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Diurnal variations in the propagation direction of atmospheric gravity waves, and the travelling ionospheric disturbances to which they give rise, have been observed in many experimental observations and several modelling studies have demonstrated that this is primarily due to the corresponding diurnal rotation in the direction of the thermospheric wind. Other variations have been attributed to seasonal or other effects, but the effects of variations in the thermospheric temperature have not previously been analysed in detail. We present results from a study of the propagation of gravity waves through a layered atmosphere in which the thermospheric wind and temperature are derived from a three-dimensional time-dependent model. The analysis has been carried out for a range of wave speeds and periods, and for a range of times, seasons and propagation azimuths. Results suggest that a significant diurnal variation in the transmission coefficient for waves propagating through the thermosphere exists with seasonally dependent maxima. Transmission increases for increasing wave period up to about 50 min, after which it remains approximately constant. Maximum transmission occurs for wave phase speeds around 200–250 m/s and falls to zero for speeds less than about 100 m/s. An exception to this rule occurs for waves with periods less than 40 min and speeds less than 50 m/s for which significant transmission appears to be theoretically possible.  相似文献   

EISCAT measurements of the electric field in the auroral electrojet are compared with the signature of TIDs propagating equatorward as observed by an HF-Doppler network. At night-time the onset of auroral activity is usually followed by the arrival of a TID at lower latitude. Cross-correlation of the time variations of the electric field measured by EISCAT and the frequency offset recorded by the HF-Doppler system confirms a relationship between the auroral activity and the gravity wave, indicating both the travel time and the periodicity of the wave. The relationship is especially close under quiet conditions when the cross-correlation coefficient is typically 60%, significant at 0.1%. When the observed electric field is used as input to a thermosphere-ionosphere coupled global model it predicts the time signature of the observed HF-Doppler variation reasonably well but seriously underestimates the amplitude of the disturbance. Examination of this discrepancy may lead to a better understanding of the mechanisms involved in the generation and propagation of atmospheric gravity waves.  相似文献   

From 1972 to 1975 F-region medium-scale travelling ionospheric disturbances (MSTIDs) were observed at Leicester, U.K. (52°32′N 1°8′W) by means of the HF Doppler technique. Most of the features of the disturbances previously reported in the literature are confirmed, with the exception of the apparent seasonal variation in the propagation direction. The measured wave azimuth rotates clockwise through 360° in 24 h, supporting theoretical predictions concerning the filtering effect of the neutral wind in the northern hemisphere. The most commonly observed direction of wave propagation, however, is displaced from the antiwind direction and is located at an azimuth of 130–140° relative to the wind. A periodic variation of the direction of wave propagation with respect to the anti-wind direction is evident, which may indicate that lower atmospheric winds can have a greater influence on waves at thermospheric heights than previously supposed.A synoptic survey of the data set reveals little correlation between wave occurrence and auroral processes, and it is unlikely that high-latitude sources are responsible for many of the MSTIDs observed at mid-latitudes.  相似文献   

During the Worldwide Atmospheric Gravity-wave Study (WAGS) in October 1985, the EISCAT incoherent scatter radar was used to observe the generation of atmospheric gravity waves in the auroral zone in conjunction with a network of magnetometers and riometers. At the same time a chain of five ionosondes, an HF-Doppler system, a meteor radar and a radio telescope array were used to monitor any waves propagating southwards over the U.K.The EISCAT measurements indicated that in the evening sector both Joule heating and Lorentz forcing were sufficiently strong to generate waves, and both frequently showed an intrinsic periodicity caused by periodic variation in the magnetospheric electric field.Two occasions have been examined in detail where the onset of a source with intrinsic periodicity was followed by a propagating wave of the same period which was detected about an hour later, travelling southwards at speeds of over 300 m s−1, by the ionosondes and the HF-Doppler radar. In both cases the delay in arrival was consistent with the observed velocity, which suggests a direct relationship between a source in the auroral zone and a wave observed at mid-latitude.  相似文献   

Simultaneous observations of an ionospheric wave by two incoherent scatter facilities and three Faraday-rotation polarimeters have provided measurements of the frequency, vertical wavelength, horizontal wavelength and direction of propagation of the wave. These measured values confirm the Hines dispersion equation for atmospheric gravity waves.  相似文献   

