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The earliest documented excavation of an effigy mound group by a professional archaeologist occurred in 1883 when Frederic Ward Putnam and local acquaintances excavated portions of four mounds at the Myrick Park site (47Lc10) in La Crosse, Wisconsin. Putnam worked on one effigy (similar to the short-tailed turtle form) and three conical mounds. Theodore H. Lewis visited the site in 1885 and mapped one additional conical mound. We examined documentation and collections housed at the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology at Harvard University. Artifacts include a portion of a Madison Cord Impressed jar (a common Effigy Mound offering) and a trailed rim sherd similar to terminal Late Woodland types. Human remains represent a minimum of 23 individuals: 18 adults and 5 subadults. Dental and skeletal evidence indicates a relatively healthy population with low levels of nutritional deficiency, early life stress, and trauma, similar to other regional Late Woodland populations.  相似文献   

EDITOR'SNOTE:lnthemindoftheTibetans,mountainsrepresentthemaleaspectsofnature,whileIakesrepresentthefemale.Botharecon-sideredholyandarenottobeharmedinanyway.TheTibetan-inhabitedareasaredottedwithfourmajorholylakes:LakeMapamYumco,LakeYamzhogYumco,LakeNamCo,andQinghaiLake.ManyTibetanlegendsandfolktaleinvolvethesefoursacredlakes.BoSoMofTffEMoTHffi.LegendhasitthatMilhaRibaandNaruBenqoinfoughtalongtheshoresofLakeMapamYumcoforcontroloftheKangdeseMountainRange.ItwasMilhaRibawhowonin…  相似文献   


This article presents a reconstruction and analysis of the Caldwell Mound located in the central Scioto River valley of southern Ohio. The mound contained a log tomb, at least four burials, and associated funerary objects. Four AMS radiocarbon dates place the Caldwell Mound within the last century BC and first century AD, and the mound contains evidence of practices historically associated with “Adena” and “Hopewell.” Few other records exist from this period in the region despite it experiencing perhaps some of the most dramatic socioreligious transformations in precolumbian North America. This analysis documents early evidence for the diversification and segregation of leadership roles based on the interpretation of three buried individuals. It also demonstrates the utility and efficacy of working with amateur-produced records and collections, even when incomplete, to reconstruct and glean insight from important Woodland period sites.  相似文献   

2001年11月,为配合安吉县递铺镇的农田改造工程,安吉县博物馆对工程涉及的十余座土墩墓进行了抢救性考古发掘,其中编号为垅坝D12的土墩共发现2座墓葬,出土器物50余件。现将发掘情况简报如下。  相似文献   

文章论述了宁镇地区大型土墩墓的基本特征、分布规律、等级、分期及其所反映的社会背景。  相似文献   

Radiocarbon dates reported by Romain and colleagues (2017) suggesting that Serpent Mound (33AD1) is an Adena effigy mound are problematic because they cannot be linked reliably to cultural activities associated with the original construction of the effigy mound. Additional arguments offered by Romain and colleagues (2017) in support of an Early Woodland age for Serpent Mound also are unconvincing. A Late Prehistoric age for Serpent Mound is supported by the radiocarbon dates reported previously, new radiocarbon dates, the relative abundance of serpent imagery in the Fort Ancient culture and the contemporaneous Mississippian Tradition, the virtual absence of serpent imagery in the Adena culture, and the fact that, whereas effigy-mound building is otherwise unknown in the Early Woodland period, it is well documented, if rare, for the Fort Ancient culture and in the not-so-terribly-far-away upper Midwest it is so common that it defines the broadly contemporaneous Effigy Mound culture.  相似文献   

<正>黑颈鹤是我国特有的物种,也是唯一翔游在西部高原上的鹤类。它在云贵高原上越冬,青藏高原上繁殖,或深居简出,或成群嬉戏,或恬静文雅,或高歌炫舞,既神秘又公开地生活在这片广袤而神奇的土地上。在黑颈鹤的越冬地——贵州草海和云南大山包,流传着这样一句俗语:晚不过三月三,早不过九月九。这是对黑颈鹤迁徙时间的描述。意思是说,黑颈鹤离开越冬地的时间,最晚不会超过农历三月初三,而回到越冬地的时间则不早于九月初九。同样,在黑颈鹤的越冬  相似文献   

This article contributes to the development of a "revised" interpretation of James Madison's views on representation. I suggest that Madison's approach to representation is more complex than has been recognized. Specifically, Madison believed different "styles" of representation are necessary for the House, Senate, and President because of the unique functions served by each institution. "Style" refers both to the nature of the representative-constituency relationship (the "role" of the representative) and the character of the individual most likely to be selected as representative. In Madison's scheme, the proper functioning of each institution is guaranteed only if the method of selection insures the appropriate role is maintained and persons of proper character are selected. Throughout the essay, I note significant differences between the arguments which Madison put forward in the Constitutional Convention and those he defended in the Federalist essays.  相似文献   

4世纪后半叶,封土石室墓开始在日本列岛出现。日本列岛的横穴石室受到了朝鲜半岛的影响。九州地区的古坟是最早导入的。5世纪后半叶,与此不同的新型石室在近畿地方出现,并在此后的日本列岛得到了广泛普及。7世纪,由于薄葬化的推进,小型的横口式石椁墓出现,这代表着古坟文化走向了尾声。江苏连云港的封土石室墓的构造,虽与朝鲜半岛和日本列岛两地皆有类似之处,但其与中国的砖结构墓葬和朝鲜古坟的关系也是必须要考虑的。而与日本列岛石室墓的类似,笔者认为是以朝鲜半岛为中介的间接的关联。  相似文献   

杜佳佳  王根富 《南方文物》2010,(4):120-132,142
"土墩墓"的研究是长江下游地区吴文化考古研究中的一项重要内容,是探讨吴国历史发展脉络的重要途径之一。随着考古发掘工作进展,有助于我们对"土墩墓"进行深入的研究。"土墩墓"研究中有些问题必须首先加以明确,才能确保研究走上正轨。文章从"土墩墓"的名称问题、"一墩一墓"与"一墩多墓"问题、"土墩墓"研究中的"分研究区"问题等等诸方面,对土墩墓这一特殊的遗迹现象进行了探讨,最后对"土墩墓"的一般特点进行了探索性的概括。  相似文献   

Skeletal trauma often has been utilized to examine facets of inter- and intragroup violence. Eighteen skeletal elements from Tatham Mound are considered in this study, which exhibit wounds similar to documented cases of trauma caused by edged metal weapons. Tatham Mound is a sixteenth century mortuary site in central Gulf Coast Florida and is located within the reconstructed zone of contact with the Spanish explorer Hernando de Soto. Macroscopic and microscopic analyses of skeletal elements are conducted in order to distinguish trauma due to edged metal weapons from other perimortem and post-mortem bone modification. The damage on elements from Tatham Mound is compared with documented cases of trauma from edged metal weapons as well as medieval European skeletal remains exhibiting trauma due to edged metal weapons. It is concluded that some of the observed cases are probably due to metal weapon wounds inflicted by the Spanish explorers.  相似文献   

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