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The historical shift in the function of the hospital from an asylum for the care of the indigent sick to a medical‐therapeutic institution is intimately associated with the exploitation of the hospital as a clinical facility. Thus, over the course of the 19th century the space of the hospital and its disciplinary structure was permeated and reorganized by clinical practices. Drawing on the example of the Charite hospital in Berlin, it can be shown how the historical shift in the hospital's outward social function went hand in hand with the creation of a differentiated internal clinical space. In this compartmentalized clinical space the discipline of the hospital was replaced with methods of clinical examination, techniques of observation, and procedures of documentation, all of which helped to transform the hospital into a knowledge‐space.  相似文献   

Dieser Artikel gilt dem Verkehrsnetz in der früheren?Sowjetunion, seinen Hauptproblemen und seiner künftigen Entwicklung unter den neuen wirtschaftlichen und geopolitischen Bedingungen nach dem Ende des Kalten Krieges und der Aufl?sung des sogenannten sozialistischen Weltsystems und der Sowjetunion selbst. Diese Ereignisse haben zu g?nzlich neuen wirtschaftlichen Beziehungen geführt, haben die Struktur des Transportgutes ver?ndert, neue Routen etabliert und lassen ein ganz neues Transitpotential erwarten. Trotz der wirtschaftlichen Krise, die in den letzten zehn Jahren das gesamte einstige Sowjetgebiet erfa?t hat, geht der Bau neuer Eisenbahnlinien weiter. Die Gründe dafür sind geostrategischer Art, das wirtschaftliche Erwachen vordem zurückgebliebener Gebiete, die Erschlie?ung neuer Rohstoffvorkommen oder die Herstellung direkter Zug?nge zu den für den neuen Au?enhandel wichtigen Seeh?fen. In den nunmehr unabh?ngigen L?ndern sind 36 neue?Eisenbahnverwaltungen eingerichtet worden, davon 17 in Ru?land und sechs in der Ukraine. Die Karte (Abb. 1–8) zeigt das gesamte Eisenbahnnetz einschlie?lich der Elektrifizierung nach dem Stand vom Mai 2000. Die wichtigsten neuen Strecken – fertig, im Bau oder in Planung – werden im folgenden vorgestellt.  相似文献   

The investigation of Lenin's brain by the German neurobiologist Oskar Vogt from Berlin and his Russian collaborators in Moscow is one of the most exciting and simultaneously oddest chapters in the history of medicine. With the bizarre claim to be able to detect the material substrate of genius it provoked as much unrealistic expectations in the public as strong criticism by the scientific community of brain researchers. The present paper deals in a brief survey with the history of collecting and measuring the brains of famous persons in general and particularly with the historical, political and social circumstances of the performed investigation of Lenin's brain. In this connection the epistemological and technical prereqisites of architectonical brain research and its means of the topographical representation of complex histo‐anatomical and physiological differences in the brain cortex are shortly discussed. The opening of Russian archives after the socio‐economic turn of the year 1991 brought up new background facts in Lenin's pathobiography; together with the sources from German archives a rather extensive reconstruction of the historical events between Lenin's death in 1924 and the final report of the Moscow Brain Research Institute (Institute Mozga) to the Politburo of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviki) in 1936 is possible now.  相似文献   


Die Wörter in Deut 26,5 werden in der Pæsach Haggada transitiv verstanden. Für unsere gewöhnliche intransitive Lesung gibt es keine klaren Belege vor der Zeit Ibn Ezras. Es ist schwierig, eìne Situation in der Geschichte Israels zu finden, wo die intransitive Lesung verständlich ist Hier prüfe ich, das Problem umzukehren. Von der Hypothese ausgehend, daß die transitive Lesung die primäre ist suche ich die Voraussetzungen für die Entstehung der intransitiven Lesung.  相似文献   

The use of the concept of social history of science is sketched in the Anglo‐American and the German discussions from the mid 1970s up to recent work. By presenting a ‘social map’ of a selected scientific community it is argued that between the categories of discipline and single scientist there exists a wide ‘social space’ of groups within which science is pursued. In adopting a milieu theoretic approach an ecology of science is proposed as a suitable extension of the social history of science.  相似文献   