Observations of neutral winds and temperatures obtained using a FabryPerot interferometer at Beveridge (37°28′S, 145°6′E) have been combined with h'F measurements from ionosondes at Canberra (35°21′S, 149°10′E) and Hobart (42°54′S, 147° 12′E). Data from 16 nights have been used to study the response (height change) of the F2-layer to changes in neutral wind and temperature. The observations have been compared with the ‘servo’ model of Rishbeth. It is found that the ‘night stationary level’ of the F2-layer depends on temperature, with the height changing by (13 ± 6) km per 100K. This agrees well with the prediction of the ‘servo’ model. There is reasonable overall agreement between the observations and the model predictions for the change in height produced by a given meridional wind. However, there is considerable scatter in the individual comparisons due to the approximations used to apply the theory to the observations. In particular, the effect of electric fields on the F2-layer height has been ignored.  相似文献   

A model to calculate electron densities and electrical conductivities in the ionospheric E-region at low latitudes has been developed. Calculations have been performed under photochemical equilibrium and including plasma transport due to the electric field and neutral winds. Results have been compared with observations at Arecibo (18.15°N, 66.20°W), Thumba (8°32′N, 76°51′E) and SHAR (14.0°N, 80.0° E). Good agreement is obtained for Arecibo. For Thumba and SHAR agreement is satisfactory for altitudes above 110 km. Below 100 km, model predictions are too low in comparison with the observed data. The effect of plasma transport on electron densities and Hall and Pedersen conductivities is investigated in detail. A combination of neutral winds and a downward (or westward) electric field can compress the plasma into a thin layer. An upward electric field along with the neutral winds gives rise to a broad, multilayered profile. The ratio of height-integrated Hall to Pedersen conductivities changes from 1.2 to 2 in some cases.  相似文献   

The nonlinear ionospheric response to atmospheric gravity waves is studied in an approximate fashion using a new approach. The concept of nonlinear travelling ionospheric disturbances (TIDs) is outlined, and the nonlinear behaviour of atmospheric gravity waves is calculated. A principal result is that harmonics are generated which cause the wave velocity perturbation to deform. The ionospheric response is investigated by solving the continuity equation for ionization in the F-region. The distortion of the TIDs waveform produced by the nonlinear interactions is depicted. The nonlinear TIDs depart seriously from a cosinusoidal wave described by previous linear TID theory. The distorted TIDs appear as ‘sharp peak’ and ‘sawtooth’ waveform shapes. The ‘peaks’ can be upward or downward, and the ‘sawteeth’ forward or backward, depending on the wave parameters. The nonlinearly distorted TIDs show a good agreement with various observed ionospheric irregularities produced by atmospheric gravity waves.  相似文献   

A multifrequency HF Doppler sounder and four spaced receivers were operated near Alma-Ata to form a three-dimensional array of reflection points of HF radio waves. The spacings of reflection points ranged from 5 to 80 km in the vertical and from 30 to 65 km in the horizontal. The purpose of the experiment was to estimate the spatial coherence of travelling ionospheric disturbances (TIDs). Estimation of the coherence length (the distance at which the coherence falls to e−1) in both vertical and horizontal planes is carried out. The coherence often shows peaks at frequencies exceeding the Brunt-Väisälä frequency. Measurements of the slant coherencies have given the opportunity to study the coherence as a function of orientation.  相似文献   

A systematic method of deriving from MST radar data the group velocity and phase velocity of the atmospheric wave along the radar beam direction is proposed and verified by a series of numerical simulations. We apply the method to two data sets measured by Chung-Li radar under different background wind conditions. It is found that the vertical group velocity and phase velocity are mostly in the opposite direction when the background wind is weak. The energy source of downgoing wave packets was evidently related to the instability in the upper height range (10.5–11.7 km) where strong wind shear existed. When the background wind and wind shear are stronger, the vertical group and phase velocities may propagate in the same direction. We also found from numerical simulation and data analysis that the wave packet of gravity waves following power law spectrum are short-lived. A by-product of the group velocity measurement is that the horizontal wavelength may also be deduced from a vertical radar beam measurement from the dispersion relation if it is valid.  相似文献   

