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正武汉第一座跑马场的精确地点在哪里在绘制于1877年的《湖北汉口镇街道图》上,汉镇堡垣内的东北角有一个圆形的跑马场图形;在大约绘制于1890年的《武汉城镇合图》上,汉镇堡垣内的东北角也有一个圆形的跑马场图形。但是,它们难以显示跑马场的精确位置和范围。而在1882年和1895年的汉口英租界地图上,它们都精确地画出了跑马场的椭圆形跑道。由于1902~1907年期间汉镇堡垣的拆除,以及法租界、俄租界道路的新筑,汉口的街道不断发生改变,那么武汉第一个跑马  相似文献   

汉口德租界设立于1895年10月,为继英租界后外国人在汉口设立的第二个租界。1917年3月15日,湖北武汉地方当局根据北京政府的指示接收了德租界。此为汉口收回的第一个租界。此后,俄租界于1924年7月,英租界于1927年3月,日、法租界于1945年抗战胜利后先  相似文献   

鸦片战争与上海英租界   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鸦片战争是英国向中国发动的一场殖民征服和掠夺的战争。这场战争的后果之一,是中国沿海一些城市,首先是上海,出现了外国的租界,而上海英租界则是上海的租界中最早建立的一个。对上海租界的研究,近几年来有了较大的进展,但关于上海英租界的建立问题,仍各说不一,尚有进一步探讨的必要。本文拟联系鸦片战争来谈一谈上海英租界的地点选择、划定时间和界限以及它的租地章程这几个问题。  相似文献   

"公共租界"界碑旧中国上海的"租界",是半殖民地半封建社会里各国帝国主义侵略全中国的重要堡垒。上海"公共租界"是美、英帝国主义依据它们用武力强迫当时中国政府签订的不平等条约所建立的美租界和英租界的联合侵华据点。在这个租界区域内,有美、英等帝国主义  相似文献   

郑连根 《炎黄春秋》2005,(10):66-68
在中国现代史上,“孤岛”是个特定的名词,它指的是从淞沪会战后沦陷(1937年11月12日)到太平洋战争爆发(1941年12月8日)期间的上海租界。在这个阶段,一方面,上海已经沦陷于日军之手;另一方面,上海租界地区因受英、美等国家的管辖而不受日军的直接控制。租界像大海中“孤岛”,尽管危机四伏,但在一定程度上还是爱国人士的避风港,在“孤岛”上,抗日宣传活动还可以有声有色地开展。  相似文献   

智民里和联怡里的位置和里份布局智民里和联怡里都位于原汉口英租界中心地段,只隔着一条湖南街(今胜利街),但建成时间不同:智民里建成于英租界收回(1927年)前的20世纪20年代中期,联怡里建成于英租界收回后的30年代。  相似文献   

上海在民国时期集中了大量的中外报刊、广播电台与通讯社,在国内外都有重要的影响。日军占领上海后,非常注意控制报刊舆论。当时上海的许多新闻机构都设在英、法租界,日军一时不能进入这里,就胁迫英、法租界当局取缔抗日言论与宣传。1937年11月13日,淞沪抗战刚刚结束,租界当局就发表谈话,警告凡在租界的华文报纸立论要更加慎重,不准有“日寇、汉奸”等字样在报上出现,也不准报纸报道抗战与惩处汉奸的消息。1937年12月13日南京陷落的当天,租界当局便同意日方在南京路的哈同  相似文献   

在中国现代史上,1927年武汉人民收回英租界是一件彪炳史册的伟大事件。它高扬了中华民族的民族意识,显示了中国人民反帝爱国精神,是自鸦片战争以来中国人民持续不断的反帝斗争的一次伟大胜利。而在收回英租界以前,湖北暨武汉地方当局也曾有两次接收外国租界的举措,其性质与结果与前者颇不相同,知之者寥寥而论之者亦少。笔者认为,民国初期武汉地方当局接收德、俄租界与1927  相似文献   

正中国共产党第二次全国代表大会于1922年7月16日至23日在上海英租界南成都路辅德里625号(现成都北路7弄30号)举行。它是中国共产党早期领导人通过斗争实践,在对中国社会和革命性质的认识不断深化基础上召开的。会议中心议题是进一步讨论和确定民主革命时期的纲领问题。这次大会最伟大的历史功绩是正确地分析了中国的社会性质,为中国各民族  相似文献   

