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The relationship between group path, phase path and absorption of radio waves is discussed and new approximations relating these quantities are presented. The new relationships include dependence on the angle between the wave normal and magnetic field directions and so, in contrast to other approximations they are not restricted to quasi-longitudinal or quasi-transverse situations. For deviative absorption it is found that the ordinary mode quasi-transverse approximation introduces errors of less than 5% except in the case of purely longitudinal propagation. For non-deviative absorption, use of the quasi-longitudinal approximation can introduce significant errors which particularly affect the determination of latitudinal variations in absorption.  相似文献   

Measurements of radio waves partially reflected from the D-region made using two antennae of very different beamwidth are reported. The arrays are composed of 40 and 4 dipoles respectively. It is shown that the gain of the larger array over the smaller is often variable—both in height and time. These results can be used to estimate the off-vertical angles from which significant energy is returned. For altitudes less than 80 km angles less than 10° seem to be usual but at higher altitudes the angles increase to values of the order of 15°–20°. Other important properties of the echoes, such as the probability distribution of the amplitude were also measured. The results are discussed with particular reference to the differential absorption method of measuring electron densities and also to the nature of the irregularities responsible for the partial reflections.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results derived by measuring angular spectra of HF-radio pulses reflected from the subpolar ionospheric F2-region (62°N) using vertical-incidence soundings and a phase direction finder with Doppler filtering. The results correspond to three main types. One is the classical mirror reflection from the undisturbed ionospheric F2-region, typical of mid-latitudes (deviations from zenith do not exceed 3°; the angular spectrum width is less than 1°). The second type includes oblique diffuse reflections with a deviation from zenith of from 10 to 45°. The azimuth of arrival of these reflections is distributed in the range from 0 to 360°, the angular spectrum width is from 5 to 10°, and the range varies from 400 to 600 km. The third type includes anomalous mirror reflections with small deviations from zenith (not greater than 3°) but with substantially larger detection ranges (for example, 500km) as compared with the main reflections (250–300 km).  相似文献   

The physical mechanism of a cyclotron resonance interaction between trapped energetic electrons and whistler-mode waves in the magnetosphere is discussed. Not only do the electrons have their pitch angles reduced in this interaction, so that they may be precipitated into the upper atmosphere, but also the waves can be amplified. Such a flux of precipitating electrons can, either by direct ionisation or via bremsstrahlung radiation, cause a pimple to be produced on the bottom of the ionosphere. That can significantly modify the amplitude and/or phase of very low frequency radio signals propagating in the Earth-ionosphere waveguide. Various experimental observations that demonstrate the reality of such effects are reviewed. The conditions necessary for a positive feedback situation are discussed, and some evidence for its existence assessed.  相似文献   

The results of Booker and Majidiahi (1981) concerning refractive scattering by large-scale irregularities in a phase-changing screen are combined with the theory of diffractive scattering by small-scale irregularities in order to study three intensity scintillation phenomena. The first is the reflection of radio and optical waves from an ocean surface disturbed by a spectrum of water waves. The second is the scintillation of VHP, UHF and SHF radio waves traversing the ionospheric F-region. The third is the scintillation of VHF, UHF and SHF radio waves traversing the solar wind. In each case appropriate values are chosen for the mean square fluctuation of phase, for the outer scale, for the inner scale and for the spectral index. Spectral diagrams are drawn to show how the outer scale, the inner scale, the Fresnel scale, the focal scale, the lens scale and the peak scale vary with a relevant parameter (electromagnetic wave-frequency for the ocean, RMS fractional fluctuation of ionization density for the ionosphere, and distance of closest approach to the Sun for the solar wind). For the ionosphere and the solar wind, multiple refractive scattering by weak irregularities occurs in practice whereas it is strong single scattering that is assumed in the thin-screen theory ; potential consequences of this are discussed qualitatively.  相似文献   

