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尹航 《文物天地》2023,(4):107-113
鋄金工艺是中国传统的金工技艺,主要是用金银镶嵌于铁器、兵器表面,装饰效果华丽精美,是皇室的地位和权力象征。鋄金工艺传入日本,名为布目象嵌,使用的材料和器型更为广泛。本文以故宫博物院藏铜镶铁鋄金五宝锉的修复保护为基础,深入研究中国传统鋄金工艺和日本布目象嵌工艺,探讨两者工艺制作上的差别。  相似文献   

近期山西大同新发现几处清代寺观拨金壁画,结合拨金工艺在古代寺观彩塑表面的发现情况和山西省非遗项目拨金漆画的工艺流传,对拨金工艺的技法、渊源进行梳理。研究发现,拨金工艺不仅仅用于古代彩塑,还用于古代壁画的装饰。拨金工艺的特点主要是“布金于地,髹彩其上,以锥画之”,受漆器装饰锥金工艺的影响、糅合其他髹饰工艺而产生,宋代以来用于古代彩塑壁画的表面装饰。  相似文献   

古文献记载釦器分为金扣、银扣和铜扣漆器,但对于涂金工艺研究尚有不足。本文主要利用X射线荧光光谱(XRF)、X射线衍射光谱(XRD)、傅里叶红外光谱(FTIR)和金相显微镜等仪器对漆器壶的扣器进行分析,从而揭示其涂金工艺。实验结果表明:该墓出土的木胎扣器是一件涂金铜扣器,金属扣基体是用红铜铸后热锻而成,表面装饰的金层是利用金汞齐法涂抹上去的。  相似文献   

宋朋遥 《东方收藏》2023,(8):116-118
陶瓷修复在我国由来已久,早期的锔瓷重点突出实用性,后来的金缮工艺在使用大漆做基础材料的同时采用金银等材料进行镶嵌与图案绘制,则更加重视装饰作用。文章对金缮工艺使用在陶瓷修复中体现出的点、线、面的装饰作用进行了简要分析,并从哲学应用和材料纹饰相结合两个方面分析了金缮工艺的装饰性体现,以期为金缮工艺的研究提供更多的参考内容。  相似文献   

为了解山西大同出土的五件明清时期铜造像的表面病害、装饰材料和工艺,对出土造像进行了调查,并运用显微照相技术、扫描电镜能谱、傅里叶红外等科学手段对装饰层进行分析。结果表明,造像表面均经过数次装饰,贴金采用了金胶黏贴工艺。蓝色的石青多用于头部,但在服饰上也有发现。红色的朱砂多出现在金层下部。铅丹与铅白混和使用,多出现在手部、面部及服饰上。有两件造像表面还发现了绿铜矿的使用。分析数据可为进一步的修复提供参考。  相似文献   

杨洁  杜文  张彦 《文博》2010,(5):35-40
根据考古资料显示,隋开皇年间至唐代中晚期计300余年间,以长安、洛阳为中心文化区域内的贵族墓葬中多随葬一种以瓷、石为质的笼形熏炉。本文立足于对此类型熏炉资料的收集与梳理,并通过对其制作工艺及装饰特征的比较,提出对此种器物定名与用途的探讨,兼为西安碑林博物馆藏的一件石质文物正名。  相似文献   

为研究重庆大足宝顶山千手观音的贴金材料及其保存状况,应用红外光谱分析、加速器质谱碳十四年代测定、X荧光能谱分析、扫描电镜分析等多种分析方法,对千手观音造像的贴金、金胶样品进行了综合分析。结果表明:表面现存的0层及其以上贴金层均为清代以后所妆贴;金胶存在一定程度的老化,但腐蚀劣变情况并不严重,但吸水后会发生膨胀;千手观音表面贴金采用了在金胶中加入HgS以衬托金色的传统工艺。研究成果可为今后造像保护工作的展开提供一定的科学依据。  相似文献   

