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本文通过《原本玉篇残卷》等清代乾嘉学者未及见到的资料,对大徐本《说文解字》水部“泓、滴、瀑、潦”等十个字在释文方面所存在的明显问题上进行了补校。  相似文献   

In Switzerland, a large number of Iron Age burial sites were found in the last century. Changes in living conditions and socio-cultural behavior may have occurred over time and space and could be reflected in the dietary habits, social stratigraphy within populations and migration patterns. This study attempts to shed light on these aspects with the application of stable isotope analyses. Human remains from 11 different burial sites (n?=?164) in the area of today’s Swiss Plateau and Swiss Alpine regions were investigated. Temporal and geographical variations as well as sex and age-related dietary differences were analyzed through isotopic studies (δ13C, δ15N, and δ34S). In total, the data of 129 individuals could be evaluated. Highly significant differences between the burial sites were found, with higher δ13C and δ15N values in the Alpine regions. Cultural and/or climatic changes as well as the different geological conditions might have led to distinct patterns of crop cultivation and animal husbandry and consequently to significantly different dietary habits in the Plateau and the Alpine regions. The data indicate a higher intake of millet and animal protein including early dairy production in the southern regions, probably influenced by the Mediterranean world. Cultural exchange between geographical regions might have been facilitated by migration during the Iron Age as suggested by the δ34S.  相似文献   

《<金史>丛考》,陈晓伟,中华书局2022年11月出版。该书是《金史》文献学研究的最新探索成果,全书共分为六个部分,第一章“版本再审”,以修订本《金史》所涉南监本与百衲本异文校为线索,通过举证典型案例重新评判南监本的版本价值。还讨论了百衲本中影印八叶洪武覆刻本后印本“补版叶”以及修润两大问题。第二章“新本献疑”,通盘梳理修订本《金史》,逐条检讨校勘记,择要举例辨析,对不妥之处提出质疑。  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of animal manure on δ15N and δ13C values in a legume, Celtic Black broad bean (Vicia faba). In a field experiment, V. faba was cultivated in plots treated with farmyard manure and pure sheep manure. The results indicate that highly intensive manuring can increase δ15N values in beans, stems, leaves and pods. In comparison, manuring had a relatively small impact on δ13C values. In terms of palaeodietary reconstructions, the high δ15N values in very intensively manured beans (+3?‰) are equivalent to the trophic-level effect. Based on the experimental results, it is suggested that high δ15N values in archaeobotanical remains of V. faba may be attributable to small-scale cultivation with intensive manuring.  相似文献   

作为藏族传统的三大历史地理区域之一,康区在地域上介于西藏与内地之间,自唐宋以来,一直是联结西藏与内地政治交往、汉藏贸易和文化交流的通道和枢纽地带。尤其是清朝民国时期,在边疆政局日趋危殆之下,康区更被世人视为影响汉藏民族及西藏与中央政府之间政治关系走向的关键性区域。在藏事波折起伏之时,晚清政府以固川为保藏之计,着意强化经营康区,为后世"治藏必先安康"思想之滥觞。纵贯近代,风云迭起的康藏之事,俨然成为  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to explain and discuss the essential operational characteristics of the technology of power (sensu Foucault) perpetrated on the internal frontiers with the Indians in nineteenth-century Argentina. The conquest and colonization of the Pampas took shape in the establishment of military camp structures placed to create a defensive cordon, known as “the Indian frontier line.” These constructions were fortlets defended by gaucho cavalry squadrons (know as Blandengues during the Spanish period, and then Guardias Nacionales after Argentinean Independence). This process is known in Argentinean historiography as “the conquest of the desert.” This particular technology of power existed in this historical context and operated at every social level, impacting strongly on the lower classes that inhabited the incorrectly named “desert.” Its implementation in the military field enabled the existence of an array of micro-powers that surrounded the gaucho, called vago y malentretenido—“a vagrant and lingerer”—and their women's lives. The army as institution was the locus of various forms of coercion and old forms of punishment (such as the stakes, whipping, and public executions) most of which affected peasants, nonresidents, itinerant workers, and the rural youth. This schema was adopted in different areas: in the enrolment and discipline of the gaucho soldiers, in life in the fortlet-prisons, and in the ritualism of power. The alternative chosen by soldiers to evade this technology of power and the fortlet-panopticons was escape through desertion. The utility of those observations is demonstrated, because an important part of the area of research of historical archaeology that has developed with the greatest impetus in Argentina has taken fortlets as its subject of study.  相似文献   

