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《History and theory》2010,49(1):153-156
Books reviewed in this issue.
R. G. C ollingwood : T he P hilosophy of E nchantment : S tudies in the F olktale , C ultural C riticism, and A nthropology . Edited by David Boucher, Wendy James, and Philip Smallwood.
T he M odern H istoriography R eader : W estern S ources . Edited by Adam Budd.
T he C ultural T urn in U.S. H istory : P ast , P resent, and F uture . Edited by James W. Cook, Lawrence B. Glickman, and Michael O'Malley.
L iterary H istoricity : L iterature and H istorical E xperience in E ighteenth -C entury B ritain . By Ruth Mack.
H istory , H istorians, and A utobiography . By Jeremy D. Popkin.
R icoeur el ' esperienza storica : L' ermeneutica filosofica nella tradizione delle A nnales . By Luca M. Possati.
R ecent T hemes on H istorians and the P ublic : H istorians in C onversation . Edited by Donald A. Yerxa.
R ecent T hemes in W orld H istory and the H istory of the W est : H istorians in C onversation . Edited by Donald A. Yerxa.  相似文献   

《History and theory》2009,48(3):295-298
Book reviewed in this issue.
D isciplining the H olocaust . By Karyn Ball.
T he S ymbolic C ontruction of R eality : T he L egacy of E rnst C assirer . Edited by Jeffrey Barash.
N arrating the N ation : R epresentations in H istory , M edia and the A rts . Edited by Stefan Berger, Linas Eriksonas, and Andrew Mycock.
T he C ontested N ation : E thnicity , C lass , R eligion and G ender in N ational H istories . Edited by Stefan Berger and Chris Lorenz.
W riting the H istory of the M ind : P hilosophy and S cience in F rance , 1900 to 1960 s . By Cristina Chimisso.
N eue Z ugänge zur G eschichte der G eschichtswissenschaft . Edited by Jan Eckel and Thomas Etzemüller.
T hucydides and the P hilosophical O rigins of H istory . By Darien Shanske.
S ensing the P ast : S eeing , H earing , S melling , T asting, and T ouching in H istory . By Mark M. Smith.  相似文献   

《History and theory》2005,44(2):304-309
D ictatorship in H istory and T heory : B onapartism , C aesarism, and T otalitarianism . Edited by Peter Baehr and Melvin Richter.
A ction as H istory: the H istorical T hought of R. G. C ollingwood . By Stein Helgeby.
P ast I mperfect : F acts , F ictions, and F raud in A merican H istory F rom B ancroft and P arkman to A mbrose , B ellesiles , E llis , and G oodwin . By Peter Charles Hoffer.
A H istory of R easonableness : T estimony and A uthority in the A rt of T hinking . By Rick Kennedy.
A C ultural H istory of C ausality : S cience , M urder N ovels , and S ystems of T hought . By Stephen Kern.
V ico's U ncanny H umanism : R eading the N ew S cience B etween M odern and P ostmodern . By Sandra Rudnick Luft.
S attire , H istory , N ovel : N arrative F orms , 1665–1815. By Frank Palmeri.
B ritish H istoriography in the T wentieth C entury : M ain T heoretical and M ethodological T rends , S chools , and D irections . By I. I. Sharifzhanov.  相似文献   

《History and theory》2009,48(1):147-150
Book reviewed in this issue.
B iography B etween S tructure and A gency : C entral E uropean L ives in I nternational H istoriography . Edited by Volker R. Berghahn and Simone Lässig.
N ietzsche's P hilosophical C ontext : A n I ntellectual B iography . By Thomas H. Brobjer.
L'H istoria : C ommencements G recs . By Catherine Darbo-Peschanski.
T he P olitics of H istorical P roduction in L ate Q ing and R epublican C hina . Edited by Tze-ki Hon and Robert Culp.
T he C ultural V alues of E urope . Edited by Hans Joas and Klaus Wiegandt. Translated by Alex Skinner.
T heory and H istory . Edited by Donald MacRaild.
P ast for the E yes : E ast E uropean R epresentations of C ommunism in C inema and M useums A fter 1989. Edited by Oksana Sarkisova and Péter Apor.
I nterpretación del historicismo . By Fulvio Tessitore.  相似文献   

