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Book reviews     
Eastern Armenia in the Last Decades of Persian Rule, 1807–1828: A Political and Socioeconomic Study of the Khanate of Erevan on the Eve of the Russian Conquest. By George A. Bournoutian. Studies in Near Eastern Culture and Society, Vol. 5. Malibu: Undena Publications, 1982. 290 + 22 pp. $34.00 (cloth), $29.00 (paper).

Modern Islamic Political Thought. By Hamid Enayat. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1982. x + 225 pp. $8.95 paper.

Economic Origins of the Iranian Revolution. By Robert E. Looney. New York and Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1982. 302 pp. $32.50 cloth.

Mavane'‐ye Tarikhi‐ye Roshd‐e Sarmayehdari Daz Iran: Doureh‐ye Qajar. By Ahmad Ashraf. Tehran: Intesharat‐e Zamineh, 1359 H. Sh. 172 pp.

Epic Images and Contemporary History: The Illustrations of the Great Mongol “Shahnama.” By Oleg Grabar and Sheila Blair. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1980. 210 pp., 6 color plates, 58 black & white illustrations, 8 figures, index. $27.50.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Modern Iran: The Dialectics of Continuity and Change. Edited by Michael E. Bonine and Nikki R. Keddie. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1981. x, 464 pp. $34.00.

IRANIAN SOCIETY. An Anthology of Writings by Jalal Al‐e Ahmad. Compiled and Edited by Michael C. Hillmann. Lexington, Kentucky: Mazda Publishers, 1982. 157 pp.

Modern Persian Short Stories. Trans. Minoo S. Southgate. Washington, D.C.: Three Continents Press, 1980. xvi + 228 pp.

Moderne Erzähler der Welt—Iran (Modern Storytellers of the World—Iran). Selected and edited by Faramarz Behzad, Johann Christoph Burgel, Gottfried Herrmann. Volume LVII Series on Cultural Encounters of the Institute for Foreign Relations, Stuttgart. Tubingen and Basel: Horst Erdmann Publishers for International Cultural Exchange, 1978.

La poésie persane après la seconde guerre mondiale. By Franciszek Machalski. Krakow: Polish Academy of Sciences, 1980. 133 pp.

Ja‐ye Khali‐ye Soluch. By Mahmud Dowlatabadi. Tehran: Agah, 1979. 497 pp.

History of Persian Literature from the Beginning of the Islamic Period to the Present Day. With contributions by George Morrison, Julian Baldick, and (Mohammad Reza) Sha‐fi'i Kadkani. Edited by George Morrison. Leiden‐Koln: E. J. Brill, 1981. 226 pp.  相似文献   

Freezing Assets: The USA and the Most Effective Economic Sanction , Mahvash Alerassool, New York: St. Martin's Press, 1993, xii + 238 pp., Bibliography, Index.

Islamic Economic Systems , Farhad Nomani and Ali Rahnema, London: Zed Books, 1994, 222 pp., $25.00 paperback.

Cosmos, Chaos and the World to Come: The Ancient Roots of Apocalyptic Faith , Norman R. C. Cohn, New Haven & London: Yale University Press, 1993, x + 271 pp.

Indian Merchants and the Eurasian Trade ,1600–1750, Stephen Frederic Dale, Cambridge Studies in Islamic Civilization, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994, 162 pp.

Art of the Persian Courts: Selections from the Art and History Trust Collection , Abolala Soudavar, with a contribution by Milo Cleveland Beach, New York: Rizzoli, 1992, 423 pp. and 474 color illustrations, $85.

Sakhtarha‐ye ejtema'i‐ye ‘ashayer‐e Būyir‐Ahmad, 1300–1364 , H. Ghaffari, Tehran: Ney, 1368 Sh./1989, 287 pp., map, diagrams, illustrations.

In the Eye of the Storm: Women In Post‐Revolutionary Iran , Mahnaz Afkhami and Erika Friedl, eds., Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 1994, 227 pp., $17.95 paperback.

Continuity and Change in Medieval Persia: Aspects of Administrative ,Economic and Social History, 11th‐14th Century, Ann K. S. Lambton, Bibliotheca Persica, Columbia Lectures on Iranian Studies, no. 2, Albany: SUNY Press, 1988, 351 pp., tables, maps, Glossary, Bibliography, Index.

Tribal Rugs: Nomadic and Village Weavings from the Near East and Central Asia , James Opie, Portland, Ore.: The Tolstoy Press, 1992, 328 pp., 356 illustrations, 291 in color and 12 maps, $ 75.00.

The Kitáb‐i‐Aqdas: The Most Holy Book , Baha’ Allah, Haifa: Baha'i World Center, 1992, pp. viii + 296.

Planning and Power in Iran: Ebtehaj and Economic Development under the Shah , Frances Bostock and Geoffrey Jones, London: Frank Cass and Co., 1989, 238 pp.

Autocracy, Modernization, and Revolution in Russia and Iran , Tim McDaniel, Princeton University Press, 1991, 239 pp.

Iran und die Reformbewegung im Osmanischen Reich: Persische Staatsmänner ,Reisende und Oppositionelle unter dent Einfluβ der Tanzimat, Anja Pistor‐Hatam, Berlin: Kl. Schwarz, 1992, 260 pp., Bibliography, Index.

Die revolutiondre Bewegung in Iran ,1905–1911: Sozialdemok‐ratie und russischer Einfluβ, Sabine Roschke‐Bugzel, Europäische Hoch‐schulschriften 3, Frankfurt, Bern, New York, Paris: Lang Verlag, 1991, x + 341 pp., Bibliography.

After Khomeini: New Directions in Iran's Foreign Policy , K. L. Afrasiabi, Boulder, San Francisco, Oxford: Westview Press, 1994, xii + 244 pp.

Poetry and Mysticism in Islam: The Heritage of Rūmi , Amin Ba‐nani, Richard Hovannisian, and Georges Sabagh, eds., Giorgio Levi Delia Vida Conference Proceedings 11, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994, ix + 204 pp., Index.

Islam, Iran, and World Stability , Hamid Zanganeh, ed., New York: St. Martin's Press, 1994, xii + 243 pp., Bibliography, Index, $49.95.  相似文献   

My Uncle Napoleon, Iraj Pezeshkzad, trans. Dick Davis, Washington, D.C.: Mage Publishers, 1996, 512 pp., $29.95.

Les textes vieil‐avestiques, vol. I: Introduction, text et traduction, Jean Kellens and Eric Pirart, Wiesbaden: Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag, 1988, 195 pp.

Reading Nastacliq: Persian and Urdu Hands from 1500 to the Present, William L. Hanaway and Brian Spooner, Costa Mesa, Calif.: Mazda Publishers, 1995, 278 pp.

Az Nima ta Ruzagar‐e Ma: Tarikh‐e Adab‐e Farsi‐ye Mocaser (From Nima to Our Time: History of Contemporary Persian Letters), Yahya Arianpur, Tehran: Zavvar, 1374 (1995), 638 pp. + 48 pp. of photographs, title‐page reprints, etc.

The Green Sea of Heaven: Fifty Ghazals from the Diwan of Hafiz, trans. Elizabeth T. Gray, Jr., with an Introduction by Daryush Shayegan, Ashland, Ore.: White Cloud Press, 1995, x + 170 pp.

The Hafez Poems of Gertrude Bell, with the original Persian on the facing page, Bethesda, Md.: Iranbooks, 1995, 176 pp.

Iran und Turfan: Beiträge Berliner Wissenschaftler, Werner Sunder‐mann zum 60. Geburtstaggewidmet, ed. Christiane Reck and Peter Zieme, Wiesbaden: Harrasowitz, 1995, viii + 296 pp., photographs.

The History of al‐Tabari, vol. XXXIII: Storm and Stress Along the Northern Frontiers of the cAbbasid Caliphate, trans. and annot. C. E. Bosworth, Albany, N.Y.: SUNY Series in Near Eastern Studies and Bibliotheca Persica, State University of New York Press, 1991.

Tales of Two Cities, Abbas Milani, Washington, D.C.: Mage, 1996, 263 pp., $24.95.

Avicenna and I: The Journey of Spirits, Manouchehr Parvin, Costa Mesa, Calif.: Mazda Publishers, 1996, 284 pp., $26.95 (cloth).

In A Voice of Their Own: A Collection of Stories by Iranian Women Written since the Revolution of 1979, trans. Franklin Lewis and Farzin Yazdanfar, Costa Mesa, Calif.: Mazda Publishers, 1996, 153 pp.  相似文献   

Historical Works Relating to the Qajar Era Published in Iran, 1996–2001

Mabani‐yi nazari‐yi hukūmat‐i mashrūtah va mashrū'ah, bih inzimam‐i rasa'il‐i ‘ulama‐yi muvafig va mukhalif‐i mashrūtah, Husayn Abadian. Tehran: Nashr‐i nay, 1374/1995, no ISBN.

Majlis va intikhabat az mashrūtah ta payan‐i Qajariyah, Mansoureh Ettehadieh, (Nezam Mafi). Tehran: Nashr‐i tarikh‐i Iran, 1375/1996. ISBN 964–6082–02–5.

