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A large number of D- and E-region electron density profiles from high latitudes have been analysed. These were derived from rocket-borne wave propagation experiments and—after careful screening—arranged according to riometer absorption. Statistical profiles for various degrees of absorption, including 0 dB, were established both for day and night. Furthermore, the height region predominantly contributing to the absorption has been identified. Finally a mean variation of the density of negative ions has been derived.  相似文献   

Sudden bursts of plasma velocity, including an equatorward component, are often observed by EISCAT in the evening and midnight sectors. Typically, these bursts last for about 3–7 min, and are repeated in a quasi-periodic sequence. Quasi-periodic equatorward bursts are also observed by the SABRE coherent scatter radar and these measurements confirm that the pattern can extend over several degrees of latitude and at least 10° of longitude.  相似文献   

A theoretical model is described which predicts electron temperature in the day-time F-region above EISCAT on geomagnetically quiet days, given the observed values of electron concentration, ion temperature and heat conduction, the daily average of solar radiation at 10.7cm and the MSIS-86 model of the neutral atmosphere. The values predicted by the model agree very closely with the observed temperatures, both for average conditions and for individual days. On two occasions the onset of a geomagnetic disturbance after a period of quiet conditions was accompanied by a growing divergence between the predicted and observed values, which corresponds to an additional source of electron heating such as would be provided by low energy particle precipitation.  相似文献   

The flux and pitch angle distribution of energetic electrons near the loss cone have been investigated over the energy range 15–300 keV, using measurements on the geosynchronous satellite GEOS-2 at the times of auroral radio absorption events detected by riometers in Scandinavia. It is shown that conditions of strong pitch angle diffusion apply only during the most intense absorption events ( 6 dB at 30 MHz) which are relatively infrequent. During most events the loss cone is partially depleted, with the degree of depletion increasing as the absorption becomes weaker. The variation of the pitch angle diffusion coefficient with the observed radio absorption is estimated. A consequence of loss cone depletion is a tendency to overestimate the smaller events when computing the radio absorption from flux measurements in the 0°–5° range of detector pointing angles. An empirical law is derived which enables the computation of radio absorption consistent with measurements. D-region recombination laws are discussed and limits are set on the height profile of the effective recombination coefficient.  相似文献   

Ionospheric electron content was monitored from sites in or near Tromsø, Norway, for six months of 1993, using the transmissions from the satellites of the Global Positioning System (GPS). The data have been used for preliminary studies of two important phenomena of the high-latitude ionosphere: the main trough and the incidence of large irregularities. The latitude and motion of the trough were determined on several occasions during the spring period, and the results compared with previous data. Best agreement is with the formula of Collis and Haggstrom (1988). The incidence of large irregularities was surveyed during a four-month period, approximately from the summer solstice to the autumnal equinox, and the variation with time of day and magnetic activity has been determined. It was found that irregularities are considerably larger by night than by day, but that they are enhanced during both periods by increased magnetic activity. Statistical results are presented. It is suggested that these irregularities are the same as the “auroral blobs” previously studied by incoherent-scatter radar.  相似文献   

An attempt is made to reconcile two competing views as to where the auroral distribution maps from in the magnetosphere. The structure of the aurora is shown to have two distinctive parts which vary according to the magnetic activity. The low latitude portion of the structured distribution may be a near-Earth central plasma sheet phenomenon while the high latitude portion is linked more closely to boundary layer processes. During quiet times, the polar arcs may be the ionospheric signature of a source region in the deep tail low latitude boundary layer/cool plasma sheet. The structured portion of the ‘oval’ has a dominantly near-Earth nightside source and corresponds to an overlap region between isotropic 1–10 keV electrons and 0.1–1 keV structured electrons. The ionospheric local time sector between 13 and 18 MLT is the meeting point between the dayside boundary layer source region and this near-Earth nightside source. Late in the substorm expansion phase and/or start of the substorm recovery phase, the nightside magnetospheric boundaries (both the low latitude and Plasma Sheet Boundary Layers) begin to play an increasingly important role, resulting in an auroral distribution specific to the substorm recovery phase. These auroral observations provide a means of inferring important information concerning magnetospheric topology.  相似文献   

