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乔家大院是吉祥文化的综合体,也是研究分析晋中地区传统民居吉祥文化的重要样本。乔家大院的吉祥文化既有北方常见类型,又有流传于当地的民间习俗,它们隐显于大院的院落布局、房屋营造、建筑装饰、陈设布置、修建仪式等各个方面,承载着宅院主人趋吉避害、祈福求祥的愿景和期望。  相似文献   

中国瓷器自古以来凭借着精美的造型、典雅的外表、富有内涵的纹饰享誉全球。明清两代是中国瓷器发展的高峰,这两个时期的瓷器纹饰具有鲜明的特点,极具研究价值,八吉祥纹饰是其中的代表。明清两代八吉祥纹饰在其组成、形象、用途和文化内涵方面既有共同特点也有不同之处。明代的八吉祥纹饰具有明显的宗教色彩,且在民间流传较少。清代的八吉祥纹饰摆脱了宗教色彩,被赋予新的含义,在各地都广泛使用。  相似文献   

瑞霖 《东方收藏》2020,(3):34-37
细细品读古砚上的图案花纹,就会发现这些砚雕纹样遵循着一个宗旨,即"图必有意,意必吉祥"。吉祥文化是中国文化的重要主题,中国的吉祥信仰萌芽于原始社会,从那时起,寓意吉祥的符号一直附着于各种器物上,这种信仰洋溢着人们对生命的热爱、对生活的赞美。如松鹤表示延年益寿,蝙蝠飞来寓意福到,喜鹊立在梅枝上表示喜上眉梢,梅花鹿寓意高官厚禄,等等。  相似文献   

《吉祥八清静图》.亦称八吉祥徽、八瑞相、吉祥八宝图.藏语称。扎西达吉”.是藏族民间传统美术中最常见而又被赋予深刻内涵和吉祥喜庆喻意的一组组合装饰图。“扎西达吉”一般绘于寺院经殿门廊和两侧壁面.殿堂幔帷.帷帐之上.它由八种象征吉祥.圆满.幸福.智慧.财宝的标志性图样组成.这八种象征物是海螺.宝伞.宝幢.法轮.双鱼、金刚结.莲花、宝瓶等.总称为吉祥八清静.也即俗称的八宝图。据说.它们分别表示如来佛的头、眼、喉、舌、牙、心.身和足.其内涵除了寓意吉祥外.也与佛陀.佛法息息相关。  相似文献   

《吉祥信箱》编辑老师: 我最近买了一套新居,我喜欢中国传统字画,而我的太太则喜欢吉祥图画,请问如果买吉祥国画有讲究吗?  相似文献   

周晶 《黑龙江史志》2013,(23):139-139
"图必有意,意必吉祥"。吉祥就是兆示、预祝一切福善有利之事。自古莲花就被视为吉祥之花,其娇艳的花资和圣洁的品格,代表了爱情的纯真,象征了佛教的神圣净洁,其清雅至洁,不与世俗同流合污的高尚品格也被世人所称颂。  相似文献   

古人说,"吉者福善之事,祥者嘉庆之征。" 喜庆吉祥,福寿平安,是我们民族千古永恒的热望和追求。吉祥文化,是中国传统文化中富于积极向上意义和内容的一部分,是中国人热爱生活,努力创造幸福、美满、平安和财富的积极心理的外在反映。在中国人的心目中,吉祥有着多彩的  相似文献   

“青鸟”意蕴的历史变迁   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西王母是昆仑神话中的主神,她是吉祥与长寿的化身。西王母身边的青鸟,是为她捕食、传达信息的使,也是吉祥与长生的使。  相似文献   

洛阳民俗中的吉祥文化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘百灵 《河洛春秋》2002,(4):42-46,62
中国的吉祥文化源远流长。“吉祥”二字最早出现在《易经》:“变化云为吉事有祥”。在新石器时期,就有先民寄托愿望的“怪兽”与“鸟身”的雕刻绘画。华夏民族形成后,“龙凤”图腾被视为最受崇拜的象征。尧舜时代有象征吉祥的山、河、日、月、星、龙等纹样用于服饰。商周社会,在青铜器上盛行鱼、龟、龙、风、象、虎等纹样用于服饰。自秦汉以来,吉祥瑞应之说风行,便建立起完善的吉祥象征体系,  相似文献   