Rūznameh‐i khatirat‐i Ghulam ‘Ati Khan ‘Aziz al‐Sultan, (Malijak), 4 vols., ed. Muhsin Mirza'i, Tehran: Intisharat‐i zaiyab, 1376/1997. ISBN 964–6339–04–2.

Isti'mar‐i Britaniya va mas'ala‐i Arvand Rūd, Firuz Mansuri. Tehran: Mu'assasa‐i mutali'at‐i tarikh‐i mu'asir‐i Iran, 1376/1997, no ISBN.

Asnad‐iAbd al‐Mahhab Khan Asif al‐Dawla, 2 vols., ed. ‘Abd al‐Husayn Nava'i and Nilufar Kasri, Tehran: Mu'assasa‐i mutali'at‐i tarikh‐i mu'asir‐i Iran, 1377 /1998. ISBN 964–6357–13‐X.

Rūznameh'i khatirat‐i Sharaf al‐Dawla, Mirza Ebrahim Khan‐i kalantari‐yi Baghmisheh, ed. Yahya Zoka. Tehran: Intisharat‐i fikr‐i ruz, 1377/1998. ISBN 964–5838–80–0.

Inja Tihran ast: Majmū'a‐i maqalati dar‐bareh‐yi Tihran, 1269–1344 HQ (1852–1925), Mansoureh Ettehadieh (Nezam Mafi), Tehran: Nashr‐i tarikh‐i Iran, 1377/1998. ISBN 964–6082–07–6.

Az mashrūtah ta jumhūri: Nigahi bih advar‐i Majlis‐i qanūnguzari dar dawran‐i mashrūfiyat, Yunes Morvarid, 2 vols. Tehran: Nashr‐i ahadi, 1377/1998. ISBN 964–6376–08–8.

Hujūm‐i Rūs va iqdamat‐i ru'asa‐yi din bara‐yi hifz‐i Iran, Sayyid Hasan Nizam al‐Din, ed. Nasrallah Salihizadeh. Tehran: Shirazeh, 1377/1998. ISBN 964–6578–13‐X.

Asnad‐i Pūst va Telegraf va Telefun dar Dawra‐i Riza Shah, ed. Marziyeh Yazdani. Tehran: Sazman‐i asnad‐i milli, 1378/1999. ISBN 964–6189–27‐X.

Zindagani‐yi siyasi‐yi Nasir al‐Mulk, Ramin Yalfani. Tehran: Mu'assasa‐i mutala'at‐i tarikh‐i mu'asir‐i Iran, 1376/1998. ISBN 964–6357–02–4.

Nusrat al‐Dawla, Majmū'a‐i mukatabat, asnad, khatirat‐i Firūz Mirza Firūz, ed. Mansoureh Ettehadieh, (Nezam Mafi), and So'ad Pira. Tehran: Ketab‐i siyamak, Nashr‐i tarikh‐i Iran, 1378/1999. ISBN 964–6141–27–7.

Zindagani‐yi siyasi, sūrat‐i jalisat, mukatabat va murasalat, Riza Quli Khan Nizam al Saltana, ed. Mansoureh Ettehadieh, 3 vols. Tehran: Ketab‐i siyamak, Nashr‐i tarikh‐i Iran, 1379/2000. ISBN 964–6141–27–7(vol. 1), 964–6141–34‐X (vol. 2), 964–6141–35–8 (vol. 3).

Chalish‐i sunnat va moderniteh dar Iran, az mashrūtah ta 1320 S., Muhammad Salari Kasrai. Tehran: Nashr‐i markaz, 1379/ 2000. ISBN 964–305–543–4.

Nameh‐ha‐i az Tabriz az Siqat al‐Islam bih Mustashar al‐Dawla dar rūzegar‐i mashrūtiyat, ed. Iraj Afshar. Tehran: Nashr‐i pazhuhish‐i farzan‐i ruz, 1378/1999. ISBN 964–6138–47–0.

Asnadi az madaris‐i dukhtaran az mashrūtah ta Pahlavi, ed. Soheila Torabi Farsani. Tehran: Sazman‐i asnad‐i milli, 1378/1999. ISBN 964–6189–31–8.

Dar takapū‐yi taj va takht: Asnad‐i Abū'l‐Fath Mirza Salar al‐Dawla Qajar, ed. Riza Azari. Tehran: Sazman‐i asnad‐i milli, 1378/ 1999. ISBN 964–6189–34–2.

Tahavvulat‐i farhangi‐yi Iran dar dawra‐i Qajariya va madrasa‐i Dar al‐Funūn. Tehran: Mu'asassa‐i jughrafiya'i va kartugrafi'a‐yi Sahab, 1379/2000. ISBN 964–6556–29–9.

Mashahir‐i matbū'at‐i Iran: I'timad al‐Saltana, Sayyid Farid Qasimi, vol. 1. Tehran: Sazman‐i ‘hap va intisharat‐i Vizarat‐i Farhang va Irshad‐i Islami, 1379/2000. ISBN 964–422–195‐X.

Sūr‐i Israfil va ‘Ati Akbar‐i Dihkhuda: yak barrasi‐yi tarikhi va adabi, Kamyar ‘Abidi. Tehran: Kitab‐i nadir, 1379/ 2000. ISBN 964–92557–6–1.

Ravabit‐i siyasi‐i iqti?adi‐yi Iran va Alman bayn‐i dū jang, Fatemeh Pira, Tehran: Markaz‐i asnad‐i inqilab‐i Islami, 1379/2000. ISBN 964–6196–83–7.

Marja'iyat dar ‘arsah‐yi ijtima'i va siyasat: Asnad va guzarish‐ha'i az Ayat‐i A'zam Na'ini, Isfahani, Qumi, Ha'iri va Burūjirdi, 1292 S ‐1339 (1875–1920), ed. Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Manzur al‐Ajdad. Tehran: Shirazeh, 1379/2000. ISBN 964–6578–54–3

Yazd dar asnad‐i Amin al‐Zarb, ed. Dr Asghar Mahdavi and Iraj Afshar. Tehran: Farhang‐i Iran‐Zamin, 1380/ 2001. ISBN 964–5623–81–2.

Asnad‐i tijarat‐i Iran dar sal‐i 1287 gamari, ed. Asghar Mahdavi and Iraj Afshar. Tehran: Intisharat‐i ‘ilmi farhangi, 1380S/2001. ISBN 964–445–184–8.

Urumiyah dar muharaba‐i ‘alamsūz az muqaddima‐i Nisara ta Balva‐yi Isma'il Aqa, 1298–1300 Sh, Rahmatallah Mu'tamid al‐Vizara, ed. Kaveh Bayat. Tehran: Shirazeh, 1379S/ 2000. ISBN 964–6578–46–2.

Azarbayjan dar mawj khiz‐i tarikh: nigahi bih mabahis‐i milliyūn‐i Iran va jarayid‐i Bakū dar taghyir‐i nam‐i Aran bih Azarbayjan, 1296–1298 S, ed. Kaveh Bayat, Tehran: Shirazeh, 1379/2000. ISBN 964–6578–55–1.

Tarikh‐i rūznameh nigari‐yi Iranian va digar‐i parsi navisan, 2 vols. (Paydayish), (Buhran‐i azadi), Nasir al‐Din Parvin. Tehran: Markaz‐i nashr‐i danishgahi, 1377/1998, 1379/ 2000. ISBN 964–01–8156–0.

Nuzhat al‐akhbar: tarikh va jughrafiya‐yi Fars, Mirza Ja'far Khan Haqa'iq Nigar, ed. Sayyid ‘Ali Al‐i Davud. Tehran: Kitabkhaneh‐yi muzeh va markaz‐i asnad‐i Majlis‐i Shura‐yi Islami, 1380/ 2001. ISBN 964–422–218–0.

Khatirat va asnad‐i Muhammad ‘Ali Ghaffari: Tarikh‐i Ghaffari, volume 3, ed. Abbas Zare'i Mehrvarz. Tehran: Nashr‐i tarikh‐i Iran, 1380/ 2001. ISBN 964–6082–03–3.

Khatirat‐i Shaykh Ibrahim Zanjani: Sarguzasht‐i zindagani‐yi man, ed. Ghulam Husayn Mirza Salih. Tehran: Entesharat‐i kabir, 1380/ 2001. ISBN 964–6144–54–3.

Rūznameh‐yi khatirat‐i ‘Ayn al‐Saltana, Qahriman Mirza Salūr, ed. Mas'ud Salur and Iraj Afshar, 10 vols. Tehran: Asatir,1374–1380/ 1995–2001. ISBN 964–331–191–0.  相似文献   

Herrscher, Gemeinwesen, Vermittler: Ostiran und Transoxanien in vormongolischer Zeit , Jürgen Paul, Beiruter Texte und Studien, Bd. 59, Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 1996, viii + 322 pp., bibliography, indices; German, English, and Russian summaries.

Khatireha‐ye Amir cAlam Khan , Amir cAlam Khan, Tehran: Markaz‐e Motalacat‐e Irani, 1373/1994, 55 pp., illustrations.

