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20世纪30年代,《李朝实录》影印本传入中国,引起中国学人的关注,对中国明清史与中朝关系史研究产生很大影响。吴晗从30年代开始,耗时近三十年,全面钩稽、抄录《李朝实录》中有关中国的史料,80年代出版《朝鲜李朝实录中的中国史料》。是书详录朝鲜与明清交往史实、朝鲜使臣对明清政治观察与臆想等方面的资料,内容丰富,可补中国史料之不足,乃明清史与中朝关系史研究者不可或缺的重要史料。  相似文献   

朝鲜李朝文人所说长白山八名,不咸、徒太、太白、白山四名皆见于中国史籍,是历代对长白山的不同称谓,不是同时存在的异名,清代称"歌尔民商坚阿邻",是将长白山一词译为满语。"盖马"一名出自李朝文人对史籍的比附,不是现实中应用的名称,且证据不足无法成立,白头山一名才是朝鲜人对此山的称呼。中国史籍称此山为长白山始于《辽史》,朝鲜李朝早期已采用中国辽金时期的名称,称此山为长白山。但是,朝鲜史籍中的长白山更多的是另有所指。以今白头山脉、赴战岭山脉、咸镜山脉为同一山系,称白头山东麓,不仅仅是地理概念,也反映出朝鲜李朝早期的疆域观念。  相似文献   

本文通过对14—17世纪中国明朝官式建筑与约略同时期的朝鲜李朝建筑在大木技术上的比较研究,尤其是对典型建筑中大木作的分析比较后发现,朝鲜李朝建筑与中国明朝官式建筑,特别是山东曲阜地区建筑在木构技术上有许多相似之处。这一方面是由于李朝与明朝在历史上一直有着密切联系和相互交流;另一方面,李朝时期的统治者十分尊崇儒家学说,朝鲜半岛在地理上又与中国山东地区十分接近,海上交流频繁,在建筑领域也有许多共同之处。本文力图通过对两国木结构建筑之大木构架特征及其发展规律的研究,剖析二者的异同及其形成原因,并藉此为比较研究提供新的视角与切入点。  相似文献   

吴翠梅 《沧桑》2011,(1):75-76
明天启年间,刘鸿训临危受命出使朝鲜,对明朝和朝鲜正常关系的恢复做出了重大贡献。而朝鲜史料《李朝实录》却记载说,刘鸿训是"贪墨无比"的官员。对于这一说法,本文用中、朝两方面的有关史料说明,刘鸿训并非是一个贪墨无比之人,而是一个正直无私、敢于直言、以国计民生为己任的好官。  相似文献   

程朱理学对朝鲜李氏王朝主流思想意识、文化产生了积极影响。作为程朱理学思想重要载体之一的《近思录》,得到了李朝社会的景慕,他们对中国《近思录》系列文献的内容、编纂理念等进行接受,新生出大量《近思录》相关文献。其新创的文本有一种兼容并蓄的思想,由开始的完整接受,发展到以中国《近思录》文献为主体,进而创建出以本民族儒家或朱子学家思想内容为主体的本邦读本。同时又予以批判性接受,衍生出朱子学在异域的新体态。李朝本土化的《近思录》系列文献,促进了朱子学在李朝的大发展,在中朝文化关系史中已成为一道靓丽彩虹,至今熠熠生辉。  相似文献   

正清在入关之前,为了解除后顾之忧,两次攻打了朝鲜(指李朝)。一次是在1627年(天聪元年),朝鲜国王仁祖避入江华岛,双方结成了兄弟关系,史称"丁卯之役",朝鲜称"丁卯胡乱"。另一次是在1636年(崇德元年),皇太极亲征朝鲜,史称"丙子之役",朝鲜称"丙子胡乱",其结果朝鲜战败投降,国王仁祖出南汉山城,向皇太极称臣纳贡,双方结成了宗藩关系。根据《南汉山城盟约》,朝鲜要岁时朝  相似文献   

嘉庆二十三年(朝鲜李朝纯祖十八年,公元1818年),朝鲜人崔斗灿在行经中国大运河全程后,编成《乘槎录》一书,备记遇风惊险之状和与中国士人的交往情形,在同时期中国域外文献中具有重要地位,是19世纪初叶乃至清代近三百年间朝鲜人有关中国运河全程的惟一文献,富有文献学术价值。  相似文献   