《Parliamentary History》1993,12(3):321-347
Book reviewed in this article:
Bicameralisme. Edited by H. W. Blom, W. P. Blockmans, and H. de Schepper
History of the justices if the Peace. By Sir Thomas Skyrme
The Manufacture of Scottish History. Edited by I. Donnachie and C. Whatley
Secrets of the Kingdom: British Radicals fiom the Popish Plot to the Revolution of 1688- 1689.
The Revolution of 1688-89. Changing Perspectives. Edited by Lois G. Schwoerer.
Britons. Forging the Nation 1707- 183 7. By Linda Colley
Pitt the Elder. By Jeremy Black. (British Lives.)
Law, Politics and the Church of England. The Career ofStephen Lushington, 1782-1873.
The House Of Lirds in British Politics and Society 1815-1911. By E.A. Smith
The letters of Arthur Balfour and Lady Elcho 1885–1917. Edited by Jane Ridley and Clayre Percy.
TJ.: A Life of Doctor Thomasjones, C.H. By E.L. Ellis
'His Majesty's Loyal Opposition': The Unionist Party in Opposition, 1905191.5.
British Politics and the Great War: Coalition and ConJict, 1915–1918.
Anthony Eden: A Political Biography 193 1-1 957. By Victor Rothwell
Third Party Politics Since 1945: Liberals, Alliance and Liberal Democrats. By John Stevenson
Parliaments and Pressure Politics. Edited by Michael Rush.
The British General Election of 1992. By David Butler and Dennis Kavanagh.  相似文献   

The Gladstone Diaries. Vol. XII. 1887–1891. Edited by H.C.G. Matthew. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1994. Ixxxvii, 535 pp. ℒ65.00. ISBN 0198204639.
The Gladstone Diaries. Vol. XIII. 1892–1896. Edited by H.C.G. Matthew. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1994. ix, 486 pp. ℒ65.00. ISBN 0198204647.
The Gladstone Diaries. Vol. XIV. Index. Edited by H.C.G. Matthew. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1994. xv, 862, pp. ℒ65.00. ISBN 0198204655.
Gladstone, 1875–1898. By H.C.G. Matthew. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1995. xi, 421 pp. ℒ25.00. ISBN 0198204051.  相似文献   

T he H uman W eb : A B ird 's-E ye V iew O f W orld H istory . By J. R. McNeill and William H. McNeill.  相似文献   

THE NATIVE RACES OF SOUTH AFRICA : A History of the Intrusion of the Hottentots and Bantu into the Hunting Grounds of the Bushmen. By G. W. STOW, F.G.S. Edited by G. M. THEAL. London: Swan Sonnenschein, 1905. Pp. xvi + 618, with as Plates and a Map. Price 21s. Reviewed by N. W. Thomas.

ORIGINES ISLANDICAE, edited and translated by GUDBRAND VIGFUSSON and F. YORE POWELL. Oxford (Clarendon Press), 1905. Reviewed by L. Winifred Faraday.

ENGLISH MEDICINE IN THE ANGLO-SAXON TIMES. By JOSEPH FRANK PAYNE. Oxford, at the Clarendon Press, 1904. Reviewed by Bertram C. A. Windle.

JUL : ALLESÆLESTIDEN ; HEDENSK, KRISTEN JULEFEST. Vol. I. By H. F. Feilberg. Copenhagen : 1904. Reviewed by W. A. Craigie.

