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张炎《山中白云词》历来脍炙人口,继清江昱疏证本后,黄畲先生又详加笺释,创获良多,但亦偶有疏失。本文对浙江古籍出版社出版的黄畲先生《山中白云词》作了订补。  相似文献   

<正>姜鹏:《司马光施政理念在历史编纂中的表达——从〈资治通鉴补〉对原作的改动说起》(《复旦学报(社会科学版)》2015年第2期)《资治通鉴》问世后,对其注释、订补、改写、续写之作不断出现。明代学者严衍的《资治通鉴补》是其中非常有代表性的订补著作。在《资治通鉴》卷十六汉景帝后元三年、卷十七汉武帝建元元年这一段历史书写中,司马光采取了史实叙述与相关评论前后颠倒、错置,并对重要历史文献进行借用、删节以凸显己意的手法,用于表达自身的施政理念。严衍发现了这段文本中史实与评论颠倒、错置的问题,也发现了司马光对文献的删节  相似文献   

《战国楚竹书·孔子诗论》内容十分重要,其中《邦风》部分的竹简编次和注释都有不当之处。本文是在订补的基础上对孔子论诗的体例及部分内容作了新的诠释。  相似文献   

《全宋诗》著录诗人9000余人,卷帙浩繁,出之众人,因此不可避免会出现重收诗现象。对此,学界已做了不少修订工作,如陈新等人编著《全宋诗订补》、张如安《〈全宋诗〉订补稿》。近来,通过查阅文献,发现朱熹、张栻、陆九渊、刘克庄诸人名下还有不少诗歌与他人重出,故很有必要对这些诗的归属加以一一考证。  相似文献   

《四库全书总目》元代方志提要补正浙江大学历史系周生春《四库全书总目》是中国古典目录学的集大成之作,也是众多学者经常使用的一部重要工具书。然而,就在这样一部经典之作中,又存在若干纰缪疏漏之处。为进一步提高此书的学术价值和利用价值,考证补订工作是不可或缺...  相似文献   

2006年,在北京奥林匹克公园内出土的明代宋太淑人墓志对于明代历史研究有比较重要的意义,但在发表的墓志录文中有若干舛误。鉴于该墓志的重要性,本文对这些误处试作订补,并就墓志主人的家族史作了若干初步探讨。  相似文献   

针对《全元文》在版本选择和点校中的疏失,通过重核拓本,并利用其它来源图录比对,从语言文字的角度,对《全元文》所辑碑刻录文进行全面订补,纠正其中十二篇之缺漏134例,以供学界及《全元文》整理者参考。  相似文献   

邵晋涵是浙东学派的后起之秀。他在古籍整理研究方面主要成就有四:一是撰写了《尔雅正义》,订补了前人注疏的阙误;二是将散伏已久的《旧五代史》辑编成书,并为后人提供了宝贵的辑佚方法和经验;三是撰写了诸史提要:四是为重修《宋史》作了一定的准备工作。  相似文献   

本文对俄藏对1638号文书进行了研读判定,认为是《春秋后语·秦语》的一个片断;并与02663、02724、05341、05784号文书拼接缀合,对照正史有关记载,作了订补校勘,力图恢复俄藏《春秋后语·秦语》佚文的原貌。  相似文献   

对《毛泽东年谱》中卷记录的1937年7月毛泽东的事迹和相关大事的一些错漏条目提出订补意见。  相似文献   

《中华人民共和国宪法》制订与修改、修正的历史考察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章详细地叙述了《中华人民共和国宪法》制订及其三次修改、五次修正的基本过程 ,论述了它们之间的内在联系 ,总结了我国立宪、修宪中的主要特点 ,充分肯定了《中华人民共和国宪法》作为我国的根本大法 ,在制订、修改、修正的过程中 ,对于建设中国特色的社会主义民主政治 ,对于推进社会主义民主政治的制度化、规范化、程序化所产生的重大作用。  相似文献   

《清平山堂话本》为明代洪(木便)编刊的话本小说集。此书由谭正壁先生点校,初版而新版,但失误仍复不少。《古汉浯研究》1989年第3期刊有张锡德先生《(清平山堂话本)校点商兑》一文,就误校、失校、误点三方面纠误18处。本着精益求精的原则,本文试作校议。  相似文献   

