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1350至1400年的南京   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“七大古都”之一的南京 ,在元明之际发生过重大转变。本文对 135 0至 140 0年间的南京进行了全面考察 ,着重论述了朱元璋选择南京作为都城的原因、明初对南京城的大规模营建 ,以及南京城结构的变化等问题。认为当时南京的地理位置十分重要 ,经过明初的营建 ,南京成为江南地区最为重要的国际化都市 ,在明代政治、经济、文化生活中占有举足轻重的地位。  相似文献   

我国城市化的现实问题及其对未来经济可持续发展的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
黄天元 《人文地理》2000,15(2):53-55
文章对我国城市化现状进行了分析,指出我国城市化存在三大问题,即城市化滞后于工业化、城市化滞后于非农化、城市用地规模外延式扩展。在此基础上分析了加快城市化进程对刺激消费、扩大内需,摆脱市场疲软局面,促进我国经济可持续发展的影响,指出提高城市化水平是促进我国经济可持续发展的有效途径。  相似文献   

本文论述西汉一代与南海诸国 (即今东南亚地区 )的交通及往来 ,主要分两部分 :一是叙述西汉长安至南海诸国的两条主要交通道路 ,即由蜀至缅甸的“身毒道”和由南越经海上的“南海道”,以及两道的形成和具体路线等 ;一是论述西汉遣译长出使南海诸国 ,以及南海诸国的“朝贡”和长安的南海珍物 ;以揭示今东南亚地区古代诸国早期与中国交往之历史  相似文献   

苏南土墩墓的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、前言 长江下游地区的江苏南部,无论是丘陵、山地还是平原地区,常能见到象馒头状凸出地面的大小土墩,且这些土墩又常成群连片地集中出现。这些土墩大多数是人工堆筑而成的古代墓葬,也就是目前人们通常所说的“土墩墓”①。这类土墩墓可以分为两种类型:一种是用石块垒砌墓室的土墩墓,称之为“石室土墩”②,主要分布在环太湖地区的山巅及浙江北部太湖之滨;另一种是无石室结构的土墩墓,称之为“土墩墓”,遍布于苏南地区。本文所要讨论的是无石室结构的土墩墓,其年代约当中原地区西周前期到春秋战国之际③。这些土墩墓是商周时期…  相似文献   

In the early twentieth century, the living organism's ability to distinguish its "self" from foreign entities such as bacteria, viruses, transplanted tissue, or transfused blood was a major problem in medical science. This article discusses how the Australian immunologist Frank Macfarlane Burnet arrived at a satisfactory explanation of this problem through his 1949 theory of "self" and "tolerance." Burnet's theoretical work began from his study of diverse factors affecting the conditions of the host and the germ for the occurrence of infectious diseases. Among them, the host's age came to receive his attention as a crucial factor. This understanding was facilitated by his acceptance of cytoplasm inheritance theories, which emphasized the importance of the embryonic host's changing conditions according to its age. Based on this idea, he claimed in 1949 that the "self" of the organism was defined during its embryogenesis. Peter B. Medawar and his colleagues' demonstration of Burnet's claim became the basis for awarding Burnet and Medawar the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine in 1960. While previous histories have focused on Burnet's "inductive reasoning" or "ecological perspective" to explain his conception of the theory of "self" and "tolerance," this article finds the origin of his ideas within an important line of modern medical research engendered through the development of germ theories--the studies of the host body and its relationship with parasites.  相似文献   

Over the past two decades thinking about the role of politics in the policy process has taken several different shapes. Analysts in the "positivist" school of policy analysis have tended to use restricted notions of politics in their search for policy determinants or causes of policy change. This approach can be contrasted usefully with "postpositivist" analyses, which emphasize the role played by policy discourses in the policy process. This article discusses the manner in which policy networks and policy communities integrate ideas and interests in public policymaking and provide an opportunity to overcome the positivist/post-positivist conceptual dichotomy. It proposes a model setting out how different subsystem configurations relate to paradigmatic and intraparadigmatic processes of policy change. The paper suggests that the identification of the nature of the policy subsystem in a given policy sector reveals a great deal about its propensity to respond to changes in ideas and interests and is therefore a good indicator of the likely effect "politics," in either the restrictive or broad sense of the term, will have on policymaking.  相似文献   