JOURNAL OF AMERICAN FOLKLORE, Vol. XVII., Oct.–Dec, 1904. Reviewed by N. W. Thomas.  相似文献   

A. S. Cumming 《Folklore》2013,124(4):385-393
The Tribal System in Wales, being part of an Inquiry into the Structure and Methods of Tribal Society. By Frederic Seebohm, L. L. D., F. S. A. London: Longmans, Green &; Co., 1895 By Laurence Gomme.

Egyptian Tales Translated from the Papyri. Second Series, XVIIIth to XIXth Dynasty. Edited by W. M. Flinders Petrie, Hon. D. C. L., LL. D. London: Methuen &; Co., 1895

Kilns, Mills, Millers, Meal, and Bread. By the Rev. Walter Gregor, M. A., LL. D. London: David Nutt, 1894.

Legends of Florence Collected from the People, and retold by C. G. Leland. First Series. D. Nutt, 1895. By W. H. D. R.  相似文献   

M. C. Balfour 《Folklore》2013,124(3):257-283
The Jataka, or Stories of the Buddha's Former Births. Translated from the Pali by various hands under the Editorship of Professor E. B. Cowell. Vol. II. translated by W. H. D. Rouse, M.A., 1895. Vol. III. translated by H. T. Francis, M.A., and R. A. Neil, M.A., 1897. Cambridge: University Press. By Joseph Jacobs.

The Cults of the Greek States. By L. R. Farnell. In Three Volumes. Clarendon Press. Vols. I. and II. 1896.

Transactions and Proceedings of the Japan Society, London. Supplement I. Nihongi, Chronicles of Japan from the Earliest Times to A.D. 697. Translated from the original Chinese and Japanese by W. G. Aston, C.M.G. Vol. II. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner, &; Co., Limited. 1896.

The Book of Wonder Voyages. Edited by Joseph Jacobs. Illustrated by John D. Batten. London: D. Nutt, 1896.

The North-Western Provinces of India, their History, Ethnology, and Administration. By W. Crooke. London : Methuen &; Co., 1897.

The Popular Religion and Folklore of Northern India. By W. Crooke, B.A. 2 vols. New Edition. Westminster: Archibald Constable &; Co., 1896.