本对斡朵里女真与明、朝鲜的关系进行了考述。认为斡朵里女真自洪武初年已迁徙朝鲜吾音会,至正统五年(144)西迁苏子河畔,中间除西迁辽东凤州十余年外,一直居住图们江流域。斡朵里女真居住图们江流域对李朝政府向图们江流域拓展疆域进行了有效地抵制和斗争,致使李朝以图们江为界的欲望始终难以实现。  相似文献   

赴京使行是朝鲜李朝派往明、清两朝的外交使节。他们在使行过程中,不少曾与当时在华西洋传教士发生过交往。本文在现有研究基础上,对西洋传教士与朝鲜赴京使行交往之动机、时间以及地点进行了详细考证,指出通过这种交往不仅促成了天主教在朝鲜的传教、将西学输入朝鲜,而且加深了双方对彼此的了解,在中朝文化交流史上写下了浓重的一笔。  相似文献   

所谓“间岛”,是过去日本人和朝鲜人对我国东北吉林省延边地区的称呼,该地位于吉林省东南部,东邻苏联,南接朝鲜民主主义共和国,长期以来.在政治、经济、军事上都占重要的战略地位。第二次世界大战期间,又是朝鲜族民众争取民族独立解放的重要基地之一。发端于中国清代、朝鲜李朝时期的边界问题以及有关朝鲜族的司法审判、警察、公民权、税课、土地所有权等等,往往涉及到日、朝、中三方,值得充分重视。日本所藏的“间岛史料”亦即“伊地知文书”,是以间岛问题为主要内容,涉及日、朝、中三方的文书档案汇集。  相似文献   

为研究钢铁制品中浮凸组织产生的原因,对14件取自不同地方、属于不同时期的具有浮凸组织的样品利用金相组织鉴定、扫描电镜能谱分析、化学分析和显微硬度测定等方法进行了研究。结果表明:金相组织观察发现浮凸组织与夹杂物和铁素体晶粒间界有一定的关系,并存在有不同的形貌,其显微硬度均比附近基体高;成分分析表明有浮凸组织的样品磷含量要比没有浮凸组织的样品磷含量高一个数量级。有浮凸组织样品内部磷含量的分布也不均匀。这些结果说明,浮凸组织的产生主要原因是矿石中的磷在冶炼过程中进入铁中,而在随后的脱碳退火、炒炼和冷、热加工过程中均不能有效地脱去;同时,固溶在铁中的磷与铁形成薄膜阻止晶粒间界长大、或在埋葬条件下长期时效引起的晶界移动而产生了浮凸组织。  相似文献   

This article examines the attempts between 1978 and 1998 to enact general regulatory procedural reform legislation. Two decades of off-again, off-again legislative efforts have yielded only fragments of reform. A major explanation for this, despite the official popularity of reform, seems to be the inability of putative reformers-traditionalists, populists, and restrictivists-to agree among themselves on the direction and content of general reform legislation. This experience raises a number of important theoretical issues for students of regulation, including the ethicalness of using procedural restraints deliberately to disrupt or impede the regulatory process and the impact of procedural controls on regulatory policy.  相似文献   

Insect remains from a mediaeval settlement in the town of Uppsala, S. Sweden, were analysed. Eighty-one insect taxa were identified from samples dating from the 12th to the 15th century. The insect assemblages are totally dominated by beetles. Only a few remains of butterflies, true flies and a bumble bee were found. The insects imply that the settlement was situated in open landscape. The settlement most likely consisted mainly of farm buildings throughout the studied period. Crops such as wheat, barley and cabbage were probably cultivated, particularly during the early settlement phases. Later, at the beginning of the 15th century, stock rearing seems to have dominated. The results suggest that the climate, during Mediaeval time in southern Sweden, was similar to the present or characterized by slightly higher summer temperatures. A number of currently very rare species were also recorded.  相似文献   

