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H. W. H. KING     
《Geographical Research》1966,4(2):171-171


On July 25th 1983 a severe thunderstorm brought torrential rain and flooding to a small valley near Newcastleton in Roxburghshire. At one site within the valley, around 65 mm of rainfall was recorded in 75 minutes, though this was probably 2 km from the centre of the storm. The resulting peak flow was estimated at almost 170 m3s‐1 from a drainage area of 36.9 km2. Lightning killed some livestock whilst many more were drowned. The storm triggered peat slides on several hillsides and caused extensive erosion of river banks and damage to buildings and bridges. The associated high sediment load killed fish stocks in the receiving waters. The flood was a significant event in terms of its human disruption and its impact on the natural environment.  相似文献   

1938年10月24日端纳(W.H.Donald)随蒋介石离开汉口,视察鄂、湘、赣、桂前方阵地,12月前往重庆。同年12月28日和次年1月1日,端纳分两次给田伯烈(H.J.Timperley)写了这封长信,详细介绍他随蒋介石视察的所见所闻。  相似文献   

伊瓦特是澳大利亚现代史上杰出的外交家、政治家与法学家。他在任职澳大利亚外交部长的九年间 ,不仅从英国手中夺回外交与国防的独立大权 ,而且确立了与亚洲友好交往的新亚洲政策 ,他是澳大利亚独立外交的设计师 ,从而使其祖国自立于世界独立国家之林。伊瓦特在国际舞台上纵横捭阖 ,叱咤风云 ,博得了世人一次次喝彩。正当他声誉日隆时 ,工党在 1 94 9年下台 ,他也因此下台。随着政局的变化 ,澳大利亚的外交政策也发生了变化 ,但到 2 0世纪 70年代 ,澳大利亚有远见的政治家纠正了错误 ,继续推行伊瓦特所确立的独立外交与新亚洲政策。伊瓦特是一位有功于国家的外交家。  相似文献   

端纳有关汪精卫出逃情况致田伯烈的信   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
端纳是蒋委员长和蒋夫人的有名的澳籍顾问。下面这段材料采自端纳最近给田伯烈的一封信。田伯烈为本刊亚洲问题顾问,现居伦敦(原载于《The World Digest》China Publisher Y.M.C.A,1940。该信函刊出时略去了收信人及发信人落款、时间)。  相似文献   

On September 1, 1969, a group of junior Libyan Army officers took control of the Libyan government in a bloodless coup d'état. After the coup, the group formed the Revolutionary Command Council (RCC), chaired by Muammar al‐Qadhafi. In the four decades following, Libya faced numerous foreign policy challenges. The Qadhafi regime took on a distinctly anticolonial flavor that mirrored the revolutionary political trends of Egypt under of Gamal Abdul Nasser. This change in foreign policy posture shook Libya's relations with the United States and the United Kingdom and initiated the degradation of Libyan–Western ties. Under Qadhafi's leadership, Libya chose an ideological path for that focused on the strengthening of sovereignty while pursuing policies of unity and anti‐imperialism. This often put Libya at loggerheads with the West, and at times with its neighbors. Nevertheless, Qadhafi maintained popularity among his constituency. 1 His domestic fame was the product of a carefully constructed persona that gave him the charismatic appeal necessary to maintain leadership during the latter quarter of the twentieth century and into the new millennium. Publicly, Qadhafi highlighted the similarities between himself and Libya's rural working class. He lived in a tent, and wore modest clothing. He fancied himself a devout Muslim, and praised the wisdom of the Libyan masses. He connected with his constituency through rhetoric that illustrated the stability of his policies over time, and their connection to the ideas that originally made him popular. This argues that the source of Qadhafi's charismatic power lay in his rhetoric, which connected Libya's foreign policy decisions to his foreign policy vision, the basis of his charismatic leadership. Qadhafi articulated his foreign policy vision during his first major speech to the Libyan people in September 1969, and he referred to it time and again when speaking about major Libyan foreign policy decisions. To demonstrate, this article describes the basis of Qadhafi's leadership authority and defines the parameters of his vision. Then Qadhafi's rhetoric surrounding major shifts in Libyan foreign policy is analyzed to show its congruence with his foreign policy vision. The rhetoric surrounding the Libya–Egypt war, the end of Libya's Chad intervention, Libya's surrendering of the two Lockerbie bombing suspects to be tried under Western authority, and Qadhafi's denunciation of the weapons of mass destruction programs—all major shifts in Libyan foreign policy—demonstrate how Qadhafi was able to maintain a single message, and thus his authority, over his first 35 years in power based on values established in the early days of his revolution. The flexibility of his vision enabled Qadhafi to maintain authority, while tactically adjusting Libyan foreign policy positions.  相似文献   

David Parsons 《考古杂志》2013,170(1):465-466
This paper collates some examples of nineteenth-century church ‘restoration’, with special reference to their effect on medieval wall-paintings, and seeks to trace the motivation behind them. Their hitherto insufficiently recognised influence on prevailing views about the subject-matter of medieval wall-paintings is also suggested.  相似文献   

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