The New Annalistic: A Sketch of a Theory of History   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article argues for the establishment of a new, "annalistic" model of history and historical investigation. This implies a new concept of historical event: instead of being seen as an element within a historical narrative, the historical event is defined as the common reference point of many narratives that can be told about it. The annalistic model also implies a new concept of historical change: instead of being defined as the change of an "object" within a set of given historical parameters, historical change has to be perceived as the change of parameters related to a given historical object. A new concept of history follows from the annalistic model: instead of history being a metaphysical unity of space and time (the destiny of mankind, the positivist's world of facts), in which everything is linked to everything, it is instead the product of historical judgment carried out by those who design stories about their own past, present, and future. To the "annalist" a world is imaginable in which no history has existed, exists, or will exist.
The article analyzes three aspects of the concept of historical time: it demonstrates the huge variety of temporal structures in history; it argues for the foundation of the representation of historical time in linguistic concepts; and it discusses the relationship of fictionality and reality in historical discourse. Finally, the annalistic model is compared to the traditional concept of history established by historicism in the nineteenth century.  相似文献   

Over the past few years some governments and development organizations have increasingly articulated cross-border mobility as "trafficking in persons". The notion of a market where traffickers prey on the "supply" of migrants that flows across international borders to meet the "demand" for labour has become a central trope among anti-trafficking development organizations. This article problematizes such economism by drawing attention to the oscillating cross-border migration of Lao sex workers within a border zone between Laos and Thailand. It illuminates the incongruity between the recruitment of women into the sex industry along the Lao-Thai border and the market models that are employed by the anti-trafficking sector. It discusses the ways in which these cross-border markets are conceived in a context where aid programming is taking on an increasingly important role in the politics of borders. The author concludes that allusions to ideal forms of knowledge (in the guise of classic economic theory) and an emphasis on borders become necessary for anti-trafficking programmes in order to make their object of intervention legible as well as providing post-hoc rationalizations for their continuing operation.  相似文献   

用典是古典诗歌的重要特征之一,追索典源因此成为诗歌注释的重心。本文探讨“明星”典故造成的诗歌文本误读现象,通过举例来说明为何出现此类误读,以及将如何避免。  相似文献   

In this article I present a case study of the relationship betweeninterviewer and narrator to explore the process of collaborationin the production of an auto/biography. This article outlineshow the project originated and how it developed over the pastsix years. After introducing the narrator, Arthur Thickett—soldier,communist, pacifist, and writer—I explore our collaborationand identify those facets of the relationship that have beenthe most influential in shaping the interview. Michael Frisch'sprinciple of "shared authority" influenced the working process,and collaboration was an important element of the work. Thispaper discusses the effect that attempting to share authorityhad on the project, and examines the issues raised by the collaborativeprocess, such as who owns the material produced, who decideswhat material is made public, and how these decisions affectthe history told.  相似文献   

Damasio (1994) claims that Descartes imagined thinking as an activity separate from the body, and that the effort to understand the mind in general biological terms was retarded as a consequence of Descartes' dualism. These claims do not hold; they are "Damasio's error". Descartes never considered what we today call thinking or cognition without taking the body into account. His new dualism required an embodied understanding of cognition. The article gives an historical overview of the development of Descartes' radically new psychology from his account of algebraic reasoning in the early Regulae (1628) to his "neurobiology of rationality" in the late Passions of the soul (1649). The author argues that Descartes' dualism opens the way for mechanistic and mathematical explanations of all kinds of physiological and psychological phenomena, including the kind of phenomena Damasio discusses in Descartes' error. The models of understanding Damasio puts forward can be seen as advanced version of models which Descartes introduced in the 1640s. A far better title for his book would have been Descartes' vision.  相似文献   

论"夷"和"东夷"   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
栾丰实 《中原文物》2002,2(1):16-20
“东夷”本是传世和出土文献对古史上某一时期东方居民的称谓。近年来,随着考古学的发展,越来越多的学者把黄淮下游海岱地区史前考古学文化的族属称为东夷。本文旨在根据传世和出土文献的相关记载,廓清“夷”和“东夷” 的产生、发展、流变和消失的历史过程。  相似文献   

