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1954年1月14日,董必武在政务院第202次会议上对1954年政法工作的主要任务作了说明,认为国家已经进入大规模的经济建设时期,治国方略应从搞运动转到"按法律办事".这是董必武在新中国成立以后第一次郑重提出"按法律办事",同时,他还提出了"培养群众法律意识"、"教育人民守法,首先要国家机关工作人员守法"等思想,这是他经过多年观察、思考而凝练出的治国良策,是他法学思想的升华.  相似文献   

通过探寻古代中西法律制度不同的文化背景,揭示中国传统法律刑事化的深层文化原因,指出各文明选择的应是适合自己价值取舍的制度,而无优劣之分。  相似文献   

法家学派在时间上有前期、后期之分,在地域上有齐法家和三晋法家之分。商鞅是前期法家名代表人物,其法学理论典型地体现于社会终极理想之中。他认为人类社会的历史可以划分为两大阶段:首先是法治化社会,以法治国,在社会高度法治化基础之上,人类有望进入其理想化阶段——道德自律社会。法的力量由中心退居边缘,伦理道德价值体系开始由边缘走向中心,道德价值体系成为人类社会最高原则。从“法治”到“德治”,这是商鞅法学理论的逻辑过程,也是商鞅法学理论的全部内涵。  相似文献   

Much of the existing scholarship on the universalization of nineteenth-century international law has framed it in terms of the imperial West's domination of non-Western societies.This article complicates and qualifies this conventional state-centric narrative by investigating the juridical,capitalist production of China as a "semi-civilized" international legal subject.It examines the foundational modem Sino-British/Westem commercial and extraterritorial treaties,as well as the treatises of a new professional class of British international lawyers-James Lorimer (1818-90),John Westlake (1828-1913),William Edward Hall (1835-94),T.E.Holland (1835-1926),Thomas Lawrence (1849-1920),and Lassa Oppenheim (1849-1920).The juridical production of China as a "semi-civilized" legal subject throws into relief the dual capitalist nature and significance of the universalization of nineteenth-century international law.On the one hand,this "civilized" legal discourse underwrote a novel liberal conception of a universal international law (jus publicum universal) within which China was formally included as a quasi-legal subject.On the other hand,it also underwrote a particularistic,Euro-centric international law,which excluded China from its global domain and denied it basic sovereign fights.In this way also,"civilized" international law justified both formal equality in Europeannon-European treaty relations,as well as the real substantive inequality of these international exchanges of rights and obligations.Building on the critical theoretical work of Evgeny Pashukanis (1891-1937),this article argues that a non-orthodox Marxist social theory of legal forms is best suited to explain the abstract,liberal universalism of nineteenth-century "civilized" international law and the contradictory forms of legal and jurisprudential discourse it made available and rendered normatively meaningful to international law practitioners.Through this Marxist theory,moreover,I shall relate said contradictory discourse to modern commodity exchange practices.  相似文献   

道德与法律作为调节社会关系、维护社会秩序、规范人们思想行为的重要手段倍受汉代统治阶级重视。在汉代道德与法律两者之间并非是一种简单的并存关系,其中在汉代道德观念中体现着深刻的法律思想,而在汉代法律思想和司法实践中同样体现着厚重的道德观念,而汉代道德与法律的关系也处在不断变化与发展的汉代社会之中。而本文通过对汉代“劫质”案的考察就集中体现了笔者对汉代道德与法律关系问题的一种诠释。  相似文献   

Using both ethnography and textual material, this paper describes the way in which Western Arrernte people in central Australia interpreted the Christianity brought to them by Lutheran missionaries. The mission became an isolated domestic economy, a context that allowed the Arrernte to interpret its teachings in terms of a "law." This Christian law was often referred to as pepe, the Western Arrernte word for "paper." It involved a particular rendering of literacy and rested on a highly localized order. These conditions of mission Christianity would change with the coming of land rights and a cash economy.  相似文献   

Legal scholars and historians have often claimed to find intellectual affinities between the U.S. Supreme Court's notorious opinions in Plessy v. Ferguson and Lochner v. New York. In Plessy, the Court upheld a law requiring private railroads to enforce segregation, while in Lochner the Court invalidated a maximum hours law for bakers. Bruce Ackerman asserts that Plessy had its intellectual roots "in the laissez-faire theories expressed one decade later in cases like Lochner." In support of his thesis, Ackerman relies onthe Plessy Court's statement that if the two races are to mingle, it must be "the result of natural affinities, a mutual appreciation of each other's merits and a voluntary consent of individuals." Brook Thomas also blames the Plessy ruling on laissez-faire ideology. He argues that laissez-faire theory led the Court to seek to encourage the "natural" forces of segregation.  相似文献   