Cambridge History of Iran, Vol. 7: From Nadir Shah to the Islamic Republic , ed. by Peter Avery, Gavin Hambly, and Charles Melville, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991, xxiii+1072 pp.

Iranian Intellectuals and the West: The Tormented Triumph of Nativism , Mehrzad Boroujerdi, Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 1996, 255 pp., index, bibliography.

Revolutionary Horizons: Regional Foreign Policy in Post‐Khomeini Iran , John Calabrese, New York: St. Martin's Press, 1994, xii + 221 pp.

Classical Persian Sufism: From its Origins to Rumi , ed. Leonard Lewisohn. London/New York: Khaniqahi Nimatullahi Publications, 1993, xl + 666 pp., bibliography, index, illustrations.

Shark Hikmat al‐Ishraq [li‐Shihab al‐Din Suhrawardi] (Commentary on the Philosophy of Illumination [by Shihab al‐Din Suhrawardi]), Shams al‐Din Shahrazuri, edited, with introduction and notes, by Hossein Ziai, Tehran: Institute for Cultural Studies and Research, 1993, xxiii pp., English + 646 pp. Arabic + 84 pp. Persian.

Symbol and Secret: Qur'án Commentary in Bahá'u'lláh's Kitáb‐i Íqán , Christopher Buck, Studies in the Babi and Baha'i Religions, volume 7, Los Angeles: Kalimat Press, 1995.

Studies in Honor of the Late Hasan M. Balyuzi , ed. Moojan Momen, Studies in the Bábí and Bahá'í Religions, vol. 5, Los Angeles: Kalimat Press, 1988, xx + 293 pp.

Law of Desire: Temporary Marriage in Shici Iran , Shahla Haeri, Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 1989, 272 pp., cloth and paper.

The Persian Revayat “Ithoter”: Zoroastrian Rituals in the Eighteenth Century , Mario Vitalone, Naples: Istituto Universitario Orientale, 1996, 301 pp.

Pand‐o Sokhan: Mélanges offerts à Charles‐Henri de Fouchécour , ed. by Christophe Balay, Claire Keppler, and ?iva Vesel, Bibliothèque Iranienne, 44, Tehran: Institut Français de Recherche en Iran, 1995, 348 pp., illustrated.

Standardization and Orthography in the Balochi Language , Carina Jahani, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Studia Iranica Upsaliensia 1, Uppsala, 1989, 286 pp., ISBN 91–554–2487–2, ISSN 1100–326X

L'Argento Di Un Povero Cuore: centuno ghazal di Sacdi Shirazi , Persian text of one hundred and one ghazals by Sacdi, Italian translation, notes, introduction and concluding essay by Setrag Manoukian, with a preface by Riccardo Zipoli, Rome: Istituto culturale della Repubblica islamica d'Iran in Italia, 1991.

The Image of Arabs in Modern Persian Literature , Joya Blondel Saad, Lanham, Md.: University Press of America, 1996, ix + 139 pp., index, paper, ISBN 0–7618–0330–0

Recasting Persian Poetry: Scenarios of Poetic Modernity in Iran , Ahmad Karimi‐Hakkak, Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 1996, 326 pp., $45.00, cloth.

The Marsh [Gavkhūni] , Jafar Modarres‐Sadeqi, trans. Afkham Darbandi, intro. Dick Davis, Bibliotheca Iranica, Persian Fiction in Translation Series, no. 3, Costa Mesa: Mazda Publishers, 1996.

Bihzad, Master of Persian Painting , Ebadollah Bahari, foreword by Annemarie Schimmel, London and New York: I. B. Tauris, 1996, xiii + 272 pp., 70 color and 48 black and white illustrations, map, appendices, bibliography, index, ISBN 0–85043–966–4  相似文献   

The Economy of Islamic Iran: Between State and Market , Thierry Coville, ed., Tehran: Institut Français de Rechere en Iran, 1994, 275 pp.

A Century of Revolution: Social Movements in Iran , Social Movements, Protest, and Contention Series, vol. 2, John Foran, ed., Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1994, 263 pp., incl. Select Bibliography, Index, $19.95 (paper).

Sutra and Other Stories , Simin Daneshvar, trans. Hasan Javadi and Amin Neshati, Washington, D.C.: Mage Publishers, 1994, 189 pp.

The Making of Exile Cultures: Iranian Television in Los Angeles , Hamid Naficy, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1993, 283 pp., $44.95 (hard), $18.95 (paper).

Nomads in Archaeology , Roger Cribb, New Studies in Archaeology, Cambridge University Press, 1991, xiv + 253 pp., $69.95 (originally $54.50).

Twenty‐Three Years: A Study of the Prophetic Career of Mohammad ,cAli Dashti, trans. F. R. C. Bagley, Costa Mesa, Calif.: Mazda Publishers, 1994, xviii + 228 pp. (first published London: George Allen & Unwin, 1985 in hardcover).

Politische und kulturelle Auswirkungen des Auslandstudiums auf die iranische Gesellschaft im 19. Jahrhundert. Unter Berücksichtigung der iranischen Stipendiaten in Westeuropa (1812–1857) , Farideh Jeddi, Frankfurt a/M‐New York, 1992, 276 pp.

Class, Politics, and Ideology in the Iranian Revolution , Mansoor Moaddel, New York: Columbia University Press, 1993, x + 346 pp.

Politics, Gender, and the Islamic Past: The Legacy of cA'isha bint Abi Bakr , D. A. Spellberg, New York: Columbia University Press, 1994.

Crisis and Consolidation in the Formative Period of Shicite Islam: Abū Jacfar ibn Qiba al‐Razi and his Contribution to Imamite Shicite Thought , Hossein Modarressi, Princeton: The Darwin Press, 1993, vii‐viii + 280 pp., incl. Bibliography, $35.00 (hardcover).

Persian Studies in North America: Studies in Honor of Mohammad Ali Jazayery , Mehdi Marashi, ed., Bethesda, Md.: Iranbooks, 1994, xx + 422 + 107 pp.

Fihrist‐i asnad‐i qadim‐i vizarat‐i umūr‐i kharijah: dawran‐i Qajariyah, 1124–1316 , Tehran: Institute for Political and International Studies, 1371 Sh./1992, xiii + 598 pp., 4,500 rials.

Islamic Development Policy: The Agrarian Question in Iran , Asghar Schi‐razi, trans. P. J. Ziess‐Lawrence, Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1993.

Politische Parteien und Bevölkerung in Iran: die Hezb‐e Demokrat‐e Iran und ihr Führer Qavamo s‐Saltana , Ralph Kauz, Berlin: Klaus Schwarz Verlag, 1995, III + 322 pp.

A History of the Armenian People , vol. 2: 1500 to the Present , George A. Bournoutian, Costa Mesa, Calif.: Mazda Publishers, 1994, xviii + 237 pp.

The History of al‐Tabari (Ta'rikh al‐msul wa3l‐mulūk), vol. XXXI: The War between Brothers , Bibliotheca Persica, trans, and annot. Michael Fish‐bein, Albany, N.Y.: State University of New York Press, 1992.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Shahrgara'i va Shahrnishini dar Iran (bih Inzimam‐i Muqic‐iyyat va Naqsh‐i Tehran). By Mehdi Amani. Tehran: University of Tehran, Institute for Social Studies and Research, 1350/1971. 80 pp. No price indicated.

Migration in Iran: A Quantitative Approach. By Mohammad Hemmasi. Shiraz: Pahlavi University Publications #48, 1974. 144 pp. 150R1s.

The Origins of the ?afawids: ?icism, ?ūfism, and the Gulat. By Michel M. Mazzaoui. Wiesbaden: Steiner Verlag, 1972. viii + 85 pp. DM 28.00.

Social and Cultural Selections From Contemporary Persian. With notes, exercises, and an alphabetical word list by Michel M. Mazzaoui and William G. Millward. Delmar New York: Caravan Books, 1973. xi + 128 pp. $7.50.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Isfahan Is Half the World; Memories of a Persian Boyhood. By Sayyed Mohammad ‘Ali Jamalzadeh. Translated by W. L. Heston. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1983.

Sorayya dar Eghma [Sorayya in a Coma]. By Esma'il Fasih. Tehran: Nashr‐e No, 1983. 321 pp.

Klidar. 5 volumes. By Mahmud Dowlatabadi. Tehran: Nashr‐e Parsi, 1978–1983.

False Dawn: Selected Poems. By Nader Naderpur. In Literature East and West 22 (1985).  相似文献   

Buzkashi: Game and Power in Afghanistan , G. Whitney Azoy, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1982. 147pp.

The Lion and the Gazelle: The Mammals and Birds of Iran , P. N. Humphreys and E. Kahrom, Nr. Abergavenny: Comma International Biological Systems, 1995, 224 pp., hardcover, £ 28.00

Le combat du colombophile. Jeu aux pigeons et stigmatisation sociale (Kashâ yâ nabard‐e kabutarbâz) , Aladin Goushegir, Tehran: Institut français des études iraniennes, 1997, Bibliothèque Iranienne, No. 47, Tehran, 168 p.