In a previous paper we demonstrated a method by which the auroral radio absorption measured with a riometer can be predicted from energetic electron measurements at geosynchronous orbit. The present paper enquires to what extent the process can be inverted: what levels of magnetospheric electron flux, and of D-region production rate, electron density and incremental absorption, are predicted by a given measurement of radio absorption and what reliance can be placed on such predictions?Using data from 45 precipitation features recorded with riometers in Scandinavia and at geosynchronous orbit with GEOS-2, it is shown that electron fluxes in the ranges 20–40,40–80 and 80–160 keV increase with increasing absorption and can be predicted to better than 50% for absorption events of 2 dB or greater. Electrons above 160 keV show little or no correlation with absorption. D-region production rates and electron densities can be predicted to within factors of 2 and √2, respectively.It is more difficult to specify the height of the absorbing region because of uncertainly in the profile of the effective recombination coefficient. Having regard to other data, an αeff profile is proposed which satisfies rocket and incoherent scatter data as well as the present calculations. It is shown that any day-night variation in auroral absorption is associated with a change of spectrum rather than a change of recombination coefficient.  相似文献   

A spaced antenna partial reflection radar located at Mawson, Antarctica (67°S, 63°E, invariant latitude 70°S), has been used to measure the horizontal wind field in the height range 70–110 km. Three years of data (1985–1987) from the radar have been analysed in order to investigate correlations between geomagnetic activity (determined from the local K-index) and the horizontal wind. Results are analysed using a randomization technique and show that larger winds are measured during geomagnetically active periods in both the raw (or unfiltered) wind values and in the medium-frequency (2–6 h period) and high-frequency (1–3 h period) components. The raw winds tend to be shifted towards the geographic NW to NE quadrant in the early morning hours during high K-times. The observed correlation is seen down to 86 km and shows a seasonal dependence. The mean r.m.s. velocity of the radar scatterers and the angular spread of the return echoes are also found to be correlated with geomagnetic activity. The medium- and high-frequency components of the wind are polarized in the magnetic zonal direction during all seasons of the year.  相似文献   

A scanning Fabry-Perot spectrometer (FPS), located at Mawson station, Antarctica (672S, 63°E, invariant latitude 70°S) was used to obtain vertical wind, temperature, and emission intensity measurements from the λ558 nm emission of atomic oxygen. The measured temperature is used to assign an approximate emission height to the observations. A spaced-antenna partial-reflection radar was run concurrently with the FPS from which the presence of enhanced ionization in the D-region could be inferred from the return heights and strengths of the echoes. Large upwards winds of approximately 30 m s−1, at altitudes less than 110 km, appear to be a direct response of the neutral atmosphere to intense auroral events. It is suggested that the observed upwelling is a result of particle heating at heights below the principal emission height. At higher altitudes, vertical winds of a similar magnitude are also measured during geomagnetically disturbed conditions, although here they do not appear to be associated with particular auroral events. In this case it is suggested that upwelling is produced by a combination of Joule and particle heating.  相似文献   

The observed discrepancies between A1 absorption meaurements and numerical estimation of the same using IRI electron density profiles are attributed to the assumption made in the Sen-Wyleer generalized magneto-ionic theory that the momentum transfer collision frequency of electrons with neutrals is proportional to the square of the electron thermal speed. Based on Budden's (1985) suggestion that, in the lower thermosphere and mesosphere, the momentum transfer collision frequency is proportional to the electron thermal speed, a generalized magneto-ionic theory has been outlined. The new theory brings experimental measurements of A1 absorption closer to the theoretical deductions based on IRI-90 electron density profiles.  相似文献   

EISCAT measurements of the electric field in the auroral electrojet are compared with the signature of TIDs propagating equatorward as observed by an HF-Doppler network. At night-time the onset of auroral activity is usually followed by the arrival of a TID at lower latitude. Cross-correlation of the time variations of the electric field measured by EISCAT and the frequency offset recorded by the HF-Doppler system confirms a relationship between the auroral activity and the gravity wave, indicating both the travel time and the periodicity of the wave. The relationship is especially close under quiet conditions when the cross-correlation coefficient is typically 60%, significant at 0.1%. When the observed electric field is used as input to a thermosphere-ionosphere coupled global model it predicts the time signature of the observed HF-Doppler variation reasonably well but seriously underestimates the amplitude of the disturbance. Examination of this discrepancy may lead to a better understanding of the mechanisms involved in the generation and propagation of atmospheric gravity waves.  相似文献   