A high resolution wind observation of the mesosphere and lower thermosphere (73–95 km) was conducted with the aid of the high power UHF Doppler radar at Arecibo (18.4°N, 66.8°W). Zonal wind velocities were continuously observed during day-time hours on 1–15 August 1980. We discuss here the observed wind fluctuations with periods of 1–4 h in the light of internal gravity waves. The phase propagation associated with these fluctuations is, on average, shown to be downward, indicating an upward energy flux. A space-time spectral analysis shows that waves with vertical wavelengths shorter than 10 km disappear around the mesopause (about 85km), while those with longer vertical wavelengths exist throughout the observational height. This result is explained in terms of wave absorption at a critical layer where the mean zonal wind has a westerly shear with height. This feature is consistent with the behavior expected for internal gravity waves around the summer mesopause in order to explain general circulation models.  相似文献   

Using long-term ionosonde measurements in mid-latitudes (Juliusruh: 54.6°N, 13.4°E; 1957–1990), the first experimental hints of a decrease of the peak height of the ionospheric F2-layer were found. In contrast to that the long-term variations of the peak electron densities in the F2-layer, as well as the E-layer, are small. These results qualitatively agree with the predictions of Rishbeth [(1990) Planet. Space Sci.38, 945] who expected a lowering of the E- and F2-layer caused by a global cooling of the strato, meso- and thermosphere due to the increasing greenhouse effect.  相似文献   

Since the 1982/1983 winter, the UCL group, in collaboration with the Swedish Institute for Space Physics (previously Kiruna Geophysical Institute), has operated a Doppler imaging system at the high latitude station of Kiruna (67°N, 22°E). The Doppler imaging system is an imaging Fabry-Perot interferometer of 13.2 cm aperture. This instrument has been operated on a ‘campaign’ basis for mapping thermospheric winds using the OI emission at 630 nm (240 km altitude) from a region up to about 400 km radius about Kiruna. In November 1986, the performance of this wide-field Doppler imaging system was augmented by improvements to the detector and all-sky optics. We present data from December 1986, obtained during periods with both clear skies and active auroral and geomagnetic conditions. Maps of the neutral wind flow within the auororal oval during disturbed conditions and near magnetic midnight show continuous and rapid changes of thermospheric winds. The typical scale sizes of eddies observed within the mean flow around magnetic midnight are 100–300 km, with fluctuations at all time scales resolved by the 10 min between successive Doppler images. The local and short period fluctuations appear to be a filtered response of the thermosphere to rapid local variations of the convection and precipitation patterns, within a background of global scale changes  相似文献   

Radar observations have been carried out at Aberystwyth (52.4°N, 4.1°W) during the period May–August 1990 to search for echoes analogous to the Polar Mesosphere Summer Echoes commonly observed at high latitudes. Signal strength measurements in the vertical and at 12° from the vertical are used to examine the aspect sensitivity of echoes, and Doppler measurements at 6° from the vertical and in the vertical to estimate wind velocities. The observations show the presence of two types of moderately strong echoes from heights above 80 km. On most days a spectrally broad echo is observed with characteristics consistent with isotropic turbulence scatter. On certain days between mid-June and mid-July, stronger spectrally narrow echoes are observed with characteristics similar to Polar Mesosphere Summer Echoes.  相似文献   

Many papers have been published to devise models to describe the sources of large and medium scale atmospheric gravity waves (AGWs) in the auroral oval ionosphere. One of the models proposed by Chimonas and Hines [(1970) Planet. Space Sci.18, 565] calculated the relative importance of Lorentz force and Joule heating as sources of AGWs in the auroral regions based on certain assumptions. In this paper, we develop a general theory to describe the behavior of the AGW source terms. It has been found that the source terms which generate AGWs are closely related to the velocities and frequencies of AGWs, and that the Lorentz force is dominant in generating the vertical velocity perturbation of large scale AGWs. The formulas which determine the source term contributions are derived. This relationship gives us the possibility to predict what kind of AGW will be generated by observing the source terms, or conversely perhaps to deduce some of the source characteristics by measuring properties of the traveling ionospheric disturbances (TIDs).  相似文献   

