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明末清前期我国烟草的主要产地及运销陶卫宁烟草于明中后期传入我国后,生逢其时,正赶上我国农业生产中商品经济的发展和资本主义生产关系的萌芽。于是,几乎是从一开始种植,它便具有了一种商业性农业的性质,参与进了商品流通的领域。福建省东南部漳泉一带是烟草传入我...  相似文献   

烟草,一个怪物。一方面,人们在提倡吸烟有害,禁止吸烟;一方面人们在大力发展着这一产业。一方面人人都知道吸烟有害;一方面成千上万的人钟爱它。这个“怪物”起于何处,来自哪里?烟草,中国本不产它。它是地地道道的舶来品,传到我国不过三、四百年的历史。烟草最早产于南美洲,距今至少也有两千年的历史了。1492年,哥伦布去到一个叫toba-co(西班牙语)的岛上,发现当地的印第安人把一种植物的叶子点燃起来,在它冒出缕缕烟雾时,拿一根管子伸入烟中,用嘴在管子的另一端吸,还不时将烟雾从鼻中喷出,这种情景使哥伦布一行感到十分惊奇有趣,于是把这种植物称作toba-co。传入中国后,最初把它译作“淡巴菇”。后来有的地方又叫它“淡肉果”、“担不归”、“金丝醺”“干酒”、“相思草”等。15世纪末,哥伦布将烟草带入欧洲,开始作为观赏作物在西班牙、葡萄牙种植。不久人们也学会了印第安人的吸烟方法。那时吸烟,还离不开烟管。直到19世纪七十年代,英、美发明了卷烟机,实现了卷烟的大规模生42产,才出现了香烟(又称卷烟、纸烟)。烟草传入中国大约有三条途径。一条是由葡萄牙人从欧洲经海路带到福建沿海地区种植传播;一条是中国商人和华侨从吕宋国(今菲律宾)贩...  相似文献   

烟草,美洲物种,明代中后期从中国东南、南部沿海传入我国大陆地区,此后逐渐向内陆传播。烟农栽种烟叶,待收获后卖给烟坊,作为增加家庭收入的重要来源。  相似文献   

继《广西合浦上窑窑址发掘简报》提出“在明万历年间由菲律宾传入我国福建、广东一带烟草之前,很可能莆萄牙人已将烟草带进两广一带”的推论之后①,《广西合浦明代窑址内发现瓷烟斗谈及烟草传入我国的时间》一文进而确认“烟草最早是在广西合浦沿海上岸栽培”,然后“很快就传遍广西境内”,并由“两广士兵把烟草带到东北、华北”,等等②。这一观点既刷新了关于烟草传入我国时间的历史旧见,又具体了烟草传入我国的地点以及最早传入华北、东北的途径,自然让海内外史学界,特别是研究烟草的学者欣喜。但同时也有存疑者。笔者就认为,支持…  相似文献   

烟草 ,属茄科 ,为一年生草本植物 ,原产于美洲 ,印第安人有吸食之习惯 ,哥伦布发现新大陆后逐渐传入欧洲 ,在明代传入我国 ,努尔哈赤及皇太极统治时期 ,由于与汉人接触增多 ,在其统治区内也开始有人私下种植及吸食。崇德四年 (16 39年 ) ,户部奉皇太极谕令 ,颁布告示禁止官员人等栽种及吸食烟草 ,规定违犯者将严加治罪。本期封面书影即出自辽宁省档案馆藏崇德四年户部禁止栽种丹白桂的告示 ,“丹白桂”为满文“dambagu”之汉文音译 ,其汉意即为“烟草”,告示原文为满汉合璧 ,左满文右汉文 ,中钤满文篆字“户部之印”,是现存较早的珍贵满文档…  相似文献   

明清时期河南省部分经济作物的种植与分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
明清时期河南省油料作物主要有花生和芝麻两种,花生明中期传入中国,清代在河南广泛种植。芝麻汉代从西域传入,明清时期在河南广为分布。这两者今日在河南省的经济作物种植中仍占重要地位。染料作物中蓝草和红花均为传统作物,种植历史悠久,分布广泛。从明至清,种植之风方兴未艾。两者在清末均由于受到外来染料的冲击而中落,此后再也未能恢复到原来的水平。嗜食作物中的罂粟,清咸丰年间开始在河南省广泛栽种,后因国人的抗议,在民国年间禁种。烟草和茶叶的种植不惟明清时期就有一定的规模,且一直持续发展,为今日河南省以许昌为中心的烤烟基地和以信阳为中心的茶叶基地的建设和发展创造了条件、奠定了基础。  相似文献   