<正>当盈月满载着团圆的喜悦占据了人们的心,中秋已近在咫尺。中秋节与春节、清明节、端午节并称为中国汉族的四大传统节日。2006年,经国务院批准,中秋节列入我国第一批国家级非物质文化遗产。中秋一词,最早见于《周礼》。因为古代帝王祭月的节期为农历八月十五,正值三秋之半,故名"中秋  相似文献   

Several theories have now been developed which deal with the saturation mechanism of the Farley-Buneman instability and also the heating effect of Farley-Buneman waves on E-region electrons. Various related phenomena, such as anomalous collisions, anomalous cross-field diffusion and non-zero aspect-angle propagation have been treated. In this paper, it is demonstrated how several of these features may be included in a single resonance broadening formalism. Using this approach, the effects of Farley-Buneman waves on the heating and dynamics of background ionospheric electrons is discussed. In addition the effects of anomalous parallel diffusion in the context of E-region Farley-Buneman waves is treated for the first time.  相似文献   

The velocity of the terminators may be used to calibrate the measurements of ionospheric movements and this has been successfully carried out for an H.F. radar system.  相似文献   

An intense solar proton event causing enhanced ionization in the ionospheric D-region occurred on 12 August 1989. The event was partially observed during three successive nights by the EISCAT UHF incoherent scatter radar at Ramfjordmoen near Tromsa, Norway. Ion production rates calculated from GOES-7 satellite measurements of proton flux and a detailed ion chemistry model of the D-region are used together with the radar data to deduce electron concentration, negative ion to electron concentration ratio, mean ion mass and neutral temperature in the height region from 70 to 90 km, at selected times which correspond to the maximum and minimum solar elevations occurring during the radar observations. The quantitative interpretation of EISCAT data as physical parameters is discussed. The obtained temperature values are compared with nearly simultaneous temperature measurements at Andøya based on lidar technique.  相似文献   


The Mangrove oyster [Crassostrea rhizophorae (Guilding, 1828)] was intensely harvested in the pre-Columbian era by an aboriginal group of hunters and gatherers known as the Ciboney who lived exclusively in Western Cuba. During a comprehensive study of mangrove oyster fishing areas it was of interest to compare the population characteristics under contemporary exploitation with those in pre-Columbian times and for that purpose two samples were used: one from a Ciboney midden in an archeological site 3 km inland from the Jaruco River mouth and another from a commercially exploited population in the ecologically similar Tacajó River. The samples were studied with a ‘shell classifier’ of original design resulting in a mean length of 51.8 ± 2.5 mm for the midden shells and 51.0 ± 3.1 mm for the contemporary sample. Both values were not statistically different for any P > 0.10 meaning that the two populations they came from had similar characteristics. It was also concluded that the Ciboney's manual harvesting exerted less negative anthropogenic pressure on the mangrove oysters’ populations than the contemporary commercial practices based on the use of metal instruments to gather the oysters along with the mangrove aerial roots they are attached to. This latter conclusion is based on the fact that oyster shells 41–80 mm long from the midden are 12% more abundant than in the modern sample, in spite of 500 years of weathering.  相似文献   

The planetary-scale circulation features have been analysed for the period 28 December 1975 to 11 February 1976 by means of radiosonde, rocketsonde, and satellite data (infrared radiances). Geostrophic horizontal winds, vertical motions, and amplitudes and phases of the planetary waves are provided from the stratosphere to the mesosphere (from 20 to 80 km). The development in time and space of the planetary-scale waves is discussed and it is shown how the ionospheric absorption over Spain and Germany during the Winter Anomaly Campaign is connected with these waves which can be traced from the stratosphere through the whole mesosphere.  相似文献   

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