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唐启翠 《华夏考古》2012,(1):47-53,62
为了探索正在急剧消失的成都平原"林盘"聚落形态与史前聚落的关系,本文借由聚落考古与环境考古,比较集中地综览了平原上史前各聚落城址之间的历时性共性,对史前城址聚落群与成都平原的地貌、水系、文化习尚、宗教信仰等关系的研究,以及各聚落城址的内部特征予以研究述评,以求探究成都平原上这种"林盘"聚落形态与史前聚落城址及水的关系。  相似文献   

Beginning in the late 1970s, the federal government adopted a policy of negotiating, rather than litigating, conflicts over Indian water claims. In the ensuing years numerous settlements have been authorized by Congress. According to the literature on dispute resolution, successful negotiations are usually characterized by a specific set of conditions. This paper assesses the extent to which Indian water settlements are characterized by these conditions.  相似文献   

In the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century a number of “Ideal” or “Utopian” type settlements were established across Ireland. These tended to be religious groupings or “model” communities associated with industry. In the southwest a number of short-lived cooperative communities were established along Owenite principles which continue to play an integral part in the radical histories of the country. This paper examines the archaeologies of these sites and analyses the role of individual in their formation and collapse and addresses the social archaeology of their construct and layout. It is suggested that contemporary hierarchical norms were actually reproduced in these communities and this segregation is reflected in the physical morphology of the settlements.  相似文献   

Abandoned farmsteads are a characteristic feature of Scotland's marginal uplands. Yet little is known of the quantity or location of these early settlements or indeed, of the date of their abandonment. This paper outlines a method of mapping and dating deserted settlement sites and exemplifies the method by reference to abandonment in the Lammermuir Hills in South East Scotland. In this area alone it appears that more than 230 settlements were abandoned before 1860, and a further 104 over 1860‐1970. The scale of this abandonment is greater than has been generally supposed and must lead to speculation about the extent of former settlement elsewhere in upland Scotland.  相似文献   

Summary.   This paper considers recent discussions of 'deliberate', 'formal', 'placed', 'special', 'structured', or 'token' deposits on later prehistoric settlements in Britain. It argues that while these concepts have certainly been very important in raising and forefronting the interpretative possibilities that depositional practices might offer, the idea of structured deposition has, at times, been adopted and applied somewhat simplistically. In such instances, exploration of the potential complexity and interpretative scope of depositional histories on later prehistoric settlements has been substantially curtailed. Current understandings of depositional practices involving pottery and burnt human bone are examined, and alternative interpretations offered, through a case study of the evidence recovered from a series of later Bronze Age settlements at Broom Quarry, Bedfordshire.  相似文献   

城市尺度人居环境质量评价研究-以南京市为例   总被引:26,自引:1,他引:25  
人居环境是人类生存和发展的基础,也是衡量人类社会进步与文化发展的重要标识。文章对人居环境的相关概念进行了分析与探讨,在人居环境尺度链中选择城市尺度作为研究层次,采用人居环境质量主客观评价结合模型,构建城市尺度人居环境建设水平的评价体系,以南京市区为例,对人居环境的客观建设水平和居民满意度进行评价,并对评价结果进行了分析。  相似文献   

为分析乡村聚落景观空间结构的分形特征,以GIS为平台、土地调查数据为主要数据源,通过集聚维数,分别在县域、镇域和村域三个尺度上,分析了聚落体系空间集聚性的分形特征及其影响因素。结果表明:乡村聚落景观在空间结构上具有比较明显的分形特征;空间集聚性存在不同尺度分形特征的差异,同时丹阳市的镇和中心村的集聚性则明显小于句容市;不同尺度聚落集聚性出现明显的尺度特征,即中心村 > 镇 > 县城;地形是影响乡村聚落景观空间集聚性分形特征,表现为腹地内坡度越大,集聚性越强;交通网络的完善降低了乡村聚落对空间直线距离的依赖性。  相似文献   

Freshwater bivalve shells are frequently identified in faunal assemblages from Neo-Eneolithic tell settlements along the Danube River valley in South-East Romania (5th millennium BC). Up until now, significant accumulations of freshwater bivalve shells have been identified only in household refuse areas of the settlements, where they form consistent shell layers. The origin and formation of such shell accumulations and, more generally, the role of bivalves in the animal economy of the prehistoric populations that inhabited the settlements, are poorly understood. Two freshwater bivalve shell accumulations were studied in household refuse areas of Eneolithic tell settlements, one at Bordu?ani-Popin? and the other at Hâr?ova tell. The occurrence of similar accumulations in the two settlements indicates generalized practices between the two communities. This first study of such accumulations addresses the relationship between bivalves and other animal species used in alimentation by the two Eneolithic communities, as well as the relationships between these communities, their environment, and the evolution of the settlements. Bivalves were harvested in the close vicinity of the settlements and large quantities were obtained only towards the end of the summer season. During this season there is an inverse relationship between high water levels in the river and the availability of bivalves for harvesting. Bivalves played an important role in the alimentation of the prehistoric populations – at Hâr?ova tell their contribution to alimentation in terms of energetic yield surpasses that of fish, at least for the short period of time represented by the stratigraphic sequence analysed. Bivalve shells were used, along with other types of household refuse, in construction techniques aimed at limiting soil humidity in the settlements and inside the dwellings.  相似文献   