Greek Folk-Poesy. Annotated Translations from the whole Cycle of Romaic Folk-Verse and Folk-Prose. By Lucy M. J. Garnett. Edited, with Essays on the Science of Folklore, Greek Folkspeech, and the Survival of Paganism, by J. S. Stuart-Glennie, M.A. 2 vols. London : David Nutt, 1896.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: A Short History of Warfare. By David H. Zook, Jr., and Robin Higham, with a foreword by B. H. Liddell Hart. The Romans. Edited by J. P. V. D. Balsdon. Christian Faith and the Interpretation of History: A Study of St. Ausgustine's Philosophy of History. By G. L. Keyes. The French Apanages and the Capetian Monarchy, 1272–1328. By Charles T. Wood. Politics and Profit: A Study of Sir Ralph Sadler, 1507–1547. By Arthur Joseph Slavin Britaiin and the Stuarts 1603–1714. By D. L. Farmer. The Agricultural Revolution, 1750–1880. By J. D. Chambers and G. E. Mingay. The Agricultural Revolution in South Linconshire. By David Grigg. John Bright, Victorian Reformer, By Herman Ausubel. Bagehot's Historical Essays. Edited, with an Introduction by Norman St. John-Stevas. The First Industrial Revolution. By Phyllis Deane. Guns, Sails and Empires: Technological Innovation and the Early Phases of Europan Expansion, 1400–1700. By Carlo M. Cipolla. Freedon and Dignity, the Historical and Philosophical Thought of Schiller. By Deric Regin. The Revolutionay Internationals, 1864–1943. Edited, with an introduction, by Milorad M. Drachkovitch. French Colonialism 1871–1914. Myths and Realities. By Henri Brunschwig. With an Introduction by Ronald E. Robinson. Vienna in the Age of Franz Josef. By Arthus J. May. The History of Treaties and International Politics. By Mario Toscano. The Two World Wars: Selective Bibliography. [Edited by Jacques de Launay for the International Commission for the Study of History.] His Britannic Majesty's Army in Germany during the Seven Years War. By Sir Reginald Savory. FRIEDRICH von HOLSTEIN. Politics and Diplomacy in the Era of Bismarck and Wilhelm II. By Norman Rich. The Germans and Their Modern History. By Fritz Ernst. Translated from the German by Charles M. Prugh. The Four Power Pact 1933. By Konard Hugo Jaraush. Pius XII and the Third Reich. By Saul Friedländer. Sons against Fathers: Studies in Russian Radicalism and Revolution. By E. Lampert. Thomas Munro and the Development of Administrative Policy in Madras, 1792–1818. By T. H. Beaglehole. Minority Politics in the Punjab. By Baldev Raj Nayar. Formosa: A Study in Chinese History. By W. G. Goddard. The Taiping Rebellion-History and Documents, Vol I. By Franz Michael in collaboration with Chung-li Chang. Britain, China, and the Antimissionary Riots, 1891–1900. By Edmund S. Wehrle. White Protestantism and the Negro. By David M. Reimers. 1755: Another Part of the Field. By Ivor Noël Hume. Jews in America, A Short History. By Ruth Gay. 1787: The Grand Convention: The Year That Made a Nation. By Clinton Rossiter. The Ordeal of the Constitution: The Anti-Federalists and the Ratification Struggle of 1787–1788. By Robert A. Rutland. The Second American Party System. Party Formation in the Jacksonian Era. By Richard P. McCormick. Travels in the Southland, 1822–1823: The Journal of Lucius Verus Bierce. Edited, with an Introduction, by George W. Knepper. The General to His Lady: The Civil War Letters of William Dorsey Pender to Fannny Pender. Edited, with an introduction, by William W. Hassler. Life in the North during the Civil War, a Source History. By George Winston Smith and Charles Judah. The Legend of Grizzly Adams: California's Greatest Mountain Man. By Richard Dillon. Buckskin Joe. Edited by Glenn Shirley. War Drums and Wagon Wheels: The Story of Russell, Majors and Waddell. By Raymond W. and Mary Lund Settle. Exploration and Empire: The Explorer and the Scientist in the Winning of the American West. By William H. Goetzmann. The Gentle Reformers: Massachusetts Democrats in the Cleveland Era. By Geoffrey Blodgett. The Ferment of Realism: American Literature 1884–1919. By Warner Berthoff. Harlem: The Making of a Ghetto, Negro New York, 1890–1930. By Gilbert Osofsky. Master of Precision: Henry M. Leland. By Mrs. Wilfred C. Leland and Minnie Dubbs Millbrook. The Politics of Military Aviation Procurement, 1926–1934. By Edwin H. Rutkowski. Liberals and Communism: The “Red Decade” Revisited. By Frank A. Warren III. Individual Freedom and the Economic Organization of Agriculture. By Harold F. Breimyer. 