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上期城M5位于焦作市博爱县上期城村东南、人民西路北侧,属上期城汉墓群。M5墓室完整,陶器组合齐全,特别是出土的三层彩绘陶仓楼,对简式陶仓楼类型的断代,提供了依据,对研究东汉晚期、曹魏时期的社会经济及古代建筑,提供了重要的实物资料。  相似文献   

焦作出土的二联仓、三联仓陶仓楼在焦作地区乃至全国各地出土数量较少,是众多类型陶仓楼中的一个新类型、新品种,在汉代建筑明器中占有重要的地位。此类陶仓楼在焦作的出土仅限于马作墓群和白庄墓群范围,时代应为东汉中期前后。  相似文献   

本文在陶仓楼类型划分基础上,认为河南汉墓出土的陶仓楼至西汉晚期在豫中地区首先出现,为二层带腰檐建筑.西汉末至东汉早期此型陶仓楼向高层发展,区域由豫中扩展到豫北地区.东汉早期豫西、豫西南地区出现二层无腰檐陶仓楼.这时期河南陶仓楼数量和式样增多,分布范围广泛.东汉中期为陶仓楼繁荣期,豫北地区出现带附楼的院落式陶仓楼.东汉晚期各区域陶仓楼走向衰落.  相似文献   

2012年2月至3月,文物考古工作者对焦作市人民路西延工程店后村段发现的一批汉墓进行了抢救性发掘,其中M1出土器物完整,并出土一座五层彩绘带院落陶仓楼,为研究焦作地区汉代葬制、葬俗以及陶仓楼等,提供了重要的实物资料。  相似文献   

河南省焦作马村汉墓和白庄汉墓出土彩绘陶仓楼数量众多,类型丰富。为了科学保护修复彩绘陶仓楼,通过X射线衍射仪,X射线荧光分析仪,岩相分析,热膨胀测试等技术手段对这批彩绘陶仓楼进行了深入分析。研究发现,这批陶器为当地取土烧制的加砂陶,陶片结构较密实,器物制作以模为主,部分是模制后粘贴而成,吸水率和表气孔率较高,烧成温度和岩相分析发现陶片有釉化现象。研究成果可为后续保护修复处理彩绘彩绘陶仓楼提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

荥阳东汉仓楼彩绘养老图   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
荥阳东汉仓楼彩绘养老图王学敏1958年从河南郑州荣阳河王村东汉墓中出土两件彩绘陶仓楼,最引人注目的是四壁均绘彩色人物壁画,正面平座之上绘养老图,平座之下绘乐舞图,两侧山墙各绘一翩翩舞伎,后墙绘斗鸡图。其中养老图较为少见,本文仅对此谈点个人的看法(图一...  相似文献   

我馆近年来,收集到不少陶建筑模型,计有:陶井房、陶灶房、陶猪圈房等。这些陶建筑模型多为汉代墓葬的冥器,现分别介绍如下:陶仓楼1件,1953年郑州二里岗出土。此仓楼顶、底均已残缺,现存为中间部分。残高40、长46.5、宽24.5厘米。仓楼下有平座,其上置有长条形栏杆,栏杆中部有一立柱,柱头上置一斗三升斗拱承托挑檐枋,仓楼四角各有一根角柱,上为四阿式屋顶,顶上有清晰可见的瓦垄。仓楼前壁开三个正方形窗口,作为通风所用。  相似文献   

一九七九年四月,在云梦周田发掘了一座东汉晚期的砖室墓,出土了随葬器物三十余件.其中绝大多数为陶质模型明器,如:楼、井、仓、灶、磨、碓、鸭、狗等;其次是生活用具,如:四系青瓷罐、方枚半元乳神兽镜己即陶勺、陶耳杯、陶案、陶壶等;还出土了驽机、刮刀等兵器.尤为重要的是这座墓出土了一件作为地主庄园组成部分的建筑模型器——陶楼.这座陶楼的建筑结构新颖,造形完美,是目前少见的出土文物,其建筑工艺颇费匠心.适似一座宫庭建筑,价值不可低估.它的发现,为我们研究古代建筑艺术;反映本时期豪强地主庄园经济的发展,无疑是一件不可多得的实物资料.  相似文献   

