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本文探讨了全新世以来长江流域环境变化、人类活动以及它们之间的相互影响,以期人们认识该流域人与自然的历史渊源和现实问题,为我们保护好、建设好长江经济带提供理论基础。  相似文献   

焦莹 《神州》2012,(5):126-127
马克思的异化理论是人类认识自我生存和发展状况不可或缺的工具,其在马克思哲学中占有重要地位。本文以马克思的异化理论为指导,着重分析在不同的领域中被异化的人类活动,批判地认为人的发展是一个对异化不断扬弃的历史过程。  相似文献   

乌鲁木齐早期人类活动与城市形态演变   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过文献记载与考古研究成果,分析了乌鲁木齐早期人类活动的空间分布和唐代轮台城的兴废,并探讨了清代以来乌鲁木齐城市形态演变的规律和原因。认为军政职能是清代城池建筑的主要原因,商业贸易发展是城市形态变异的内动力,现代工业发展是形态突变的根本原因。  相似文献   

罗布地区人类活动与环境变迁   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文在引用史料、考古和科学考察的基础上 ,对罗布地区的人类活动和环境变迁进行分析研究 ,认为历史时期罗布地区的人类活动与环境变迁可划分为四个阶段 :魏晋以前 ,生产水平有限 ,绿洲农业灌溉主要依赖自然河道 ,对环境的影响不大 ,河湖水量充沛 ;魏晋以后至元代 ,属游牧民族活动区域 ,生产方式简单 ,对环境影响小 ,河湖水量因自然因素的影响而呈不断减少的态势 ;清初至道光年以前 ,当地罗布人以原始的渔猎生活为主 ,河湖水量充沛 ;清道光年以后 ,大规模、不合理的农业灌溉活动 ,导致河湖水量减少  相似文献   

穿上很久没穿的连衣裙,我以为自己要去征服世界,何况我还有8公分的高跟鞋以及迪拜带回来的迪奥香水。坐上公交车我矜持地拿出一本卡夫卡,透过车窗我看到耳垂上淘宝的美丽耳环(价值一块四)闪出起码我认为是钻石一样的光芒。  相似文献   

基于地方秩序嵌套的人类活动研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
活动的地方秩序嵌套"这一概念源于瑞典时间地理学者哈格斯特朗对人类活动复杂性及其背后蕴含的社会规则的思考,强调人类活动与其发生所需的时空资源配置之间的关系,隐含人类行为背后所需的各种资源在时间上的排列和空间上的组合规律。本文系统解读了"(活动的)地方秩序嵌套"的概念内涵、形成与符号表达,借助已有研究案例梳理不同地理空间尺度下地方秩序及其嵌套过程,以及目前这一领域的最新研究进展,在此基础上尝试提出这一概念在中国城市空间行为与规划中的研究与应用方向。  相似文献   

中清以来人类经济活动对三江源区生态环境的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
景晖  徐建龙 《攀登》2005,24(3):87-92
三江源区在江河水流循环和大气环流中的枢纽作用使之在我国生态环境保护与建设中居于重要地位。根据有关历史记载、统计资料和科学知识,本对中清以来各主要时期三江源区的人口变迁、人类活动规模及其对生态环境的影响进行了分析、测算和评估,以期对三江源区生态环境的恢复性保护和建设提供依据。  相似文献   

近2000年来人类活动对我国西部生态环境变化的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
清代中叶是近两千年来我国西部土地覆盖变化的关键阶段 ,人口迅猛增加和大规模土地开发是生态环境恶化的主导因素。根据估算 ,西部地区的森林覆盖率由原始状况 30 %左右 ,下降为目前的 8.6 8%。历史时期黄土高原的天然植被主要是疏林灌丛草原 ,秦汉时代森林覆盖率达到 30 %是可能的。清代后期 ,子午岭、黄龙山及陇东一些较边远山区森林已遭破坏 ,森林覆盖率下降到目前的 5 .5 %。西南地区森林植被演变的历史过程表明 ,清代以前人类活动对植被覆盖的影响还只是局部性的。之后 ,大规模移民的过度农业垦殖、盐业开发和官方的皇木采办等活动极大破坏了原本保持完好的天然森林。清代中期西北干旱区人口密度突破了干旱地带人口压力的“临界指标”,水资源利用率超过国际上通行的标准 4 0 % ,使河流大量水量消耗在支流和上、中游地区 ,造成下游水量剧减或断流是晚近湖泊萎缩干涸乃至沙漠化的主要原因。  相似文献   

从统万城的兴废看人类活动对生态环境脆弱地区的影响   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:23  
位于毛乌素沙地南缘的统万城建成于公元419年,废毁于公元994年。统万城的兴废,不单单是一个城市的历史问题,而是揭示了北方生态环境敏感带地区人地关系的变化过程。本文在前人工作基础之上,利用大比例尺航空遥感影像判读、历史文献分析和实地考察等多种手段,在复原统万城的城市形态的基础上,对建城初期的当地生态环境做了一些初步的复原工作,并探讨了统万城从修建到废毁期间人类活动对当地生态环境的影响过程。  相似文献   

青藏高原的早期人类活动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
雄伟壮丽的青藏高原对于人们总是散发着无限的吸引力。虔诚的朝圣把晶莹的雪山看作是涤荡尘世俗念、提升自我心境的圣地。直插云天的冰峰是探险家磨炼意志、测量人与自然较量的试金石。以探究人与自然奥秘为乐趣的旅行家涉足雪域高原,则是为了最大限度满足白已无限的猎奇欲望。那么,对于以  相似文献   