本书是作者对清华简《尚书》类文献的全新笺释。绪论部分结合新近研究成果,对《尚书》今古文之别、《尚书》真伪问题、先秦时期《书》类文献样貌、清华简《书》类文献价值和意义等做了重新探讨,厘清了《尚书》研究领域一系列重大问题。特别是对于孔壁古文《尚书》的性质,作者利用统计学的方法提出了独特的见解。正文部分,针对《清华大学藏战国楚简》第壹、叁、伍、捌诸辑所收录的共14篇《尚书》类文献进行了周密的考证和笺释,而在字形考释、文字训诂、断句编联等方面尤见作者功力,其中不乏新见。该书为学界提供了一个较为可信的清华简《尚书》类文献文本,集中反映了学术界最新研究成果,非常便利于学者使用。  相似文献   

La arqueología ya se reconoce como una fuente crítica para desarrollar la herencia en áfrica. Sin embargo, la instrucción arqueóloga tiene escasos recursos monetarios. Esta presentación se?ala algunos de los retos y oportunidades para desarrollar arqueología pública en áfrica usando los ejemplos de Botswana y Sur áfrica.
Résumé L'archéologie est maintenant reconnue comme une source importante pour le développement du patrimoine en Afrique. Toutefois, l'enseignement de l'archéologie est extrêmement peu financée. En se servant d'exemples au Botswana et en Afrique du Sud, ce papier met en relief quelques uns des défis qui attendent l'archéologie publique en Afrique ainsi que les opportunités qu'elle aura de se développer.

You will not be able to stay home brother You will not be able to plug in, turn on and cop out The revolution will not be televised The revolution will not be brought to you by Xerox In 4 parts without commercial interruptions The revolution will be no re-run brothers The revolution will be live (Gil Scott-Heron, http://gilscottheron.com)

This phrase is adapted from Gil Scott-Heron's poem “The Revolution Will Not be Televised” (http://gilscottheron.com) and I acknowledge its inspiration of my conviction of the importance of teaching African archaeology.

This article was prepared while I was a visiting Senior Research Fellow at Wolfson College, Cambridge. I thank my sponsors the Smuts Memorial Fund and Wolfson College for their support. I thank the reviewers of this article and acknowledge their contributions. The University of Botswana granted me leave to pursue my research.  相似文献   

<正>用西夏文翻译的汉文典籍,简称"夏译汉籍",是西夏文献的重要组成部分。编号为Инв.No.6738的西夏文《孟子》,1908—1909年与大批文献一并出土于黑水城遗址(今属内蒙古额济纳旗),被科兹洛夫率领的俄国皇家蒙古四川地理考察队携往圣彼得堡,现藏俄罗斯科学院东方文献研究所。全书十四卷,今存卷四到卷六。这是最晚获得全文解读的一本"夏译汉籍",但每页都有残损,且为行书写本,难于辨认,故出土百余年来一直少有人问津。  相似文献   

2012年6月18~22日,《中国地方志>优秀论文选编》专家评审会在北京市召开。中国地方志指导小组秘书长兼办公室主任李富强(主席台右一)出席会议并讲话。所邀请的14名专家及有关人员共20余人参加会议。会议由中国地方志指导小组办公室方志期刊指导处处长、《中国地方志》主编于伟平(主席台左一)主持。本次评审会共对新方志编纂理论与实践、方志评论、旧志整理、年鉴编纂、方志管理、基础理论等部分共1197篇论文进行了评审,共有659篇优秀论文入选。至此,《<中国地方志>优秀论文选编》课题已完成复审工作,即将进入终审。  相似文献   