辣椒传入中国已有400余年,在栽培传播过程中,辣椒获得了40余种地方名称。现对中国方志记载的辣椒地方名称进行梳理,对其记载时期、覆盖区域范围等进行分析后发现:"番椒"和"秦椒"是最能体现辣椒传播扩散过程的地方名称;从世界范围看,辣椒传入中国是迁移传播,在中国本土的传播扩散具有扩展扩散的特征;早期,辣椒传入中国形成了两个主要传播中心,即北方地区以陕西、河北、山东为中心,南方地区以福建、广东、台湾为中心。  相似文献   

佛教自汉代传入我国,至唐代得到广泛的传播和发展,不仅于中州大地,就是塞外北疆,其盛行发展之猛,信奉教徒之众,流传地域之广,也是前所未有的。唐代,由于唐朝政府对佛教的重视与传播,以湖光山色著称的镜  相似文献   

《漳州市烟草志》是地方行业志,记载漳州市烟草全行业429年演变历史与现状及其各阶段特点,再现漳州市的烟草传入与传播、烟草种植、烟草加工、烟叶(丝)购销、卷烟营销、卷烟营销网络(流程)、烟草专卖管理、打击制售假冒商标卷烟、烟草科技、烟草社团工作、烟政管理和烟人烟事的史况与现状及其特点.  相似文献   

付超 《收藏家》2011,(8):65-68
烟草的享用对人类的影响是深刻的,自1492年哥伦布发现南美新大陆后将其带回欧洲,从此风靡世界各地。据历史文献记载,在16世纪烟草传人我国,经过400余年的种植和传播,烟草在我国的分布已经十分广泛。  相似文献   

成立于战国后期的日本茶道(初期称为“茶汤”或“佗茶”),虽然在形式上与南北朝时的“婆娑罗寄合”这种喧闹、奢靡的饮茶之风迥然不同,甚至与室町幕府的将军所举行的茶会也有很大的差异,但是禅的精神的融入,正是对“婆娑罗寄合”的一种反省与反动,而室町幕府茶会中的“唐物数寄”、以建盏天目茶碗为代表的“茶具足”和“书院座敷”这三个基本文化元素,是后来日本的茶道得以成立的非常重要的前提条件。“书院座敷”构成了茶道得以展开的基本空间,“茶具足”是茶道得以进行的基本器具,而“唐物数寄”则是使整个茶道活动充满了优雅文化气息的基本组成。  相似文献   

The Grenville Act of 1770 was designed to prevent justice being ‘sacrificed to numbers’ when election petitions came before the Commons. The fate of the petition following the Morpeth election of 1768 illustrates how ministerial and other powerful influences, as well as prejudice, could determine the result, the votes of freemen who had gained their rights by peremptory writs of mandamus from the court of king's bench being declared invalid because they had not been admitted to their freedom in the customary manner. At the 1774 election, the partisan returning officers rejected many votes, but a riot forced them to return the candidates having a majority with these votes. When petitions complaining of a forced return and counter petitions alleging bribery and corruption came to the Commons, a party succeeded in postponing to a distant date a hearing on the merits of the election, and in restricting the remit to the committee chosen under the Grenville Act. One of the sitting members was unseated but allowed to petition on the merits, but parliament was prorogued before his petition was heard. On renewing it in the next session, he made substantial alterations which were challenged and a committee was appointed to investigate. All who came to the committee were to have voices, and, realising that his cause was thereby rendered hopeless, the petitioner withdrew his petition. Thus a party in the House was still able to exert influence and, on this occasion, to bypass the Grenville Act, which, however, in other cases evidently proved satisfactory.  相似文献   

王志高 《考古》2012,(5):74-84,109
洪保墓出土的寿藏铭是对其生平事迹及郑和下西洋史料的重要补充。据寿藏铭及相关文献记载,从永乐元年到宣德八年的30年内,洪保曾经一次奉使西域、七次奉使西洋,与郑和、王景弘同列为宣德六年下西洋之正使太监。此外,据记载下西洋船队中确有五千料宝船,至正统六年洪保依然活跃在政坛。洪保墓地所在坟寺即宁海寺。  相似文献   

1978年,在邓小平的倡导下,党的工作重心转向以经济建设为中心,开始注重借鉴发达国家发展经验,由此形成改革开放的战略思路,并在深圳、珠海、汕头、厦门打开对外开放的突破口。1988年4月,海南经济特区建立。1992年,开发浦东的战略开始实施。2006年天津滨海新区作为国家级经济新区正式进入实施阶段。改革开放的深入进行加快了中国同世界潮流融合的速度,中国同外部世界的关系越来越紧密,共同利益基础越来越坚实。面对国际风云变幻,中国坚持走和平发展道路,奉行互利共赢的开放战略,走有中国特色的富民强国之路,在改革开放中与国际社会互相合作、共同发展。中国的和平发展将为国际社会提供一种全新的发展模式,具有巨大启迪意义。  相似文献   

