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本文根据我国狼、狗的有关测量数据,探索狼、狗裂齿与臼齿测量数据上的有关变量规律。认识狼、狗裂齿与臼齿测量数据的变量规律,可方便、简捷地对考古发掘中出土的狼或狗遗骸,进行简便有效的鉴定。  相似文献   

从地理技术方面而言,航空摄影测量本身就是测绘的主要方法之一,近年来,通过科学家的努力探索,航空摄影测量的应急响应逐渐被运用到抗震救灾行动中。但是传统数字摄影测量工作站没有办法准确处理航空摄影测量的应急响应中那些非常规的航空摄影数据,难以满足抗震救灾中的紧急性要求。所以,怎样能高效、准确地处理非常规航拍数据,成了抗震救灾中航空摄影测量应急响应的关键影响因素之一。文章将介绍数字摄影测量网格分布式计算技术以求为此问题的解决提供思路。  相似文献   

方志系统地情资料数据库建设取得了不小的成绩,但仍有不少需要发展完善的地方。方志工作者应该结合二轮修志编纂资料长编,以电子卡片的形式分门别类建设新型地情资料数据库。方志系统地情资料数据库属地情二次性资料文献数据库,资料具有权威性、存史性、使用广泛性。新型资料数据库需建立以地方志门类为框架的资料入库系统和编制以门类代码分类检索为主的多元性检索系统,要进行地方志门类要素的研究,从而提高地情资料数据库的质量。  相似文献   

史浩斌 《风景名胜》2021,(5):0272-0272
矿山地质测量分析中,依据数字化测绘运用方式,结合地质测量优势和数据特点作为依据,从地质信息系统操作方式入手,采用数据扫描、影像定位、GPS 测量等技术方式,深入的探索测绘运用的方式,分析矿山地质的测量技术要求。运用数字化测绘方式,可以快速地获取矿山地质测量数据,对数字化信息进行技术运用和技术提升,提升数字化测绘的安全性、精准度和灵活性,结合数字影像定位分析技术,提高信息系统、数字化、GPS 测绘技术的发展。  相似文献   

本文提出了一种新的方法和思路去测量液体以及透光固体的折射率的一种方法 ,应用迈克尔逊干涉仪,以及比色皿等实验装置,通过光敏传感器自动测量迈克尔逊试验仪上光圈的吞吐数目,其次将得到的数据输入进Labview虚拟程序框图中,达到自动化测量液体的折射率的一种新方法。本文从测量的原理和方案操作角度进行了详细的说明,并且做了相关的实验操作获得了大量的有效的数据。本文也对这些相关数据进行了合理的分析,提出了新型测量方案的优势和缺陷。同时结合实际情况,我们对测量方案的前景提出了一些可行的观点和猜想。  相似文献   

以随葬品共存关系为基础,结合人骨性别鉴定,并利用对子墓、秦墓材料的验证,辨识出关中西汉中小型墓葬中的"性别代码"。认为兵器、工具、砚研、铁杵臼为男性性别代码,纺织用具为女性性别代码。而以往认为是女性专用品的耳珰、手镯可能并不具有性属意义。该研究可为关中西汉墓葬的性别判定,提供更为丰富的依据。在方法上,亦可对缺乏人骨鉴定的"性别代码"研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

王栋 《风景名胜》2021,(4):0364-0364
测绘地理信息是一项面向建筑测绘、国土开发、城市规划的工作,其工作内容可以分为工程测量、数字测图、地理相关数据采集和地理信息系统的构建,其工作的开展需要运用到测绘基础知识、地形测量、测量数据处理等技术。当前测绘地理信息的开展虽能对地理信息应用体系进行技术性的整合,但由于技术的限制,其在测绘数据的深度搜集和分析层面仍存在很大的不足。随着大数据技术的发展与成熟,给测绘地理信息工作带来了契机,因此大数据在测绘地理信息中的应用具有重要的研究意义。  相似文献   

矿山测量工作至关重要,先进的矿山测量技术可以有效提高矿山的工作效率,极大的提高测量工作的准确性,为矿山生产工作提供科学的数据支撑,同时提高了矿山的生产和经营效益。文章简要的阐述了矿山数字化测量技术的概念,并分析了数字化测量技术应用的必要性,最后分析了矿山测量中数字化测量技术的应用和发展。  相似文献   

为解决当前阶段国土空间规划工作中存在的数据统计难度比较大、数据处理流程复杂等主要问题,本文对地理信息大数据技术的具体应用要点进行研究,提出合理选择数据格式、建立大数据平台、制定可视化规划方案、优化空间布局、完善国土空间规划编制方案等,以期为相关人员提供参考.  相似文献   

