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Radar wind measurements made at Adelaide (35°S, 138°E) and Kyoto (35°N, 136°E) are used to construct climatologies of solar tidal wind motions in the 80–185 km region. The climatologies, in the form of contour plots of amplitude and phase of the diurnal (24 h) and semidiurnal (12 h) tides, show that there are significant asymmetries between Adelaide and Kyoto. The amplitude of the diurnal tide is significantly larger at Adelaide than at Kyoto. At both stations the phase changes in a systematic way with lime such that the phases of the zonal wind components tend to be in anti-phase at the solstices. At Adelaide, there is more evidence of the propagating (1,1) diurnal mode. At both stations, the semidiurnal tide is strongest and has the longest vertical wavelengths (>100 km) in late summer; short vertical wavelength (~ 50–80 km) oscillations are most in evidence in winter. In order to place the Adelaide and Kyoto observations in context they are compared with observations made at other latitudes and with recent numerical simulations. There is encouraging agreement between the observations and models, especially for the semidiurnal tide.  相似文献   

Evidence for a temperature variation above about 55 km between years of high and low solar activity is found in rocket data of Volgograd (49°N, 44°E) 1969–1983, reaching a solar-cycle amplitude of 6K, whereas below 55 km no statistically significant solar cycle effect is detected. This mesospheric temperature variation is in qualitative agreement with a pressure variation at 80 km derived from lower ionosphere radio reflection heights near 51°N, 13°E, measured at Kühlungsborn/GDR, covering almost two solar cycles. When the solar cycle variation has been removed from these 80 km pressure data by means of a regression analysis, there remains a quasi-cycle of about 20 yr, which agrees well with observations of a general cooling of the northern mid-latitude stratosphere between 1965 and 1977, reported by other authors.  相似文献   

The resonance line of lithium at 6708 Å, emitted from the mesopause during twilight, is reported to have sporadically an intensity of 100 R, and the intensity variation exceeds a factor of 4 in 24 h. The peak intensity is an order of magnitude higher than the average intensity observed at mid-latitudes. We believe that the high average lithium densities in the Arctic are mostly due to meridional transport, and that the sporadically occurring extremely high intensities are caused by meteor showers.  相似文献   

A brief outline is given of the experimental technique used during the Cold Arctic Mesopause Project to record the first D-region ion line spectra with the EISCAT incoherent scatter radar. The data analysis shows that echoes from mesospheric heights between about 70 km and 90 km can be detected during disturbed periods of enhanced electron density during particle precipitation events. Electron density profiles were determined which show a fairly high density, up to 5 × 1010 m−3 in the upper D-region. The measured meridional winds were lower than 10 m s−1. A fit of the measured height profile of spectral width to temperature and neutral density models yielded a measured temperature profile in good agreement with simultaneous rocket data. The mesopause temperature was determined to be as low as 130 K. This detailed analysis of the spectral width profile indicates that below about 77–80 km the ratio of negative ions to electrons exceeded unity. Finally, some discussions are added on the limitations and significance of these first mesosphere observations.  相似文献   

The seasonal behavior of low latitude mesospheric ozone, as observed by the SMM satellite solar occultation experiment, is detailed for the 1985–1989 period. Annual as well as semi-annual waves are observed in the 50–70 km altitude region. In the latitude range of ±30 the ozone phase and amplitude are functions of temperature and seasonal changes in solar flux. Temperature is the controlling factor for the equatorial region and seasonal changes in solar flux become more dominant at latitudes outside the equatorial zone (greater than ±15). There is a hemispheric asymmetry in the ozone annual wave in the 20 30 region, with northern hemispheric ozone having a larger amplitude than southern hemispheric ozone. In this region temperature is nearly in phase with ozone in both hemispheres and is reduced in amplitude in the northern hemisphere. The equatorial region is characterized by a strong semi-annual wave in addition to the annual variation, and temperature is nearly out of phase with ozone. At all latitudes there is a larger ozone concentration at sunrise than at sunset. The sunrise sunset difference increases with increasing altitude  相似文献   