“Die Sportlichen Qualifikationen der altiranischesn Fürsten” Stadion 2 (1976), Wolfgang Knauth

Tarikh‐i Kushti‐yi Iran , Mahdi‘Abbasi, Tehran: Intisharat‐i Majid, 1377/1998, 2nd ed., Nashr‐i Sipas. Four volumes, 555, 458, 525, 532 pp., index and illustrations.

The Ball and Polo Stick or The Book of Ecstasy, Gūy va chawgan ya Halnama , ‘Arifi. A parallel Persian‐English text edited and translated with an introduction by Wheeler M. Thackston, Jr. and Hossein Ziai, Costa Mesa, CA: Mazda, 1999, xiii, 27 [=54] pp., notes pp. 29–33, ISBN 1–56859–090–3.  相似文献   

Shicite Islam: Polity, Ideology, and Creed , Yann Richard, trans. Antonia Nevill, Oxford, U.K. and Cambridge, U.S.A.: Blackwell, 1995, pp. 217, chronology, glossary, bibliography, index.

Mongols and Mamluks: The Mamluk‐Ilkhanid War, 1260–1281 , Reuven Amitai‐Preiss, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995, xv + 272 pp.

The Bukharans: A Dynastic, Diplomatic and Commercial History 1550–1702 , Audrey Burton, Richmond, Surrey: Curzon Press, 1997, 664 pp.

Cahiers d'Asie Centrale, No. 1/2 (1996): Inde‐Asie centrale. Routes du commerce et des idées , Tashkent: l'Institut Français d'études sur l'Asie centrale/Aix‐en‐Provence: Editions Edisud, 1996, 366 pp.

The Diary of H.M. Shah of Persia during his tour through Europe in A.D. 1873 , trans. from the Persian by J.W. Redhouse, London, 1874, reprinted 1995, with a new introduction by Carole Hillenbrand, Bibliotheca Iranica. Reprint Series No. 2, Mazda Publishers, Costa Mesa, Calif., [xvi] + xi + 427 pp.

Presse und Öffentlichkeit im Nahen Osten , Christoph Herzog, Raoul Motika, and Anja Pistor‐Hatam, eds., Heidelberg: Heidelberger Orientverlag, 1995, viii + 183 pp.

The Army and the Creation of the Pahlavi State in Iran, 1910–1956 , Stephanie Cronin, London: Tauris Academic Studies, 1997, 296 pp., 3 appendices.

The Republic of Armenia, Volume III: From London to Sèvres, February‐August, 1920; Volume IV: Between Crescent and Sickle: Partition and Sovietization , Richard Hovannisian, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1996, xx + 534 pp., xii + 496 pp.

Majlis va Intikhabat: az Mashrūtah ta Payan‐i Qajar , Mansoureh Ettehadieh (Nezam‐Mafi), Tehran: Nashr‐i Tarikh‐i Iran, 1375/1996–97, 368 pp.

L'Iran au XXe siècle , Jean‐Pierre Digard, Bernard Hourcade, Yann Richard, Paris: Fayard, 1996, 459 pp.

The Shicis of Iraq , Yitzhak Nakash, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994, xiv + 312 pp., cloth and paperback.

Debating Religion and Politics in Iran: The Political Thought of Abdolkarim Sorush , Valla Vakili, New York, N.Y.: Studies Department, Occasional Paper Series, no. 2, The Council on Foreign Relations, Inc., 1996, 56 pp.

Tanker Wars: The Assault on Merchant Shipping during the Iran‐Iraq Conflict, 1980–1988 , Martin S. Navias and E. R. Horton, London and New York: I.B. Tauris Publishers, 1996, ix + 244 pp., including appendix, notes, index of ships, and general index. Cloth.

The Turbulent Gulf: People, Politics and Power , 2nd ed., Liesl Graz, London and New York: I.B. Tauris Publishers, 1992. 311 pp., including notes, appendices, bibliography, and index. Paperback.

The Topkapi Scroll: Geometry and Ornament in Islamic Architecture , Gülru Necipo?lu, with an essay on the geometry of the muqarnas by Mohammad al‐Asad, Santa Monica: Getty Center for the History of Art and the Humanities, 1995, xiii + 395, plates, plan, bibliography, index, $160.00.

Techniques et ressources en Iran du 7e au 19e siècle , Parviz Mohebbi, Tehran: Institut Français de Recherche en Iran, 1996.

Suppressed Persian: An Anthology of Forbidden Literature , Paul Sprachman, Costa Mesa, Calif.: Mazda Publishers, lviii + 111 pp., $29.95.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
The Agguyunlu: Clan, Confederation, Empire. A Study in 15th/9th Century Turko‐Iranian Politics. By John E. Woods. (Studies in Middle Eastern History, No. 3), xv + 348 pp. Minneapolis and Chicago: Bibliotheca Islamica, 1976.

A Persian Stronghold of Zoroastrianism. By Mary Boyce. New York: Oxford University Press, 1977. 284 pp. $19.95.

The Crowned Cannibals: Writings on Repression in Iran. By Reza Baraheni. With an introduction by E. L. Doctorow. New York: Random House/Vintage Books, 1977. 279 pp. $3.95.

Tarikh: Bulletin of the Department of History, Faculty of Letters and Humanities. Tehran: University of Tehran. Vol. 1, Nos. 1–2 (1976–77).

Middle East Economies in the 1970's: A Comparative Approach. By Hossein Askari and John Thomas Cummings. New York: Praeger Publishers (Praeger Special Studies in International Economics and Development). 1976. xxxiii + 581pp.

The Caspian Circle: A Novel. By Donné Raffat. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1978. 350 pp. $10.

The Agricultural Development of Iran. By Oddvar Aresvik. New York: Praeger, 1976. 271 pp.

Dschalaluddin Rumi, Licht und Reigen: Gedichte aus dem Divan des grössten mystischen Dichters persischer Zunge. Selected, translated and explained by Johann Cristoph Burgel. UNESCO Collection of Representative Works. Masterpieces of Persian Literature Series, No. 26. Bern, Herbert Lang, and Frankfurt/Main: Peter Lang, 1974. 191 pp.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
New Book Review policy



Henry S. Albinski

J. A. Camilleri, An Introduction to Australian Foreign Policy, Jacaranda Press, Brisbane, 1973, pp. v + 137, $1.50; J. Camilleri and M. Teichmann, Security and Survival. The New Era in International Relations, Heinemann Educational Australia. Melbourne, 1973, pp. ix + 226, $3.75.

Peter Aimer, Politics, Power and Persuasion: the Liberals in Victoria, James Bennett, Melbourne. 1974. pp. lv + 243, $9.95.

Alan Richardson, British Immigrants and Australia: A Psycho‐social Inquiry, ANU Press, Canberra, 1974, pp. 198, $8.95.

Bruce Juddery, At the Centre: The Australian Bureaucracy in the 1970s, Cheshire, Melbourne, 1974, pp. 272. Illustrated by Pickering. $4.95.

F. A. Larcombe, The Origin of Local Government in New South Wales 1831–58, Sydney University Press, in association with the Local Government Association of New South Wales and the Shires Association of New South Wales, 1973, pp. xv + 323, maps, $12.00.

H. G. Oxley, Mateship in Local Organization, University of Queensland Press, St Lucia, 1974, pp. 240, $8.00.

H. Raysmith, J. Rimmer and D. Wookey, The Gee‐long Experiment in Social Planning, Geelong and District Community Chest Association, 1973, pp. 110, no price given.

C. A. Hughes and B. D. Graham, Voting for the Australian House of Representatives 1901–1964, ANU Press, Canberra, 1974, pp. xiv + 544 + xiii, $8.95.



Eugene Lewis, The Urban Political System, Dryden, Hinsdale, Illinois, 1973, $5.00.

Murray S. Stedman, Urban Politics, Winthrop, Cambridge, Mass., 1972, $7.50.

Kevin R. Cox, Conflict, Power and Politics in the City, McGraw‐Hill, N.Y., 1973, $4.50.

I. H. Burnley, ed., Urbanization in Australia, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1974, $13.50.

Rex Mortimer, ed., Showcase State: The Illusion of Indonesia's “Accelerated Modernisation”, Angus and Robertson, Sydney, 1973, pp. xiii + 163, $3.25, $5.95.


S. P. Seth

Edward E. Rice, Mao's Way, University of California Press (Centre for Chinese Studies), Berkeley, 1972, pp. 596 + ix, $14.00.

Richard H. Solomon, Mao's Revolution and the Chinese Political Culture, University of California Press (Centre for Chinese Studies, University of Michigan), 1972 (paperback), pp. 604 + xix, $US5.95.

Geoffrey Jukes, The Soviet Union in Asia, Angus and Robertson (in association with The Australian Institute of International Affairs), Sydney, 1973, pp. 304 + vii, $7.50.

Alastair Lamb, The Sino‐Indian Border in Ladakh, Australian National University Press, Canberra, 1973, pp. 113 + xi, $6.00.

