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吴佳雨  潘欢  杜雁 《人文地理》2016,31(1):50-56
借助核密度分析、标准差椭圆和重心坐标探讨了历史园林遗产重心演化的轨迹与路径,梳理各类型历史园林时空分布,考察了影响其空间演化轨迹的重要因素。结果表明:我国历史园林遗产现状空间分布较为广泛,但空间集聚度高,分布不均衡,在园林类型上表现更为明显,与我国历史园林发展的脉络高度一致,与政治中心和经济中心迁移一致;不同类型的历史园林有着不同空间演变路径,皇家园林主要受朝代更迭与政令举措的影响,私家园林主要受经济发展与文化兴衰的影响,寺观园林主要受宗教政策与传教线路的影响。  相似文献   

R. Thér 《Archaeometry》2016,58(2):222-238
The relationship between forming techniques and orientation of the components of ceramic materials in the context of pottery technology has long been recognized and used for identification of the techniques employed to create archaeological ceramics. The alignment of inclusions is usually characterized by qualitative categories or ordinal scales. This paper evaluates the potential of quantitative orientation analysis for identification of pottery‐forming techniques. A collection of experimental pottery formed using five forming techniques and combined techniques was analysed. The forming techniques were characterized by the intervals of the mean direction and the circular standard deviations of the orientation of the major axes of the ellipses equivalent to the objects representing random sections of inclusions and voids. The most informative criteria for the identification of pottery techniques are the circular standard deviation of the inclusion/void orientations in the core area of the vessel wall in a perpendicular thin section and the mean direction in a tangential section.  相似文献   

The paper presents an algorithm for computing the parameters of an ellipse that fits, in a least-squares sense, the surveyed remains of Roman amphitheatre arena walls. The algorithm is validated using ideal data and the near complete remains of the amphitheatre at Sarmizegetusa in Romania. The technique is then applied to the partial remains of the amphitheatre at the Guildhall in the City of London, in the UK, which cover only the Eastern end of the monument. The underlying mathematical model and method of solution is presented. The method was developed with a view to determining firstly whether or not an ellipse is a feasible model for the actual constructed curve geometry, and secondly, where the Western end of the Guildhall amphitheatre might be located. One single ellipse was found to fit the Guildhall remains, with measurement residuals at the level of 30 mm in the eastings and 26 mm in the northings. The ellipse had a semi-major axis of 28.345 m and a semi-minor axis of 22.775 m. The issues of alternative geometries and the practicalities of their use in construction are considered.  相似文献   

海峡西岸城市群是中国经济快速发展的热点地区,研究其城市活力与城市扩张的耦合关系对促进城市建设意义重大。本研究以 DMSP-OLS 和 NPPVIIRS夜间灯光数据为数据源提取1992—2017年该城市群城市建成区,利用城市扩张率指数等对城市扩张的动态及其演变特征进行分析;应用熵值法、耦合协调度模型等评估城市活力,在此基础上,探究了对应城市活力和城市扩张耦合关系。结果表明:在研究期间,海峡西岸城市群城市建成区面积增加了23228.79km2;城市活力呈逐步逐年增加趋势;城市活力与城市扩张的耦合协调性逐步增强;经济发展和城市规划、地理区位优势等因素也对研究区城市活力与城市扩张及其耦合协调度的变化有影响。本研究可为城市群时空演变及其城市活力评价分析提供方法借鉴与数据支持。  相似文献   

William Conroy 《对极》2023,55(4):1128-1151
This article engages with Frantz Fanon's writing on both geographical and dialectical movement. It suggests that in particular historical-geographical contexts—such as those described by Fanon himself—geographical patterns of mobility and confinement operate as the presupposition and result of “race”; while also functionally enabling capitalism's necessary and enduring dialectic of appropriation and capitalisation, and reproducing the Fanonian “zone of nonbeing”. More simply, this article suggests that in certain conjunctures the tight articulation of race, mobility, and capital accumulation inhibits the reciprocal recognition of equals. In those contexts, a spatialised “counter-ontological” politics is the only means of establishing intersubjective symmetry and the preconditions for Fanon's “new humanism”. This article concretises these arguments in relation to historical work on antebellum “carceral landscapes”. It concludes by drawing explicitly on Stuart Hall's reflections on articulation and “lines of tendential force” in order to think through the relevance of Fanonian theorisation today.  相似文献   