A classification of social-geographic regions is proposed. Functional regions, which specialize in particular types or stages of human activity, break down into two classes: (1) naturogenic regions, determined by differences in physical conditions and natural resources, and (2) positional regions, determined by distance from a particular object. Complex regions are those in which the complete cycle of a particular process is realized. Nodal regions arise around management or service centers. A hierarchy of regions takes shape wherever a stage-by-stage collection or distribution occurs. An optimal organization of a territory would involve a hierarchy of regions that are both functional and nodal in character.  相似文献   

This article comments upon the situation of sprawl in Spain and Madrid, especially residential sprawl. It does not appear to be a serious problem due to its low starting point, but artificial surface and residential sprawl is growing rapidly. For that reason, it may be an issue in the future. Between 2000 and 2006, urban residential land use grew 0.4% in Spain and 0.2% in Europe per year, land use of industrial and commercial areas grew 2.3% in Spain and 0.4% in Europe and total artificial surface grew 2.7% in Spain and 0.6% in Europe (EEA, 2010). Further, we will study the legislation on maximum and minimum urban density in Spain. The highest maximum urban density is established by the Basque Country, with 230 dwellings per hectare, and the highest minimum urban density is established by Catalonia, with 50 dwellings per hectare. In both cases, it is applied to only certain types of territories. Finally, we will analyse what happens in the Region of Madrid in relation to sprawl. It has very similar patterns compared with the rest of Spain, although more pronounced.  相似文献   

Over the past 40 years or so, human activities and movements in space‐time have attracted considerable research interest in geography. One of the earliest analytical perspectives for the analysis of human activity patterns and movements in space‐time is time geography. Despite the usefulness of time geography in many areas of geographical research, there are very few studies that actually implemented its constructs as analytical methods up to the mid‐1990s. With increasing availability of geo‐referenced individual‐level data and improvement in the geo‐computational capabilities of Geographical Information Systems (GIS), it is now more feasible than ever before to operationalize and implement time‐geographic constructs. This paper discusses recent applications of GIS‐based geo‐computation and three‐dimensional (3‐D) geo‐visualization methods in time‐geographic research. The usefulness of these methods is illustrated through examples drawn from the author's recent studies. The paper attempts to show that GIS provides an effective environment for implementing time‐geographic constructs and for the future development of operational methods in time‐geographic research.  相似文献   


Attempts to account for the impressive and unusual archaeological record of the World Heritage site of Poverty Point have often faltered. The vast and diverse set of artifacts, the spectacular and well-designed earthworks, and the millions of baked-clay objects known as Poverty Point Objects are all distinctive and anomalous features of the site. This paper argues that the archaeological record of Poverty Point can best be explained as the product of periodic, ritualized feasting events. Drawing on diverse archaeological and anthropological studies of feasting I demonstrate that it is a useful research framework for understanding the site’s content because many of the archaeological signatures of feasting are present at Poverty Point. I argue furthermore that Poverty Point Objects were an integral component of this culture of feasting and offer hypotheses on their role in the feasts.  相似文献   

This paper outlines the main geomorphological characteristics of the Araguari River Basin and describes the human‐induced changes to the landscapes. This region, naturally occupied by savannas, has been strongly altered by human activities over the previous 40 years. Summarised information is derived from geomorphological, geological and pedological maps, supported by field work. The paper is divided into two main parts. The first shows the natural arrangement of the landscapes in the hydrographic basin, demonstrating the relationships between structural and geomorphic units. Information about superficial materials and current processes and some observations on the evolution of these landforms are presented here. The second part describes the changes in the basin due to anthropic activities, considering types of erosion, channel changes and urban problems. These activities are divided between rural and urban areas, showing the differences between the operations of these sensitive systems. The paper also notes the main research in progress in this basin, presents some partial results and comments on future perspectives.  相似文献   

The impact of the penetration of the lumbering industry on the beaver and sable population of the Konda-Sos'va region of Western Siberia is analyzed. The development of the industry along the newly built Ivdel'-Ob' railroad, the increasing cut-over area, frequent forest fires and the expansion of populated settlements have led to excessive trapping and poaching among the local beaver and sable populations. Because of their limited reproductive capacity, the two species are threatened with extinction unless the present hunting prohibition in the area can be enforced. A useful step, in the author's view, would be the restoration of the Konda-Sos'va reserve, which was abolished in 1951 before the penetration of human activities into the region.  相似文献   

Point scales evaluating a set of factors for a particular purpose are finding increasing application in geographic research. The basic principles underlying the compilation of such point values are discussed, and recent Soviet publications are examined to determine the extent to which these principles have been properly used or misapplied. Simple and complex point systems are distinguished, and the construction of a point scale is discussed in detail.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine the enigmatic but plentiful hand-molded, baked-clay objects known as Poverty Point Objects (PPOs) from a number of different facets. Although the vast majority of these Terminal Archaic artifacts are found in the Lower Mississippi Valley, they also are found at sites as far north as Clarksville, Indiana, and as far east as the Atlantic Coast of Florida. Although most archaeologists generally assume PPOs were used primarily for roasting food, we consider a variety of other possible functions, including their use in boiling water and as symbolic tokens linking the far-flung Poverty Point culture area. We demonstrate that even though a few other archaeological cultures in the world used round clay balls for cooking, the Poverty Point culture was unique in the care, variety, and standardized forms of its baked-clay objects. We discuss the various PPO types and their possible functions in nine distinct regions in the southeastern United States and, based on our thin-section analyses of 66 samples, we demonstrate that PPOs circulated among different sites in these regions.  相似文献   

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