Long series of laser sounding of the sodium layer have been performed at Heyss Island (80.4°N) during the polar winters of 1977–1978 and 1978–1979. The measurements show large and rapid variations of the sodium total content (a factor of 2, about 1000s). Those variations and the correlated modification of the sodium layer could be interpreted as the response of the layer to internal gravity waves.  相似文献   

In an earlier paper, we showed that charged aerosols play a crucial role in enhancing radar echoes from the summer polar mesosphere through reduced diffusion turbulent scatter and dressed aerosol scatter (Cho et al., 1992a). Here, we explore the effects of charged aerosols on radar scatter through ‘fossil’ turbulence and electron density depletion layers. We find that the former can produce radar scatter even after the decay of neutral gas turbulence, while the latter, which are probably produced by the scavenging of free electrons by ice particles, are a candidate for causing partial reflection or Fresnel scatter. Furthermore, we examine the mutual aerosol interaction restriction on dressed aerosol scatter more closely. We find that a high ambient electron density and low aerosol number density are needed for effective dressed aerosol scatter to occur. We then show that very small (less than 1 nm radii), negatively charged aerosols enhance electron diffusivity, and thus inhibit radar scatter. Also, ice aerosol sedimentation, in the light of the reduced diffusion theory, leads us to conclude that the statistical peak in Polar Mesospheric Summer Echoes (PMSE) power should be located between the mean mesopause and the average noctilucent cloud (NLC) height, which agrees with observations. Finally, we invoke time lags in the ice particle formation cycle to account for the observed non-correlation between PMSE and NLC occurrence.  相似文献   

Atmospheric sodium has been observed over Urbana (40°10′N, 88°10′W) using a monostatic lidar tuned to 589.0 nm. The photocount data are processed using digital smoothing filters to obtain continuous estimates of the sodium density versus altitude. The filter cutoff frequency is related to the height resolution and accuracy of the estimated profile. Wavelike structures in the sodium layer have been observed with typical wavelengths of 3–15 km and phase velocities of 1–3 m s−1. The layer is characterized by a sharp falloff on the bottomside and often an undulatory motion of the bottomside of the layer accompanies the wave motion. The topside gradient of the layer is frequently observed to decrease through the night.  相似文献   

Direct comparisons have been made of the prevailing and tidal wind fields observed in the 80–100 km height region using data obtained with a meteor radar at Kyoto (35°N, 136°E) and a partial reflection spaced antenna system at Adelaide (35°S, 138°E). Data taken with a partial reflection system at Townsville (19°S, 147°E) has also been included so that the latitudinal variations of the tidal structures could be taken into account. The comparisons extend over periods of up to one month duration centered on the equinoxes of 1979 and the January solstice of 1980. They show that there are often significant differences in the tidal amplitudes and phases observed at Kyoto and Adelaide, despite their near geographic conjugacy, probably indicating the presence of antisymmetrical tidal modes. The diurnal tide is appreciably stronger at Adelaide on the average, than at Kyoto, whereas the semi-diurnal amplitudes are on the average greater at Kyoto.  相似文献   

A large set of temperature profiles has been obtained in the upper stratosphere and the mesosphere over Europe during the MAP/WINE compaign by the use of different techniques: datasondes and falling spheres launched by metrockets, ground-based OH spectrometers and a Rayleigh lidar. These data have been used to study the large scale variability of the middle atmosphere during the winter 1983–1984. The temperature variations with periods longer than 25 days are clearly related to the succession of minor upper stratospheric warmings observed during this winter. The variations in the period range 10–20 days are at least partially due to westward propagating Rossby waves, of which one mode, with a 12.5 days period, is tentatively identified as the second symmetric mode of the wave number 2.  相似文献   

