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A brief historical review of the development of models of the ionospheric conductivities with special emphasis on high latitude regions and the auroral zone is presented. It is with great admiration that we must conclude that the physical understanding of the importance of the ionospheric conductances was well perceived by pioneers like Schuster and Birkeland a hundred years ago. Progress in the basic theoretical fundamentals was achieved in the late 1920s and 1930s. Realistic estimates were not derived until the first rocket probes measured the electron and ion content at different altitudes in the 1950s.Today we have a superior technique in resolving electron density profiles of high time and height resolution by incoherent scatter radars on the ground. The challenge that we are facing is to obtain global conductivity maps, especially at high latitudes, with a time and spatial resolution which match the details in auroral substorm phenomena. If that can be achieved, great progress in the understanding of detailed dynamical coupling in the ionosphere, magnetosphere, and thermosphere systems is expected. The imaging technique as demonstrated by the DE-satellite can be the tool which eventually materializes our desires for increased knowledge.  相似文献   

Eighteen days of EISCAT data were used in a systematic study of the high latitude trough. Apart from a few days at midwinter, the pattern was the same in all cases. Near midnight the reversal of plasma flow from westward to eastward caused significant frictional heating of the ion population. At the same time a strong plasma velocity was observed upwards along the magnetic field line. This was the result of
  • 1.(i) a southward neutral wind
  • 2.(ii) a vertical wind driven by Joule heating
  • 3.(iii) diffusion. Both enhanced recombination—associated with the increase in ion temperature—and the escape of plasma along the field line contribute to the drop in electron density.

The undisturbed ambient total electron content of the ionosphere in the equatorial region exhibits two characteristic features:
  • 1.(i) a longitudinal behavior of the post-sunset variation of the ionization near the crests of the equatorial anomaly
  • 2.(ii) an enhancement at lower latitudes following the post-sunset decay. During high solar activity periods the southern crest of the equatorial anomaly in the African longitude sector is characterized by a post-sunset maximum often exceeding the afternoon maximum. In the Indian and other longitude zones, the post-sunset peak is not so prominent. Instead, a ledge is obtained in the corresponding local time period. At lower magnetic latitudes, the ionization decays very rapidly around sunset, but an enhancement lasting 2–4 h is observed afterwards.
Numerical solution of the plasma continuity equation, including the effects of ionization production by solar ultraviolet radiation, loss through charge exchange and transport by diffusion, electrodynamic drift and neutral wind, has been used to investigate the above two features. It is found that the pre-reversal peak of the E × B drift at the magnetic equator around sunset is the dominant mechanism responsible for the post-sunset behavior near the crests of the equatorial anomaly. The zonal wind causes an asymmetry of the total content in the northern and southern hemispheres. In African longitudes, where the magnetic declination is about 20°W, the southern crest is more developed at the expense of the northern counterpart. The north-south asymmetry is practically absent in the Asian sector, with its low (< 5°) declination angle. In the Pacific area, an easterly declination (about 9°E) results in a higher post-sunset ionization at the northern crest, although the asymmetry is less pronounced than that in the African zone. The night-time enhancement at lower latitudes has been found to be controlled by the post-sunset increase in the vertical drift, possibly also modulated by the neutral wind.  相似文献   

A large foF2 data base has been collected for the two great storms occurring in March and October 1989. Plots of foF2 deviations versus time and latitude show the large depressions cannot be caused by a composition change alone; the storm induced dynamo electric field must also play an important role, especially for low latitudes. The observed ionospheric response is hemispherically asymmetric, with the autumnal hemisphere suffering a longer lasting, more latitudinally extended, and deeper depression.  相似文献   

For the approximation of a parabolic ionospheric layer, the relation between the fluctuation amplitude of radio phase path in HF vertical sounding and sinusoidal disturbance parameters has been found. Horizontal disturbance propagation has not been considered. The determining factors are the relation of the vertical wavelength of the disturbance to the half-thickness of the layer and between operating and critical frequency.  相似文献   

A coordinated experiment involving scintillation observations using NNSS satellites and special program measurements with the EISCAT ionospheric radar facility is described. The results reveal the presence of sub-kilometre scale irregularities in the vicinity of a long lived steep equatorwards gradient in electron density. Evidence is presented of a southwards plasma flow which would cause the gradient to be unstable to the E Λ B gradient-drift mechanism. An instability growth time of about 4 min has been estimated from the observations. Cooler electron temperatures associated with enhanced densities rules out soft particle precipitation as an irregularity source in this case.  相似文献   