T. E. Smith, ed., The Politics of Family Planning in the Third World, Allen and Unwin, London, 1973, pp. 352, $14.00.

Ronald J. May, ed., Priorities in Melanesian Development: Papers Delivered at the Sixth Waigani Seminar, University of Papua and New Guinea, Port Moresby, and Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian National University, ANU Press, Canberra, 1973, pp. xii + 470, $6.00.

J. Ayodele Langley, Pan‐Africanism and Nationalism in West Africa 1900–1945, Oxford University Press, London, 1973, pp. viii + 421, $12.00.

Robert C. Good, U.D.I.: The International Politics of the Rhodesian Rebellion, Faber & Faber, London, 1973, pp. 368, $14.00.

Jack. Hayward, The One and Indivisible French Republic, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London, 1973, pp. 306, $16.00 and $6.10.

Jean‐Jacques Salomon, Science and Politics, N. Lindsay, trans., MIT Press, Cambridge, 1973, pp. xxii + 277, $US 15.00.

M. Moroshima, Marx's Economics, Cambridge University Press, 1973, pp. viii + 198, £3.60.  相似文献   

Geoffrey Hawker, Who's Master, Who's Servant? Reforming Bureaucracy, Sydney, George Allen & Unwin, 1981, pp. 100. $12.95, $5.95 (paper).

Robert Catley and Bruce McFarlane Australian Capitalism in Boom and Depression: Options for the 1980's, Chippendale, Alternative Publishing Cooperative Ltd, 1981, pp. 249. $21.95, $9.95 (paper).

Robert Birrell and Tanya Birrell, An Issue of People: Population and Australian Society, Melbourne, Longman Cheshire, 1981, pp. 277. $9.95.

Jim Kemeny, The Myth of Home Ownership; Private Versus Public Choices in Housing Tenures, London, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1981, pp. 173. 6.95 (paper—Routledge Direct Editions).

R.F. Henderson (ed), The Welfare Stakes: Strategies for Australian Social Policy. Melbourne; Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, University of Melbourne, 1981. $6.95.

Heather Radi, Peter Spearritt, Elizabeth Hinton Biographical Register of the New South Wales Parliament 1901–1970 Canberra, ANU Press, 1979, pp. 302. $24.95, $12.50 (paper).

R.L. Mathews (ed), Regional Disparities and Economic Development, Canberra, Centre for Research on Federal Financial Relations and the ANU Press, pp. 254, $12.00 (paper).

Grant Amyot, The Italian Communist Party, London, Croom Helm, 1981, pp. 252 212.95; Carl Boggs and David Plotke (eds), The Politics of Eurocommunism: Socialism in Transition, London, Mac‐millan, 1980, pp. 479. $13.95

J.A. Ballard (ed), Policy‐Making in a New State: Papua New Guinea 1972–77, St Lucia, University of Queensland Press, 1981, pp. 331. $25.

Joseph Camilleri, Chinese Foreign Policy; The Maoist Era and its Aftermath, Oxford, Martin Robertson, 1980, pp. 311. 225.

L.J. Macfarlane, The Right to Strike, Harmond‐sworth, Penguin, 1981, pp. 201. $6.95.

Ian Bradley, Breaking the Mould? The Birth and Prospects of the Social Democratic Party, Oxford, Martin Robertson, 1981, pp. 172. 22.95 (paper).

Shirley Williams, Politics is for People, Harmond‐sworth, Penguin Books, 1981, pp. 230. $6.95.

V.L. Allen, The Militancy of British Miners, Bail‐don Green, Yorkshire, The Moor Press (distributed in Australia by Australian Studies Books), 1981, pp. 337. n.p.a.

Robert Behrens, The Conservative Party From Heath to Thatcher: Policies and Politics 1974–1979, Farnborough, Saxon House, 1980, pp. 139. $20.50.

Neill Nugent and Roger King (eds), The British Right: Conservative and Right Wing Politics in Britain, Farnborough, Saxon House, 1977, pp. 230. $31.00.

Ahmed Mohiddin, African Socialism in Two Countries, London, Croom Helm, 1981, pp. 231. 212.50.

Jan Jelmert Jorgenson, Uganda: A Modern History, London, Croom Helm, 1981, pp. 381. 213.95.

Mohammed Ayoob (ed), The Middle East in World Politics, London, Croom Helm, 1981, pp. 217. 210.95.

Aryeh Y. Yodfat and Yuval Arnon‐Ohanna, PLO Strategy and Tactics, London, Croom Helm, 1981, pp. 225.211.50.

David Lane, Leninism: a sociological interpretation, Cambridge University Press, 1981, pp. 150. 213.50, 24.50 (paper).

Donald C. Hodges, The Bureaucratization of Socialism, The University of Massachusetts Press, 1981, pp. 210. $15.00.

Marshall S. Shatz, Soviet Dissent in Historical Perspective, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1980, pp. 214. $32.25.

Seweryn Bialer (ed), The Domestic Context of Soviet Foreign Policy, Boulder, Colorado & London, Westview/Croom Helm, 441 pp. 214.95.

Raymond Plant, Harry Lesser and Peter Taylor‐Gooby, Political Philosophy and Social Welfare: Essays on the Normative Basis of Welfare Provision, London, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1980, pp. 262. 8.95, 4.95 (paper).

William E. Connolly, Appearance and Reality in Politics, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1981, pp. 218.15.00.

Jane J. Mansbridge, Beyond Adversary Democracy, New York, Basic Books, 1980, pp. 377. US$20.

William A. Galston, Justice and the Human Good, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1980, pp. 324. US$27.95.

Norma Grieve and Patricia Grimshaw (eds), Australian Women. Feminist Perspectives, Melbourne, Oxford University Press, 1981, pp. 333. $9.95 (paper).

Joni Lovenduski and Jill Hills (eds).Tfie Politics of the Second Electorate: Women and Public Participation. London, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1981, pp. 332. 6.95 (paper).

E.M. Ettorre, Lesbians, Women and Society, London, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1980, pp. 208. $13.95.

Jane Lewis, The Politics of Motherhood, Child and Maternal Welfare in England 1900–1939, London, Croom Helm 1980, pp. 235. $17.50.

Dale Spender, Man Made Language, London, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1980, pp. 250. 4.95 (paper).  相似文献   

Babi and Baha'i Religions: From Messianic Shi'ism to a World Religion, by Peter Smith, Cambridge University Press, London, New York, New Rochelle, Melbourne, Sydney 1987, pp.xiv, 243.

Panj Vaqf‐namah, by Mahmud Afshar Yazdi, (Five Endowment Deeds), Tehran Foundation for Mahmud Afshar Yazdi's Endowments, 1363/1984. Iraj Afshar and Karim Isfahaniyan, eds., Namvarah‐yi Doktor Mahmūd Afshar Yazdi (Mahmud Afshar Yazdi's Festschrift), 4 vols., Tehran: Foundation for Mahmud Afshar Yazdi's Endowments, 1364/1985–1367/1988.

Bulles et Sceaux sassanides de diverses collections, by Philippe Gignoux and Rika Gysclen, Paris: Sludia Iranica, Cahier 4, Association Pour l'avancemeni des études iraniennes, 1987, 306 pp, 23 plates.

Iran and Iraq at War , by Shahram Chubin and Charles Tripp, Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1988.

The Tragedy of Sohrab and Rostam, from the Persian National Epic, the Shahnameh of Abol‐Qascm Ferdowsi, translated by Jerome W. Clinton, Seattle: The University of Washington Press, 1988, xxv + 190 pages, $25.00 cloth $12.50 paper.

Persian Carpets , by Michael Craig Hillmann, Austin: University of Texas Press, 1984, 98 pp. index to p. 112.

Resurrection and Renewal: The Making of the Babi Movement in Iran, 1844–1850, Abbas Amanat, Ithaca & London: Cornell University Press, 1989, pp. xv.+ 461, no price indicated.

Iran min al‐Dakhil, (Iran From Within), by Fahmi Huwaydi, Cairo: Markaz al‐Ahram li al‐tarjuma wa al‐nashr, 1987, 405 pp.

Woven From the Soul, Spun from the Heart: Textile Arts of Safavid and Qajar Iran, 16lh‐19lh Centuries , edited by Carol Bier, Washington, DC: The Textile Museum, 1987.

Summon Up Remembrance, by Marzich Gail, Oxford: George Ronald Books, 1987, 295 pp., appendix, bibliography, $14.95.

Iran and The United States, A Cold War Case Study, by Richard W. Cottam, Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1988. $12.95 pb.  相似文献   

Dean Jaensch, An Introduction to Australian Politics, Melbourne, Longman Cheshire, 1981, pp. 320. $8.95

James Jupp, Party Politics: Australia 1966–81, Sydney, George Allen and Unwin, 1982, pp. 232. $19.95, $9.95 (paper)

Patrick Weller and Michelle Grattan, Can Ministers Cope? Australian Federal Ministers at Work, Melbourne, Hutchinson Group, 1981, pp. 231. $17.95

Marian Sawer (ed), Australia and the New Right Sydney, George Allen & Unwin, 1982, pp. 181. $19.95, $9.95 (paper)

1. John Arthur and William H. Shaw (eds) Justice and Economic Distribution, Prentice‐Hall, New Jersey, 1978.

2. For example, Peter Steinfels The Neoconservatives, Touchstone, Simon & Schuster, New York, 1979; Lewis A. Coser and Irving Howe (eds) The New Conservatives, Meridian, New York, 1977; Philip Green The Pursuit of Inequality, pantheon, New York, 1981; Robert LeKach‐man Greed is not Enough: Reagonomics. pantheon, New York, 1981.