From April 1984 to April 1985 a microwave radiometer was operated at Bern (Switzerland, latitude 47°N) measuring the thermal emission of the rotational ozone transition at 142.2 GHz to determine stratospheric and mesospheric ozone abundances in the range ~25–~75 km altitude. From a total of 334 retrieved day-time profiles, monthly mean ozone partial pressures for Umkehr layers 6–10 were calculated. On this basis ozone variations compare favorably with Umkehr data from the nearby Arosa (Switzerland, 150 km east of Bern) station and with a monthly zonal mean model compiled from satellite data by Keating and Young. From the microwave data an annual mean ozone distribution was determined. The method retrieves somewhat larger ozone volume mixing ratios between 25 and 30 km altitude. For the rest of the measurement range of the sensor there is good agreement with 20 year annual mean ozone values from Arosa, with the Krueger and Minzner profile and with the respective annual mean data given by Keating and Young. The microwave ozone sensor can easily be adapted for operational use, where it can supplement and expand the measurement range of the traditional Umkehr network.  相似文献   

The MF/HF partial-reflection technique of observing the mesosphere and lower thermosphere has been employed for more than two decades to measure motions, but there has never been complete agreement as to what motions were being detected. This paper reports on observations made during a major international campaign—AIDA '89—that was initiated with the objective of resolving this question.The partial-reflection system employed was an Imaging Doppler Interferometer operating at 3.175 MHz, but it stands here as a prototype for all MF/HF partial-reflection radar systems: its raw data were analyzed both in its own basic mode, derived on the assumption that it sees wind-borne multiple scattering centers and in modes adopted by other interferometric and ‘spaced antenna’ systems. The motions thus revealed are compared here with those found by what we consider to be more certain measurers of winds: an incoherent-scatteer radar at heights of 65–95 km, a meteor-wind radar at heights of 80–100 km and a Fabry-Perot interferometer measuring 0(1S) emissions near a height of 97 km.Comparisons of the different sets of observations oblige us to conclude that
  • 1.(1) MF/HF partial-reflection systems may be expected to give a good representation of ambient winds up to a height of about 80 km;
  • 2.(2) they fail to give a consistently reliable measurement of the ambient winds above a height of about 80 km
  • 3.(3) they yield, at the greater heights, what appears in our data to be some convolution of the horizontal phase velocities of atmospheric gravity waves, with the wave spectrum having been modified by passage through the underlying wind system and containing, on occasion, locally generated Kelvin-Helmholtz waves; and
  • 4.(4) when the underlying winds change, the local wave spectrum will change in response and, in MF/HF partial-reflection measurements, will give the appearance of a changing local wind: if the underlying winds undergo tidal changes, the wave spectrum will undergo tide-like changes that will masquerade as true tidal winds.
These results are, of course, limited to a single site over a limited period of observation. Nevertheless, taken at face value they suggest that current methods of data reduction are inappropriate for partial-reflection velocities at heights above 80 km and that new methods of data reduction, perhaps extending certain older methods that have been applied successfully in the past to total-reflection measurements, should be employed in their place if the full potential of the MF/HF partial-reflecton technique is to be realized.  相似文献   

The results of an analysis of mesospheric wind data collected simultaneously at Grahamstown (South Africa) and Adelaide (South Australia) during the summer appearances of the quasi-two-day wave over a period of eight years are presented and discussed. It is concluded that the apparent zonal wave-number k which characterises the westward travelling wave is significantly less than the value of 3 suggested by current theories. Differences in local conditions and/or observing techniques are found to be unlikely causes of the discrepancy. It is shown that these results, as well as certain global features observed by satellite, could arise as a result of the superposition of modes with different k but similar frequencies.  相似文献   

