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This study examines the successful implementation of a major structural change in a county criminal court, an institution particularly resistant to change. Implementation effectiveness is mainly attributed to policy design factors, especially the establishment by "lop" slate Supreme Court officials of an institutional mechanism to implement their selected policy goals. Composed of hey county court participants at the "bottom," the mechanism facilitated lateral coordination among divergent interests by providing a forum for bargaining and the resolution of disputes. The bargaining entailed the distribution of benefits, as well as the externalization and redistribution of costs, arising from the structural changes.  相似文献   

The destabilizing forces wrought by economic globalization increasingly buffet local communities throughout America. This article explores a local policy strategy for coping with the effects of these forces and restoring some degree of stability to local economies. This strategy entails the creation of place-based ownership models of economic enterprise. With ownership and control held in a more collective or community-oriented fashion, such enterprises tend to anchor or root investment more securely in communities, providing a counterforce to globalization. We present and critically assess six place-based ownership models while providing illustrative examples to demonstrate how each model can work in practice.  相似文献   

This study builds an interactive, quantitative model to explain U.S. foreign aid allocations. We develop an explanation based on Kingdon's multiple streams model to argue that aid decisions are the result of trade ties, socialist orientation, human needs, and the political ideologies of the administration and the senate interacting with adjustments to baseline funding. We find that there are significant conditional relationships between economic and security-related assistance and our external and domestic variables with external variables generally being more important. The findings have implications for the study of public policy, the future of the foreign aid program, and theoretical attempts to develop more generalizable explanations of policy that encompass foreign and domestic issues.  相似文献   

This article analyses the effectiveness of the setting of policy conditions in exchange for aid. Given the emerging consensus that this process is not effective, this article focuses on explaining why not. In analysing the experiences of eight countries — Bangladesh, Cape Verde, Mozambique, Nicaragua, Tanzania, Uganda, Vietnam and Zambia — an ‘augmented’ principal–agent framework proved valuable in explaining why policy conditionality is not effective in these countries. The article concludes that donors should focus on some simple policy outcomes (ex post) instead of extensive policy conditions (ex ante).  相似文献   

美国对韩国的援助政策:缘起、演进与结果   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
董向荣 《世界历史》2004,23(6):15-24
在冷战背景下 ,对外援助是美国巩固与盟国关系、与苏联争夺新独立的第三世界的重要手段。美国对韩国的援助亦然。从最初的占领区救济性援助开始 ,美国对韩援助的内容伴随援助政策的调整不断发生变化。从结果来看 ,援助帮助韩国建立并维护了资本主义的发展模式 ,军事援助孕育了美国化的军队 ,为军事政变和韩国政治发展模式埋下了伏笔。  相似文献   

王慧英 《世界历史》2006,6(2):12-20
内容自20世纪20年代起,农产品过剩问题一直困扰着美国。二战后初期,这一问题危及美国的农业安全。为处理剩余粮食,美国制定了《1954年农产品贸易开发与援助法》,即480公法,以无偿与有偿援助等方式对外提供粮食,从而开启了制度化的对外粮食援助计划。50年代末,美国将该计划命名为“以粮食换和平”计划,以突出利用粮食援助拉拢第三世界国家、遏制共产主义的功能。处理剩余农产品和为冷战遏制战略服务,成为这一时期美国对外粮食援助政策的两大目标。  相似文献   

Studies of failure typically assess public policies through the lenses of effectiveness, efficiency, and performance. Here I wish to propose a further dimension to the evaluation and assessment of policy failure—legitimacy. The substantive elements of public policies and the procedural steps taken by authoritative decision makers during the policy cycle affect the perception of policy legitimacy held by both stakeholders and the public. In substantive terms, policy content should align with the dominant attitudes of the affected policy community and, ideally, the broader public. Procedurally, factors such as policy incubation, the emotive appeals deployed to gain support for an initiative, and the processes of stakeholder engagement shape the legitimacy of public policies and the governments who promote them. This argument is based on a comparison of education reform in two Canadian provinces during the 1990s. Governments in Alberta and Ontario pursued common agendas of education reform, but while Alberta achieved success, the Ontario government experienced a series of setbacks and lost the support of education stakeholders and the public. The root of Ontario's failures lies in the realm of legitimacy. These findings highlight the fact that the strategies used for enacting policy change may fail to bring about the necessary consensus among societal actors to sustain a new policy direction and calls attention to our need to better understand how governments can achieve meaningful public participation while still achieving legislative success in an efficient fashion.  相似文献   