立于北京孔庙内、镌刻有清朝全部进士姓名及甲第、籍贯的进士题名碑,是清朝重要的科举文献.本文讨论了题名碑的建立、规制、书写、改刊等问题,对题名碑的文献价值、题名碑的讹误等也作了分析.  相似文献   


In this article, the five poems with the word 'M?ρ??' in their titles are discussed, and possible explanations for the dates in the titles suggested. The poems were written and revised between 1909 and 1932, but it is argued here that their initial composition dates are closer together than previously thought. The article examines revisions to the five poems; their positions, where applicable, in Cavafy's thematic collections, and the dates in their titles in relation to events in the poet's life and other writings from the same period. A history of composition and publication, including an account of all extant published revisions, is provided and the implications of this kind of bibliographical and biographical approach are discussed.  相似文献   

For a long time in Scotland, diasporic – and popular – heritage with its imaginary emphasising kinship, stylised images and ritualised practices was either overlooked or discredited. The term ‘diaspora’ itself to define Scotland’s vast overseas population has been scrutinised for its usefulness. However, since devolution, it has gained currency in public discourse and policies and has led to the ‘re-diasporisation’ of Scotland. Yet, the ‘diaspora’ had long been identified as an important niche market in relation to heritage perceived as an economic resource. This article explores the changing perception and place of diasporic heritage in Scotland since the 1970s through two case studies. Focusing on processes of remembrance of nineteenth-century Highland emigration materialised through monuments and museums, it highlights the conflicting and shifting relationships that different communities – home and diasporic – have with their past, place and the meanings ascribed to them. The transnational memories increasingly promoted in Scotland act as a means of re-energising nationhood and initiating revisions and re-reading of popular and diasporic culture.  相似文献   

对《马王堆汉墓帛书》(一)中的注释作校订、补充。  相似文献   

Michael Haldane 《Folklore》2013,124(2):171-189
This article examines the popular early German prose text Fortunatus both as folktale and as mercantile myth, concentrating on the hitherto critically neglected Wishing-Hat, which is regarded in this essay as a descendant of the Petasus of Mercury. In the original Fortunatus text dating from 1509, there are many points of contact centred in the Hat, such as its appearance, the themes of speed, secrecy, invisibility, theft, and commerce, between Fortunatus and Mercury. The manner in which these themes were developed in subsequent German revisions of Fortunatus and in seventeenth-century English translations and adaptations of the text is discussed. From embodiment of knowledge to a signifier of multipresence, from being a representation of travel to an accessory to raptorial attack, the uses and meanings of the Wishing-Hat are seen to be many and varied.  相似文献   

In 1903, after the publication of the second volume of the Irish R.M. stories, Edith ?. Somerville and Martin Ross revised and republished their first novel, An Irish Cousin (1889 Somerville, E. OE., and MartinRoss. An Irish Cousin. London: Richard Bentley, 1889. [Google Scholar]), under its original name. They reduced it from two volumes to one, made global revisions to the plot, and edited it at the word and sentence level. More interestingly, they modified the representation of the main Irish protagonists of the gothic plot, both landlords and tenants. To date, no extensive comparison between the two editions exists. The 1889 edition is rare, so commentators have relied on the 1903 edition even though they often cite the social context of the first edition. This article compares the two editions and provides explanations for the revisions, examining the authors’ personal and professional reasons for these changes voiced in their published and unpublished letters and diaries within the cultural, social, and political context of the period. The comparison briefly considers the implications of these changes for theorists of the Irish Gothic.  相似文献   

The Center for Global Geography Education (CGGE) is a set of online modules exploring geographic issues, which allow collaborative analysis and discussion between international teams of undergraduates. Using data from trials held in 10 countries, the modules' effectiveness in improving student understanding of geographic concepts and appreciation for cross-cultural perspectives on the issues were evaluated. Analysis of qualitative and quantitative data revealed that CGGE achieved its aims of enhancing geographic knowledge and skills. The modules and their international collaboration design inspired high interest among students and professors. Specific revisions to their content are identified in order to foster deeper exchanges of international perspectives among university students.  相似文献   

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