From lidar observations of relative atmospheric density above Aberystwyth (52.4°N, 4.1°W) upper stratospheric and mesospheric temperatures have been derived for a total of 93 nights between December 1982 and February 1985. Excellent agreement was found between radiances synthesised from these temperatures and those measured by satellite-borne instruments. Summer temperatures showed a smooth and regular variation with altitude and reasonably good agreement with the CIRA (1972) model atmosphere. By contrast, winter temperatures showed a much greater variability with altitude and greater changes from night to night, with the frequent occurrence of a large amplitude wave-like perturbation in the mesosphere with about 15 km vertical wavelength and amplitude about 20K between 60 and 80 km.Pronounced warmings of the stratosphere were observed during the three winters of observation. During the warming event occurring in early February 1983 the stratopause temperature increased to 303K at 43 km, while the major warming event of late December 1984/early January 1985 produced a stratospheric temperature gradient of 16K km−1 between 34 and 36 km. During the latter event a distinct local temperature minimum at 32.6 km was observed on New Year's Eve, this descending to 29 km by the following night and being accompanied by a lowering of the stratopause from 43 to 38.5 km in the same period. These results demonstrate the ability of the present technique to resolve the high stratopause temperatures and steep stratospheric temperature gradients which occur during stratospheric warmings, in marked contrast to the limited resolution achieved by satellite experiments.  相似文献   

We present mesospheric backscattered VHF echo power and wind velocity data indicating the co-existence of a threefold strongly echoing layer and a wave motion, observed on 20 September 1985 with the MU radar at Shigaraki (34.9°N, 136.1°E), Japan. The echoing layers are clearly connected with the vertical and horizontal wind perturbations due to the wave. The analysis of the wind data have shown that the wave motion is due to an internal inertia-gravity wave with the vertical and horizontal wavelengths of 6 and 400 km, respectively, and period of 5.6 h. Evaluating the atmospheric stability in the wave field with the estimated wave parameters, the echoing layers are shown to be consistent with statically stable regions generated by the wave. It is suggested from our results that Fresnel scattering is a dominant echoing mechanism for a VHF radar beam in the mesosphere, as well as in the lower stratosphere.  相似文献   

Forty-one days of measurements of the upward flux of zonal momentum associated with internal atmospheric gravity waves propagating in the upper mesosphere and lower thermosphere, made in thirteen 2–5 day periods, in each season, for the years 1981 and 1982 are presented, and the zonal mean flow acceleration is calculated for each period. For five periods of observation the upward fluxes of both zonal and meridional momentum are presented and for these, the total mean flow acceleration is calculated. When averaged over periods of 2–5 days, the magnitude of the upward flux of zonal momentum is typically less than about 3 m2 s−1, with the largest values tending to occur in the summer and winter months, suggesting a semi-annual variation with minima at the equinoxes, although large fluctuations in magnitude and sign are possible. About 70% of the upward flux of horizontal momentum appears to be due to motions with periods less than 1 h and their contribution to the mean flow acceleration is comparable. The zonal mean flow acceleration is often in the correct sense, and of sufficient magnitude, to decelerate the zonal wind component and to balance the Coriolis torque due to the mean meridional wind, when experimental uncertainties are taken into account. When averaged over periods of around 3 days, zonal mean flow accelerations with magnitudes of up to 190 m s−1 day−1 were calculated, but more typical values are between 50 and 80 m s−1 day−1. Magnitudes of the meridional and zonal mean flow accelerations were found to be similar, so that the total mean flow acceleration is not aligned with the zonal direction in general.  相似文献   

The upper mesospheric and lower thermospheric airglow emissions, OI 557.7 nm, NaD 589.3 mn and the OH (9,4) band and its rotational temperature have been measured using a ground-based multichannel airglow photometer located at Fortaleza (3.9°S, 38.4°W) since 1986. The observed emission intensities show predominantly semi-annual oscillations with maxima at the equinoxes and minima during the solstices. The amplitudes of the oscillations are larger than those observed from the low latitude station, Cachoeira Paulista (22.7°S, 45.0°W). The OH rotational temperature, which represents a gas kinetic atmospheric temperature at around 85–95 km, also shows a strong semi-annual oscillation, 18 K peak to peak, with an. average value around 10 K higher than that observed from Cachoeira Paulista. These results do not agree with model atmospheres presently available. It is suggested that the differences result from the effects of seasonal variations in vertical eddy transport and/or meridional circulation.  相似文献   

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