The possible generation and suppression of ion-cyclotron waves in a collisional plasma by external high power electromagnetic (EM) waves with frequency close to the local upper-hybrid frequency is considered. It is shown that the ion cyclotron instability can be destabilized (stabilized) for ω0UH0 > ωUH), where ω0 is the pump frequency of the EM wave. The results are applied to naturally occurring ion-cyclotron instabilities in the high latitude ionosphere.  相似文献   

Results are presented on measurements of lower ionosphere parameters (electron concentration, coefficient of ambipolar diffusion, etc.) by the method of resonance scattering of radio waves by periodic artificial irregularities. The method of resonance scattering is based on the generation of periodic irregularities in the ionospheric plasma by powerful radio emission and investigation of the characteristics of the back scattering of diagnostic radio waves by these irregularities.  相似文献   

The total rate of recombination in the night-time ionosphere above Malvern (at L = 2.6) was estimated using a model atmosphere, and the results were compared with the observed rate of change of total electron content to determine the net influx of plasma. Horizontal transport under the influence of electric fields was an important factor on a time-scale of an hour or less but when averaged throughout the night made little contribution. The main influx of plasma was a downward diffusion from the protonosphere, especially before midnight. The average downward flux increased steadily as the protonosphere filled after a magnetic storm, with a saturation time of at least 8 days.  相似文献   

This paper generalizes experimental data on variations of the angles of arrival of transionospheric radio signals caused by changes in a regular ionosphere and by effects of medium-scale travelling ionospheric disturbances (TIDs). The data are based on radio astronomical observations of discrete sources and compact active features on the Sun as well as on angular measurements of signals from artificial Earth satellites with geostationary and circular orbits.The experimental data are interpreted through calculations of refraction corrections using a Gaussian model of a regular ionosphere disturbed by a three-dimensional travelling wave (the TID model) as well as an adaptive model of a regular ionosphere. Some possibilities of correcting refraction distortions with the use of appropriate models and ionospheric diagnostic tools are discussed.  相似文献   

The total rate of recombination in the night-time ionosphere above St. Santin (at L = 1.8) was estimated using a model atmosphere and the results were compared with the observed rate of change of total electron content to determine the net influx of plasma. Horizontal transport under the influence of electric fields was measured but at the latitude of St. Santin this was always small and averaged over the night as a whole the contribution was negligible. Downward diffusion provided the main source of plasma and the flux predicted was compared with the flux measured at 450 km. The comparison was good provided the model atmosphere was modified to use exospheric temperatures based on actual measurements by the incoherent scatter radar. A comparison with the results obtained at Malvern (Paper I) confirmed that the saturation time for the protonosphere at L = 1.8 is far less than at L = 2.6 and that the downward flux from the saturated protonosphere was also less.  相似文献   

Angles of arrival of first echoes (those directly reflected from the ionosphere) and second echoes (those twice reflected from the ionosphere with an intermediate reflection from the ground) were measured. It is easy to show that under specified conditions the off-vertical angle of arrival of the second echo ought to be twice that of the first echo. It is consistently found to be less than this for much of the time. Several possibilities are canvassed, but none provide a convincing explanation. The place on the Earth from which the second echo was reflected was nearly always the sea or flat ground. Apparently, rapid phase variations, as the tilt of the ionosphere changed, prevented recognition of the second echo by this particular radar system for echoes reflected from rough terrain.  相似文献   

A fixed frequency amplitude modulated transmission was reflected from the ionosphere and changes in the group path, phase path, signal amplitude and directions of arrival of this transmission caused by travelling ionospheric disturbances were measured. These measurements enabled approximate determinations of the horizontal wavelength, period and horizontal phase velocity of the disturbances, which were compared with the theory of disturbances for atmospheric waves. A simple model is proposed to explain the phase relationships between the TIDs observed in the group and phase paths, and the faster decrease in power of the phase path than the other measured parameters indicated by spectral analysis.  相似文献   

