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While it is recognized that disability policy is a subset of broader public policy, the relationship between disability issues and other public policy issues is not well understood. Insight into this relationship can be gained through a greater understanding of the concept of "handicap," as distinguished from the concepts of "impairment" and "disability." In everyday conversation, these terms typically are used interchangeably and erroneously. However, when applied correctly, their important differences help us to focus on the appropriate level for analyzing disability and other policy issues. When ignored for reasons concerning the "political unacceptability" of handicap as a term or concept, we risk focusing on the wrong level and possibly holding individuals with disabilities responsible for circumstances beyond their control.  相似文献   

JOSEPH A. FRY 《外交史》2005,29(1):185-188
Warren Zimmermann , First Great Triumph: How Five Americans Made Their Country a World Power . New York : Farrar, Straus and Giroux , 2002 . xii + 562 pp. Illus., notes, index.  相似文献   

In 2009, Walker and colleagues questioned the validity of the iron‐deficiency anemia hypothesis as an explanatory mechanism for the presence of porotic hyperostosis (PH) and cribra orbitalia. They presented evidence demonstrating that iron deficiency inhibits, rather than promotes, marrow hypertrophy and argued a link between both PH and hemolytic or megaloblasic anemias (including vitamin B12 deficiency). This paper suggests that dismissing the iron‐deficiency anemia hypothesis may be premature, but, if dismissed, may result in unforeseen consequences. Vitamin B12 deficiency and iron deficiency often result from similar proximate causes, i.e. lack of animal protein in the diet and sanitation problems that lead to parasitic or diarrheal diseases, thereby promoting nutrient losses. As a result, vitamin B12 deficiency and iron deficiency commonly co‐occur. In individuals with a co‐occurrence of iron deficiency and vitamin B12 deficiency, a possible inhibition of marrow hypertrophy caused by iron deficiency may prevent the development of PH, despite the presence of (vitamin B12) nutritional deficiency. The implications of dismissing the iron‐deficiency anemia hypothesis are that many skeletal populations may exhibit hidden heterogeneity, i.e. individuals who are the most nutritionally stressed, with multiple nutrient deficiencies, would mimic the non‐stressed individuals and neither would show evidence of PH. However, the inclusion of multiple stress indicators and greater understanding of biocultural context in bioarchaeological analyses may mitigate the potential impacts of hidden heterogeneity in the expression of PH. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Mass production of decorative tiles enabled nineteenth and twentieth century builders and architects to 'beautify' the 'halls of the noble and the churches of the peasant'. Tiles were also used for public houses, fire stations, inebriates' homes and turkish baths, etc. Maw of Jackfield in the Ironbridge Gorge and Craven Dunnill and Company of the same place, were two of the most important manufacturers of decorative tiles, and their products, a triumph of Victorian mass production, can still be seen in many places.  相似文献   

吴景平 《民国档案》2004,7(1):99-110
1948年实施金圆券政策时,强制登记移存外汇资产、收兑金银外币,曾引起各政府行局的不满,更给普通商业行庄和广大民众带来极大的灾难;难以为继后。又一度实施金圆券存款兑取金银的办法,但都没能扭转金圆券失败的结局。被列为金圆券发行准备的金银外汇移运海外和台湾。既是导致金圆券彻底崩溃的直接原因,也造成了金融机构运作失灵、主要业务经营失信、金融市场运作的全面失序。  相似文献   

Disenfranchisement policies were formulated with discriminatory intent in several states ( Behrens, Uggen, and Manza 2003 ; Mauer 2001 ; Preuhs 2001 ). Does such discrimination persist? Do disenfranchisement laws disparately impact black voters? I argue that disenfranchisement policies target black citizens and impact black voters disparately compared with white voters. I show that disenfranchisement laws have a disparate impact on the black community that becomes increasingly disproportionate as disenfranchisement laws increase in severity. I find that disenfranchisement policies have a significant independent effect on voting rights in the black community and do not have a similar effect on white voters. I conclude that the ability of the black community to achieve adequate representation is substantially diminished as fewer and fewer blacks qualify for voter registration.  相似文献   

张秋生 《世界历史》2002,39(5):43-52
20世纪70年代澳大利亚开始将经贸重点转向亚洲。90年代初,基廷政府提出了“面向亚洲”、“融入亚洲”的口号与政策,并采取了一系列切实的行动。本探讨了澳大利亚面向亚洲政策形成的基本动因、“面向”与“融入”的内涵以及分期与基本内容等问题。  相似文献   

“攘外必先安内”是九一八事变后国民政府的基本国策,意在因应国内“三足鼎立”、国际“四向分散”的形势。九一八事变后,国民党选择先“剿共”后抗日,共产党选择先反蒋后抗日,而随着局部抗战向全面抗战形势的转化.双方的这种选择逐渐演变为国共合作抗日的过程。“安内”是以“剿共”为中心.包括实现国民党内的统一和国民政府的“中央一体化”,以及充实国力.加强战备等内容。“攘外必先安内”是国民党处理内政的基本国策,又是图存御侮的策略。历史已证明:“剿共”不是抗日的前提.“反蒋”也不是抗日的前提。国共两党合作为基础的中华民族的空前团结.才是抗日的前提。  相似文献   

招怀政策在北魏王朝政治与文化建设中发挥了极其重要的作用,大批来自周边政权与民族的人士进入北魏王朝后受到优待与重用,从而成为北魏政权及文化建设中的重要力量。本文主要从文献记载中“上客”与“第一客”的事迹分析入手,试图对北魏招怀政策总体特征与核心原则进行简要的总结与归纳,力求从一个侧面阐发北魏招怀政策的重要价值与贡献。  相似文献   

1965年独立时,新加坡处于一种经济萧条、各种社会矛盾尖锐复杂、社会动荡、国际环境险恶的局势之中。然而,经过30余年的发展,新加坡不仅成为一个新兴工业化国家,而且实现了国家现代化,跻身发达国家之列。那么,新加坡为什么能取得这种成就?其成功的根本原因是什么?笔者认为其答案在于新加坡成功地推行了“生存政策”。新加坡的“生存政策”包括政治、经济、外交、军事安全等多方面的内涵。新加坡的外交政策是其“生存政策”的重要组成部分,而成功的外交政策及由此而开创的良好的对外关系是“生存政策”取得成功的重要前提和条件,对整个“生存政策”的顺利实施具有重要作用和影响。  相似文献   

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