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如何根据自身经济活动所具有的空间组织特征和演化轨迹来选择升级路径,是城市政府需要解决的重要问题。本文以粤东城镇群区域中心城市汕头为例,选择具有传统优势的纺织服装产业,整合经济地理关系范式和演化范式的方法构建分析框架,运用访谈获得的企业关系数据和相关资料,分别对汕头纺织服装行业生产组织的历史路径以及当前在区域生产网络中的地位进行分析,提出汕头纺织服装行业未来进行升级的路径选择。本文在城市产业发展规划如何借鉴西方经济地理新理论范式方面进行了尝试性探索。  相似文献   

Taipei is the economic and cultural centre of Taiwan. To compete with other Asian countries, Taipei has adopted pragmatic innovation and development strategies to achieve competitive advantage. Analysis of data obtained in face-to-face interviews indicates that Taipei may have a unique fashion economy. This study confirms the potential of the Taiwan fashion industry from the perspective of its cultural and creative economies. The main goal of this study is to determine how fashion professionals promote and affect the Taiwan fashion industry. First, fashion-related industries in the Taiwan cultural and creative system are defined and classified. Based on these definitions, statistical employment data and interview data are used to show how the distribution of fashion professionals provides directions for urban development by fashion clusters.  相似文献   

The contemporary fashion industry is based on a set of ‘gendered skills and attributes.’ Women numerically dominate fashion schools and the labour force of fashion firms, and also start and run the majority of independent fashion brands. Angela McRobbie and others have highlighted the importance of considering the gendered dynamics of fashion-related work. Yet, as the industry continues to evolve in the wake of global integration, the digital transition and intensifying competition, there is an ongoing need for research. Using an intersectional approach, this paper provides a novel case study of young ‘Millennial’ female independent fashion designers who operate within the emerging and under-explored Canadian fashion industry. Drawing on 87 interviews and participant observation, the paper demonstrates how entrepreneurial motivations, pathways, practices and experiences are shaped by individual characteristics, such as gender, age, lifecycle and class. Particular attention is paid to the challenges and tensions associated with the D.I.Y. (do it yourself) model and how forms of work, including aesthetic labour, are performed and experienced in virtual spaces such as social media platforms. In so doing, the paper contributes to nascent research on Millennials and nuances our understanding of the gendered nature of creative labour. Crucially, the paper also moves beyond typical masculinist conceptualisations of entrepreneurship, which focus on high-growth and high-technology businesses, to highlight the legitimacy, prevalence and importance of alternative motivations, networks, identities and business practices within contemporary markets and creative industries.  相似文献   

从台湾社会的发展看台湾留美运动的兴衰   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
战后台湾留学生运动的兴起、发展及衰落 ,与台湾现代化的萌芽、发展与成熟息息相关。 1 95 0年代至 1 960年代 ,台湾经济筚路蓝缕 ,到先进国家留学 ,成为一代青年的最高愿望。同时 ,台湾与美国经济发展的巨大悬殊使留美学生很容易做出滞留不归的抉择。从 1 970年代台湾开始经济起飞 ,到 1 980年代台湾完全脱贫致富 ,台湾留学生经济状况改善。同时 ,从 1 980年代起 ,美国劳工市场的不景气与台湾社会经济的发展吸引一部分留美学生返台工作。到 1 990年代 ,留美学生的返台率进一步提高 ,反映了台湾经济进入国际中心 ,劳工人才开始流向台湾。 1 990年代后期 ,留学美国运动开始衰落 ,许多台湾青年不再视留学为“正途”。这一现象不仅体现了台湾学术研究水平的提高 ,本土培养的研究人员已具有国际竞争力 ,也反映了台湾经济国际化、信息化的开始  相似文献   