The results of numerical modelling of powerful HF radio wave propagation through the ionosphere plasma are presented. Comparison of the heating wave parameters with those of a low powerwave gives the possibility to study the self-action of the powerful HF wave. At low altitudes the ‘translucence’ of the ionosphere plasma takes place. At high altitudes the wave absorption sharply increases. Both self-action effects lead to the reduction of the altitude range of the heated region. The dependence of self-action effects and the resulting electron temperature profiles on the initial electron density profiles are studied.  相似文献   

The growth rate of whistler-mode waves is calculated analytically for a bi-Maxwellian plasma in the presence of a beam of cool electrons. This beam is moving in the same direction as the gyroresonant electrons and in the opposite direction to the waves which are considered to propagate parallel (or anti-parallel) to the imposed geomagnetic field. A somewhat surprising result is found. This is that even if the anisotropy is greater than a critical value, which is strongly frequency dependent, the beam reduces the growth of the waves near half the electron gyrofrequency. For a field-aligned current density ~ 1 μA m−2, this mechanism can explain the lack of signals near 1.4 kHz on auroral (return current) flux tubes. It can also explain the observed absorption of signals at half the electron gyrofrequency, around 7 kHz on L = 4 flux tubes, near the equatorial plane and just outside the plasmapause.  相似文献   

Evidence continues to accumulate that even very small input signals, such as power-line harmonic radiation (PLHR), can give rise to wave-particle interactions in the magnetosphere by stimulation of emission at VLF and contribute to the formation of the electron slot (2<L<3). Over North America and its geomagnetic conjugate, the satellite data indicate a permanent zone of VLF emission which appears to originate in the industrial areas of northeastern U.S.A. and southern Canada. The more intense stimulated emission in the summer (northern hemisphere) occurs poleward of the electron slot at 3<L<5. The resultant increased electron precipitation may explain the increase in thunderstorms at L>4 in the period 1935–1970 relative to 1900–1935. There is probably an intensity threshold at which PLHR becomes important. This is consistent with ground-based data from longitudinally separated stations near L = 4 (Siple, Halley, Yakutsk). The discovery that certain industrial plants (e.g. cement works) give rise to relatively much more intense PLHR requires further investigation. Also, geomagnetically induced currents in long power lines at high geomagnetic latitudes in Canada and Alaska can result in transformer saturation and possible damage, as well as greatly increased PLHR.Powerful VLF transmitters in the range 15–25 kHz can produce peaks in the spectra of energetic electrons observed on low altitude satellites. Morphological studies of the NAA wavefield intensity above the ionosphere show strong amplification immediately to the east of the South Atlantic Anomaly.  相似文献   

This review summarizes the work in the field of magnetospheric energetic particles during the years 1987–1989. Out of a wealth of contributions it concentrates on a few topics. First it follows the path of ions extracted out of the polar ionosphere and their acceleration parallel and perpendicular to the magnetic field, as well as their subsequent transport into the equatorial magnetosphere and tail region. Then it focuses on acceleration of ions in the magnetotail and the related characteristics in the boundary layers including consequences for current substorm modeling. In the ring current region, the AMPTE and VIKING missions have made possible detailed studies of charge state and pitch-angle distributions as well as their variations during magnetospheric storms and substorms, from which conclusions on the transport and loss processes can be drawn. Recently, observations of energetic particles from orbiting nuclear reactors in the magnetosphere, which can be used as tracers for these satellites, have been made public. However, this may also constitute a serious background problem for future γ-astronomy missions with an increased sensitivity of the instrumentation. Finally, leading beyond the boundaries of the magnetosphere, attention is drawn to the still ongoing debate on the source of energetic particles upstream of the Earth's bow-shock and the respective importance of particle leakage and/or acceleration at the magnetospheric boundaries.  相似文献   