娶新娘 道吉祥   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
道吉祥者,自迎亲路上所见山川、牲畜、迎亲人,必须以吉祥的话语去描述。新娘下马、进门、入席、插彩箭、献其玛、献哈达、敬酒都要说唱一翻,并对父母、亲属、贵宾、新郎、新娘说些颂扬和美好的祝福。最繁杂的是道吉祥者,对喜酒、酒瓮、酒碗、其玛、彩箭、哈达、茶叶、五谷等等,都要说唱它们的来历,并祝吉祥。还要对新婚房屋的建筑、装饰、牛羊马圈所处的地理方位,风水宝地进行美化。婚礼中最忌讳说  相似文献   

龙经过几千年的传演,到汉代,已经成为最为吉祥的动物之一.龙表现在汉画中,有应龙、青龙、黄龙等,它们象征着皇权和君德吉祥,同时还有辟邪驱灾的吉祥寓意,又是求雨的符瑞和好道者驾驭成仙的工具.汉代的龙瑞对中华民族的吉祥文化产生深远影响.  相似文献   

相关文献中谓乐府诗《乌夜啼》的本事或与刘义庆有关,或与何宴有关,经考察均难以信从。本文以为,这首乐府诗是在古代乌鸦报喜风俗的背景下产生的。  相似文献   

This essay analyzes the history of the Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) discovery, relating some of the principles of the theory of scientific creativity to the cognitive and personal qualities of the scientists that participated in the discovery, particularly Rita Levi-Montalcini and Viktor Hamburger. The discovery of NGF is especially attractive for the history of science as it involves chance, luck, creativity, and some extraordinary scientists.  相似文献   

This essay analyzes the history of the Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) discovery, relating some of the principles of the theory of scientific creativity to the cognitive and personal qualities of the scientists that participated in the discovery, particulary Rita Levi-Montalcini and Viktor Hamburger. The discovery of NGF is especially attractive for the history of science as it involves chance, luck, creativity, and some extraordinary scientists.  相似文献   

庞鸥  叶雷 《东南文化》2000,(2):41-46
Dragon is the symbol of Chinese nationality The Chinese proudly call themselves the offspring of dmgon Early in the ancient times the Chinese was irrevocably committed dragon The Chinese like dragon because it is not only a fairy beast Unl stands for a certain spirit as well you could find dragon as a design in ancient chinese architecture,Which embodies the power and the wish for luck.  相似文献   

海涛  海啸 《东南文化》2000,(2):47-54
Dragon,in Chinese traditional beliefs,is the highest fairy beast,which is the symbol of luck and happiness.It has been the everlasting subjec tin painting for a long time.Especially in the Five Dynasties and Song Dynasty,the dragon painting approached to its climax.Obviously, the profound meaning in the dragon painting is rather complicated.Examined from all angles of Chinese Culture,it reflects the unique Chinese thought and traditional belief.  相似文献   

张敏  李则斌 《东南文化》2000,(2):106-107
The gourd shaped red earthen yase is unearthed from the remains of the Neolithic Age of Long Qin zhuang site,Gao you city ,Made in imitation of the natural gourd,it retlects the wisdom of our ancestors and bears the hope for good luck,its appearance marks the beginning of the production of the gourd-shaped object in China ,In terms of function,this vase may be the wine vessel used by our ancestors,and it reflects the local production level and the ecnomic relationship.  相似文献   

这是一篇考察黄土高原的回忆录。由于一些机缘 ,得遍历黄土高原各处。在考察过程中 ,得以确定若干故城关隘的遗址 ,辩明几条交通大道的通塞 ,从而论证前哲时彦的讹误不实之处。黄土高原早在远古时期即已辉煌昌盛 ,其后历久不坠。可是现在却已残破不堪 ,许多地区沟壑纵横 ,难有平坦之地。这是长期侵蚀有以致之。积疚既明 ,或有助于黄土高原的治理  相似文献   

Before Marx the atomic swerve was little regarded by champions of Epicureanism: since Guyau it has been central, though attempts to explain the mechanism of free will by it have failed. This is because they assume the occurrence of swerves inside the soul. But the swerve is only attested for the downward‐falling atoms ‐and as an instantaneous side‐step not as a change of direction. Swerves are the pluralist counterpart to Aristotle's unmoved mover, a cosmological principle and not the cause of particular happenings. On this view good sense can be made of Epicurus’ hitherto puzzling statements on predestination, nouthesia, and luck.  相似文献   

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