The present study traces recent trends in cultural policy concerning “cities of culture” in South Korea. The paper is a case study of the city of Gwangju, known as the birthplace of modern democracy in Korea. Currently, public input from below into the urban regeneration project for Gwangju is almost nonexistent, while most urban regeneration policies have been implemented from the top by elites who enjoy exhibiting their performances through constructing massive edifices rather than encouraging the preservation of such intangibles as historical significance through cultural participation from below. The government’s policy of promoting Gwangju as the “city of culture” in order to make it a hub of Asian cultural industry and tourism in the global economy is closely allied to its policy of economic reductionism of culture. The study suggests that Gwangju and its unique heritage would instead benefit from an urban regeneration policy aimed at establishing it as the city of art and culture for human rights and democracy and as part of a collaborative network with the heritage initiatives of international bodies.  相似文献   

Two Taiwan-based economists estimate the technology content of exports by the machinebuilding industry of the East Asia region during 2004-2008, using comparative analysis to clarify changes in the relative competitiveness of four East Asian nations (China, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan) accompanying the formation of a regional trading bloc and production networks. In particular, they examine the technology content of these countries' machinebuilding sub-industries' exports within the Southeast Asian market (documenting the rise of the machinebuilding industry in China) as well as the penetration of Japanese, South Korean, and Taiwanese sub-industries into China's market. The results point to areas of emerging competition among China, South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan for East Asian markets, which can only be expected to intensify in the future. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: F14, F15, F36, O14, P23. 7 tables, 36 references.  相似文献   

Since the late 1980s, Taiwan has been engulfed in waves of both democratisation and integration with mainland China. These two waves have pulled identity reconstruction in Taiwan in two different directions. In the process of democratisation, a shift to a majoritarian system encouraged a Taiwanese renaissance on the political platform and consequently led to the deconstruction of Chinese identity. On the other hand, in the 1990s, with the high mobility of capital and people across the Taiwan Strait, close economic ties could have put the brakes on Taiwan independence movements. Hence, this paper uses random coefficient models to explore how the democratic transition and increasing cross‐strait relations brought about psychological and structural mechanisms that motivated people to opt for identity change in Taiwan. It also attempts to investigate how people dealt with the dissonance between rising Taiwanese nationalism and the economic interests that deterred a radical Taiwanese identity.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to map how creative city policy emerged as a new form of urban politics in East Asia. It locates the emergence of creative city policy within the East Asian context, where the current political economic movement of neoliberalism intersects with the developmental state’s historical legacy. By investigating institutional and economic practices and consequences of creative city policy in Seoul and Yokohama, this study focuses on how the urban place become carefully rearranged settings through certain procedural, institutional, and technical mechanisms implemented by various discursive and material practices of policy actors. Through this analysis, this research critically reexamines the key rationales of creative economy driven-development and considers the social costs and tensions between the state, capital and citizens that are embedded within the new creative city policy discourse.  相似文献   

冯汝状  沈静  魏成 《人文地理》2022,37(1):71-80
随着生产方式由福特制向后福特制演变,城市产业空间呈现出特有的格局变化,进而影响城市空间结构的变化.文章在构建后福特生产方式下城市产业空间格局和结构变化的理论框架的基础上,利用2008年和2018年广州服装企业数据,探究其空间格局和结构演变.研究结果表明:①广州服装产业空间格局演变符合后福特生产影响下的产业空间变化特征,...  相似文献   

In 1957, Silvio Rivetti (1921–61), heir to a long-standing Italian entrepreneurial dynasty and owner and manager of Gruppo Finanziario Tessile (GFT), asked Biki (Elvira Leonardi Bouyere, 1906–99) to design sketches for a womenswear collection to be produced by GFT. Conventionally considered by fashion historians as the first example of a collaboration between the fickle world of fashion and rationally planned industrial production, the partnership between the couturière and the biggest Italian clothing company never really succeeded and eventually resulted in failure, in 1972. The origins and development of the collaboration, its relevance for the evolution of commercial law, the economic value of the GFT collections designed by Biki, and the market response to them are the main topics dealt with in this paper. Based on historical sources unknown until now, it aims to show that the GFT–Biki partnership can be considered a milestone when studying the relationship between fashion and industry.  相似文献   

