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靳国胜  王文旭 《攀登》2008,27(5):75-78
生态安全问题是最突出的全球性问题之一,已经成为影响国家安全及人类社会整体生存安全的大问题。我国的生态安全面临着来自国内和国际两方面的双重压力,而且生态安全恶化对我国经济社会的可持续发展带来了极大的负面影响。处理这些问题时,既要从国际环境法的角度加以考虑,又要从国内环境法的角度加以防范。  相似文献   

拓跋--北魏墓葬研究具有较长纵深的学科背景,既是拓跋一北魏考古的重要组成部分,又与拓跋--北魏史相关的多学科研究密切相关.拓跋--北魏墓葬的考古学研究不能孤立而行,要充分重视拓跋--北魏史相关研究由来已久的多学科背景和成果积淀.  相似文献   

This article contributes to the discussion of the international democratisation of the so-called ‘post-conflict’ or ‘fragile’ countries by addressing one of the most important but least studied issues in the literature—the relationship between democracy and nation-building. It does so by analysing the major socio-political aspects of the democratic nation-state-building process in Timor-Leste in the post-1999 period. It argues that contemporary international democratisation policies and practices prioritise the ‘stateness’ problem, conceptualised by reference to a set of organisational, procedural and functional concerns. Little attention is, however, paid to the ‘nationness’ question. As the experience in Timor-Leste indicates, it is the national ideas that determine the structural and operational parameters of democratisation, which is, after all, a process of socio-political transformation by which political power and wealth are redistributed amongst a variety of competing societal interests.  相似文献   

肖元真  刘爱群  许江 《攀登》2007,26(5):60-63
在十届全国人大第五次全体会议发表的政府工作报告中,国务院总理温家宝充分肯定了房地产业在我国国民经济中的重要作用。并且明确指出了今后我国房地产行业调控策略和发展的方向,从而使我国此轮房地产宏观调控真正进入了战略转型和理性发展的新时期。本文从新时期房地产业发展面临的主要挑战、调控的相关举措和发展的相关动力三个方面对此问题进行研究和阐述,供政府、企业等相关人士参考。  相似文献   

我国社会主义民族关系理论与实践考察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关桂霞 《攀登》2009,28(5):59-62
民族关系具有民族性,也具有社会性。社会主义民族关系集中反映了中国特色社会主义事业的社会属性。本文主要围绕社会主义民族关系的性质和内涵特征、社会主义民族关系的根本利益原则、社会主义民族关系发展的基本格局、社会主义民族关系发展的价值目标、社会主义和谐民族关系实现的形式以及党和国家实施的政策、措施进行阐述。  相似文献   

对改革开放以来我国文化产业政策绩效的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨吉华 《攀登》2007,26(1):88-91
产业政策绩效问题一直是我国产业理论研究的难点和薄弱环节。本文回顾了我国文化产业政策的实践历程,对我国文化产业政策的绩效进行了比较系统的分析评估,认为我国文化产业政策虽取得了一定成效,但总的效果并不理想。作者在分析了其中原因后指出,要提高文化产业政策绩效,必须适应形势的要求对我国文化产业政策作出必要的调整。  相似文献   

何全民 《攀登》2006,25(2):113-116
违约金是一种重要的违约责任的实现方式。自《合同法》颁布以来,理论界和司法实践中,围绕着《合同法》第114条关于违约金责任的规定进行了激烈的争论,至今未形成一致的意见。本文认为,我国《合同法》中的约定违约金,既具有惩罚性也具有赔偿性。两种不同性质的违约金与损害赔偿、定金等违约责任的其他承担形式的关系也各自不同。应当承认存在单纯的惩罚性违约金,立法上应当清楚地界定两种性质违约金的区别,以消除理论认识上的矛盾和司法实践中的混乱。  相似文献   

经济全球化已成为世界经济发展的趋势。 2 0世纪 90年代以来 ,经济因素在国际关系中的地位日益显著 ,各国经济联系愈加密切 ,东南亚华人卷入全球化进程加快。经济全球化对华人经济的发展带来良好的机遇和严峻的挑战。展望未来 ,东南亚华人在经济全球化的进程中将发挥重要作用。中国加入WTO后 ,给东南亚华人来中国创业带来商机 ,东南亚华人与中国的合作与交往会更加密切 ,华人经济作为当地民族经济的重要组成部分 ,将在参与东盟、亚太的跨国公司之间的合作中发挥积极作用  相似文献   