Indirect determination of meridional winds using ground-based ionosonde data from low latitude regions, under the assumption that the thermosphere and the F-region of the ionosphere behave as a closely coupled system, has been critically examined. The significance of neutral temperature and its variations in the above estimates has been demonstrated through individual case studies after duly validating the procedure adopted. Since the measured neutral temperatures have shown large deviations from the existing atmospheric models on many occasions and more so during high solar activity periods, it has been shown that the neutral temperature effects on the F-region heights should be properly accounted for before one attempts to estimate meridional winds. However, it has also been shown that during low solar activity periods, use of atmospheric models may still provide a fairly reasonable average picture. Examples of these effects are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

Observations of nitric oxide (NO) by the Solar Mesosphere Explorer (SME) during equinox indicate a lower-thermosphere equatorial minimum which is at variance with theoretical predictions. To address this discrepancy a zonally averaged model of the thermosphere and upper mesosphere is used to evaluate the influence of a latitude variation in turbulence. Five numerical simulations were performed with different latitude structures of eddy diffusion (KT), ranging from uniform in latitude, peaks at low, mid-, or high-latitude, to a hemispherically asymmetric distribution. A local increase in eddy diffusion causes the lower thermosphere to cool and induces a latitude pressure gradient that drives horizontal and vertical winds. The circulation, turbulent transport and temperature dependent chemistry act to change the distribution of species. Comparison of the model predictions of NO with SME data, and simulated wind and temperature structure with empirical climatology, indicates a preference for a midlatitude peak in KT.  相似文献   

The behavior of the F2-peak height difference ΔhmF2, between low latitude magnetic conjugate points, is known to be governed by thermospheric winds blowing along the magnetic meridian. Ground based ionosonde measurements of hmF2, at two pairs of magnetic conjugate stations, have been analysed in conjunction with the results of a realistic dynamic computer model of the tropical ionospheric F-region, to determine thermospheric wind velocities. The behavior of monthly average values of the sum, at conjugate points, of the thermospheric horizontal wind velocity component in the magnetic meridian, at low latitudes, has been inferred for months of solstice and equinox, as well as for periods of low and high solar activity.  相似文献   

Long term remote observations of neutral winds at F-region altitudes have been performed at Thule Air Base (lat. 76.5°N, long. 69.0°W), Greenland, and Søndre Strømfjord (lat. 67.0°N, long. 50.9°W), Greenland. The former site is very close to the geomagnetic pole, while the latter site is within the polar cap for several hours each night on either side of geomagnetic midnight. Wind data corresponding to clear sky conditions and Kp ⩽ 4 were sorted according to the sign of the IMF Bz component. The averaged maximum poleward flow near midnight LST was reduced by approximately one third during Bz northward conditions. If the magnitude of By was less than the magnitude of the northward Bz component, then the averaged poleward flow was further reduced by one half. In addition, if Bz > 5 nT, then sunward directed horizontal neutral winds were observed at the very highest latitudes near noon LST.  相似文献   

The VHF radar at Jicamarca, Peru (12.0°S, 76.9°W) was used to probe the tropical lower stratosphere on 3–4 October and 6–8 December 1977. Velocity data obtained during these experiments exhibit features indicative of winds and waves in the stratosphere as follows:
  • 1.(1) The amplitude and phase of a diurnal oscillation in the observed horizontal wind compare well with theoretically predicted values of the solar diurnal tide. An observed semidiurnal oscillation differs considerably from theoretical values, although minimal phase variation with height is a fundamental property of both theory and observation. The observed vertical wind oscillations are larger than theoretical values of vertical tidal components, although the data is consistent with recent rocket observations.
  • 2.(2) Dominant velocity oscillations with periods near the Brunt-Väisälä period are frequently observed.
  • 3.(3) Downward phase progression of the westerly regime of the quasi-biennial wind oscillation is observed during the course of the two observations. A long-period oscillation with a period exceeding two days also appears to be superposed on the quasi-biennial oscillation.
  • 4.(4) Systematic differences are found between horizontal winds measured by the radar and those measured by rawinsondes launched from the Lima-Callao airport some 30 km west of Jicamarca.

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