基于2001—2015年195个国家间健康产业贸易矩阵,采用社会网络分析方法,分析了全球健康产业贸易网络特征。结果表明:①绿色农产品、保健食品行业和药品行业全球贸易参与性最高,保健康复、健康家居行业区域性较强。②健康产业的出口集中控制在少数国家,而健康产业需求普遍性较高。③全球可以分为欧洲及中东亚、美洲、中东及南亚、亚太地区、东南非洲5个健康产业子群。④欧美在药品、保健品、农产品等行业具有控制优势,中国在保健康复、家居行业居主导地位。⑤欧美国家长期居于贸易核心地位,中、印等亚太国家控制作用显著提升,多元化趋势显现。⑥全球健康产业网络格局是由科技水平与科研投入、健康理念、产业政策等因素综合带动形成的。  相似文献   

日本政府针对纺织产业衰退采取了相互结合的短期和长期政策。政策地实施维护了日本社会秩序和政治局面的稳定,实现了产业结构合理化和高级化,且在规模缩减的情况下,纺织产业重新焕发出活力。日本政府促进纺织产业转型的经验给我国提供了重要启示。  相似文献   

台商投资大陆地区的区位选择及其空间拓展研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
台商在大陆地区已经有三次大规模的投资热潮,每次热潮都有不同的产业特性以及相应的区位偏好,从而导致在大陆地区规律性的空间拓展。本文在分析台资在大陆地区空间拓展特征的基础上,就台资转向大陆以及在大陆地区空间拓展的原因展开分析,认为台资企业在全球范围内的发展战略与其对外投资的区位选择密切相关。同时,大陆地区台资在当地化的嵌入程度也是影响其企业发展战略的一个重要因素,从而影响台资的空间扩展路径。  相似文献   

This paper presents an empirical study of the globalizing urban landscape in the post-Soviet region. In order to understand the position of cities in relation to each other in the context of economic globalization, the study considers the transnational city network in the post-Soviet region. At the center of analysis are the locational strategies of global service firms operating in the former Soviet cities. We adapt the interlocking network model proposed by the Globalization and World Cities research (GaWC) network to the regional level to uncover the interurban relations. Unlike the classical studies of the GaWC, this study focuses on the analysis of intraregional spatial patterns of globalization. The research shows that the globalizing regional city system is in the midst of substantial restructuring and that the state of former Soviet Union (FSU) cities in relation to Moscow is altering. The integration of FSU cities into the global economy mostly occurs through capital cities. However, under the current political and economic circumstances, the position of each capital city within the region has become diversified. The analysis indicates that the globalization of cities within a particular region reproduces similar processes on a world scale, which are characterized by spatial concentration and hierarchical relations. However, our research has shown that patterns of urban globalization at the regional level significantly depend on the historical context and national economic and political tendencies, thus creating conditions for the penetration of the world economy into cities.  相似文献   

The article considers Gianna Manzini's ‘La moda e una cosa seria’ (La Donna, 1935, July, 36–37) as a forerunner of current scholarly approaches to fashion in general and Italian fashion in particular, for three reasons. First, it asserts the importance of a gendered history of fashion; second, it argues for the importance of boundaries and lines of demarcation in the study of fashion that do not pertain solely to time but also to fields, disciplines and the other arts, as well as social and political domains; third, it raises the question of the relationship between fashion and nation. In examining how and when to establish the beginning or the origin of Italian fashion, the article argues for a long history of Italian fashion that stretches as far back as early modernity, thus reframing a number of historiographical questions. The article goes on to signal the difficulty involved in establishing neat points of ruptures and origins, and continuities in any historical or cultural spectrum in view of the porosity of national boundaries; and makes the case for considering fashion, both today's and that of yesteryear, in both its national and transnational dimensions.  相似文献   

