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畅静萍 《攀登》2011,30(1):125-127
档案工作是党和国家事业的重要组成部分。随着改革开放的深入和经济社会的发展,新时期档案工作的地位和作用将更加凸显,同时也对档案工作提出了更新更高的要求。文章分析了当前藏区档案事业发展的现状,提出以西部大开发、贯彻一系列藏区工作会议精神为契机,加大档案工作创新力度,从而实现藏区档案事业又好又快发展的思路。  相似文献   

文本话语与行为规范:西藏宗教人物传记的史学史意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要从历史人类学的角度分析西藏历史上曾经大量著述的历史文本,即宗教人物传记。在这类传记中,西藏传统上有其特殊的分类体系和传统写作样本。传记的形式、流传的方式也与世界上任何一个地方的传记都有所不同。在西藏,传记在藏传佛教中被看作属于一种文本"传规"(lung-rgyun),具有特别的含义。传记传流方式对于藏族史学影响也很大,以至于传记成为藏族史学著作中数量最多的文本。对于西藏宗教传记的文化特点、历史演变及其影响加以全方位的研究,有助于我们对藏族文化的更深层次的认识。  相似文献   

吴解勋 《攀登》2010,29(1):123-125
青海地处我国主要藏民族聚居区,青海藏文出版业在我国藏文出版事业中一直占据着重要地位。本文通过对青海藏文图书出版业现状的分析,探讨了新形势下青海藏文图书出版业的发展思路与对策。  相似文献   

1.There can be no modernization in Tibet withoutmodern science and technology,and the dissemina-tion of modern science and technology needs languageas an intermediary.As the main common language ofthe Tibetan people,the Tibetan spoken and writtenlanguage has played a very important role in the exist-ence and development of the Tibetan people.It hashelped to promote and maintain material and ethicalprogress,and to maintain the integrity of the nation,and so has left a brilliant page in the cultural store-house of the motherland.Now,as society witnessesprogress in science and technolog,and confronts the  相似文献   

在研究历史文献资料和西藏铜币照片的基础上,介绍了西藏铜币发行的原因以及发展的概况。西藏铜币的不断发展是科技进步推动的,同时也见证了西藏人民同中国各族人民积极改革,抵制西方列强侵略。  相似文献   

吐蕃政权自从有了文字、历法、造纸术后,记录历史成为吐蕃统治者军政事务中的一项重要内容。吐蕃政权记录、整理了大量历史档案,但留存至今的不多。敦煌藏经洞所藏吐蕃藏文写卷为这一时期修史的主要代表。成书于嘉庆二年(1797年)的《卫藏通志》的编撰,是一次官方组织的修志活动,该志是清代西藏唯一的一部官修志书。西藏自治区社会主义新编地方志工作始于1977年,至20世纪90年代中期陆续出版了一批志书。但这一时期的修志活动未跟随全国第一轮修志的大潮。1996年12月,西藏自治区全区三级修志工作全面启动。2005年,根据中国地方志指导小组的意见,西藏自治区第一轮、第二轮修志合并进行。  相似文献   

From the perspective of historical anthropology, this article examines a great deal of the biographies of religious figures in Tibetan history, reveals their special way of writing, classification, and circulation. In Tibetan Buddhism, biographies of religious figures are considered as a subject’s demise (lung-rgyun) and have their special meanings. They are the text of the largest quantity in the historical works of Tibet and had great influence on Tibetan historiography. A comprehensive research on their cultural characteristic, historical evolvement and historical influence will help us understand the Tibetan culture in depth. __________ Translated from Shixueshi Yanjiu 史学史研究 (Journal of Historiography), 2007, (4): 67–77  相似文献   

关于利用历史文献信息进行环境演变研究的几点看法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对如何更好地利用我国丰富的历史文献记录,开展历史时期环境演变研究,本文提出四点看法:从地球系统科学与全球变化研究的前沿中寻找研究的主题,在诸多不确定中寻找确定性答案,构建历史文献信息共享的环境演变研究平台,培养文理兼备的复合型人才。  相似文献   

郭永虎  李晔 《史学集刊》2005,9(4):75-81
1949至1969年间美国中央情报局向西藏分裂势力提供了一系列准军事援助。该援助行动的实质是为美国远东战略利益服务,其目标是利用西藏分裂势力遏制与分裂中国,具体内容主要包括:为西藏叛乱分子提供情报和准军事训练技术;在西藏实施公路袭扰和破坏行动;为达赖集团提供军事物资和活动经费;与印度情报机构开展针对中国的情报合作等等。  相似文献   

乾隆裕陵棺椁藏文经咒释读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文重点对乾隆裕陵内所存棺椁上的藏文经咒进行了释读,作者试图通过此项研究,找到清代皇帝棺椁上所刻藏文经咒的基本内容及其宗教意义,并在此基础上探讨清帝对于藏传佛教信仰的真实历史情况。  相似文献   

党周才让 《攀登》2011,30(3):82-86
近几年来,国家对藏族聚居区经济建设尤为重视,先后出台了一系列政策。对黄南藏族自治州来说,这是一个难得的历史性机遇。为此,必须认真总结黄南州经济社会发展的经验和教训,深入研究国家藏族聚居区建设政策,推动黄南州经济更好更快更大发展。  相似文献   

The archives of the parlement of Paris are not only exceptionally important historically but also exceptionally complex. This article begins by surveying the formation and history of these archives. It treats their cataloguing and the many collections of copies and extracts that have been made, before discussing the ways in which archivists have treated and researchers have utilized the series, as well as the perspectives the series can open to historical research. The archives of the Parlement illustrate the full range of problems posed by conservation, communication to the public, and utilization, They reveal with special clarity the complementarity and interaction (verging on confusion) that necessarily occurs among the approaches taken by historians on the one hand, and archivists on the other. The archives of the Parlement also demonstrate that researchers' knowledge of the history of the archives goes beyond simple archival practice and contributes to the recognition of documentation as a «source» of history.  相似文献   