黄彦震 《北方文物》2019,(1):111-112
正中国西北边疆重镇科布多曾是中俄关系史中一个悲情的名字。她东接喀尔喀蒙古的札萨克图汗部,可直达乌里雅苏台,西通新疆塔尔巴哈台(今塔城)和伊犁,南通新疆迪化(今乌鲁木齐)和巴里坤(今哈密市巴里坤哈萨克自治县),北邻唐努乌梁海(今俄罗斯图瓦共和国)。近代以来,沙俄利用喀尔喀蒙古独立问题和跨界民族哈萨克问题,通过《中俄勘分西北界约记》、《中俄科布多界约》、《中俄伊犁条约》、《中俄科塔界约》等一系列不平等条约的签订,最终使得科布多分属  相似文献   

There is a dilemma at the heart of the study of the Roman fish sauce trade. The meaning of the Greek and Latin words used to name the fish sauces is still contested: currently there is much confusion and contradiction between modern scholars and ancient commentators about the use of the terms garum and liquamen. It is also not readily recognised that the ancients themselves were less than clear as to the exact meaning of the terms that they used, and this confusion has informed and exacerbated our own. In this paper some of the key texts that have been used to define fish sauce are re-evaluated in light of the need to distinguish and separate them out into the distinct types and sub-types.  相似文献   

Iulia Concordia is an important Roman settlement known for the production of iron objects and weapons during the Roman Empire. A huge number of well-preserved styli were found in the bed of the main channel of the city. In order to shed light on the production processes used by Roman for stylus manufacturing and the conservation state of the finds, a neutron tomography analysis was performed on NEUTRA beamline in Switzerland. SEM-EDS analyses were performed on few selected objects in order to identify the composition of metal decorations. Here, we present results from our investigation conducted on 91 styli, disclosing, in a non-invasive way, the morphological characterization related to the ancient Roman working techniques.  相似文献   

《四库全书总目提要》共二百卷,论述经史子集四部文献之源流及得失,挈领提纲,被认为是中国古典目录学的重要著作。然由于编纂《四库》本即工程浩大,更受时代与时间所限,故《四库提要》中有不少错误之处。前人对此中问题多有考证与辨析,成果颇丰,但并未能解决所有问题。采用校勘学中对校、理校等方法,就《四库提要礼记正义》引用《隋书·经籍志》而致误的现象进行考辨,通过对比多种传世文献,判定文献中的讹误并进行校订,以期恢复文本原貌,并探讨造成这种讹误的背后原因。文献校勘本即意义重大,校订传世文献的讹误有利于我们重新认识其学术价值。  相似文献   

This article addresses the dark and barely known side of one of the most iconic symbols of Spanish heritage: the Palaeolithic cave of Altamira (region of Cantabria). The cave is a benchmark of European rock art and was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1985. Access to the cave’s guestbook (inaugurated on 18 August 1928 with King Alfonso XIII’s signature) has granted us the opportunity to deconstruct the hegemonic discourse therein, and to approach a time, the Spanish Civil War (1936–1939), which had been left almost without discussion in historical literature on the archaeological site. Conflict Archaeology can cast light on this unknown reality and raise controversial and contentious issues about the Altamira cave and its role as a wartime cultural asset during the war.  相似文献   

Submerged aircraft are a newly emerging area of study in underwater archaeology. In August 2016, a multidisciplinary team conducted the first archaeological survey of the deep water (829 m) wreck of the ex-USS Independence (CVL22), a WWII era light carrier scuttled off San Francisco after its use as an atomic bomb test target and subsequently as a floating radiological laboratory and training facility. Using the remotely operated vehicles Argus and Hercules, the expedition documented and studied Independence including assessment of a sonar target thought to be an aircraft resting inside the sunken carrier’s forward elevator pit. The survey confirmed the presence of a plane, but previous assumptions as to the type and identity of this aircraft, based on archival records, proved erroneous. As well, the remains of a second, and possibly a third, aircraft were also encountered during the 2016 survey. These artifacts, through their context, both as naval warplanes on an aircraft carrier, and as test articles for seaborne nuclear weapons development, more precisely fit within the parameters of maritime archaeology. They join other archaeological evidence at the Independence site that helps define its significance within the context of World War II and the Cold War.  相似文献   

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