Hourly values of IEC and of f0F2 (critical frequency) for a low latitude station, Hawaii (21.2°N, 157.7°W), during the solar maxima (1969 and 1981) and minima (1965 and 1985) years of two consecutive solar cycles, 20 and 21, are used to study the day to day variabilities of the ionospheric parameters IEC and NP. It is found that there is good correspondence in the day to day variations of IEC and NP from one solar cycle to the other for both solar maximum and minimum years in the two solar cycles. Depending on solar phase and season, while the mean daytime IEC and NP variations range from about 20% to 35%, the mean night time values vary from about 25% to 60%. The mean daytime variations in NP for the solar minimum phase are remarkably higher in all the three seasons compared to the solar maximum phase. However, no such increase is observed in the mean daytime IEC variations, indicating the highly variable nature of the daytime ionospheric F region compared to the topside during solar minimum for this low latitude station. The winter night time IEC also seems to be a relatively stable parameter during the solar minimum. The short term day to day variabilities of the day time peak values of IEC and NP (ie IECmax and NPmax) are not closely associated with the variations in F10.7 solar flux. Contrary to the common expectation, the variabilities in both the parameters, particularly in NPmax, are somewhat reduced during the solar maximum (when the variability in F10.7 solar flux is much higher compared to the solar minimum) which is more evident in the stronger 21 solar cycle. A larger number of significant components are seen in the spectra of the percentage variation of both IECmax and NPmax during both solar phases of the two solar cycles compared to the corresponding F10.7 solar flux spectra. The number of additional components for both the parameters with periods less than 15 days are more for the low solar activity years than for the solar maximum years.  相似文献   

Whistler mode group delays observed at Faraday, Antarctica (65° S, 64° W) and Dunedin, New Zealand (46° S, 171° E) show sudden increases of the order of hundreds of milliseconds within 15 minutes. These events (‘discontinuities’) are observed during sunrise or sunset at the duct entry regions, close to the receiver's conjugate point. The sudden increase in group delay can be explained as a tilting of the up-going wave towards the sun by horizontal electron density gradients associated with the passage of the dawn/dusk terminator. The waves become trapped into higher L-shell ducts. The majority of the events are seen during June-August and can be understood in terms of the orientation of the terminator with respect to the field aligned ducts. The position of the source VLF transmitter relative to the duct entry region is found to be important in determining the contribution of ionospheric electron density gradients to the L-shell distribution of the whistler mode signals.  相似文献   

High frequency waves incident on an overdense ionosphere (i.e. HF < penetration frequency) are known to produce large-scale irregularities with scale sizes of several hundred meters in the F-region of the ionosphere. Three observations of radio star intensity fluctuations at UHF are reported for HF ionospheric modification experiments performed at the Arecibo Observatory. Two observations at 430 MHz and one observation at 1400 MHz indicate that the thin phase screen theory is a good approximation to the observed power spectra. However, the theory has to be extended to include antenna filtering. Such filtering is important for UHF radio star scintillations since the antenna usually has a narrow beam width. HF power densities of less than 37 μW m−2 incident on the ionosphere produce electron density irregularities larger than 13% of the ambient density (at 260 km) having scale sizes of ~510 m perpendicular to the geomagnetic field. The irregularities form within 20–25 s after the HF power is turned on. From the observed power spectra driftvelocities of the irregularities can be estimated.  相似文献   

Using satellite radio beacon transmissions, travelling ionospheric disturbances have been observed in the electron content at L = 4. Waves are a common feature at this latitude, present for at least 98% of all daylight hours. The amplitude is usually 1–4% of the mean electron content and periods range between 15 and 90 minutes. Simultaneous observation of two satellite beacons, giving an effective east-west separation of 350 km, indicated apparent east-to-west velocities of 200–700 m/s.A search was made for a likely source of the waves, using data from magnetometers and riometers, from incoherent scatter radar measurements of Joule heating, and from orbiting satellite measurements of electron influx, but no definite source could be established.It is also shown that travelling disturbances are closely related to occurrences of spread-F on ionograms at high latitudes.  相似文献   

Data from the Fabry-Perot Interferometer and Dynasonde at Halley (75.5°S, 26.6°W, L ∼ 4.2), Antarctica, have been used to calculate the forces acting on the high latitude thermosphere. Two case studies of the forces have been undertaken to study why the thermospheric zonal wind speeds are typically so different on nights with different geomagnetic activity. One case study analyses the forces on a geomagnetically active night and the other analyses them on a geomagnetically quiet night. Even on the geomagnetically active night, it is found that the ion drag force is not necessarily the largest force at any one time. Simple comparison of the magnitudes of the forces does not make it very clear which ones dominate in controlling the motion of the thermosphere. This can be seen more clearly by rewriting the momentum equation so that the neutral velocity is expressed in terms of the ion velocity, and the other forces normalized by the ion density. It then becomes clear that, in the evening, the differences in the neutral velocity are due to increases in both ion density and ion velocity, while in the morning, only changes in ion density are important. Thus, although the ion drag force is often not the largest force, it appears that changes in it can account for the variations in neutral velocity between the two nights that were studied.It has also been shown as part of the analysis that whether or not the viscosity needs to be considered when calculating the ion drag force at an altitude of 240 km depends on the ion density profile. If the profile has a single peak then it is only necessary to consider the ion density at 240 km. It is, however, possible that just considering the ion density at this altitude may lead to an underestimate of the effective ion drag force if more than one peak is present.  相似文献   

