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none 《巴勒斯坦考察季》2013,145(2):151-162

For a quarter of a century Dr Thomas J. Chaplin (1830–1904) held the position of director of the British Hospital for the Jews in Jerusalem. During these years he acted to improve the medical situation in the city and engaged in scientific researches in a variety of fields. The article critically reviews his activities in the Holy Land and shows that the impact of his works and the contribution of his achievements are diverse. However, by virtue of these achievements and his gracious personality, the Jewish people in Jerusalem named Chaplin as 'The Great English Doctor'.  相似文献   


Chemistry has often been pressed into the service of medicine. In the years following Lavoisier's chemical revolution, the attention of chemists focused upon gases. Thomas Beddoes (1760–1808) developed a research programme that explored the therapeutic effects of different gases in the treatment of tuberculosis and other diseases. Beddoes was inspired by the discoveries of Joseph Priestley, employed young Humphry Davy as an assistant in his researches, received advice and encouragement from Erasmus Darwin, and used pneumatic apparatus designed by James Watt. He also engaged in efforts directed at social reform and at reforms in public health, being especially concerned with the condition of the poor. His Pneumatic Institution in Bristol was at one and the same time a research centre and a health clinic. This paper explores the interaction between chemistry and medicine in Beddoes' career, within a context of scientific and social ferment.  相似文献   

正圣彼得堡是俄罗斯的第二大城市,位于波罗的海芬兰湾东岸,跨涅瓦河口三角洲,有100多个岛屿组成,人口495万。96条河道,342座桥梁纵横交错,还有21座开合桥闸,方便船只通过主要航道。是西北联邦区驻地,列宁格勒州首府。彼得堡罗要塞修建于1703年5月在涅瓦河口的兔儿岛上,并将要塞及其周围未来的城区命名为"圣彼得堡"。1924年改名为列宁格勒,1992年恢复现名。  相似文献   

A. H. 《考古杂志》2013,170(1):106-109
The Bordesley Abbey Project has widened its horizons as it has developed, linking the core excavation of the abbey church with archaeological fieldwork, both in the outer court and beyond the precinct boundary on the abbey's granges, and with architectural and documentary research. Exceptional preservation is the key to Bordesley's importance—the survival of its precinct as a complete set of earthworks and of the unusually deep and complex stratification, yielding data and artefacts which are both very rich and extensive, and very well stratified, within a finely divided chronology. This review is a preliminary attempt to integrate the different elements, and to highlight the potential of the data now and for the future.  相似文献   

刘招静 《世界历史》2012,(4):79-87,160
圣托马斯·阿奎那关于高利贷的讨论与亚里士多德的著述、罗马法和《圣经》等基督教道德伦理训导紧密相连,更与他的四法理论密切相关。通过在神法、"自然法"与"人法"等三个层面上对高利贷进行考察,阿奎那向我们展示了他对高利贷的独特态度:按照神法—"自然法",高利贷是绝对不允许的;但是根据"人法"或实在法,它又是可以存在的。阿奎那对待高利贷的态度之所以如此,主要原因在于一方面他秉承并发扬了教会的反高利贷道德伦理传统;另一方面他又受到同时期西欧经济社会现实的影响,对高利贷给予一定的关照。阿奎那的这种二元态度包含了一种内在的紧张关系,这种关系丰富了他的高利贷论的内涵,同时也使得他的态度具有复杂性。  相似文献   

今年11月12日是中国民主革命先驱孙中山先生诞辰140周年纪念日。1912年1月1日在南京创建的中华民国临时政府是孙中山为中国民主革命事业建立的伟大功勋。中国第二历史档案馆所藏招商局档案全宗内孙中山关于抵押借款情形致招商局的5件函电,反映了南京临时政府建立后,因财政困难,费用孔亟的情形,在1982年中华书局出版的《孙中山全集》第2卷(1912年)中均未收入。  相似文献   

During intrauterine life, hiccups are universally present, their incidence peaking in the third trimester. Alfons Mermann (1852–1908), a gynecologist from Mannheim, Germany, best known for having established the Luisenheim Woechnerinnenasyl [lying-in asylum] there in 1887, is viewed as the first physician to name and describe singultus foetalis [fetal hiccups] in a modern peer-reviewed scientific publication. This short report attempts to shed some light on the work of Dr. Mermann and to explore whether or not he was indeed the first to recognize this phenomenon.  相似文献   


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