Chinkin C 《UN chronicle》2000,37(2):69-70
In the past, power structures of the nation-State have been organized around patriarchal assumptions, granting men monopoly over power, authority, and wealth. A number of structures have been erected to achieve this imbalance, which have disguised its inequity by making it appear as natural and universal. However, with globalization, this centralization of power within the Sovereign State has been fragmented. Although globalization opens up new spaces by weakening the nation-State, subsequently making possible the undermining of traditional gender hierarchies and devising new bases for gender relations, the reality that the State is no longer the sole institution that can define identity and belonging within it has denied women the space to assert their own claims to gendered self-determination. In this regard, globalization has impacted upon gender relations in complex and contradictory ways. This paper discusses such impacts of globalization on gender relations. Overall, it has become apparent that forms of inequality still exist regardless of a State's prevailing political ideology. Their manifestations may differ, but the reality of women's subordination remains constant.  相似文献   

In the past decade the world economy has witnessed both great progress and great inequities resulting in part from the liberalization of markets-including capital markets-that has accompanied the process of globalization, and from the intense pace of technological change. This article highlights the need for individuals, organizations and governments to counterbalance the excesses and abuses of capitalist societies while at the same time noting the importance of ensuring environmental safeguards. It recognizes, however, that efforts must be directed at maintaining the dynamic momentum of globalization and of extending its benefits to greater numbers. For this to happen, there must first be a debate about globalization, focusing on how to intensify its pace and extending its benefits, as well as curbing its excesses. Second, intellectually robust coalitions must be created between business, NGOs, the academic community, the media and other interested parties, to put pressure on national governments in both developed and developing countries, and on international government institutions, to improve, intensify and extend the process of both political and economic liberalization.  相似文献   

陶维兵 《攀登》2005,24(2):7-9
全球化为我们带来了党政关系的多种模式。在现有制度资源基础上理顺党政关系,是推进政治体制改革的关键环节和提高党的执政能力的关节之点。因此,我们必须在科学把握党政关系的历史性维度和时代性维度的基础上.改进党的执政方式,重构党的执政功能,从而使党政关系在具体性维度上得以合理展开。  相似文献   

李繁 《攀登》2005,24(Z1):1-3
构建社会主义和谐社会,是党中央根据当代中国社会的深刻变化而提出的重大战略任务.这一科学命题的提出,有着深刻的社会背景与现实原因.只有正确认识社会主义和谐枉会的基本内涵、重大意义及其现实依据,我们才能以明确的实践指向不断推进构建社会主义和谐社会的进程.  相似文献   

韩官却加 《攀登》2007,26(1):39-42
发挥民主党派的监督作用,是发展社会主义民主政治、坚持和完善社会主义民主制度的必然要求,也是改革和完善党的领导方式与执政方式的一个重要方面。我国多党合作和政治协商制度的不断完善,能够使民主党派通过合法而有效的途径和方式,经常地和多方面地对执政党实行民主监督。各民主党派只有不断加强自身建设,才能更好地发挥监督的优势、提高民主监督的水平。  相似文献   

This paper explores the ways in which economic globalization processes produce new spatio-temporalities. It emphasizes how the exercise of different modes of power, in particular instrumental and associational powers, is critical to understanding the distinct formations that are produced by globalization dynamics. Using the empirical context of globalization in the wine industry, and the efforts made by one of the industry's leading wine corporations, Robert Mondavi of Napa valley California, to extend its production base to one of Europe's foremost wine-producing regions, the paper provides a crucial interpretative angle on spatio-temporal disruptions caused by globalization processes.  相似文献   

Initiated in 2004, the RICardo project focuses on bilateral trade data of all the world's countries from the early nineteenth century to the eve of the Second World War. The project includes the construction of a database and the creation of a website. It is a pioneering work in the field of historical trade statistics that aims at providing easy-to-access research material to the scientific community and at attracting a wider public to the history of trade relationships. The article emphasizes the originality of the project and sums up its various aspects by reviewing previous trade databases, clarifying the main features of historical trade statistics, and describing the construction and use of the RICardo website.  相似文献   

This article provides a critique of a dominant strand of the literature on globalization – that which suggests it can be understood as deterritorialization. It argues that suggestions that we have moved away from territorial understandings of politics fail to conceptually elaborate the notion of territory itself. Drawing parallels between mathematics and politics in the seventeenth century, the paper claims that the notion of territory is dependent on a particular way of grasping space as calculable. This way of understanding space makes bounded territories possible, but also underlies new global configurations. In other words globalization is a reconfiguration of existing understandings rather than the radical break some suggest. The article concludes by making some comments on this reconfiguration, and suggesting that further historical and conceptual work on territory is necessary before it can be thought to be superseded.  相似文献   

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