J.A. Pettifer (ed), House of Representatives Practice, Canberra, Australian Government Publishing Service, 1981, pp. 966. $56.40, $44 (paper)

The Australian Constitution Annotated, with Cumulative Supplement, Compiled and Annotated by the Attorney‐General's Dept., Canberra, Australian Government Publishing Service, main text 544 pages (including four Appendices and Index to the Constitution); Supplement 94 pages. Main text $24.50; Supplement $3.20.

Don Dunstan, Felicia: the Political Memoirs of Don Dun‐stan, Macmillan, South Melbourne, 1981, pp. 328. $19.95

Kathryn Cole (ed), Power, Conflict and Control in Australian Trade Unions, Melbourne, Penguin, 1982, pp. 309. $9.95

Leon Glezer, Tariff Politics: Australian Policy‐making 1960—1980, Melbourne, Melbourne University Press, 1982, pp 360. $23.00

N.G. Butlin, A. Barnard and J.J. Pincus, Government and Capitalism: Public and Private Choice in Twentieth Century Australia. Sydney, George Allen & Unwin, 1982, pp. 369. $25.00, $12.95 (paper)

Len Fox, Multinationals Take Over Australia, with contributions by E.L. Wheelwright and Greg Crough, Sydney, Alternative Publishing Co‐operative Limited, 1981, pp. 226. $21.95, $9.95 (paper)

Tom O'Brien, Job Generation, Melbourne, Hill of Content, 1981, pp. 209. $12.95

Peter Thompson, Power in Tasmania. Melbourne, Australian Conservation Foundation, 1981, pp. 192. $19.95, $13.95 (paper)

Geoffrey Bolton, Spoils and Spoilers: Australians Make Their Environment 1788–1980, Sydney, George Allen & Unwin, 1981, pp. 200. $17.50, $9.95 (paper)

Ross Fitzgerald, From the Dreaming to 1915: A History of Queensland, St Lucia, University of Queensland Press, 1982, pp. 354. $19.95

John Lechte, Politics and the Writing of Australian History: An Introduction to a Structural Study, Melbourne Politics Monograph, 1979, pp. 240. $6.00

Russell Rollason, The new International Economic Order and Implications for Australia, Chippendale NSW, Alternative Publishing Co‐operative Limited, 1981, pp. 208. $24.95, $12.95 (paper)

Henry S. Albinski, The Australian‐American Security Relationship: A Regional and International Perspective, St Lucia, University of Queensland Press, 1982, pp. 257. $29.95

Philippa Smith, Living on the Edge, ACOSS, Sydney, 1982, pp. 168. $9.50.

J.R. Frears, France in the Giscard Presidency, London, Allen and Unwin, 1981, pp. 224. $32.50, $13.95 (paper)

David Childs and Jeffrey Johnson, West Germany: Politics and Society, London, Croom Helm, 1981, pp. 231. 10.95,5.95 (paper)

W.J. Mommsen (ed), The Emergence of the Welfare State in Britain and Germany, London, Croom Helm, pp. 423. 12.95

Vernon Bogdanor, The People and the Party System: The referendum and electoral reform in British politics, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1981, pp. 285, 20, 6.95 (paper)

Julian Le Grand, The Strategy of Equality: Redistribution and the Social Services, London, Allen & Unwin, 1982, pp. 192. $35, $12.50 (paper)

Nick Bosanquet and Peter Townsend (eds), Labour and Equality: A Fabian Study of Labour in Power, 1974–79, heinemann Educational Books, 1980, pp. 312.5.50 (paper)

R.K. Carty, Party and Parish Pump: Electoral Politics in Ireland, Waterloo, Ontario, Wilfrid Laurier Univesity Press, 1981,pp.259.Can$9.00

Allen M. Potter, Peter Fotheringham and James G. Kel‐las, American Government and Politics, 3rd edn, London, Faber and Faber, 1981, pp. 340. $10.95 (paper)

Gary Wills, Explaining America: The Federalist, Double‐day, 1982, pp. 270. $14.95

Michael Vale (ed), Poland: The State of the Republic, London, Pluto Press, pp. 231. $14.95 Neal Ascherson, The Polish August, London, Allen Lane, pp. 316. $12.50

Beverley Male, Revolutionary Afghanistan: A Reappraisal, London and Canberra, Croom Helm, 1982, pp. 229. 13.95

Benjamin Amonoo, Ghana 1957—1966: Politics of Institutional Dualism, London, George Allen & Unwin 1981, pp. 242. SA42.50, $A11.95 (paper)

Arthur Gavshon, Crisis in Africa: Battleground of East and West, Harmondsworth, Middlesex, Penguin, 1981, pp. 320. $9.95

Isaiah Berlin, Against the Current. Essays in the History of Ideas, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1981, pp. 394. $A12.95

C.L. Ten, Mill on Liberty, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1980, pp. 195. 4.95 (paper)

Jean Blondel, The Discipline of Politics, London, Butter‐worths, 1981, pp. 222. $17.00

John Charvet, A Critique of Freedom and Equality, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1981, pp. 200. 17.50

Alan Gilbert, Marx's PoliticsCommunists and Citizens, Oxford, Martin Robertson, 1981, pp. 271. 16.50

W.J. Stankiewicz, Approaches to Democracy: Philosophy of Government at the Close of the Twentieth Century, London, Edward Arnold, 1980, pp. 276. 11.50

Michael Laver, The Politics of Private Desires: The Guide to the Politics of Rational Choice, Ringwood, Penguin, 1981, pp. 186. $4.95 (paper)

Ralph Pettman, Biopolitics and International Values: Investigating Liberal Norms, New York, Pergamon, 1981, pp. 183. $13.40 (paper)

Bernard Schaffer and Geoff Lamb, Can Equity be Organized? Equity, Development Analysis and Planning, Farn‐borough, Gowerand Paris, UNESCO, 1981, pp. 166. $24

Ann Oakley, Subject Women, Oxford, Martin Robertson, 1981, pp. 406. 9.50

Olive Banks, Faces of Feminism, Oxford, Martin Robertson, 1981, pp. 285. 15.00, 5.00 (paper)

Mukherjee S.K. and Scutt, Jocelynne A, Women and Crime, Sydney, Allen and Unwin, 1981 $8.95 (paper)

Margherita Rendel (ed), Women, Power and Political Systems, London, Croom Helm, 1981, pp. 262. 12.95

David Owen, Face the Future, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1981, pp. 279. $9.95 (paper)

Australia on the Rack: amalgamated Metal Workers and Shipwrights Union, Sydney; pp. 341, 1982. $1.00

Colin Mellors, The British MP, Farnborough, Saxon House, 1978, pp. 146. $A27.00

D. Home, E. Thompson, D. Iaensch and K. Turner, Changing the System, APSA Monograph 25, Bedford Park, South Australia, 1981, pp. 44. $1.50  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Walker Connor. Ethnonationalism. The Quest for Understanding. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994. xiii + 234 pp. No price given.

Elie Kedourie. Nationalism. Fourth, expanded edition. Oxford: Blackwell, 1993. xxi + 154 pp. $32.95 (paper).

Thomas Hylland Eriksen. Ethnicity and Nationalism. Anthropological Perspectives. London: Pluto Press, 1993. ix + 179 pp. £25.00 (cloth), £9.95 (paper).

David Brown. The State and Ethnic Politics in Southeast Asia. London: Routledge, 1994. xxi + 354 pp.

Ted Robert Gurr. Minorities at Risk. A Global View of Ethnopolitical Conflicts. Washington: United States Institute of Peace Press, 1993. xii + 427 pp. $US37.50 (cloth), $US24.95 (paper).

Guntram F.A. Werther. Self‐Determination in Western Democracies. Aboriginal Politics in a Comparative Perspective. Westport: Greenwood Press, 1992. xxxvi + 113 pp. $US43.00 (cloth).

Morton H. Halpern and David J. Scheffer with Patricia L. Small. Self‐Determination in the New World Order. Washington: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1992. xiv + 178 pp. No price given.

Kamal S. Shehadi. Ethnic Self‐Determination and the Break‐up of States. Adelphi Paper 283. London: International Institute for Strategic Studies, 1993. 90 pp. £10.00 (paper).

Miron Rezun (ed.). Nationalism and the Breakup of an Empire: Russia and its Periphery. Westport: Praeger, 1992. x + 197 pp. US$42.95 (cloth).

Garry Tompf (ed.) Islands and Enclaves. Nationalisms and Separatist Pressures in Islands and Littoral Contexts. New Delhi: Sterling Publishers Private Ltd, 1993. xxxv + 379 pp. No price given.