Following are fragments of a book devoted to theoretical geography on which Professor Smirnov, head of the Department of Economic Geography of Odessa University, was working at the time of his death in July, 1969. An attempt is made to formulate a system of general geographic concepts that would constitute the axiomatic foundation of geography. Several types of fundamental concepts are distinguished: spatial concepts; concepts of the structure and functions of geographical formations; concepts of simple and complex formations, etc. The present paper is limited to an examination of spatial concepts associated with geographical space, which is viewed as one of the general properties of geographical formations. Three basic spatial concepts are discussed: (a) the concept of group space, meaning the space occupied by a set of interrelated objects, as opposed to the individual space of a single object; (b) the concept of spatial integration of phenomena, implying causal relationships; (c) the concept of geographical commonality of phenomena, as opposed to the theory of uniqueness or local exclusiveness. The interplay of general laws and purely local relationships gives rise to a spatial field of interaction known as the geographical field. A geographical formation and its field of interaction may be centered, as in urban settlement, industry and other nodal phenomena, or they may be noncentered, as in rural settlement, agriculture and other spatially continuous phenomena. Other concepts are the area, shape, orientation and spatial dynamics of development of geographical formations.  相似文献   

运用泰尔指数、标准差椭圆及面板数据回归等方法,研究2004-2017年中国31个省社会组织总数以及社会团体、基金会、民办非企业三类社会组织的时空演化特征,探讨主要影响因素。结果显示:①中国社会组织总数及三种类型社会组织均呈快速增长态势,但增长率表现为"下降-上升-下降-上升"的回旋式变化。②社会组织的发展呈现"东多西少"的空间格局,区域内部差异大且变化幅度大,东部地区内部省际差异最大。③社会组织总数及三种类型的标准差椭圆均呈现东北-西南的分布格局,其中社会组织总数和社会团体的标准差椭圆具有南移倾向。④经济、市场化水平、对外开放程度与社会组织的发展具有显著的正相关关系,且其发展还受相关政策及自然灾害频发等因素的影响。  相似文献   

The author traces the evolution of the environmentalist concept through Marxist philosophy and analyzes the influence on the geographical environment on society. He adduces a number of examples to demonstrate the significance of the environmental factor in various historical contexts. For another discussion on the same subject, the reader is referred to Ian M. Matley, “The Marxist approach to the geographical environment,” Annals of the Association of American Geographers, Vol. 56, No. I, March 1966, pp. 97–111.  相似文献   

甲骨文、金文以及秦楚瓦文、简牍中所见的“封”(“夆”)乃是人工堆筑的土堆,其上或植有树木;“封”多沿着道路设置,用以表示其地域之归属;田地中的“封”则置立于田畔或阡道上,用于标识田地的归属。金文与秦楚简牍中所见的“疆”“畺”或“彊”,则是人为地划出的界线,它可以但并不必然表现为自然或人为的地理事物。“界”也是一种人为的划分,却有具体的自然或人为的地理事物作为标识;用于表示“界”的地理事物主要有关、垣、离、格、堑、封、刊、坞、虎落、天田、立石等人为的地理事物,以及山、川等自然地理事物。  相似文献   

Tim Cresswell 《对极》1994,26(1):35-58
In this paper I examine reactions to the Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp. I argue that the media, local and government responses to the Greenham women reveal geographical assumptions about “normality.” The peace women, by living away from home, on the edge of a military (and therefore masculine) establishment challenged accepted patriarchal understandings of “women's place” and were thus described as “out of place.” More specifically, the women were referred to in terms of hygiene, inadequate culinary ability, sexuality and hysteria. Each of these implies a gendered form of disorder in which social, cultural and geographical boundaries have been transgressed. These reactions are placed within the context of Bakhtin's formulations of the carnivalesque and grotesque realism. I suggest that the women, through their highly visible opposition to a patriarchal military establishment, represent a threat to neatly bounded official culture which finds its geographical expression in the formal territories of the courtroom and the air base. In conclusion this illustration is placed in the wider context of cultural/political protest. I argue that transgression, while serving to reveal normally assumed hegemonic landscapes, is restrained by already existing boundaries.  相似文献   


Mainstream geographical information systems techniques and packaged geographical information systems software are often inappropriate in historical contexts because they use geographical coordinates as a framework around which all other information is organized as “attribute data,” whereas in history locations are often the least certain part of our knowledge. A new and general architecture for documenting administrative units and organizing historical statistics is detailed, which prioritizes named entities and explicit semantic relationships such as “IsPartOf,” while holding coordinate data where available. This architecture is easily aligned with the recent development of geo-semantics by information scientists, meeting the formal requirements for a geo-spatial ontology, but was originally developed to enable the systematic computerization of traditional historical reference works, notably Frederick Youngs’ Guide to the Local Administrative Units of England.  相似文献   