为从科学分析的角度研究清代点翠首饰的材质与工艺,本研究以陕西旬邑县唐家大院清中晚期双龙五凤点翠冠饰为研究对象,通过超景深三维视频显微镜和扫描电子显微镜观察点翠冠饰的显微形貌、X射线能谱仪分析点翠冠饰制作材料的化学成分、傅里叶显微红外光谱仪分析点翠中使用胶黏剂的种类。研究表明,点翠冠饰的胎体以金属和木质为主,辅以花丝、捻金线、鎏金等细金工艺制作而成,使用动物胶将翠羽黏接在胎体上,点翠所用的翠羽主要是蓝色的羽枝。双龙五凤点翠冠饰的材料较少使用黄金等贵金属,而是以纯铜、纯银或铜银合金为基体、表面鎏金的金属材料或者木质材料制作,充分节省了冠饰制作的成本并减轻了重量。研究成果为传统点翠工艺提供详实的数据支持,对点翠工艺的传承、发展、创新提供一定的帮助。  相似文献   

古代避瘟驱疫,以香药熏治最为盛行。古代燃香器具熏炉既作为祛病养生的工具,更是我国的文物瑰宝,彰显出古人的智慧与传统艺术价值。本文以满城汉墓出土熏炉为例,阐释汉代熏香历史、熏炉的种类及熏香在古代防疫发挥的作用。2020年突如其来的新冠疫情暴发严重威胁着人类生命和健康。为有效控制疫情的传播、蔓延,中医药广泛参加新冠肺炎治疗。  相似文献   

湖北襄阳菜越三国墓等地出土的龙首柄立凤式铜熏炉造型别致、立意复杂,此类铜熏炉在汉末三国时期主要流行于长江中下游地区,其基本器型可能受到了汉代行炉型熏炉的影响,柄部弯曲程度过大可能与所燃香料种类有关。熏炉盖顶的衔珠凤鸟与胡人造像体现了东汉时期以西方昆仑和西王母为中心的神仙信仰,佛教元素的出现则说明早期佛教信仰主要依附于传统的神仙信仰之中。  相似文献   

国红 《收藏家》2009,(7):45-47
1995年发掘的永州鹞子岭2号墓,出土了许多精美的器物,《考古》2004年第1期发表了该墓的发掘报告,其中一件铜熏炉经过修复之后,特别引人注目。这是西汉末期泉陵侯刘庆之妻的随葬之物(图1)。  相似文献   

韩茗 《四川文物》2021,(2):90-100
魏晋南北朝铜香炉可分为熏炉和熏斗两大类,总体上为汉代铜香炉样式的延续和发展,而形制有所简化。装饰艺术方面有所创新,融合新的时代因素,与同时期的其他生活家居用品风格配套。尽管受到瓷器制造业兴起的影响,铜香炉仍在生活中占有一席之地。这一时期,熏香习俗更加普及,内涵更为丰富,生活用香和宗教用香在文献中有不少记载。香料、香具和熏香习俗也随着贸易和交往传播域外。  相似文献   

With a total of 765.6 hectares of plowed land,Kharmey Township is the principal place for grain production in Gyantse.Villagers, including both men and women,old or young and dressed in festival costumes,are crowding together at the edge of the field in the early morning;they place buttered tea, barley yeasted wine,sutra steamers, and incense burners for prayers for  相似文献   

This paper presents a multi-analytical study of the polychromy in the Guangyuan Thousand-Buddha Grotto. Samples taken from 15 locations in No. 512 and No. 689 caves are prepared as cross-sections for the analysis by optical microscopy (OM) and scanning electron microscopy coupled with backscattered electron imaging (SEM-BSE). The cross section analysis indicates that some paintings were repainted in the past. The chemical composition of each painting layer is obtained by scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy-dispersive X-ray analysis (SEM-EDX). The main pigments for 15 samples including green, red, blue, white and black paint layers, are identified by the combination of polarized light microscopy (PLM), Fourier Transform infrared spectrum (FT-IR), Raman spectroscopy (RS) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis. The integrated analytical results reveal that the green pigments are malachite and atacamite; the red color is attributed to minium, hematite and cinnabar; the blue pigments are lazurite and organic blue materials; the white color is ascribed to anglesite and gypsum; and the black surface of polychrome is the accumulation of longtime smudging by folk burning incense in the devotional practice or the soot deposition resulting from burning bonfires in the caves. Some arsenic-containing pigment is detected in the green samples. This case study also demonstrates the advantages and the limitations of every analytical technique for the pigment identification, confirming the necessity of the integrated analytical techniques approach. The present results are not only useful to assist in the authenticity of the used pigment materials and history of the polychromic in the past, but also aimed at guiding the conservation scientists in taking into account materials and methods utilized in the past.  相似文献   