天津作为近代中国北方最重要的通商口岸,同时也是近代中国拥有专管租界数量最多的城市,于1860至1902年间先后设立了九个国家的租界。各国租界或历经多次扩张,或与相邻租界间重新协商划定边界,或发生租界兼并,边界几经变化,影响了近代天津的城市空间格局。在诸多历史地图和文献中,关于天津九国租界的边界缺乏统一的描绘,乃至错误颇多。本文对近代天津相关历史文献与历史地图进行考证,以期得出较为准确的近代天津租界边界地图。  相似文献   

成图时间考证是传统舆图研究中最初步最重要的工作,本文利用“断限逼近法”重新考察两幅清代广州洪兵舆图的成图时间。通过对新发掘档案的梳理,判断将F.O.931/1079图的成图前限推至咸丰四年六月二十四日的结论尚不成立,而F.O.931/1892图的成图断限则可由原来的八月三十日至九月初五日进一步推断为九月十一日至十二日。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the Shanghai Moral Welfare Committee (renamed the Shanghai Moral Welfare League in 1920), which was founded on May 16, 1918, following a decision made by seventeen foreign religious and secular charities of the Shanghai International Settlement. In 1919–24, the Municipal Council of the Shanghai International Settlement declared a five-year timeframe for gradually shutting down all the brothels under its administration. The few previous studies of this topic by European and American scholars mainly concentrated on the aspect of venereal disease prevention and the prohibition of prostitution, as well as the construction of gender, but they paid little attention to the Moral Welfare Committee as a primary advocate of this reform. As such, this event has been misrepresented as yet another story about the modernization and spiritual salvation of Chinese society by Western municipal authorities and moral reformers. However, the Committee, created by foreign moral reformers in Shanghai, was primarily focused on white males with venereal diseases and white prostitutes, in order to reestablish an image of the Western Christian countries as civilized in Chinese eyes. Underlying this effort was a strong sense—among foreign communities in China at that time—of superiority over Chinese society in both civilization and morality. However, this arrogance was rife with insecurities; foreign reformers lacked necessary confidence in their civilized image and in their capacity to set themselves up as a model for the moral discipline and salvation of the Chinese people.  相似文献   

During the three-month long Sino-Japanese hostilities in the summer of 1937, Shanghai industries suffered the heaviest loss ever sustained during any previous military conflict in the city. Yet as has been shown in a previous study, local industries seem to have recovered fairly quickly. All statistics point to a return to pre-war levels of production in most sectors by the end of 1938 in some cases and during 1939 for most industrial branches. The purpose of this paper is to try to highlight the spatial dynamics at work in this recovery process. It relies not just on original sources, but on the unique capabilities GIS offers in processing large amounts of historical data and exploring connected issues in land use, demography, and urban life. The paper argues that Shanghai industries went through a thorough phase of relocation and migration within the city, but also of inbound migration from the surrounding regions. This study is based on a particular set of documents produced by the Shanghai Municipal Council, the largely independent body that administered the International Settlement. In this study, therefore, I shall argue that what happened in the territory of the International Settlement mirrored what happened next door and possibly in other parts of the Chinese-administered/Japanese-occupied areas. Beyond the issue of industrial movement, this paper also examines connected issues in land use, demography, and urban life.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the Shanghai Moral Welfare Committee (renamed the Shanghai Moral Welfare League in 1920), which was founded on May 16, 1918, following a decision made by seventeen foreign religious and secular charities of the Shanghai International Settlement. In 1919–24, the Municipal Council of the Shanghai International Settlement declared a five-year timeframe for gradually shutting down all the brothels under its administration. The few previous studies of this topic by European and American scholars mainly concentrated on the aspect of venereal disease prevention and the prohibition of prostitution, as well as the construction of gender, but they paid little attention to the Moral Welfare Committee as a primary advocate of this reform. As such, this event has been misrepresented as yet another story about the modernization and spiritual salvation of Chinese society by Western municipal authorities and moral reformers. However, the Committee, created by foreign moral reformers in Shanghai, was primarily focused on white males with venereal diseases and white prostitutes, in order to reestablish an image of the Western Christian countries as civilized in Chinese eyes. Underlying this effort was a strong sense—among foreign communities in China at that time—of superiority over Chinese society in both civilization and morality. However, this arrogance was rife with insecurities; foreign reformers lacked necessary confidence in their civilized image and in their capacity to set themselves up as a model for the moral discipline and salvation of the Chinese people.  相似文献   