2008年,中国文化遗产研究院、天津大学等单位结合2004年以来实测工作,公布了辽宁义县奉国寺大雄殿的测量数据和研究成果;2011年,文物保护界又将1988年大雄殿大修过程中详细测量所得的构造图纸、数据和病害全面公布;2010年,中国文化遗产研究院、清华大学等单位使用三维激光扫描技术开展了补充测量工作。对比三份实测数据,通过结构几何解析结构的认识,本文尝试回顾关于斗拱设计、屋架结构设计和材分o与营造尺配合等方面假说,尝试证实、修正、调整先前假说,进一步厘清原始设计。  相似文献   

书法景观是近期人文地理中出现的新的研究领域,以洞穴石刻为主体的洞穴书法景观的研究目前尚非常缺乏。本文通过对桂林市域1659个历史石刻的分类统计,首先梳理了洞穴石刻,同时结合洞穴石刻总数分析评价了旅游洞穴的吸引度。其次,划分了石刻的形式类型和内容类型,进而归纳为6大类旅游相关类型-亦即景点建设、粗放旅游、深层体验、群体旅游、景点历史、民俗,并进行了洞穴石刻相应的分类统计,分析了不同朝代洞穴旅游的兴衰状况和结构变化特征。  相似文献   

It is widely recognized that folk beliefs flourished in early modern Finland which had formally been Christianized for centuries. These folk beliefs seem to propose, in the modern view, that people in the past believed in the existence of non-human beings, such as trolls and spirits, and considered a variety of material things from artefacts to landscape elements to have special properties, such as agency, consciousness, and personality. Folk beliefs, however, may have been misrepresented due to the assumption that they originate in religious-like thinking. This paper reconsiders the nature of folk beliefs, their relationship with religion, and their significance to archaeological interpretation both theoretically and through a case study. It is argued that folk beliefs in early modern northern Finland – and in other similar contexts – can be understood in terms of local perception and engagement with the material world. Folk beliefs, in this view, were embedded in the dynamics of everyday life, and they are, at least in the specific case discussed in this paper, indicative of two-way relatedness between people and various constituents of the material world. The archaeological implications of this view are discussed in the context of the 17th-century town of Tornio on the northern Gulf of Bothnia.  相似文献   

In the context of global warming, changes in extreme weather and climate events are expected, particularly those associated with changes in temperature and precipitation regimes and those that will affect coastal areas. The main objectives of this study were to establish the number of extreme events that have occurred in northeastern New Brunswick, Canada in recent history, and to determine whether their occurrence has increased. By using archived regional newspapers and data from three meteorological stations in a national network, the frequency of extreme events in the study area was established for the time period 1950–2012. Of the 282 extreme weather events recorded in the newspaper archives, 70% were also identified in the meteorological time series analysis. The discrepancy might be explained by the synergistic effect of co‐occurring non‐extreme events, and increased vulnerability over time, resulting from more people and infrastructure being located in coastal hazard zones. The Mann Kendall and Pettitt statistical tests were used to identify trends and the presence of break points in the weather data time series. Results indicate a statistically significant increase in average temperatures and in the number of extreme events, such as extreme hot days, as well as an increase in total annual and extreme precipitation. A significant decrease in the number of frost‐free days and extreme cold days was also found, in addition to a decline in the number of dry days.  相似文献   

This paper examines recent trends in sex ratio at birth in all the major states of India, based on three rounds of the National Family Health Survey. It finds evidence of an increase in the ratio, particularly at the second-order birth among women having a first daughter in many states in the northwestern region of the country. Also, there are signs of daughter aversion emerging in Odisha, an eastern state. Based on parity progression ratios and the trend in sex selection, an attempt is made to estimate the peak of sex ratio at birth in India. With moderate intensification in sex selection in the northwestern region, sex ratio at birth is expected to reach a peak of 117–119 males per 100 females around the period 2021–2026. If, in addition, sex selection spreads further in the southeastern region, the sex ratio at birth in India could even increase to a level of 124.  相似文献   

《禹贡》"岷山之阳,至于衡山,过九江,至于敷浅原",又说"荆及衡阳为荆州",衡阳即衡山之阳。其中之衡山,古今学者多以为即湘南之衡山。但是荆州章名山大川、物贡特产、族群活动不见于江南(若湘南衡山除外),其转输贡道也不见有江南的水道,这就显出矛盾:广大的长江以南地区何以未有山川、贡物与贡道,其可考者如纳锡大龟、菁茅、砺、砥...  相似文献   