This article explores the interaction of politics and policy through the case of the "Istook Amendment"–proposals made primarily during the 104th Congress that were designed to change policies concerning the permissible lobbying and political advocacy activities of nonprofit organizations (NPOs). It discusses elements that contributed to a shift in the policy image of NPOs, how this shift opened an opportunity for dramatic policy change, and offers possible explanations for why such change failed to be enacted. Conceptually, lobbying reform is treated both as an example of constituent policy and as a device to explore the political dynamics of this type of policy.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the Peasants' Revolt of 1381 as a means of examining some of the late medieval assumptions about the nature of royal mercy. Rather than adding to the weight of scholarship on the causes and characteristics of the Revolt, this article discusses the views on mercy (‘grace for the rebels’)1 1?The parliament rolls of medieval England [hereafter PROME], ed. C. Given-Wilson et al. (CD-ROM. Scholarly Digital Editions, Leicester, 2005), ‘Richard II: parliament of 1381, text and translation’, item 30. I would like to thank the audience of the Oxford Medieval History Seminar for their advice on an early version of this paper, and Mark Ormrod for his helpful comments on this essay in draft form. that were reportedly expressed by all parties during the course of the rebellion. The first section analyses the chronicles and their references to discussion of pardon and mercy during the revolt itself. The second section examines the role of the royal pardon in the subsequent judicial proceedings in the Home Counties — who were the first recipients of pardon, and how were they able to secure royal grace? The final section then discusses the formulation of the pardon in the autumn parliament, and the debate surrounding the course of government policy in the wake of revolt on an unprecedented scale. This article seeks to demonstrate that the Crown and commons shared a common language of pardon, and understood that by framing their discussion in terms of royal grace, they were alluding to a particular kind of idealised relationship between the king and his subjects.  相似文献   

This article looks into the valuation of time in Fiji with particular emphasis on ‘Fiji time’, an idiom typically employed in reference to unpunctuality or relaxing. The article discusses Fiji time through four exemplars in order to illustrate the degree to which Fiji time is compatible with labour-based valuations of time.  相似文献   

曹定云先生在<周代金文中女子称谓类型的研究>一文中,依据青铜器铭文,对周代金文中女子称谓类型做了比较全面的总结.本文依据<殷周金文集成>等对周代女子称谓问题做了一次较全面的探索,发现周代对女的称谓除曹先生所列举者外,还有一些类型.  相似文献   

旅游地生态位的概念、原理及优化策略研究   总被引:26,自引:1,他引:25  
随着区域旅游开发的进展,一定空间范围的区域开始形成为一个开放的系统,并且该系统内各旅游地的"定位"及其内部功能结构上的相似性和差异性都会直接影响到区域空间竞争的态势。文章以研究区域内旅游地的系统空间关系和发展策略为目标,引入生态学中的生态位理论,在旅游地生态位的概念进行界定的基础上,阐述了旅游地生态位的竞争原理和演变规律,并对区域旅游在协调开发过程中应该采取的生态位策略进行了探讨。  相似文献   

本文全面介紹"張之洞檔案"中有關别敬、禮單與貢摺等材料,具體說明張之洞支付别敬、贈送禮物與進呈貢品的情況,並由此觀察晚清上層社會的日常生活,觀察晚清上層社會的腐敗速度與程度。本文以極大的篇幅介紹張之洞向慈禧太后進貢,尤其是慈禧太后、光緒帝逃亡西安時期的情況。張之洞雖是清流出身,但到了此時,仍不免須花費很大精力和財力來辦理送禮與進貢;而他的禮物與貢品中,竟有相當部分是書籍與文具,依舊顯露出其書生本色。  相似文献   

元明时期新开辟的从湖广经贵州通往云南的"东路"驿道,不仅是维系内地与西南边陲往来的主要交通命脉,并且也直接影响了明清时期西南边疆地区政治版图的变化。本文首次提出了"古苗疆走廊"这一概念,初步探讨了这条走廊对贵州省的建省、明清时代"苗疆"地区的"国家化"过程以及民族关系等所带来的影响,并对"古苗疆走廊"的地域及族群文化的特点等进行了初步整理和分析。就今后推进"古苗疆走廊"作为"世界文化线路遗产"申报的可能性问题,也提出了初步的看法。  相似文献   

Deadly medicine     
This article discusses the methods the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum used to make an exhibition on the complex history of Nazi eugenics accessible to the museum's mass public and at the same time, provocative for special audiences consisting of professionals and students from the biomedical fields. Deadly Medicine: Creating the Master Race showed how both eugenics and related "euthanasia" programs in Nazi Germany helped pave the road to the Holocaust. The exhibition implicitly evoked the present-day appeal of biological explanations for human behavior and of new visions of human perfection. Educational programs used the exhibition as a springboard for discussions of bioethics and medical ethics.  相似文献   

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