A collection of 54 bronze artefacts recovered from the inland settlement of Castro dos Ratinhos (Portugal) and belonging mainly to the 9th–8th centuries BC, was studied by the use of non-invasive and micro analytical techniques. EDXRF, Micro-EDXRF, SEM-EDS and Optical Microscopy were used to determine the alloy composition and to identify the different thermo mechanical operations applied in the production of the artefacts. Results show that the collection is entirely composed of good quality binary bronzes (with an average tin content of 10.1 ± 2.5%). Alloys with higher tin contents were kept in as-cast condition and used in the making of ornaments, while tools were often finished with forging and annealing operations. Despite the existence of some Orientalising features in the Castro dos Ratinhos, e.g. rectangular habitat structures, wheel-turned ware and amphorae, the exclusive use of binary alloys with a narrow range of tin content seems to be associated with an indigenous metallurgical tradition inherited from the Late Bronze Age. This may indicate that the Phoenician interaction within the inland indigenous communities was a slow and selective process, probably dependant on the social-economic and cultural development of local communities.  相似文献   

Illustrations, previous to the 19th century, provide evidence that brain dissections were executed on an isolated head, contrary to Rembrandt's anatomy lesson of Dr. Deyman. This paradox seems to be explained by clever biased composition.  相似文献   

Illustrations, previous to the 19th century, provide evidence that brain dissections were executed on an isolated head, contrary to Rembrandt's anatomy lesson of Dr. Deyman. This paradox seems to be explained by clever biased composition.  相似文献   

This study examines the remains of an agricultural complex found in the Yavneh coastal dunefield, central Israel. Known as a plot-and-berm agroecosystem, the complex consisted of earthworks in a crisscross pattern of sand berms and sunken agricultural plots that were used for groundwater harvesting. The plots, which provided easy access to the high groundwater table and the berms around them, are overlaid by a gray sand unit covered by pottery sherds and artifacts. This gray sand is more fertile than the underlying sand, suggesting refuse enrichment. Artifactual similarity of the finds to those of inland (Tel) Yavneh suggests that Yavneh was the main source for the refuse additive. Based on artifacts and OSL ages it seems that this agroecosystem was active during the 10th to early 12th centuries a.d. The agroecosystem demonstrates an early example of an Early Islamic agrotechnological attempt in marginal and sandy regions of the Mediterranean basin.  相似文献   

The article deals with the use of metal ties in an ancient and stratified urban context, the city of Genoa, starting from the notarial documents preserved in its State Archives. The work has different objectives: to show the results that can be obtained, on an urban scale, thanks to a research path that compares indirect sources of different types with the observation of historical buildings; to highlight the “weight” and the role that the ties, often hidden, had in buildings, and not only the monumental ones; to increase knowledge of the production process of this constructive element. The wide and diversified use of metal ties found in Genoa seems to proceed in parallel, in the 15th century, with the development of a flourishing productive and mercantile business based on the commercial monopoly of the hematite of the island of Elba by the city oligarchy and, between the 16th and 17th centuries, with the huge investments in the construction sector highlighted by the abundant documentary sources.  相似文献   

《Development and change》1975,6(3):101-112
Book reviewed in this article: Haruko Fukuda, Britain in Europe: Impact on the Third World David Jones, Europe's Chosen Few, Policy and Practice of the EEC Aid Programme Peter Tulloch, The Seven Outside, Commonwealth Asia's Trade with the Enlarged EEC Feliks Gross, Violence in Politics. Godfried van Benthem van den Bergh Institute of Social Studies Harry W. Richardson, Regional Growth Theory V. Jagannadham (ed.), Family Planning in India: Policy and Administration Ernest Feder (Hrsg), Gewalt und Ausbeutung: Lateinamerika's Landwirtschaft  相似文献   

Primary sources from the end of the Bronze Age have long been read as suggesting a time of chaotic transition, particularly with regard to threats from the sea that the established powers had no means of combatting. While the scale and severity of seaborne attacks seems to have increased in the late 13th century, these were not in themselves new phenomena, as a state of maritime threat seems to have been a constant for coastal polities and mariners in the Late Bronze Age eastern Mediterranean. However, a combination of internal and external factors in the late 13th and early 12th centuries combined to make these attacks more effective than they had been in the past, and polities more vulnerable to them. These included the rapid spread of improvements in maritime technology, particularly from the Aegean and the Levant, via high–intensity ‘zones of transference’, as well as an increase in the scale of ship­–based combat operations, due in part to the displacement of people during the Late Bronze Age collapse. This paper addresses this in two parts, beginning with the ‘background’ evidence for a constant state of maritime threat in the centuries leading up to the end of the Bronze Age, and concluding with the ‘foreground’ evidence for zones of transference and the transmission of groundbreaking elements of naval technology in the years surrounding the Late Bronze–Early Iron Age transition.  相似文献   

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