Following a short duration density enhancement in the solar wind, observed by the AMPTE/IRM spacecraft, transient disturbances appeared in the polar ionosphere in the prenoon local time sector which were identified as Travelling Convection Vortices (TCV). This event has been studied intensively by combining radar and magnetometer observations. EISCAT radar was operated in the special programme U.K.-POLAR which provides F-region plasma parameters from invariant latitudes around 72° at a rate of one sample per 15 s. The combined data set provides a detailed picture of the drift pattern of the plasma and the three-dimensional current distribution. There are two Hall current eddies drifting westward at a speed of 0.15° s−1. The leading one circulating clockwise is associated with a downward field-aligned current and the oppositely circulating eddy with an upward current. The ionospheric conductivity seems to be enhanced in the leading vortex compared to the trailing, although the latter is connected to an upward field-aligned current. Still unexplained is the mechanism generating the electric field which drives the vortices. The direction of the electric field observed in the ionosphere is opposite to that expected if the source were a compression of the magnetosphere.  相似文献   

In November and December 1979 the solar 10.7 cm radio flux density, sunspot number, X-ray flux and EUV flux were high and very variable. The day-to-day variations of noon F2-layer height and Elayer electron density at three ionosonde stations (Slough, Port Stanley and Huancayo) are found to be well correlated with the day-to-day variations of solar activity. The short-term E- and F-layer variations are consistent with those derived from longer-term studies.  相似文献   

Data taken by EISCAT are presented as contours of electron density, ion and electron temperature and plasma velocity versus invariant latitude and local magnetic time.Three nights near midsummer were studied and in each case a trough in electron density occurred north of invariant latitude 64° shortly after local midnight (MLT 0200) and remained a prominent feature for about 3 h before moving poleward. The minimum in electron density was associated with a marked increase in ion temperature, but the electron temperature showed litttle change. In this respect the high latitude trough is clearly different from the mid-latitude trough.Full velocity measurements were not available for all three nights, but it seems that the appearance of the trough followed the start of a strong eastward plasma velocity combined with a strong upward velocity along the magnetic field line. The sudden change in plasma velocity causes frictional heating, which explains the increase in ion temperature. Upward plasma velocity is a major factor in the formation of the trough, with enhanced recombination making a smaller contribution.  相似文献   

In this paper EISCAT observations of the effect of artificial modification on the F-region electron temperature and electron density during several heating experiments at Tromsø are reported. During O-mode heating at full power (ERP = 240 MW) the electron temperature is increased by up to 55% of its ambient value at altitudes close to the heater interaction height. Measurements of the electron density have revealed both enhancements and depletions in the vicinity of the heater reflection height. These differences are indicative of variations in the balance between the transport and chemical effects. These results are compared with a time dependent numerical model developed from the perturbation equations of Vas'kov and Gurevich [(1975) Geomagn. Aeron.15, 51]. The results of numerical modelling of the electron temperature are in good agreement with the EISCAT observations, whereas there is less good agreement with regard to electron density.  相似文献   

Recent investigations of the electrode effect and the phenomenon of bubble electrification processes at the air-sea interface throw doubt on the applicability of using surface atmospheric electric observations made at sea by the Carnegie for proving the latitude effect in the columnar resistance of the atmosphere. Conduction current measurements were taken on flights during a period of decades by two instrumented aircraft in oceanic areas remote from sources of pollution. A composite of these measurements is given and confirms the notion that there is a latitude variation in air-Earth current. With the reasonable assumptions of an equal ionospheric potential and either low concentrations of Aitken nuclei or at least suitably small variations in their density with respect to latitude, the observed variation is apparently the integrated result of the Earth's magnetic field acting on cosmic ray activity throughout the troposphere.  相似文献   

In studies of the high latitude thermospheric movements caused by electromagnetic fields, the driving source in the magnetosphere is usually treated as a voltage source. There may be situations where the driving source can be treated as a current source. The transient behaviours of the thermospheric movement due to the two sources are quite different. We illustrate this.  相似文献   

The parametric interaction between right-hand circularly polarized electron cyclotron waves as well as non-resonant density and temperature perturbations is considered by taking into account the radiation pressure and the differential Joule heating nonlinearities. A nonlinear dispersion relation, which admits a new class of thermal parametric instabilities for the case in which Joule heating nonlinearity far exceeds the radiation pressure, is derived. It is found that the temperature and density fluctuations are rapidly driven when the pump frequency is close to the electron gyrofrequency. The relevance of our investigation to enhanced density and temperature fluctuations due to the action of high power HF radio waves in the Earth's ionosphere is pointed out.  相似文献   

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