1933: Characters in Crisis. By Herbert Feis. American Philosophy in the Twentieth Century: A Sourcebook from Pragmatism to Philosophical Analysis. Edited, with an Introduction, Notes, and Bibliographies, by Paul Kurtz. Wendel Willkie, Fighter for Freedom. By Ellsworth Barnard. Pueblo Warriors and Spanish Conquest. By Oakah L. Jones, Jr. Panama: Four Hundred Years of Dreamks and Cruelty. By David Howarth. The Unwritten Alliance, Rio-Branco and Brazilian-American Relations. By E. Bradford Burns. Nationalism in Contemporary Latin America. By Arthur P. Whitaker and David C. Jordan. Creative History, a Introduction to Historical Study. By Walter T. K. Nugent. [The Lippincott History Series] Society Today and Tomorrow: Reading in Social Science. Second Edition. Edited by Elgin F. Hunt and Jules Karlin. The Birth of Western Economy. By Robert Latouche. Paths to the Ancient Past: Applications of the Historical Method to Ancient History. By Tom B. Jones. Origins of the Medieval World. By William Carroll Bark. Thought and Letters in Western Europe, A. D. 500 to 900. Second Edition. By M. L. W. Lasitner. The Western Heritage from 1500 to the Present. By Stewart C. Easton. The World Since 1918: A Complete Up-to-Date Summary of Recent Political, Economic, and Social History Includign Maps, Charts, and Bibliography. By Stewart C. Easton. [Barnes & Noble College Outlien Series]. Theological Highlights of Vatican II. By Joseph Ratzinger. A Short History of Italy. Edited by H. Hearder & D. P. Waley. Behemoth: The Structure and Practice of National Socialism, 1933–1944. By Franz Neumann. Marxism in the Modern World. Edited by Milorad M. Drachkovitch. Some Makers of English Law. By William Holdsworth. Elizabethans at Home. By Lu Emily Pearson. Studies in the Making of the English Protestant Tradition, By E. G. Rupp. From Puritanism to the Age of Reason. By G. R. Cragg. Britain and Europe, 1871–1939. By R. C. Birch. Classes of Departmental Papers for 1906–1939. List of Cabinet Papers 1915 and 1916. The British Political System. By Andre Mathiot. China Under Mao: Politics Takes Command. Edited by Roderick MacFarquhar. Spain in America. By Charles Gibson. James Fenimor Cooper: A Biographical and Critical Study. By James Grossman. The Jacksonian Persuasion, Politics, and Belief. By Marvin Meyers. Pre-Civil War Reform: The Variety of Principles and Programs. By Lorman Ratner. American Negro Slavery, a Survey of the Supply, Employment, and Control of Negdro Labor as Determined by the Plantation Regime. By Ulrich Bonnell Phillips. The Urban Community Housing and Planning in the Progressive Era. Edited by Roy Lubove. Wilson and the League of Nations. Edited by Ralph A. Stone. The Arrogance of Power, by J. William Fulbright. Recent America: Conflicting Interpretations of the Great Issues. Second Edition. Edited by Sidney Finc. To Be Equal. By Whitney M. Young. Jr. Continuity and Change in Latin America, Edited by John J. Johnson.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Aspects of the history of wooden shipbuilding. Edited by J. S. M orrison ,. O le C rumlin -P edersen & G. VAN DER HEIDE
Science and civilisation in China. Vol. 4: Physics and physical technology. Part 3: Civil engineering and nautics. J oseph N eedham , with the collaboration Wang Ling and Lu Gwei-Djen
The number ones. R obert J. W ilson
Fenland barge traffic. J ohn K. W ilson
The RA expeditions. T hor H eyerdahl
Roar Linde 71—Hjortspringbåden som kulturaktivitet: (Roar Linde 71—The Hjortspring boat as a cultural activity). H arry K ahl ,. I ngelise N ielsen ,. F inn T erp & P eter V eje
The emergence of civilization. The Cyclades and the Aegean in the third millenium BC. C olin R enfrew
No star at the Pole. A history of navigation from the Stone Age to the 20th century. D avid & J oan H ay
The haven-finding art. A history of navigation from Odysseus to Captain Cook. E. G. R. T aylor
The Mortar wreck in Mellieha Bay. H onor F rost
Essai de classification des amphores décou-vertes lors de fouilles sous-marines. J.-P. J oncheray
Portus. Illustrazione dei porti di Claudio e Traiano e della citta, di porto a Fiumicino. O tello T estaguzza
The conservation of waterlogged wood in the National Museum of Denmark. B. B rorson C hristensen
Shipwrecks around Britain. A diver's guide. L eo Z anelli
More than skin deep. K endall M ac D onald  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: An Appreciation of Difference: W.E.H Stanner and Aboriginal Australia. Edited by Melinda Hinkson and Jeremy Beckett . The Dreaming & Other Essays By W.E.H. Stanner , with an introduction by Robert Manne Bureaucrats & Bleeding Hearts: Indigenous Health in Northern Australia. By Tess Lea The anthropology of morality in Melanesia and beyond Edited by John Barker  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
The funerary boats of Khufu. A bdel M oneim A bubakr & A hmed Y oussef M ustafa
Schiffsmodelle in Alten Ägypten. A rvid G ottlicher & W alter W erner
Three major ancient boat finds in Britain. H. H azelhoff R oelfzema
Britain and the western seaways. E. G. B owen
Clenched lap or clinker. E ric M c K ee
Gunpowder and galleys. Changing technology and Mediterranean warfare at sea in the sixteenth century. J ohn F rancis G uilmartin , J r
The sloops of the Hudson. W illiam E. V eerplanck & M oses W. C ollyer
History of New York shipyards. J ohn H. M orrison
Windjammers of the Horn. A. G. C ourse
The Lusitania case Collected by C. L. D roste . W. H. T atum IV (Ed.)
America's lighthouses: their illustrated history since 1716. F rancis R oss H olland , J r
A history of lighthouses. P atrick B eaver
Marine archaeology. D. J. B lackman (Ed.)
The conservation of antiquities and works of art Treatment, repair and restoration. H. J. P lenderleith & A. E. A. W erner  相似文献   

