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China's Eleventh Five-Year Plan, which sets the directions for national development for the 2006 to 2010 period, has been described as a revolutionary plan. This paper examines the Plan's goal to build a "harmonious socialist society" by enabling disadvantaged groups and less developed regions to share the fruits of economic growth. It first describes the Plan's main principles and major quantitative targets for the five-year period. In the second half of the paper, the author argues that the emphasis on "common prosperity" can be explained by the rise in inequality over more than two decades, by a new political administration that seeks to establish its own path while endorsing ideas from past regimes, and by President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao's more open and consultative style of leadership. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: O20, O53, P21. 1 figure, 2 tables, 58 references.  相似文献   

曲文军 《民俗研究》2002,(4):192-195
中国古代占卜的习俗源远流长。远在上古的周代,官府里就专门设有大卜、卜师、龟人、占人等专管卜筮的官员。几千年来,作为一种重要的民俗文化现象,卜龟、卜钱、鸡卜、掷珓、掷巧、卜镜等五花八门的占卜形式一直在民间流传。由于尚未见到有人涉猎探索“掷珓”这种占卜形式,故在此作一点粗疏的考索。  相似文献   

陈红民  魏兵兵 《安徽史学》2005,(4):63-70,114
国民革命时期,中共进行了积极而卓有成效的宣传工作,对国民革命的进程和国共两党的关系产生了很大的影响.本文通过对1923-1925年中共机关刊物<向导>周报的考察,分析中共在此时期宣传策略的转变和宣传话语的特点,即中共如何将"左派"、"右派"、"阶级斗争"等概念引入国民革命的过程,从而勾勒出国民革命期间中共在宣传上从被动到主动,争取到宣传强势,并最终将阶级斗争理论与国民革命结合起来的轨迹.  相似文献   

东晋南朝流行的券顶式长方形墓葬,其建筑形式来源于中原地区的洞石墓,其文化含义可能与侨居以及道教的修炼有关,那就是迁居江南的北方人士虽然死在了江南,但却始终想回到自己的故土,想乘坐上带有卷棚的"安车",躺在安车式的墓葬之中,实现回归的梦想。当故乡已经完全不可回归的时候,侨民们又无可奈何地选择了佛教和道教的方式,将墓室视作洞天福地,就地修炼超升。  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article:
Ernest Freeberg, The Education of Laura Bridgman: The First Deaf and Blind Person to Learn Language
Elisabeth Gitter, The Imprisoned Guest: Samuel Howe and Laura Bridgman, the Original Deaf–Blind Girl  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article:
Ernest Freeberg, The Education of Laura Bridgman: The First Deaf and Blind Person to Learn Language
Elisabeth Gitter, The Imprisoned Guest: Samuel Howe and Laura Bridgman, the Original Deaf–Blind Girl  相似文献   

何谓“畏磊之风”?溯本探源,得从先秦《庄子·庚桑楚》篇说起。老子有个高徒叫庚桑楚,在较多地掌握老聃之术后,便前往北方,居住在畏磊山上。他遣散了自恃聪明的仆隶,疏远了自视仁义的侍女,与当地纯朴善良的人朝夕相处,起用勤劳勇敢的人办事,这样过了三年,畏磊山获得大丰收。这一带老百姓深受其惠,相互见面说:“庚桑先生刚来时,我就很诧异,从短期看,他清静无为,从长期看,他功德无量。我们何不一起推他为主,建祠致飨,把他当作土神和谷神敬奉起来呢?”由此可见,“畏磊之风”是当年畏磊山一带百姓对庚桑楚感恩戴德而自愿立祠…  相似文献   

2006年度,中国世界历史研究取得了长足的进展,这主要表现在研究领域更加宽泛,研究程度更加深入;不但继续关注传统问题,如古代社会政治制度、封建制度、文艺复兴等,而且,更加关注现实问题,注重发挥世界史学科的功能,为现实服务;2006年度出现了一批角度新、材料新、观点新的研究成果;中青年著述明显增多,一些博士硕士论文有较高水平;此外,欧洲、美国、苏联及日本史的研究仍然保持传统的优势。下面分总论及国际关系史、世界古代中世纪史、世界近现代史三个方面加以评述。  相似文献   

During the last restoration of the Fontana di Trevi -Rome (2014–2015), it has been performed a diagnostic investigation to characterize the materials used to build and obtain the colors of the surfaces of some architectural elements of this fountain. According to the restoration teamwork needs, we focussed our efforts on the dome over the central statue of Oceanus, on the bas-relieves on the sides of the dome, and on the cliff where the water flows. Several samples were collected from these elements and therefore, they were subjected to an analytical approach including infrared spectroscopy, optical and scanning electron microscopy. The achieved results indicated the use of red earth pigments on the dome. The same pigment has been revealed on the bas-relieves, although their colors have an additional contribution due to degraded layers. Samples taken from the cliff showed a complex stratigraphy, although a white scialbo has been identified as original layer, testifying the intentions of the authors in term of color rendering. This information was essential for the restores in order to choose the proper intervention procedure for each investigated surface. The research testified the importance of an integrated diagnostic analysis to preserve the original colours of monuments and building.  相似文献   

本文在前人研究的基础上,就两铭的几处疑难字句及通篇大意作了新的释读。提出“伯氏”应指召伯虎,为涉讼的男一方。“宕其叁”、“宕其贰”,“宕其贰”、“宕其一”恰与《周礼·夏官·大司马》上地、中地计赋办法相合。两铭所反映的琱、召两家之土田纠纷,以碉氏赔偿贝和归还多占的土田(邑)做结。  相似文献   

《Political Geography》1999,18(1):25-32
Contrary to Professor Morrill's thesis, land use powers in the United States are not centralizing in the hands of regional and national elites favoring metropolitan consumption interests. Indeed, the article cites evidence that land use powers have decentralized since the 1970s. The white middle and upper classes, concentrated in suburban residential enclaves, are well-served by decentralized land-use controls. Morrill is right to be concerned about threats to local democracy in the United States. But his suggested solution, leaving local governments alone to set land use policies, is flawed. Regional land use planning, does not necessarily reduce local liberty but could enhance it by dampening the beggar-thy-neighbor chase for tax ratables and enhancing the residential choices of low-income, as well as minority, households.  相似文献   

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