David Little. Sri Lanka. The Invention of Enmity. Washington: United States Institute of Peace Press, 1994. xxxviii + 175 pp. $US14.95 (paper).

Ralph R. Premdas. Ethnicity and Development: The Case of Fiji. United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, DP46, 1993. 50 pp. No price given.

P.J. Boyce and J.R. Angel (eds). Diplomacy in the Marketplace: Australia in World Affairs 1981–90. Melbourne: Longman Cheshire, 1992. xi + 330 pp. $26.50 (paper).

Jim George. Discourses of Global Politics: A Critical (Re)Introduction to International Relations. Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 1994. xi + 265pp. $US45.00 (cloth), $US18.95 (paper).

Claire T. Sjolander and Wayne Cox (eds). Beyond Positivism: Critical Reflections on International Relations. Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 1994. x + 203 pp. $US35.00 (cloth).

Lawrence Freedman, Paul Hayes and Robert O'Neill (eds). War, Strategy and International Politics: Essays in Honour of Sir Michael Howard. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1992. xi + 322 pp. No price given.

Craig N. Murphy and Roger Tooze (eds). The New International Political Economy. Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 1991. vii + 237 pp. $US33.00 (cloth), $US15.95 (paper).

Hugh Smith (ed.). Peacekeeping, Challenges for the Future. Canberra: Australian Defence Studies Centre, Australian Defence Force Academy, 1993. xiv + 229 pp. $20.00 (paper).

Gary T. Gardner. Nuclear Nonproliferation: A Primer. Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 1994. xiii + 141 pp. $US25.00 (cloth), $US10.95 (paper).

Jack Donnelly. International Human Rights. Boulder: Westview Press, 1993. xvi + 206 pp. $US39.95 (cloth), $US12.95 (paper).

Luther Martin (ed.). Religious Transformations and Socio‐Political Change: Eastern Europe and Latin America. Berlin: Moutonde Gruyter, 1993. xiv + 457 pp. DM198.00 (cloth).

Bronislaw Misztal and Anson Shupe (eds). Religion and Politics in Comparative Perspective: Revival of Religious Fundamentalism in East and West. Westport: Praeger, 1992. xii + 223 pp. $US45.00 (cloth).

Jeff Hayes. Religion in Third World Politics. Buckingham: Open University Press, 1993. ix + 166 pp. $39.95 (paper).

John Francis. The Politics of Regulation: A Comparative Perspective. Oxford: Blackwell, 1993. xi + 289 pp. $45.00 (paper).

Philip Bell and Roger Bell. Implicated: The United States in Australia. Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 1993. xii + 220 pp. $19.95 (paper).

Stephen E. Ambrose. Rise to Globalism: American Foreign Policy Since 1938. 7th revised edition. New York: Penguin Books, 1993. xvi + 428 pp. $16.95 (paper).

Amos Kiewe (ed.). The Modern Presidency and Crisis Rhetoric. Westview: Praeger, 1994. xxxvii + 246 pp. $US55.00 (cloth).

Elizabeth Pond. Beyond the Wall: Germany's Road to Unification. Washington: Brookings Institution, 1993. xv + 367 pp. No price given

H.G. Peter Wallach and Ronald A. Francisco. United Germany: The Past, Politics, Prospects. Westport: Praeger, 1992. viii + 173 pp. $US45.00 (cloth), $US15.95 (paper).

Robert Zuzowski. Political Dissent and Opposition in Poland: The Workers’ Defense Committee “KOR”. Westport: Praeger, 1992. xii + 293 pp. $US65.00 (cloth).

Roger Kanet, Deborah Nutter Miner and Tamara J. Resler (eds). Soviet Foreign Policy in Transition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992. xvi + 308 pp. $130.00 (cloth).

Chris Ward. Stalin's Russia. London: Edward Arnold, 1993. xxii + 241 pp. $32.95 (paper).

Dale F. Eickelman (ed.). Russia's Muslim Frontiers: New Directions in Cross‐Cultural Analysis. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1993. ix + 206 pp. $US29.95 (cloth), $US12.95 (paper).

Tom Rogers. The Soviet Withdrawal from Afghanistan: Analysis and Chronology. Westport: Greenwood Press, 1992. 223 pp. $US55.00 (cloth).

Hirano Ken'ichiro (ed.). The State and Cultural Transformation. Perspectives from East Asia. Tokyo: United Nations University Press, 1993. xi + 357 pp. $50.00 (paper).

Trevor Findlay (ed.). Arms Control in the Post‐Cold War World: With Implications for Asia‐Pacific. Canberra: Peace Research Centre, Australian National University, 1993. ix + 328 pp. $20.00 (paper).

C. Inglis, S. Gunasekeran, G. Sullivan and C.‐T. Wu (eds). Asians in Australia: The Dynamics of Migration and Settlement. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1992. xvi + 230 pp. $24.95 (paper).

Russell Trood (ed.). The Future Pacific Economic Order: Australia's Role. Brisbane: Centre for the Study of Australia‐Asia Relations, Griffith University, in association with the Australian Institute of International Affairs, 1993. xii + 123 pp. $16.00 (paper).

Edward J. Lincoln. Japan's New Global Role. Washington: Brookings Institution, 1993. xi + 320 pp. $US28.95 (cloth).

Joseph P. Keddell. The Politics of Defence in Japan. Managing Internal and External Pressures. Armonk: M.E. Sharpe, 1993. xvi + 236 pp. $US47.50 (cloth).

Ryutaro Hashimoto. Vision of Japan. A Realistic Direction for the 21st Century. Tokyo: Bestsellers, 1994. 183 pp. No price given.

Kataoka Tetsuya (ed.). Creating Single‐Party Democracy: Japan's Postwar Political System. Stanford: Hoover Institution Press, 1992. 173 pp. $US17.95 (paper).

Gary Klintworth (ed.). Taiwan in the Asia‐Pacific in the 1990s. Canberra: Allen & Unwin in association with the Department of International Relations, The Australian National University, 1994. xv + 291 pp. $24.95 (paper).

Harold Brookfield and Yvonne Byron (eds). South‐East Asia's Environmental Future: The Search for Sustainability. Tokyo and Kuala Lumpur: United Nations University Press/Oxford University Press, 1993. xxxi + 422 pp. $69.95 (cloth).

Ben Kiernan (ed.). Genocide and Democracy in Cambodia: The Khmer Rouge, the United Nations and the International Community. New Haven: Yale University Southeast Asia Studies Monograph No.41, 1993. 335 pp. No price given.

Frank Frost. The Peace Process in Cambodia: Issues and Prospects. Australia‐Asia Papers No.69, Centre for the Study of Australia‐Asia Relations, Griffith University, 1993. 63 pp. $10.00 (paper).

Pheuiphanh Ngaosyvathn. Strategic Partnership and International Partnership: Australia's Post‐1975 Relations with Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam. Australia‐Asia Papers No.68, Centre for the Study of Australia‐Asia Relations, Griffith University, 1993. 60 pp. $10.00 (paper).

William S. Turley and Mark Selden (eds). Reinventing Vietnamese Socialism: Doi Moi in Comparative Perspective. Boulder: Westview Press, 1993. xiv + 368 pp. $US44.95 (cloth).

Frank Frost. Vietnam's Foreign Relations: Dynamics of Change. Pacific Strategic Papers No.6, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore, 1993. 90 pp. $US9.99 (paper).

Michael Vatikiotis. Indonesian Politics under Suharto: Order, Development and Pressure for Change. London: Routledge, 1993. xix + 220 pp. £27.50 (cloth).

Michele Turner. Telling: East Timor: Personal Testimonies 1942–1992. Kensington: New South Wales University Press, 1992. xxii + 218 pp. $19.95 (paper).

R.W.L. Austin. In the Shadow of the Durian. Indonesia Observed. Australians in Asia Series, no.10, Centre for the Study of Australia‐Asia Relations, Griffith University, 1993. 80 pp. $12.00 (paper).

Janet Hunt and Stephen Webb (eds). Aid for a Change: A Plan to Reshape Australia's Overseas AidTo Tackle Poverty and Promote Sustainable Human Development. Canberra: Australian Council for Overseas Aid, Development Dossier No.31, 1992. x + 113 pp. $10.00 (paper).

S. Mahmud Ali. The Fearful State: Power, People and Internal War in South Asia. London: Zed Books, 1993. $US49.95 (cloth), $US22.50 (paper).

Nigel Worden. The Making of Modern South AfricaConquest, Segregation and Apartheid. Oxford: Blackwell, 1994. 166 pp. $22.95 (paper).

Morris H. Morley. Washington, Somoza, and the Sandinistas: State and Regime in US Policy Toward Nicaragua, 1969–1981. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994. 343 pp. $120.00 (cloth).

James Painter. Bolivia and Coca. A Study in Dependency. Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 1994. xiv+l94 pp. $US35.00 (cloth).

Politics: Australia and the World Beyond the Headlines No.1. Sydney: Public Affairs Research Centre, University of Sydney, 1993. v + 264 pp. $19.95 (paper).