A. M. Hocart 《Folklore》2013,124(4):308-323
SCHOTTISCHE SAGEN. Europäische Sagen V. By CHRISTIANE AGRICOLA, Berlin, Erich Schmidt Verlag, 1967. Pp. 325. Reviewed by W. F. H. Nicolaisen.

SYLTER SAGEN. In der ursprünglichen Fassung nach C. P. Hansen u. a. Edited by WILLY KROGMANN. Denkmäler deutscher Volksdichtung, Vol. 7, edited by Will-Erich Peuckert. Göttingen, Verlag Otto Schwartz &; Co., 1966. Pp. vi, 66. With 6 drawings by C. P. Hansen. Reviewed by Ellen Ettlinger.

KOSMAS UND DAMIAN. Kultausbreitung und Volksdevotion. By ANNELIESE WITTMANN. With introduction by Mathilde Hain. Berlin Erich Schmidt Verlag, 1967. Pp. 344; 45 plates and text ills. Reviewed by Ellen Ettlinger.

VERGIL: EPIC AND ANTHROPOLOGY. By W. F. JACKSON KNIGHT. George Allen and Unwin, 1967. Pp. 320. 55s. net. Reviewed by E. O. James.

THE JUDGMENT OF THE DEAD. An Historical and Comparative Study of the Idea of a Post-mortem Judgment in the Major Religions. By S. G. F. BRANDON. Weidenfeld and Nicolson. 1967. Pp. 300. 50s. net. Reviewed by E. O. James.

THE DOMAIN OF DEMONS. By ERIC MAPLE. Robert Hale, London, 1966. Pp. 192; plates. 25s. Reviewed by Theo Brown.


DOG. By PATRICIA DALE-GREEN. Rupert Hart-Davies Ltd., 1966. 63s. Reviewed by H. R. Ellis Davidson.

JAHRBUCH FÜR OSTDEUTSCHE VOLKSKUNDE. Vol. 10. Edited by E. RIEMANN. Marburg N. G. Elwert Verlag, 1967. Pp. 200; 21 ills. Reviewed by Ellen Ettlinger.