吴翊朏  李郇 《人文地理》2014,29(4):52-58
改革开放以来的一系列制度变化对地方政府的政府职能和管治手段提出了新的要求,并由此对城市空间拓展产生了深远影响。以广州市为研究对象,探讨了其近十年城市空间拓展与地方政府管治的关系,发现市级政府以行政区划调整为手段、以战略规划为纲领的管治方式主导了城市生产及流通空间的建设;同时,由于各级政府之间利益协调的原因,地方政府管治过程出现了尺度分异,表现为区级政府与房地产市场共同作用下外围地区空间拓展向北低效蔓延的管治失灵现象。通过对政府管治在城市空间构建过程中的作用和成效的探讨,以期对引起人们对中国城市化进程中地方政府管治和城市空间关系的思考。  相似文献   

The mesolithic of Western Europe   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Recent investigations of prefarming adaptations during the Mesolithic period in early Holocene Europe have led to significant revision of traditional views. A number of innovations and changes occur, particularly toward the end of the Mesolithic, that permit this time to be described as both dynamic and extraordinary. Permanent settlement and the use of domesticated animals, exchange, and, perhaps, cultivated plants and monumental tombs characterize a number of later Mesolithic adaptations. The transition to the Neolithic is now regarded as the result of in situ developments in most areas of Western Europe, as Mesolithic groups slowly adopted pottery, cultigens, and other characteristics of farming villagers. In this paper, questions regarding chronology, nomenclature, and the definition of terms are addressed initially. Changes in European environments at the close of the Pleistocene and during the early postglacial are considered in terms of major impacts on human adaptation. The central focus of this study is a survey of the Mesolithic in Ireland, Britain, the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Portugal, Spain, and Italy. Recent research projects in these areas are discussed in terms of new approaches and results. An overview of developments in these countries is also presented, emphasizing the transitions from the Paleolithic and into the Neolithic. Concluding remarks address future directions in Mesolithic research.  相似文献   

This article traces the unique stance and nature of student politics in Kashmir. Drawing from an historical overview, it will argue that student activism in Kashmir is largely different from activism in India as it does not restrict itself to advocacy of student issues. Rather, it places itself squarely in the people’s struggle for self-determination and counter-colonial sentiment in the Kashmir Valley. Setting out from the pre-colonial era, the article first traces the evolution of Muslim political consciousness and the key role of education in this process. These changes will be drawn against the historical evolution of the Kashmir conflict to highlight the context in which the specificities of student activism in the Valley can be drawn out. The second section, which forms the bulk of the article, traces the history and nature of activism in Kashmir, drawing on major historical events, interviews with erstwhile and contemporary student leaders, and local memoirs. In doing so, the article aims to present the conjoining of student politics and a larger politics of self-determination in Kashmir post-independence, which is an important aspect of the emergence of Muslim identity in conflict with the occupying state.  相似文献   

《Northern history》2013,50(2):245-259

The revision of the historical reputation of Oliver Cromwell in the Victorian period associated with writers such as Thomas Carlyle was expressed in many forms, in histories and biographies, novels, public lectures, magazine articles, and also in the erection of outdoor public statues. Two Cromwell statues were erected in the North of England, Manchester in 1875 and Warrington in 1899. This article traces the history and responses to the installation of the statue of Cromwell, sculpted by John Bell, in Warrington. The gift of a prominent local Liberal businessman, the statue exposed divisions within the community, reinforcing the view that the reassessment of Cromwell's status and place in the making of modern Britain was far from settled. Opposition to the scheme was especially evident within the town's substantial Irish community.  相似文献   

During the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, within the framework of imperial expansion and exploitation there were opportunities for individuals to acquire wealth and power. Several men grew wealthy in India through the opportunities afforded to them by the East India Company, with lucrative careers and the possibility of generating money through commerce and trade. Britain witnessed the return of several East Indians, or ‘nabobs’ as individuals who returned home with considerable wealth were called. Indeed, some of these nabobs succeeded in amassing sizeable fortunes during their time in the East. This article aims to address a neglected area in the historiography, by examining the experiences of Welshmen as sojourners in India. In comparison with Scotland in particular, but also England and Ireland, the Welsh dimension of the East India Company is under-researched. This article highlights the existence of networks of patronage in existence in Wales which facilitated the voyage out to India and the return home of men in the employ of the East India Company during the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. Networks were predominantly regional or familial, with family members supporting and sustaining loved ones during their time in India, and aiding them in their return home at the end of their sojourn in the East. The importance of letters in maintaining links with home is explored, not only as a method of relaying news, but also as a means for the sojourner to maintain an emotional link with home, and ultimately to lay the groundwork for a smooth transition home. How these Welshmen viewed themselves while out in India will be analysed, and the multi-layered nature of concepts of identity explored. Identity could be regional in focus, while some showed an awareness of a Welsh identity. Integration within the broader framework of the British East India Company is evident, as is the broader European community in the East.  相似文献   

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