Ancient Tibetan documents of the Tubo period are amongst those discovered in the Mogao Grottoes at Dunhuang in i9oo. As handwritten documents in the ancient Tibetan language of the Tubo period, they are an important part of the international Dunhuang study and indispensable to Tibetology. Incomplete statistics  相似文献   

[I] want to single out one phenomenon that could be called the ‘politics of sources’. It points to the extent to which the histories that both scientists and historians can write are artifacts of the available sources. The Rockefeller Foundation not only opened its archives very early on for historical work but also invested a lot in making the archives readily available for historical exploration. During the 1980s, many young historians took advantage of this opportunity. Thus, in a relatively early phase of the professional historiography of molecular biology, one could have gained the impression that the development of the new biology as a whole was a bio-politically directed enterprise of the Rockefeller Foundation sustained by the vision that social processes could ultimately be controlled by biological processes.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes previous research on the contacts between the sixth Panchen Lama of Tibet and the British East India Company (EIC). Extensive research has been done on the archives and travelogues written in English, yet further attention needs to be paid to the significance of these contacts to the Panchen Lama’s historic visit to the Qing court around the same time. Although little is available in Chinese and Tibetan sources on this event, important questions have yet to be raised and discussed. Drawing upon what has been done on this topic, the author makes further use of Tibetan materials and the catalog of Manchu archives in the First Historical Archive of China, and concludes that the plan and efforts for the EIC to open its trade route to China through Tibet were essentially based on wishful thinking or false hope without thorough understanding of Tibet or Qing court, or the delicate relations between the two. Even though the EIC’s late 18th century efforts through the Hindu merchant monk Gosain Purangir were in vain, examining the many contacts between the sixth Panchen Lama and the EIC and Purangir’s trip to Beijing provide a novel perspective on the relations between Tibet and the Qing court in the second half of the 18th century. This inquiry also demonstrates that during the same period, Tibet was not a land of isolation; on the contrary, it was an integral part of “the pre-modern globalization” process.  相似文献   

本认为西突厥分裂为附唐与附蕃的两大政权系统乃是噶尔家族专国吐蕃、同唐朝激烈争夺西域的历史产物,这些政权的盛衰嬗递虽不像唐朝所册的西突厥可汗那样脉络清楚,但也同样断续相承,基本上与噶尔家族的兴亡相始终,构成唐、蕃西域角逐的重要内容。  相似文献   

故宫作为明清两代的皇宫,至今仍完整地保留着一批清代藏传佛教殿堂,故宫博物院藏有大量极其珍贵的藏传佛教文物及与藏学有关的其他文物。这些建筑与文物是明清、特别是清代民族政策、汉藏文化交流及东西交通等方面的生动见证。以藏传佛教艺术为重点的故宫藏学研究,有着重要的历史价值和现实意义,在整个藏学研究中具有独特的地位和作用,也是故宫学的重要内容。故宫藏传佛教研究在已有成果的基础上正逐步深入。  相似文献   

This article offers a new perspective on Victorian freakery and prehistory by reading the career of Krao Farini, the ‘Missing Link’, through lenses of queer theory and archival studies. Born in Laos with hypertrichosis, a condition that produces an abundance of body hair, Krao transformed into living proof of the ‘Missing Link’ upon migrating to London in the 1880s. I contextualize Krao’s exhibition by situating her show within contemporaneous visual, textual, and performed examples of the ‘Missing Link’. Reading Krao alongside these other ‘Missing Links’ illuminates inconsistencies in their representations of gender and sexuality that nullify firm distinctions between ‘pre’ and ‘history’. I argue that the freak show’s ‘Missing Link’ materializes rhetorical and epistemological connections between Victorian prehistory and contemporary queer historiography to provide a valuable framework for accessing queer archives otherwise buried in the historical record. Though the correlations between prehistory and queer history are not necessarily explicit, locating their similarities reveals how persistent notions of Victorian time inform contemporary queer scholarship. Presaging recent queer archival interventions, Krao’s remaining archive demonstrates how prehistory breeds alternative models of evidence that disorder the archive’s relation to time: evidence of the ‘Missing Link’ unravels the language of stability, family, and presence on which archives typically rest. Resisting the implicitly heteronormative logic of the archival document, prehistory makes possible new ways of narrating Victorian histories of freakery, imperialism, and gender and sexuality.  相似文献   

《通典》是第一部为吐蕃设立专传的史书 ,包括三个方面的内容 :第一 ,吐蕃的族源风俗与典章制度 ;第二 ,吐蕃大事记及唐蕃关系大事纪年 ;第三 ,吐蕃大相论钦陵与唐朝使者郭元振的长篇对话及郭元振上疏文。本文认为《通典·吐蕃传》是唐代人所著唐代吐蕃史 ,可靠性更高 ,同时也保存了不少为两唐书“吐蕃传”所忽略的珍贵史料 ,值得研究者给予新的重视。  相似文献   

This article examines some of the issues surrounding archiving in anthropology. It provides an account of archiving in the Portuguese context and seeks to problematize anthropology archives, contributing to the as yet timid debate over this question in the field. There are various ways of recording ethnographies and saving the ensuing records. Anthropologists often reflect on their archives, but rarely make these reflections public. Nor do we know much about what anthropologists in general plan to do with their fieldnotes, diaries, images, maps, drawings, audio and video recordings and objects, once a specific research project is complete. How do anthropologists store their data? What should be done with these materials? What stories can they tell? Will the ethnographic materials produced in the present be considered historical archives in the future?  相似文献   

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