Micro-Raman spectroscopy has been applied to painted stucco samples from three buildings at the Maya site of Copan, Honduras. The buildings, Clavel (AD 450–550), Ani (AD550–650) and Structure 10L-22 (AD730,) date from three phases of the Classic Period (AD400–820) acropolis construction. The red pigment has been identified as haematite and the stucco as a mixture of calcite particles dispersed throughout a calcite based lime wash stucco. The physical structure of the stucco changed through time, indicating a refining of production techniques over this period. By combining Micro-Raman spectroscopy with other micro-ATR infrared spectroscopy and environmental scanning electron microscopy a detailed investigation of the materials and production techniques used to decorate these buildings has been made. Differences in the mineralogy of the red pigment used on each building indicate a different geological pigment source for each period.  相似文献   

近年来在东南亚地区的一些陆地遗址以及相关海域的沉船遗址中发现了数量颇多的龙泉青瓷,年代从南宋早期延续到明代中期。龙泉青瓷器在东南亚地区的发现一定程度上反映了历史上龙泉青瓷器对该地输出的情况。东南亚地区出土(水)龙泉青瓷器器形有碗、盘、洗、瓶、香炉、罐、梅瓶、高足杯、盆、盒、壶、匜等,其中以碗、盘、罐较为多见,在当地主要的用途为:生活用器、祭器、随葬用器、葬具和陈设器等。龙泉青瓷大量外销东南亚地区,对当地的制瓷手工业产生了很大的影响。  相似文献   

为了了解清雕漆描金宝座的材料和工艺,对胎体制作切片进行了显微镜观察,确定了其种属;采用傅里叶红外光谱分析法分析了红漆,图谱与桐油很相近,由此可确定调漆工艺中加入了桐油。另外,结合文献,初步复原了此宝座的髹漆工艺。此研究对宝座以后的保护及清代家具及漆器的制作工艺具有参考价值。  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of analyses carried out on three decorative phases of the presbytery of the church of Santa Maria Antiqua al Foro Romano in Rome: the fourth‐century ad mosaics setting bed; the Adoration of the Cross, dated to the papacy of John VII (ad 705–7); and the paintings in the apse of the Pope Paul I (ad 757–68) phase. The research allowed the characterization of the painting techniques, pigments, organic compounds and degradation products by means of a video microscope, optical microscopy, and μ‐Raman and FT–IR spectroscopy, contributing to a better understanding of the changes in the techniques and materials used throughout the centuries in one of the most relevant medieval Christian monuments in Western Europe.  相似文献   

The aim of this investigation was to analyze the materials and techniques of the paintings in the 16th-century ce St Mary's Church, to evaluate deterioration of the paintings, and to propose a suitable conservation treatment for their preservation. The material analysis of ground, pigments, binders, and plasters was undertaken using binocular microscopy, field emission scanning electron microscopy (SEM)–energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, X-ray fluorescence, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy in reflectance (KBr) and transmittance mode (attenuated total reflection), thin-film X-ray diffraction, and micro-Raman spectroscopy. Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS) was used for identifying proteinaceous and lipidic materials extracted from the micro-samples. The study generated data on two different red and green pigments used as decorative materials. The red pigments were identified as cinnabar along with traces of hematite and clay minerals, and green as malachite and the minor presence of other minerals. SEM analysis identified cotton fiber embedded in the coarse plaster layer that provided better strength to the plaster. Plant oils and proteins found as the binder in the pigment samples suggested that the painting technique was executed as tempera. Lead white and gypsum materials were used in previous restoration works.  相似文献   

The pigments and the plasters of the Roman frescoes discovered at the House of Diana (Cosa, Grosseto, Italy) were analysed using non‐destructive and destructive mineralogical and chemical techniques. The characterization of both pigments and plasters was performed through optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and electron microprobe analysis. The pigments were identified by Raman spectroscopy and submitted to stable isotope analysis. The results were integrated with the archaeological data in order to determine and reconstruct the provenance, trade patterns and the employment of the raw materials used for the elaboration of the frescoes.  相似文献   

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