1949~1953年是冷战开始后美台关系的起点.这一时期美国对台湾的援助政策具有相当的稳定性,尽管在执行过程中采取了一些“模糊”策略,但并不存在由“放弃”到“扶植”的明确转折,更没有放弃台湾的切实行动.至1953年共和党执政时,美国对台湾援助政策的最大限度是将其作为“战略后备军”服务于美国的远东冷战.  相似文献   

Land Ownership Risk and Urban Development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Under certainty, unlimited duration of private ownership of land provides landowners with efficient development incentives. However, in cases of ownership risk arising from title mistakes, fraud, boundary encroachment, or adverse possession, the statute of limitations sets a limit on how long agents have to establish or defend an ownership claim. This paper demonstrates that such restrictions speed the pace of land development and systematically affect the development density according to site location in the urban land market. It also offers an explanation of why land owners prefer a time limit on the ability to defend their ownership. It shows that the value–maximizing statute varies across sites in the spatial market.  相似文献   

土地所有制与中国奴隶社会   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
中国古史分期的讨论已经持续了七十年之久,有论者将七十年采的研究成果归纲为”三论五说”八种不同意见。三论即西周封建论,战国封建论,魏晋封建论。这是早在40年代形成的三种主要意见。五说即后起的与战国封建论意见相近的春秋统一说和秦统一说,与魏晋封建论意见相近的西汉统一说,东汉统一说和东晋统一说。近年来又出现一种无奴隶社会说,持这种意见的论者或认为“夏商是封建社会”,或认为“夏商二代可以称之为‘氏族封建时代”’。说法虽然不同,但都“不再套用‘五种社会形态’的演变模式”。都认为中国在原始社会之后没有经过奴隶社会发展阶段,而是直接进入了封建社会。  相似文献   

Motivated by the thirdnational conference onwort in Tibet held by theCPC Central Committeeand the State Council meeting in July1994, Shanghai and Shandong provincedecided to provide aid to the Xigazearea from May 1995 onwards. Thefourth confernce on work in Tibet heldin May 2001 again established that theprovinces of Heilongjiang and Jilin, andthe Shanghai Baoshan Iron and SteelGroup and the China National ChemicalIndustrial Group should give aid to theXigaze area.  相似文献   

ince1994,theyeartheCPCCentralCommiteeandtheCentralGovernmentheldtheThirdWorkConferenceonAidtoTibet,theregionhasseenaconsider...  相似文献   

This article argues that aid is not the prime mover of development, but rather a catalyst. It might be used as a reward for good development governance. However, it will fulfil its catalytic function better by creating conditions for policy improvement. Better governance should be seen not only as a pre‐condition for development and for development aid, but also as a development objective in itself. This is particularly true for aid recipient countries in disarray.  相似文献   

YagrigangisavillageinMaizhokunggar,Lhasa.Inthepast.abouthalfofthe264villagerssufferedfromdeformedbonesresultingfromdrinkingwaterlackingcalciumIn1991,theBritishSocietyforSufferingChildreninvested110.000yuantoinstallatapwatersystem.And,intheensuingyears,withaidfromthelocalauthorityconcerned,ittrainedmedicalorderliesforthevillage.Arecentphysicalexaminationshowsonlytwochildrenareslightlysufferingfromdeformedbonediseasetoday.TheBritishsocietybegantoworkonTibetinearly1990withassistancefromtheChi…  相似文献   

Policy Entrepreneurship and Policy Change   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This article reviews the concept of policy entrepreneurship and its use in explaining policy change. Although the activities of policy entrepreneurs have received close attention in several studies, the concept of policy entrepreneurship is yet to be broadly integrated within analyses of policy change. To facilitate more integration of the concept, we here show how policy entrepreneurship can be understood within more encompassing theorizations of policy change: incrementalism, policy streams, institutionalism, punctuated equilibrium, and advocacy coalitions. Recent applications of policy entrepreneurship as a key explanation of policy change are presented as models for future work. Room exists for further conceptual development and empirical testing concerning policy entrepreneurship. Such work could be undertaken in studies of contemporary and historical policy change.  相似文献   

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