2009年8月12日,在河南省焦作市马村区南水北调安置小区内,焦作市文物工作队发掘了一座西汉晚期砖室墓M121,出土一座四层彩绘陶仓楼。楼高四层,通高112、宽43厘米,由院落、仓体、楼体等组成,各部件可以拆卸组合。四层陶仓楼是焦作市迄今为止发现的第一座通体彩绘的陶仓楼,也是全国唯一的一座。在陶仓楼的楼体及院落的墙体上彩绘有人物、鸟禽,青龙、白虎、朱雀等四神(少玄武)及虎食女魃的神话故事;彩绘运用了直绘法、勾勒法、涂抹法三种绘画技法;用色有朱红、白、紫、黑、黄(橘黄、土黄)、豆青六种颜色,其中以朱红色、白色、紫色、黄色为主色调,色彩艳丽,对比较强。绘画内容繁多,用笔流畅优美,画面生动,且呈现出运动感,充分展现了汉代高超的绘画技艺,是研究西汉时期储粮技术、建筑技术、装饰艺术及绘画艺术的宝贵资料。  相似文献   

焦作白庄 6号墓七层连阁彩绘陶仓楼是不可多得的汉代建筑明器。本文从墓葬的形制、营造方式及随葬品等方面进行比较研究 ,推测陶仓楼的年代在东汉早、中期之间。  相似文献   

薛成有 《攀登》2008,27(5):130-132
法律的运行过程是法律从产生到实施的全部过程,包括法律的制定、遵守、执行三个阶段。如果从观念、制度与行为的关系角度来看待法律运行过程,我们就会发现,法律的运行实际上是从观念到制度,再从制度到观念,最后从观念到行为的变量转化过程。  相似文献   

近代东北三省关内移民动态的分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文认为由于受社会经济、政治环境的影响 ,近代出现的关内农民大规模迁居东北的移民运动 ,在不同的时期呈现出不同的特征。从移民流动过程看经历了由非法到合法和由自发移民到政府有计划、有组织、自觉移民的过程 ;从路线看 ,水路多于陆路 ;从流向看呈现出由南向北逐步推进、深入的趋势 ;从职业流向看以农业移民为主 ;从属性看以 1912年为界 ,前为季节性移民为主 ,后为永久性移民为主 ;从性别、年龄看 ,性别单一、年龄构成较低等。  相似文献   

Limestone from quarries known to medieval craftsmen and from the monuments they built and embellished, as well as from carvings now in museum collections, has been characterized by neutron activation analysis. Specimens from 38 quarries in the Lutetian and Jurassic limestone formations of France and from sculptures in American and French museums have been tested, and the results have been compiled in a data base to which art historians may refer when attempting to determine provenance for sculptures. Multivariate statistical analysis of concentration data shows stone from a particular quarry in the Paris basin to be compositionally homogeneous and distinguishable from other quarries in the same formation. The same approach to data related to quarries near the Burgundian abbey of Cluny finds general agreement between classifications based on compositional and on petrographic data, but the number of samples available for analysis at the time of writing was insufficient to achieve the finer distinctions reported for the Paris basin.  相似文献   

Dietary adaptations of prehistoric hunter-gatherers from Neolithic and Early Bronze Age cemeteries in the Little Sea region of Cis-Baikal (the region to the west and north of Lake Baikal) are explored using stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen. Stable isotope data, including stable carbon isotopes from bone carbonate, are presented for 22 individuals from the site of Kurma XI, dated to approximately 6500 B.P. to 4000 B.P. Data are compared to previously analyzed individuals from the larger Early Bronze Age cemetery, Khuzhir-Nuge XIV (Katzenberg et al., 2009 JAS) and to smaller sites located along the shore of the Little Sea, including sites on Olkhon Island. An extensive collection of fauna, both prehistoric and modern, from the Little Sea and neighboring regions is also analyzed for stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen. Clear distinctions are found in modern fish recovered from the Little Sea, in contrast to those from the open waters of the lake and from the neighboring Angara and Lena rivers. Considerable variation is seen in stable carbon isotope ratios from fish while stable nitrogen isotope ratios are not as variable, regardless of habitat. Isotope source modeling is used to assist in reconstructing past dietary adaptations. While there is ample evidence from other studies for cultural change over this temporal span, diet appears to have been relatively stable.  相似文献   