鲁北地区发现四座龙山文化古城址,根据地层关系及出土遗物,推定这四座龙山城址是分属两个不同历史时期的文化堆积。根据陶鬲炊器最早出现在中原地区,之后曾沿黄河故道向东传播,故提出山东地区发现陶鬲,乃由河南豫西地区传播而来,论定鲁北西部三座龙山文化城址晚期。乃由豫西徙入鲁北地带的“鬲族”所占有。通过有关史料分析,肯定鲁北发现四座龙山文化城址中淄、(氵弥)河以西三座城址晚期易主,与古史传说中的夷夏交争吏实有关,或曾为随夏王室东渐鲁北一带斟姓诸部所占有。  相似文献   

This paper examines the tension between the Spanish evangelical ideal of religious conversion (erasure and replacement of “idolatrous” praxis) and the exigencies of its enactment (inter-cultural communication via analogy) among a series of sixteenth century Franciscan doctrinal settlements (doctrinas) in the Colca valley of southern Peru. I suggest that the necessity and outcomes of inter-cultural communication during initial evangelization made conversion impossible, despite increasing institutionalization of coercive doctrinal measures through time. Combined archaeological and historical analysis explores how these tensions were locally negotiated. Written texts describe early extirpation campaigns, while archaeological evidence documents the remains of early doctrinas in the form of rustic chapels at local settlements which were previously centers of Inka power. Associations between these chapels and Inka ritual spaces hint at an analogical approach to conversion that is not as evident in the documentary record. Analogies linking Inka and Christian religious symbols were later “re-written” onto the surfaces and spaces of Spanish-style reducción villages established in the 1570 s.  相似文献   

在采用地名志及相关史料的基础上,通过从时间和空间两个角度,解读连州市乡村聚落格局演化及形成原因。研究结果表明:连州早在西汉元鼎六年即已设立,后随南北交通线和区域开发进程演变,在时间上,可划分为六个发展阶段,以明清时期增长最快。在空间分布上,连州市乡村聚落具备空间传承性,连州镇是连州市乡村聚落增长的核心,各时期乡村聚落密度最大的乡镇均位于市域的中西部和东北部地区,聚落密度较小者集中于北部少数民族聚居区与东部高山区。在此基础上,从自然地理条件、移民、交通、经济发展、民族构成等五个方面对连州市乡村聚落建立和发展的影响进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Previous research on remote nineteenth-and early twentieth-century Indigenous missions in northern and central Australia point to their often tenuous existence and the complex nature of engagements between Christian Missionaries and Indigenous people. This paper explores the contribution and significance of Indigenous production of wild foods in the context of one such settlement located at Weipa on Cape York Peninsula, north eastern Australia. It is premised on the assertion that investigation of the economies of these often remote settlements has the potential to reveal much about the character of cross-cultural engagements within the context of early mission settlements. Many remote missions had a far from secure economic basis and were sometimes unable to produce the consistent food supplies that were central to their proselytizing efforts. In this paper it is suggested that Indigenous-produced wild foods were of significant importance to the mission on a day-to-day basis in terms of their dietary contribution (particularly in terms of protein sources) and were also important to Indigenous people from a social and cultural perspective. We develop this argument through the case study of culturally modified trees that resulted from the collection of wild honey.  相似文献   

This paper analyses social transformations in the Early Iron Age based on a holistic and longue durée approach applied to the first fortified habitats in the Iberian north-west. Through a comprehensive review of two paradigmatic settlements of the EIA in the province of A Coruña (Galicia, north-west Iberia), Punta de Muros and A Graña, a comparison is drawn between the social and territorial dynamics of this period by means of an in-depth analysis of the main characteristics of both settlements. Accordingly, a greater level of social complexity during the phases of occupation of the settlement of Punta de Muros has been identified, in contrast to the resistance to change observed in A Graña. Based on these conclusions, the role of metalworking and its symbolic value in fostering and legitimizing these social and territorial transformations and in the development of Iron Age communities are analysed.  相似文献   

国外乡村聚落地理研究进展及近今趋势   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
李红波  张小林 《人文地理》2012,27(4):103-108
乡村聚落地理的研究是乡村地理学的重要研究领域。本文通过对大量的文献资料分析,系统梳理了国外乡村聚落地理的研究动态,将其研究历程划分为:萌芽起步、初步发展、拓展变革、转型重构四个阶段。对乡村聚落地理的研究内容体系进行归纳总结,主要集中在聚落布局、聚落形态与分类、聚落景观、聚落用地、聚落生态等方面。在此基础上对近今乡村聚落地理的研究趋势及发展方向进行了分析,发现乡村聚落的人文社会化和乡村重构的研究趋势。以期能对国内乡村聚落地理的研究提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