Dagmar Drinkle 《文博》2009,(6):347-347
在众多的遗物中,真正的纺织品在不同范围被保存并且作为考古出土文物被保护。在埃及,中亚和欧洲(北方)地区,由于这些地方有利于有机物的保存因此可以非常频繁发现纺织品。古代(石质)雕塑如希腊瓶饰画或亚洲陶质雕塑都详细的描绘着衣物,往往辅以详细削减和图案表现。与此相比,比较少见的是古代雕塑彩绘装饰上手绘图案或装饰仍然可以认出或保存完好。被保护的纺织技术作为另一种技术用于制作纺织品,将被介绍并与古代以往的绘画和彩绘装饰保护实例作比较。图案与技术的表现将会用于说明并与真正的纺织品发现物的图案与技术作比较,同时与纺织技术的重建相结合。发现物的样品来自于欧洲,地中海东部和中东。这将表明从古代遗物的绘画上区分独立的纺织技术,并且图案也可以用于证实真正的纺织生产工艺的结论。  相似文献   


First, how does Haggai “construct” the temple, i.e. what view does he hold of it, its function and its significance? The answer here is that, whatever the Second Temple actually was, Haggai does not construct it as a place of sacrifice, a house of prayer, a location of the presence of God, a pivot of the economic system of Judah, a focus of ethnic identity, etc., but as a treasury. It must be rebuilt because it is a shame (not “glory") for Yahweh not to have a “house” in which treasures of silver and gold belonging to him can be stored and exhibited (2,7–9). And this temple must be rebuilt quickly because of the imminent political‐military upheaval ("shaking") of the earth that will result in booty in large quantities arriving in Jerusalem.

Second, is there anything in the text of the book that undermines this “construction” of the temple? Yes, there is an underlying conflict in the text (amounting to a deconstruction) over the issue of honour Yahweh is dishonoured by the ruined state of the temple, but it is not the rebuilding of the temple that will bring him honour. Further, the designation of the Judaeans and the “work of their hands” as “unclean” (2,14) deconstructs the text's placing responsibility for the rebuilding in their hands. Further still, the sudden narrowing of focus to Zerubbabel in the closing verses of the book (2,20–23), and the unprepared designation of him as an eschatological king, deconstructs the prophecy's professed concern with the temple.

Third, can these deconstructionists be deployed in the service of a reconstruction? Here I use the axiom that texts exist in order to repress social conflicts. Yes, we can first reconstitute the social reality implied by the text: from the deconstruction over the issue of honour we can reconstruct the conflict between enthusiasts for temple rebuilding and resisters. From the deconstruction over cleanness and uncleanness we can reconstruct the conflict between the leadership and the proletariat. From the deconstruction regarding Zerubbabel we can reconstruct the political conflict over the governorship.

And yes, we can secondly “construct” the social reality created by the reading of the text today. Here we can see how the reading of the text by biblical scholars functions as a repression of conflicts of interest and ideology among different groups of readers, and how the deconstructability of the text can serve to bring such conflict to consciousness.  相似文献   

Since the late 17th century, two physical concepts of space exist. Isaac Newton's theory of an immovable ‘absolute space’ made it possible to explain motion and force by the quality of material elements. Less influential was Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz's concept of space as an ‘order of coexistence’, which focuses, contrary to Newton, on the relationship between material bodies. The author argues that both concepts not only concern physical notions, but also include general models to explain cause, effect and relation. In an analogy to Newton's ‘absolute space’, theories of natural law employ the state of nature to explain society according to the anthropological quality of human beings. Leibniz's concept, in contrast, is used to elaborate theories of complex dynamic interactions and relationships. This essay attempts to illustrate the application of Leibniz's concept with examples of 18th century natural history, demography, economic theory and Charles Bonnet's natural law.  相似文献   

The mind on the stage of justice: The formation of criminal psychology in the 19th century and its interdisciplinary research. – Criminal psychology emerges at the end of the 18th century as a new academic discipline in lectures and publications. It has recently been investigated by a considerable number of contributions from researchers of different academic backgrounds. In many respects criminal psychology can be seen as a predecessor of criminology. Its subject is the analysis of the origins of crime and its causes and determinants in the human mind. Criminal psychology embraced at that time philosophical, medical, legal and biological aspects. The latter increase in importance in the second half of the 19th century. The conditions of individual responsibility were generally codified in penal law, but had to be individually investigated in crucial cases through expertise in court. There a conflict emerged between medical experts and judges about their ability and competence to decide. At the end of the 19th century criminal psychology is used to fulfil the needs and interests of a criminal law which understands itself as increasingly utilitarian. Force and new instruments of treatment of offenders were legitimized by scientists who were very optimistic about their own epistemological abilities.  相似文献   

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