秦始皇陵一号坑兵马俑的指纹元素散布分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
秦始皇陵兵马俑举世闻名,但其原料产地至今还是一个谜。本文选取秦始皇陵一号坑的陶俑和陶马样品20个,秦始皇兵马俑博物馆附近黏土样品20个,耀州瓷胎样品1个。用中子活化分析(NAA)测量样品中32种微量元素的含量,从这32个元素中挑选出8种指纹元素的含量进行散布分析。结果表明一号坑兵马俑样品与秦陵附近的垆土关系密切,与黄土关系稍远,与耀州瓷胎关系甚远。由此推断,一号坑兵马俑的原料来源可能是骊山地区的黏土,烧制兵马俑的窑址也可能在秦始皇陵附近。  相似文献   

Archaeological cobs free of mineral contaminants should be used to source the soils in which they were grown. Mineral contaminants often contain much higher concentrations of metals than vegetal materials and can alter a cob’s apparent metal and heavy-isotope content. Cleaning a cob via immersion in an acid solution for more than a few minutes will result in the incongruent and sometimes complete leaching of metals, including strontium (Sr), from the cob. When using 87Sr/86Sr to determine the location of potential agriculture fields, it is best to either integrate several depth-integrated soil samples or to integrate several vegetation samples from individual fields. Biologically labile Sr in semi-arid Southwestern soils largely originates from eolian source or sources and usually is not derived from underlying bedrock. Existing Sr-isotope data indicate that archaeological cobs from Aztec Ruins came from either the Mesa Verde-McElmo Dome or Totah areas, that Pueblo Bonito and Chetro Ketl cobs, from Chaco Canyon that predate A.D. 1130, probably came from the Rio Chaco corridor, and that cobs from Chaco Canyon, that postdate A.D. 1130, probably came from either the Totah or Zuni areas.  相似文献   


This paper deals with human remains in marine contexts, both from the intertidal zone and from below low water mark. Some of the legal and ethical aspects pertaining to human remains are discussed, with an emphasis on the English experience. Survival of human remains in marine environments is considered, and recovery procedures in fieldwork projects are discussed. Finally, drawing upon work from Britain and from other parts of Europe, particularly on remains from wreck sites, attempts are made to discern some of the more important directions for research on human remains from marine archaeological contexts.  相似文献   

The forests of British North America were integral to Britain's maritime empire. Many of these timbers exist today as wooden beams and flooring at historical dockyards and garrisons such as the Royal Naval Dockyard of Bermuda. In this paper, we investigate what timbers from this Dockyard can tell us about interconnections and empire-building throughout the North Atlantic region. To do this we drew from approaches of critical physical geography, historical geography, and dendroprovenancing by using timber as a way to interrogate collaboratively the changes in—and connections across—socio-ecological landscapes. We examined HM Customs records between 1825 and 1850 to determine the flow of timbers to Bermuda. We then sampled timbers from buildings constructed between 1825 and 1853 and analyzed them using isotopic and dendrochronological techniques to establish the probable location of origin of the timber samples. HM Customs records showed that prior to the 1840s, timbers primarily came from British North America, whereas post-1840 timbers primarily came from the southeastern United States, with some still coming from Europe and British North America. To establish whether timber use by the Royal Navy and Royal Engineers matched the pattern in the customs documents, we looked to the dendrochronological records. Dendrochronologic evidence showed that military construction followed the same pattern, with buildings constructed pre-1840 using material from British North America and buildings constructed post-1840 using timbers sourced from the southeastern United States. Finally, using this information we explore some of the connections between regions, in terms of resource use, and the implications of those uses—for example, that the British Admiralty continued to benefit from the practices of slavery through the use of products produced from enslaved labour in other parts of the North Atlantic well after emancipation.  相似文献   

贾绍凤 《人文地理》1999,14(1):37-41
国际关系的发展趋势将以经济为主题、以和平合作为主调。相应的地缘关系理论也应作如下调整:从"争夺霸权"向"寻求合作"的目标转换、从地缘政治向地缘经济的主题转换、从地理位置向科技人才的解释因子转换、从欧洲中心论向全球一体化的空间转换。  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationship between standing vegetation and dung from hay-fed cattle and sheep. In an experimental study, hay is retrieved from a known hay field, surrounded by a semi-open landscape of hedgerows, forests and heather fields. The hay is fed to cattle and sheep, after which the dung is collected and from which the botanical remains are analysed, according to archaeobotanical standards. The results from the macro-remains are compared to vegetation relevés from the hay field. The pollen analysis is compared to both the hay field and the surrounding vegetation. Results from the plant macro remains provide an excellent representation of the vegetation in the field itself on the presence/absence level. Pollen analysis reflects the regional vegetation very well and are comparable with ‘surface samples’.  相似文献   

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