V. Wiser. Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University: Syracuse, 1978. Pp. xxix + 229. S6.50.

Hong Kong: Stability and Change by H. J. Lethbridge. Hong Kong: Oxford University Press, 1978. Pp. 275. £14.50.

Dominanz oder Kooperation: die Entwicklung der regionalen Integration in Ostafrika by Goswin Baumhogger. Hamburg: Institut für Afrika‐Kunde, 1978. Pp. xiii + 374 (Hamburger Beiträge zur Afrika‐Kunde vol. 22).

Who are our enemies? Racism and the Australian Working Class edited by Ann Curthoys and Andrew Markus. Sydney: Hale and Iremonger, for the Australian Society for the Study of Labour History. Pp. xx + 211.  相似文献   

International students have been overlooked in geographies of ‘home’, yet this paper demonstrates how international student mobility offers unique insights that can advance our understanding of ‘home’ and belonging in the city. Drawing on photo-elicitation and mid-point and return interviews with Canadian students, this paper explores the everyday home-making practices of exchange students in urban centres in the Global South. It focuses on the ways in which international students create a sense of ‘home’ and belonging in their host city and how insider knowledge gained through local everyday practices is converted into cultural capital. It contributes to the literature by considering how home-making practices are implicated in spatial and scalar boundary-making processes for distinction. By illustrating through participants’ photographs how students articulate ‘home’ using spatial and scalar markers, I examine how students tighten the spatial boundaries of ‘home’ to focalise and localise symbolic capital within the city. The findings further add to debates on im/mobility by demonstrating that students’ distinguish their relative immobility during the sojourn from the mobility of travellers and tourists to legitimise claims of belonging as ‘insiders’ and of place-specific capital. The paper then concludes by considering how students are ‘collecting homes’ for distinction.  相似文献   

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