唐长孙无忌等所撰的[1]《唐律疏议》是古代法制文献的典范,在中国及世界法制史上均占重要地位。德国学者N·麦考密克曾指出“法学其实不过是一门法律语言学。①正确理解与阐述我国古代法制文献的语言,不仅对了解、研究、借鉴我国古代法律具有重要意义,同时也是汉语史研究的任务之一。本文选取《唐律疏议》中法制词语七例,其中或为目前大型语文性辞书所失收,或为前人疏解不当及有未尽之处者,参以其他文献用例,加以考释。  相似文献   

Giles  Geoffrey J. 《German history》2005,23(3):339-354
In the summer of 1935, Nazi legislators revised 175 of the Germanpenal code to close what state prosecutors had long regardedas an irritating loophole. Instead of requiring proof of penetrativesex acts for a conviction for homosexuality, courts could henceforthapply much wider interpretations of a homosexual act. Historianshave hitherto assumed that the amendment to 175 was a reactionto the Röhm Purge one year earlier, but this article showsthat it was part of a much more general law reform initiative.The main focus rests on a case in Weimar in the spring of 1935,in which no fewer than fifteen men were charged with homosexualoffences. The judges chose to apply the new, sharper versionof the law, even though it had not yet officially come intoeffect. A subsequent challenge to the supreme court upheld theretroactive application of the new law. In this and many othercases, the testimony of the accused shows that they did notunderstand the wider sweep of the law, nor did they feel thatthey had carried out particularly immoral or criminal acts.The Nazi response to the absence of remorse was to toughen thepunishment over time, leading to a death sentence in some casesduring the war. But this radicalization came as much from lawyersthemselves as from any Party or police office.  相似文献   

馬小鶴 《中华文史论丛》2012,(2):285-308,399
《舊約·創世記》中的猶太人之祖雅各在希臘文《約瑟禱文》、科普特文《埃及人福音》、《九姓回鶻可汗碑》粟特文殘片、摩尼教中古波斯文祈禱文、伊朗語贊美詩中化身爲天使,在希臘文咒文與護身符中成爲人們祈求的天神,在敦煌摩尼教漢文文獻《下部讚》中被稱爲"頭首大將耶俱孚",在福建霞浦文書中則被稱爲"俱孚元帥"、"耶俱孚大將"或"俱孚聖尊",成爲護法天神之一。雅各從以色列人之祖逐步演化爲中國民間宗教護法的曲折過程,誠爲中西文化交流史引人入勝之一例。  相似文献   

周虹 《福建史志》2020,(2):26-30,36,71,72
中国传统法治文化是中华几千年国家治理的智慧结晶,在不同历史时期具有不同的文化特点,也存在自诞生之初就无法克服的不足之处,如强调人治、维护宗法、重刑轻民等。但是,传统法治文化有很多值得我们吸收改进的有益之处,尤其在教民、治吏与息诉这三点上,对当前地方法治政府建设有着重要的借鉴意义。本文结合包括福建本地的一些法治实例,阐述传统法治文化的特点和不足,以"从严治吏"为重点,对如何更好的建设地方法治政府提出几点个人思考和建议。  相似文献   

南海"断续线"的法律地位   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
文章对南海“断续线”的法律地位进行了探讨。认为存在于南海的九条以国界线方法标绘的“断续线”,确认了中国对线内岛礁滩沙的主权和对周边海域的海洋权益。“断续线”与领海外部界限、专属经济区和大陆架范围主张线、菲律宾“条约线”等有着本质的区别。南海“断续线”的法律地位使其在维护中国在南海的海洋权益方面有着特殊的作用和意义。  相似文献   

"英国民族国家的形成"研究述评   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
岳蓉 《史学月刊》2002,(8):5-12
英语中“国家”一词内涵含混、概念不周密,造成史学界长期以来对“英国民族国家”的概念争论不休。英国民族国家形成的重要基础是英格兰国家主权的建立,暴力与合法性原则奠定了英国民族国家的形成基础。尽管英国人拥有各自不同的血统身份,但是他们享有共同的公民身份。  相似文献   

森和 《江汉考古》2006,59(2):73-79
本文对“楚帛书”(包含第二帛书和残帛书)上有关月名与历法问题的文字和图像进行了基础性研究,认为子弹库楚帛书群中可以看到边文月、十三行月和楚月名三种月名,并尝试就其对应关系与历法作了再验证。我们还以五行说为指标,通过对“日书”以及“卜筮祭祷简”进行比较,指出楚帛书群的年代可能接近九店楚简“日书”。同时就子弹库楚帛书群的史料性质以及定位及今后的课题研究简单地作了展望。  相似文献   