This article discusses options to allow comparative analysis of inequalities in the distribution of health workers (HWs) across and within countries using a single summary measure of the distribution. Income inequality generally is measured across individuals, but inequalities in the dispersion of HWs must use geographical areas or population groupings as units of analysis. The article first shows how this change of observational unit creates a resolution problem for various inequality indices and then tests how sensitive a simple ratio measure of the distribution of HWs is to changes in resolution. This ratio of inequality is illustrated first with the global distribution of HWs and then with its distributions within Indonesia. The resolution problem is not solved through this new approach, and indicators of inequalities of access to HWs or health services more generally appear not to be comparable across countries. Investigating geographical inequalities over time in one setting is possible but only if the units of analysis remain the same over time.  相似文献   

The value and limitations of mammalian fossils as biostratigraphic indicators in the Pleistocene are discussed. Aspects of a species' history which are of potential biostratigraphic value are its overall stratigraphic range, shifts in geographical distribution, evolutionary transitions, and changing abundance in the fauna. These form a complex pattern which must be established in some detail before a species can be used in dating a “new” locality. The major features of stratigraphic range, distributional history, and evolution of each of the nine species of cervid from Britain and mainland Europe during the Middle and Upper Pleistocene are outlined, with notes on their possible biostratigraphic value. Some new results on the deer remains from Swanscombe are presented. Fallow deer can be referred to subspecies Dama dama clactoniana only in the Basal and Lower Gravels and Lower Loam. There is no evidence of change in its body size within the sequence. An idiosyncrasy in the lower dentition of Swanscombe fallow is described. The red deer was the “coronate” form, and was of small body size. The giant deer was of small body size, and may have shared the broad brow tines of the Steinheim population. Roe is rare and elk is absent. The Swanscombe deer suggest a post-Cromerian, interglacial dating of all faunal levels at the site. They are consistent with a wholly Hoxnian age, but precise contemporaneity with Hoxne Bed 1 is unlikely, and the possibility of additional stages being represented cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

A group of physical geographers of the Institute of Geography in Moscow, the principal academic research institution in geography, published an article in 1974 seeking to define and categorize terms and concepts now being used in Soviet geography. The article said the term geosystem (geographical system) applied equally to physical-geographical and socio-economic entities, and the term “geographical environment”, in actual research practice, referred not only to the physical setting of human activities, but also to engineering elements and social conditions. The present writer contends that such a definition of the geographical environment, incorporating both natural and social elements, smacks of a unified geography, and that geosystems, as originally defined, refer only to natural terrestrial systems, excluding man.  相似文献   

Summary. A computerised search method is described to identify every possible rectangular structure within set parameters from post hole distributions. Results are obtained from a dense distribution within Danebury hillfort and tested statistically by comparison with results from simulations and a mathematical model. The most likely structures are isolated by analyses of size, shape and orientation. A further comparison, with the results of an independent visual analysis of the same area, allows some comment to be made on the efficiency of human pattern perception and the validity of existing preconceptions concerning rectangular post-built structures.  相似文献   

曹李梅  曲颖 《人文地理》2018,33(5):143-151
作为建立品牌认知、创建品牌资产和投射品牌形象的重要手段,旅游口号在"目的地竞争战"中发挥了重要作用。立足于"衰减器"作用机理,构建旅游口号设计规则框架。同时,根据旅游口号评价指标与设计规则的分歧倾向比例来定义偏离级次,实证分析不同地域尺度的旅游口号的偏离程度和偏离分布差异。研究结论显示:①衰减器的内部作用过程包括特征抽取和口号衰减两个阶段;②旅游口号的偏离情况具有地域尺度差异性。省域旅游口号的总偏离程度最高,景域旅游口号的偏离分布差异性最明显,而市域旅游口号和我国旅游口号的偏离分布一致。  相似文献   

We measure the effect of resource‐sector dependence on long‐run income growth using the natural experiment of coal mining in 409 Appalachian counties selected for homogeneity. Using a panel data set (1970–2010), we find a one standard deviation increase in resource dependence is associated with 0.5–1 percentage point long‐run and a 0.2 percentage point short‐run decline in the annual growth rate of per capita personal income. We also measure the extent to which the resource curse operates through disincentives to education, and find significant effects, but this “education channel” explains less than 15 percent of the apparent curse.  相似文献   

There is now strong evidence that “soft” institutions are interrelated with the working of the economy. For example, in a geographical setting there is evidence that language borders affect interpersonal relationships, but there is no equivalent evidence regarding the effects of language borders on agglomeration or competition spillovers. This paper examines whether language affects the geographical extension of agglomeration and competition spillovers by observing the geography of employment patterns in a linguistically discontinuous setting. Our findings, for the first time, provide empirical evidence that language borders shape the distance decay of competition spillovers, independent of governance, and institutional issues.  相似文献   

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