Hal Hill (ed.). Indonesia's New Order: The Dynamics of Socio‐Economic Transformation. St Leonards: Allen & Unwin, 1994. 364 pp. $29.95.  相似文献   

Book review     
Oriental Carpet and Textile Studies

vol. III, no. 2., ed. Robert Pinner and Walter B. Denny. Published by the Islamic Department of Sotheby’ s and OCTS, Ltd., London (n.d., 1990?). 262 pages, with 12 colour plates and many black and white illus. and diagrams; soft‐bound with colour cover.

Textile Conservation and Research

by Mechtilde Fleury‐Lemburg. Bern, Switzerland: Abegg Stiftung. 1988, 532 pp.

An Introduction to Kurdish Rugs and Other Weavings

William Eagleton. New York, Interlink Books. 1988. 144 pp., 124 full‐page color plates.

Kordi: Lives, Rugs, Flatweaves of the Kurds in Khorasan

Wilfried Stanzer, Vienna, Adil Besim. 1988. 220 pp., 78 full‐page color plates, 48 color figures in text.

Carpets in the Baluch Tradition

by Siawosch Azadi. English trans. by Maria Schlatter and Robert Pinner. Klinkhardt and Biermann, Munich, 1986.

Armenian Rugs: Fabric of a Culture. An Exhibition at the Balch Institute for Ethnic Studies

August 17‐October 29, 1988. Co‐sponsored by the Armenian Rug Society. Ed. Pamela B. Nelson. 40 pp; colour and black and white photographs, maps and “selected bibliography”. Philadelphia: Balch Institute for Ethnic Studies, 1988.

Women's Costume of the Near and Middle East

by Jennifer Scarce, London and Sydney: Unwin Hyman Publishers, 1987. pp. 192  相似文献   

Populism and Feminism in Iran: Women's Struggle in a Male‐Defined Revolutionary Movement ,Haideh Moghissi, New York: St. Martin's Press, 1994, 217 pp., $59.95.

La Beauté menacée: anthropologie des maladies de la peau en Iran , Niloufar Jozani, Tehran: Institut Français de Recherche en Iran, 1994, 317 pp., illustrations, tables, Bibliography, Index.

Iranian Cities: Formation and Development ,Masoud Kheirabadi, Austin: University of Texas Press, 1991, xiv + 132 pp., illustrations, glossary, and appendixes.

Faith and Freedom ,ed. Mahnaz Afkhami, Syracuse: Syracuse Univ. Press, 1995.

Mongolia: The Legacy of Chinggis Khan ,Patricia Berger and Terese Tse Bartholomew, New York: Thames and Hudson, 1995, 340 pp., 310 illustrations, 237 in color, $60.00.

Mongol Jewelry ,Martha Boyer, Carlsberg Foundation's Nomad Research Project, New York: Thames and Hudson, 1995, 278 pp., 200 illustrations, 90 in color, $50.00.

Frühe iranische Moscheen vom Beginn des Islam bis zur Zeit sal?ūqischer Herrschaft ,Barbara Finster [Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Abteilung Tehran: Archäologische Mitteliungen aus Iran, Erganzungsband 19] Berlin: Dietrich Riemer, 1994, 319 pp., 1 map, 149 figures, 48 plates, Bibliography, Index.

Khomeini's Forgotten Sons: The Story of Iran's Boy Soldiers ,Ian Brown, London: Grey Seal Books, 1990, viii + 190 pp.

Dancing Barefoot on Broken Glass ,Leonardo Alishan, New York: Ashod Press, 1991, xvi + 77 pp., $7.50.

Persico‐Kurdica: Études d'ethnomusicologie, de dialectologie, d'histoire et de religion (parues dans les années 1964–1978), Mohammad Mokri, Louvain: Peeters, 1995, lv + 505 pp.

Padyavand ,ed. Amnon Netzer, Judeo‐Iranian and Jewish Studies Series, vol. 1, Costa Mesa, Calif.: Mazda Publishers, 1996, xxvi + 143 English + 367 Persian.

The Throne Carrier of God: The Life and Thought of ‘Ala'; ad‐Dawla as‐Simnani ,Jamal J. Elias, Albany: State University of New York Press, 1995, xvi + 255 pp., $ 16.95.

The History of al‐Tabari ,vol. XXXIII: Storm and Stress along the Northern Frontiers of the cAbbasid Caliphate ,trans, and annot. C. E. Bosworth, SUNY Series in Near Eastern Studies and Bibliotheca Persica, Albany: State University of New York Press, 1991.

The Hidden Hand: Middle East Fears of Conspiracy ,Daniel Pipes, New York: St. Martin's Press, 1996, xii + 404 pp.

The History of al‐Tabari , vol. XII: The Battle of al‐Qadisiyyah and the Conquest of Syria and Palestine , trans. Yohanan Friedmann, Albany: State University of New York Press, 1992, xxii + 237 pp.

La Region d'Arak et de Hamadan: cartes et documents ethnographiques , Hélène Desmet‐Gregoire and Patrice Fontaine, with the collaboration of Mohammad cAli Ahmadian and Abolqasem Taheri, Studia Iranica, Cahier 6, association pour l'avancement des études iraniennes, Leuven: Teeters, 1988.

Myth and Mobilization in Revolutionary Iran: The Use of the Friday Congregational Sermon , Haggay Ram, Washington, D.C.: The American University Press, 1994, xiii + 250 pp., $59.00 cloth.  相似文献   


Bateman W. R. G. and Ward M. W. (eds), Australia's Offshore Maritime Interests, Canberra, Australian Centre for Maritime Studies, 1985, pp. 122. $15.00 (paper)

Stephen Castles, Mary Kalantzis, Bill Cope and Michael Morrissey, Mistaken Identity: Multiculturalism and the Demise of Nationalism in Australia, Sydney, Pluto Press, 1988, pp.152. $14.95 (paper)

Roger Gibbins, Federalism in the Northern Territory; Statehood and Aboriginal Political Development, Darwin, North Australia Research Unit, Australian National University, 1988, pp. 148. $14.00 (paper)

Dean Jaensch and Peter Loveday (eds), Challenge From The Nationals: The Territory Election 1987, Darwin, North Australia Research Unit, Australian National University, 1987, pp. 226. $20.00 (paper)

Constance Lever‐Tracy and Michael Quinlan, A Divided Working Class, London, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1988, pp. 338. $29.95 (paper)

Peter Loveday and Peter McNab (eds), Australia's Seventh State, Darwin, The Law Society of the Northern Territory and the North Australia Research Unit, Australian National University, 1988, pp.322. $24.00 (paper)

Geoffrey Skene, Specialities of the House, Department of the Parliamentary Library/Australasian Political Studies Association, 1988, pp.59. $10.00 (paper)

Comparative and international

Chris Bellamy, The Future of Land Warfare, London and Sydney, Croom Helm, 1987, pp.302. £29.95 (cloth)

Cathy Downes Strategic and Defence Studies Centre Research School of Pacific Studies The Australian National University

Melanie Beresford, Vietnam: Politics, Economics and Society, London, Frances Pinter, 1988, pp.242. $19.95 (paper)

Vernon Bogdanor (ed.) Constitutions in Democratic Politics, Gower, for the Policy Studies Institute, Aldershot, 1988, pp.395. $59.00 (cloth)

Barry Coldrey, Faith and Fatherland: The Christian Brothers and the Development of Irish Nationalism 1838–1921, Dublin, Gill and Macmillan, 1988, pp. 338. £27.50

John Connell, New Caledonia or Kanaky? The Political History of a French Colony, Canberra, Australian National University, National Centre for Development Studies, Pacific Research Monograph No. 16,1987, pp.493. $25.00 (paper)

Michael Spencer, Alan Ward and John Connell (eds), New Caledonia: Essays in Nationalism and Dependency, St Lucia, University of Queensland Press, 1988, pp.253. $ 19.95 (paper)

Leon Epstein Political Parties in the American Mold, Wisconsin, University of Wisconsin Press, 1986, pp. 440. $US27.00 (cloth).

Keith Ewing, The Funding of Political Parties in Britain, Cambridge, U.K., Cambridge University Press, 1987, pp. 264. $70.00 (cloth)

Richard Higgott (ed.), New Directions in International Relations? Australian Perspectives, Canberra, Department of International Relations, Australian National University, 1988, pp. 223. $10.00 (paper)

Michael J Sheehan, Arms Control; Theory and Practice, Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1988, pp. 188. $34.95 (paper)

Political theory and methodology

Boris Frankel, The Post‐Industrial Utopians, Cambridge, Polity Press, 1987, pp. 303. $29.95 (paper)

P. Gottfried and T. Fleming The Conservative Movement. Boston, Twayne Publishers, 1988, pp.125. US$7.95 (paper)

Peter C. Ordeshook, Game Theory and Politics: An Introduction, New York, Cambridge University Press, 1986, pp.511. $47.00 (paper)

A. Teichova, M. Levy‐Leboyer & H. Nussbaum (eds), Multinational Enterprise in Historical Perspective, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1986, pp. 396. $107.00 (cloth).  相似文献   

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