Asiatic cholera reached Britain for the first time in late 1831, with the main epidemic occurring during 1832. The disease caused profuse diarrhea, severe dehydration, collapse, and often death. There was widespread public fear, and the political and medical response to this new disease was variable and inadequate. In the summer of 1832, a series of "cholera riots" occurred in various towns and cities throughout Britain, frequently directed against the authorities, doctors, or both. The city of Liverpool, in the northwest of England, experienced more riots than elsewhere. Between 29 May and 10 June 1832, eight major street riots occurred, with several other minor disturbances. The object of the crowd's anger was the local medical fraternity. The public perception was that cholera victims were being removed to the hospital to be killed by doctors in order to use them for anatomical dissection. "Bring out the Burkers" was one cry of the Liverpool mobs, referring to the Burke and Hare scandal four years earlier, when two men had murdered people in Edinburgh in order to sell their bodies for dissection to the local anatomy school. This issue was of special concern to the Liverpool citizenry because in 1826, thirty-three bodies had been discovered on the Liverpool docks, about to be shipped to Scotland for dissection. Two years later a local surgeon, William Gill, was tried and found guilty of running an extensive local grave-robbing system to supply corpses for his dissection rooms. The widespread cholera rioting in Liverpool was thus as much related to local anatomical issues as it was to the national epidemic. The riots ended relatively abruptly, largely in response to an appeal by the Roman Catholic clergy read from church pulpits, and also published in the local press. In addition, a respected local doctor, James Collins, published a passionate appeal for calm. The Liverpool Cholera Riots of 1832 demonstrate the complex social responses to epidemic disease, as well as the fragile interface between the public and the medical profession.  相似文献   

根据传统的西方现代化理论,欠发达社会的现代化进程中,经济发展与政治民主是同步发展、相互促进的。但20世纪60年代以来非西方国家的政治发展现实对这一观点提出了挑战。在巴西,经济现代化带来了威权主义,而非民主政治。其原因在于巴西的现代化模式进口替代工业化的发展过程中,必然出现通货膨胀和国际收支危机,经济的进一步发展要求首先实行经济紧缩,而经济上的紧缩则要求政治上的权威。巴西1964年的政变虽只是一个个案,但它表明,不能用西方现代化“和谐的”、“直线的”道路来分析第三世界国家的现代化。  相似文献   

Notes and News     

In 1925 a key piece of evidence, a fragment of Sheshonq I's victory stela, was discovered at Megiddo during the preparations for the excavations of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago. Unfortunately it was found on the surface, on one of the spoil heaps of the previous German excavations. The Chicago team tentatively assigned the fragment to the lowest level reached in the area, initially called Stratum IV, but said little more about it. In recent years, fresh information concerning both the location and the circumstances of the discovery has been published, which, in the author's view, makes it possible to locate the context in which the stela fragment was found, both horizontally and vertically. It is now clear that the lowest level reached in the area was Stratum V, and the author suggests below that the fragment was reused in Stratum VA, the stela having originally been set up in Stratum V B, dated to the 9th century BC by the current excavators.  相似文献   

In 1670, the Hudson's Bay Company was granted proprietary rights to Rupert's Land, a vaguely defined territory that came to be equated with the drainage basin of Hudson Bay. This paper is concerned with the geography of these lands that developed in the minds of Englishmen in the course of the eighteenth century. Since only slight and fragmentary information was available in England about these territories, there was created at this time a hypothetical physical geography of the Company's lands. This was based largely on the opinions of Arthur Dobbs, whose book in 1744 was the first devoted to the Company and its territories. Dobb's views were not opposed by the Hudson's Bay Company. Indeed, they were well grounded in the scientific thinking of the time, so that what we now regard as having been speculative and grossly exaggerated, gained acceptance in England as geographical reality in the latter half of the eighteenth century.  相似文献   

吴淑鈿 《中华文史论丛》2012,(2):231-254,398
南宋詩人楊萬里的詩歌創作甚豐而風格別樹一幟,他受到同代人賞識,卻不見重於元明兩代,到清代更是屢受惡評。在當時詩學的唐宋詩之爭中,誠齋詩往往不容於雙方。直至清末,纔受到同光詩人的推尊。本文通過梳理清代誠齋詩在唐宋詩之爭中的各期發展,最後聚焦到同光詩人的誠齋詩觀,指出夏敬觀是清代第一個全面肯定誠齋詩的學者,楊萬里的詩史地位最終因同光派而得以確立。  相似文献   

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