幂次法则是普遍存在于自然科学和社会科学界的现象,而城市位序-规模法则是幂次法则在城市科学中的体现之一,然而特定城市规模分布一直缺乏完整的解释。本文尝试结合城市增长过程中土地开发行为的报酬递增规则与土地开发主体的风险认知行为,以城市增长的微观过程为切入视角模拟宏观城市聚落演化过程,进而探讨风险态度对城市聚落形态,尤其是对其规模分布的影响。研究结果表明:①即使城市聚落演化过程中存在多种风险态度,幂次法则在城市聚落的规模分布中仍保持着稳健性; ②现实世界中城市聚落规模分布的变异和稳定可能来自城市主体风险态度的多样性。  相似文献   

1948年12月中国人民银行成立以来,作为中央银行,负有"发行的银行"、"政府的银行"、"银行的银行"三大基本职能。为完善人民银行这三大职能,中央政府在法规方面逐渐加强建设,从仅在政府组织法体现人民银行央行职能到改革开放后出台强化人民银行央行职能的条例,最终在20世纪末出台了专门的单行法——《中华人民共和国中国人民银行法》以及2003年的修订本,并为此制定了相应的行政法规与金融规章,构楚了我国中央银行法律体系的基本框架。在法规日渐完善的同时,人民银行在国民经济的宏观调控中发挥着越来越重要的作用。  相似文献   

In 1835, a statute was passed in the parliament of the United Kingdom making it illegal for a widowed man to marry his sister-in-law. 1 Lord Lyndhurst's Act (1835) 5 & 6 Will VI c. 54. Marriage to a sister-in-law after a wife's death was common practice in nineteenth-century England and colonial Australia and aunts often took on the responsibility of raising children after a sibling's death. In the 1840s, a protracted parliamentary and social debate began over whether a widowed man's marriage to his sister-in-law should be made legal and this debate lasted over seven decades. In the Australian colonies, where English law had been inherited, 2 Those Australian colonies settled prior to the passing of Lord Lyndhurst's Act inherited the English position regarding deceased wife's sister marriage at the time, that such unions were voidable in the ecclesiastical courts during the lifetime of the parties, and in those colonies established afterwards, the 1835 statute applied and deceased wife's sister unions were illegal. In both cases colonial parliaments attempted to pass legislation to clarify the law. a similar debate occurred in the 1870s. The marriage was legalised in most of Australia in the 1870s while it remained illegal in England until the turn of the century. The parallel debates in each country provide a window into the comparative effect of religious culture on the development of marriage law. One of the primary reasons for the protracted nature of the struggle for marriage reform in England was its significance for the relationship between church and state. This article explores the implications of the relationship between church and state in Britain and the colonies for marriage legislation.  相似文献   

《Political Theology》2013,14(4):594-607

This article maps several key moments in the evolution of religious symbolism and language on US currency, focusing largely on Abraham Lincoln's overlooked role in signing the motto "In God We Trust" into law. Interpreting the motto through the lens of Lincoln's "Second Inaugural Address"—which he delivered just one day after Congress passed the first statute allowing "In God We Trust" to be stamped on US coins—offers a counter-intuitive interpretation of the motto that functions as a deep, ironic, and historically significant critique of religious nationalism.  相似文献   

文章较详细地分析了菲律宾政府提出“邻近原则”的背景、内容、含义 ,并进行了现代国际法理论与实践意义上的剖析。文章指出“邻近原则”在理论上是荒谬的 ,在实践上则具有危险性。认为 ,菲律宾政府只有放弃其对南沙群岛的主权要求 ,停止对南沙岛礁的非法占领 ,并撤离已占有岛礁 ,承认中国对南沙的主权 ,才能真正实现南沙海域的和平 ,也才能真正享用南沙的丰富资源。  相似文献   

美国医学界与1848年《药品进口法》的颁行   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
《药品进口法》是美国第一部限制伪劣药品进口的全国性立法,是联邦政府为建立一个安全的药品供应链而采取的重要措施,为联邦政府涉足药品管理和保护消费者权利首开先河。转型时代掺假药品问题的凸显和专利药品的泛滥,直接或间接地减损了医学界的"职业权威"。为了保护医学界的利益和增加其职业认同感,美国医学会与州、市和地方的医学和药学社团以掺假药品问题为突破口,展开了积极的游说,推动国会颁布立法,限制掺假药品的进口。医学界的活动得到了国会中医学政治家的积极支持,而院外医学游说团体与国会中医学政治家的联手最终推动了1848年《药品进口法》的颁行。  相似文献   

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