1972年2月28日,中美两国政府在上海发表了第一个联合公报,即著名的《上海公报》,标志着中美长期隔绝的结束和两国关系正常化进程的开始。《上海公报》的谈判经过了两个阶段:第一阶段是1971年10月20~26日,美国总统国家安全事务助理基辛格第二次访华期间;第二阶段是1972年2月21~28日,美国总统尼克松访华期间。第一阶段的谈判经过了三个回合,双方先后各自提出了三个版本的草案稿,涉及公报的写法、内容、表述等问题,但核心是台湾问题。经过双方反复讨论,中美各有让步,除台湾问题外,其他问题基本达成共识。这就为4个月后的尼克松成功访华和第二阶段的谈判奠定了扎实的基础,从而推动了中美关系正常化的进程。  相似文献   


In the Republican period, Shao Futang, secretary to the general manager of the International Dispensary of Shanghai (Wuzhou yaofang), wrote numerous letters to the editor that were published under the initials F. D. Z. in the English-language newspapers of Shanghai, such as the North-China Herald and the China Press. He wrote frequently to these newspapers out of dissatisfaction with the total indifference shown by Chinese residents of the Shanghai International Settlement to what foreigners said about China in these newspapers. The North-China Herald and other newspapers also had Chinese readers and thus needed to hear from those like Shao who could represent the voice of the Chinese people. When anti-imperialism and abrogation of unequal treaties were first proposed in 1924, Shao for the first time voiced his opinion in these newspapers. He defended Chinese patriotism by pointing out that it was not “anti-foreignism.” When the Nationalist Revolution broke out in 1926, an increasingly strong sense of nationalism emerged in the published letters he wrote. He denounced Western readers’ disparagement of the Nationalist Revolution, expressed the desire of the Chinese people for the abrogation of the unequal treaties, and appealed to the Municipal Council of the Shanghai International Settlement to make necessary changes and give political rights to the Chinese people.  相似文献   


The 1641 Lords’ sub-committee on religious innovation has never been the focus of a dedicated study, despite its acknowledged significance. This article presents the sub-committee as an attempt to control parliamentary discussion of the Church. Its membership was carefully selected to ensure that it would have an anti-Arminian bias. Its discussions addressed a wide range of doctrinal and liturgical questions. The Conformist members of the sub-committee were attempting to re-assert the Reformed identity of the English Church, and roll back the doctrinal and liturgical developments of the 1630s. However, despite the political crisis, they were not prepared to give much ground to Puritan opinion. The sub-committee therefore illustrates the strength of commitment, even amongst leading Reformed theologians, to the idiosyncratic aspects of the English Church Settlement. It is therefore a significant witness to the development of English Conformist opinion.  相似文献   

This article inquires into the difference between philosophy as a universal practice and philosophy as a cultural product; its aim is to establish a case for there being Canadian philosophy. Philosophy as a practice can exhibit a dialectical framework. The practice can pursue both universal truths and cultural variations in expressions of those truths. Each philosophical endeavor requires the other to be meaningful. No matter how abstract a “truth” may be, an example always creates cultural relevance. The article introduces the example of an early Canadian philosopher, whose work is documented in the book by Leslie Armour and Elizabeth Trott, The Faces of Reason: An Essay on Philosophy and Culture in English Canada, 1850-1950. John Watson (1847–1939) was the most prolific and well-known contributor to philosophy in early Canada, pursuing universal questions and yet responding to the circumstances of his new home in developing Canada and, in doing so, contributing to Canadian cultural interpretations of philosophical questions. This article uses his example to conclude that the study of philosophy in Canada must include Canadian philosophy.  相似文献   


Numerous new bridges were needed when the railway line from London to Holyhead in Wales was built in the 1840s. The project's chief engineer, Robert Stephenson, chose a cast iron girder design to cross the river Dee just outside Chester, and the bridge was finished in November 1846. About six months later, on 24 May 1847, a local train was crossing the final span when one of the girders failed suddenly, sending most of the train crashing into the river below. Five lives were lost. The accident created a national furore, and Stephenson came close to being accused of manslaughter for the design. We have reviewed the witness evidence and concluded that the bridge probably failed by fatigue due to a defect at a sharp corner in a flange on a girder. The corner was present in a cavetto moulding, which had presumably been added as an artistic flourish.  相似文献   

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