FENLAND CHRONICLE. By SIBYL MARSHALL. Drawings by Ewart Oakeshott. Cambridge University Press, 1967. Pp. vii and 280. 45s. Reviewed by Theo Brown.  相似文献   

Book Review in this Articles L'influence du stolcisme sur la pensée musulmane. By Fehmi Jadaane Logic in Classical Islamic Culture. Edited by G. E. von Grunebaum. The Mysticism of Hamzah Fansūri. By Syed Muhammed Naguib al-Attss. Compendium of Fatimid Law. By Asaf A. A. Fyzee. L'HistoIre du Maghrab. By Abdallah Laroui. Ninety-Nine Names of God. By Robert Stade. Lumiére et Ombre su Maghreb. By A. Demeerseman. Alive to God. Muslim and Christian Prayer. Compiled with an Introductory Essay by Kenneth Cragg. I Was an Algerlan Freacher. Autoboigraphy of Said Aboundaon, a Kabyle Pastor. Translated and edited with a prologne, an epilogue and a survay article by W. N. Heggoy. Christ and crisIs in Southeast AsIa. Edited by Gerald H. Anderson.  相似文献   

《History and theory》2005,44(3):477-482
Book reviewed in this articles:
H istory's S hadow : N ative A mericans and H istorical C onsciousness in the N ineteenth C entury . By Steven Conn.
C ynicism from D iogenes to D ilbert . By Ian Cutler.
F rom W ords to N umbers : N arrative , D ata , and S ocial S cience . By Roberto Franzosi.
T ocqueville U nveiled : T he H istorian and H is S ources for T he O ld R egime and the R evolution . By Robert T. Gannett Jr.
S ila mitu : Z ydzi w P oznanskiem w dobie zaborów w pismiennictwie historycznym (The Power of Myth: Jews in Poznania during the Era of the Polish Partitions in Historical Writing). By Krzysztof A. Makowski.
H erbert B utterfield : H istorian as D issenter . By C. T. McIntire.
M ax W eber : A n I ntellectual B iography . By Fritz Ringer.
T heorizing H istorical C onsciousness . Edited by Peter Seixas.  相似文献   

Gladstone, Whiggery and the Liberal Party, 1874–1886 . By T. A.Jenkins. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1988. vi, 328 pp. £32.50.
The Gladstonian Turn of Mind: Essays Presented to J. B. Conacher . Edited by Bruce L. Kinzer. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. 1985. xv, 294 pp. £35.00.
Gladstone, Home Rule and the Ulster Question, 1882–93 . By James Loughlin. Dublin: Gill and Macmillan. 1986. 369 pp. No price given.
Parliamentary Politics and the Home Rule Crisis: The British House of Commons in 1886 . By W. C. Lubenow. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1988. vii, 389 pp. £37.50.
The Gladstone Diaries with Cabinet Minutes and Prime Ministerial Correspondence, Volume IX, January 1875-December 1880 . Edited by H. C. G. Matthew. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1986. xcvii, 714 pp. £55.00.
Parnell and the First Home Rule Episode, 1884–87 . By Alan O'Day. Dublin: Gill and Macmillan. 1986. x, 314 pp. £25.00.  相似文献   

The English Parliament in the Middle Ages. By H. G. Richardson and G. O. Sayles. London: Hambledon Press
The English Parliament in the Middle Ages. Edited by R. G. Davies and J. H. Denton. Manchester: Manchester University Press  相似文献   

W. R. Paton Ph.D. 《Folklore》2013,124(3):333-344
AVEST AFRICAN FOLK-TALES, collected and arranged by W. H. BARKER, B. Sc., and CECILIA SINCLAIR. London: George G. Harrap &; Co. 1917. Reviewed by E. Sidney Hartland.

OBSERVATIONS ON THE MUSSULMAUNS OF INDIA, DESCRIPTIVE, OF THEIR MANNERS, CUSTOMS, HABITS, AND RELIGIOUS OPINIONS, MADE DURING A TWELVE YEARS' RESIDENCE IN THEIR IMMEDIATE SOCIETY. By Mrs. MEER HASSAN ALI. Second Edition, Edited with Notes and an Introduction by W. CROOKE, late of the Indian Civil Service. Oxford University Press, 1917. Pp. xxviii + 442. Price 6s. net or on India paper, 7s. 6d. Reviewed by Vincent A. Smith.  相似文献   

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