This paper presents the theory of enterprise clusters and industrial districts, and contrasts it with the evidence of two productive agglomerations in the fashion sector in Colombia. The empirical evidence on Bucaramanga and Medellín, that host the largest groups of Colombian textile and clothing producers and exporters, is based on a survey questionnaire, carried out in November–December 1998. The results of the survey confirm the relevance of the Industrial district concept in understanding the recent developments of Colombia's textile and garments industry, and reveal the presence of some dimensions of an enterprise cluster in both Medellín and Bucaramanga, although each with different characteristics. However, both Colombian clusters are characterized by a low degree of firm–level specialization and poorly–developed enterprise networks. This is similar to what has been observed in most enterprise clusters in Latin America, and may clearly hinder the local external economies and collective efficiency. Backward linkages are poor or lacking in both clusters. The strategy prevailing in most enterprises has been the internalization of many stages of the productive process. Forward linkages are much stronger, and the retailers play a crucial role in the commercial phases. However, only Bucaramanga firms have entered global production and marketing networks, whereas Medellín firms are mainly oriented to the national market. Moreover, the two clusters have developed under very different economic policy regimes, and this had had its consequences on the clusters' performance and structure.  相似文献   

试论现代物流业与港口城市空间再造——以大连市为例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
伴随着全球化的深入和世界性的产业转移高潮,处于全球供应链枢纽节点地位的大型港口城市在物流经济中起着越来越强大的极核作用。现代物流业在港口城市飞速发展,必将引起港口城市的产业结构和功能分区变化,并通过港口物流发展带动物流企业集聚、大型物流园区兴起、构建城市型轴--辐物流网络主导物流配送网点布局,参与港口城市空间再造。本文运用经济学和城市地理学的相关理论,结合大连市现代物流业发展予以论证。  相似文献   

汪丽  王兴中 《人文地理》2008,23(2):43-48
基于学术界共识的后工业化大城市社会空间中产阶层化的理念,本文首次提出社会阶层化的概念并指出社会阶层化主要研究在社会阶层的生活行为扩散和变化规律下,所构建的城市日常居住社区体系和日常生活行为场所体系的时空模式,以此探讨城市社会空间结构的变化。研究认为不同城市发展阶段其对应有不同主导阶层的社会阶层化空间结构。进一步从解构城市社会空间结构的演化动态角度,研究不同社会发展阶段下,社会阶层化与城市娱乐产业的对偶空间结构关系。  相似文献   

Abstract. Due to unique historical and structural conditions Taiwan society has long been troubled by a national identity problem. While this dilemma has captured significant academic interests in recent years, most treatments of the subject pay insufficient attention to the subjective factors which shape the national identity discourse on the island. This study attempts to reconstruct, from the subjects' perspectives, the discourses on national identity as they are devised by Taiwan residents. Based on Q methodology, we identify five discourses: Chinese nationalism, status-quoism, confused identity, Taiwan-prioritism and Taiwanese nationalism. These discourses are intertwined along the independence/unification continuum and share the common ground of respect for democratic institutions and liberal values and an awareness of Taiwan's de facto autonomy/independence. Our findings stand in sharp contrast to the ‘unification/independence’ dichotomy or the ‘unification/status quo/independence’ trifurcation commonly applied by the existing literature. Thus, the findings may serve as the basis for constructing a more comprehensive analytical framework facilitating further research on national identity issues in Taiwan.  相似文献   

文化都市:形象定位与建设策略--以南京市为例   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
在经济文化一体化的时代,文化都市建设成为现代城市发展的新的增长点。面向新经济时代的南京城市形象定位是:建设文化都市,并发展成为世界文化之都。以"学在南京、成功世界"的底蕴、"博爱之都" "世界第一城垣"的营销形象,创造"学习型城市、创新型城市"的品牌,建设"科技先导、古都特色、滨江人居、大学一流"为一体的世界文化之都。南京文化都市的建设策略是:立足文化产业经营、实施科技先导战略、构建五大特色工程、创新思维体制环境。  相似文献   

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