对2000年、2005年及2010年的遥感影像图进行解译,得到3个时期的土地利用分类图,运用景观指数法和空间分析法等方法,对长株潭地区聚落的空间演化特征及动因进行分析,并分析了聚落与耕地之间的空间关系。结果表明:长株潭地区聚落的面积、数量规模和分布密度加速扩大,集中分布在高程200 m以下;聚落空间演化的自然动因是低地平原指向,而社会动因是人口规模的变化;提出耕地与聚落面积比指数(K)概念,根据K值的大小可以将耕地与聚落的空间组合关系分为3类地区:耕地资源紧缺区、耕地资源平衡区、耕地资源盈余区;聚落与耕地的空间转移关系可以分为两大类:持续稳定型和动态变化型;长沙市周边耕地转为聚落的趋势十分明显;聚落空间扩张对耕地的影响存在一个空间临界点,城市化速度越快,临界点的位置距离聚落越远。  相似文献   

本文将韧性原理引入到人居环境中,首次对城市人居环境韧性进行定量研究.基于DPSIR模型构建城市人居环境韧性评价指标体系,综合运用熵值法、GIS空间分析法和地理探测器技术,以2006、2010、2014、2018年为研究时间节点,对长三角城市群26个城市的人居环境韧性时空演化特征及影响因素进行分析.研究发现:①长三角城市...  相似文献   

This article seeks to introduce a new methodological approach to estimate population size of settlements in the Graeco-Roman Fayum/Egypt (330 BC–400 AD). The aim is to represent and analyse the relationship of settlements and the facilities they provide. We suggest turning the information commonly contained in traditional site gazetteers into presence–absence matrices of selected facilities. We then use these facility matrices to estimate the size of ancient settlements through linear regression. The equation is initially tested on medieval settlements in Norwich and East Anglia (England) and later applied to a settlement-facility matrix for the Ptolemaic period (330–30 BC). The results from the medieval data show the validity of the approach with a complete data set. The circumstance that the Ptolemaic data is fragmented and incomplete naturally adds a small, but acceptable error to the estimates.  相似文献   

陕西窑洞传统乡村聚落景观基因组图谱构建及特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
窑洞聚落是黄土高原最典型的聚落形态,它具有悠久的历史、深厚的精神文化内涵以及独特的文化景观特征,在陕西渭北地区和陕北黄土高原丘陵沟壑区分布广泛。本研究基于传统聚落景观基因组图谱的相关研究,以陕西31个窑洞传统乡村聚落为研究对象,按照“单个窑洞聚落、多个窑洞聚落、特定研究区”三个层次,构建了窑洞聚落的典型院落图谱、空间序列图谱、院落模式图谱、排列模式图谱和空间格局图谱五大类型图谱体系。通过分析窑洞聚落景观基因组图谱的基本特征,进一步验证了构建窑洞聚落景观基因组图谱的必要性和迫切性。本研究旨在丰富景观基因组图谱层次,推动景观基因研究向区域层面发展,并为窑洞聚落景观基因信息链修复及景观基因区域识别系统构建等相关研究奠定基础,为保护与发展窑洞聚落提供科学依据。  相似文献   

地理学视角下的国内农村聚居研究综述   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
农村聚居是农村居民与周围自然、经济、社会、文化环境相互作用的结果,是人类聚居学的重要研究内容。随着新农村建设、农村土地流转、城乡统筹、新型农村社区建设等政策与措施的相继出台,农村聚居研究日益凸显出重要的实践意义与学术价值。本文对近十年来国内地理学关于农村聚居区位、形态、规模与等级、功能组织、演变机理、优化调控以及聚居类型与区划等研究内容的主要观点作了较详细的介绍,指出了地理学在农村聚居基础理论、研究内容、研究方法和技术等方面的薄弱环节,并展望其未来的研究趋势。  相似文献   

国内乡村聚落研究进展与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
乡村聚落是乡村地理学的一个主要研究领域。本文在简述国外乡村聚落研究进展基础上,对国内乡村聚落研究进展进行了评述,同时也分析了研究存在不足,并展望了未来研究重点与方向。国内乡村聚落研究主要集中在聚落区位、规模、类型与分类、体系、空间结构以及空间演变等方面。未来研究的主要趋向应为:乡村聚落体系与职能的研究;城镇化、工业化过程中乡村聚落演变趋势预测研究;不同社会经济发展水平、不同尺度和不同地形下的乡村聚落研究;乡村聚落转型与重构研究;乡村聚落理论研究和跨学科多元化交叉研究。  相似文献   

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