灵石县静升镇王家大院的建筑,以“三雕”艺术闻名海内,而“二雕”艺术中,又以木雕窗棂、石雕匾额更加引人注目。这不仅仅缘于有文人士大夫和画家的介入,更因有美学家理论上的指导,从而创造出儒雅大方、韵味浓厚、内涵深邃,饱浸乡风民俗、丰富多彩的装饰艺术。并成为中华民族传统文化的重要组成部分。一 清代著名美学家李渔,在他的美学著作《闲情偶寄·居室部》中,创造了以山水画作窗,以梅作窗和以“尺幅小窗”为“无心画”的审美理论。“尺幅窗”。“无心画”的意思是说,天暖时窗户上干脆不安窗棂,借屋后真山真水入窗,从室内外…  相似文献   

The approximate theory of ELF propagation in the Earth-ionosphere transmission line described by Booker (1980) is applied to a simplified worldwide model of the D- and E-regions, and of the Earth's magnetic field. At 1000 Hz by day, reflection is primarily from the gradient on the underside of the D-region. At 300 Hz by day, reflection is primarily from the D-region at low latitudes, but it is from the E-region at high latitudes. Below 100 Hz by day, reflection is primarily from the gradient on the underside of the E-region at all latitudes. By night, reflection from the gradient on the topside of the E-region is important. There is then a resonant frequency (~300 Hz) at which the optical thickness of the E-region for the whistler mode is half a wavelength. At the Schumann resonant frequency in the Earth-ionosphere cavity (~8Hz) the nocturnal E-region is almost completely transparent for the whistler mode and is semi-transparent for the Alfvén mode. Reflection then takes place from the F-region. ELF propagation in the Earth-ionosphere transmission line by night is quite dependent on the magnitude of the drop in ionization density between the E- and F-regions. Nocturnal propagation at ELF therefore depends significantly on an ionospheric feature whose magnitude and variability are not well understood. A comparison is made with results based on the computer program of the United States Naval Ocean Systems Center.  相似文献   

The morphology of the MAP/WINE winter is examined, principally from ground-based and satellite observations. Winter anomaly is evident, occurring in bursts with a west to east shift in time. Auroral activity, particularly with reference to the times of major rocket salvoes, is generally low, with Andøya to the south of the auroral boundary in most cases. Minor stratospheric warmings, of which 4 occurred, are found to correlate with minima in radio wave absorption. Salvo R1 was launched during one of the minor warmings.Using data from a broad sector of Europe, coupling between the lower thermosphere and mesosphere is seen over large areas. Westerly winds are associated with high absorption (winter anomaly) and reversal to easterly winds with stratospheric warmings and low absorption. It is found possible to select cases, from amongst the MT series of rocket launchings, corresponding to quiet conditions, stratospheric warming, winter anomaly and particle precipitation in the general absence of other effects. Examining D- and lower E-region ionisation profiles for these caes it is found that, compared with a quiet night, the stratwarm night shows the lower E-region to have reduced ionisation. The ionisation ledge is of similar shape in all cases, but occurs over different height ranges. The observed effects all point to transport being a major factor and the need to measure vertical transport over the range of geophysical conditions examined is highlighted.  相似文献   

This paper is a brief review of ionospheric irregularities in the equatorial topside ionosphere. Results from topside sounders, direct measurement satellites, and the Jicamarca incoherent scatter radar are discussed. Scintillation observations and theories of irregularities are not discussed in detail as these are the subject of other review papers. Many of the phenomena detected in the topside ionosphere are related to bottomside irregularities, commonly known as spread-F. These include aspect-sensitive scattering observed on topside sounders, significant concentrations of Fe+, electrostatic turbulence and the topside irregularities detected by the Jicamarca radar. Satellite measurements show that the irregularities in electron concentration have amplitudes which increase almost linearly with wave-length over the range 70m to 3km. Duct irregularities detected by the topside sounders and some wavelike irregularity structures detected occasionally by direct measurement satellites may be separate from the general spread-F phenomenon although this has not definitely been established.  相似文献   

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