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作为人口与经济活动高度集聚的地区,都市区地域的发展和空间结构特征引起了大量关注。本文以长三角两省一市地区221个区县单元为研究对象,在划分都市空间单元类型的基础上,考察都市区与非都市区以及各类型都市区之间城镇工矿用地增长的差异,并据此探讨在我国特殊经济社会环境下都市区地域的空间发展规律。研究发现,不同地域单元在中心-外围关系上存在差异,都市区进入了均衡扩散阶段而非都市区以中心城市极化为主,孤立都市区的扩散效应较弱,非都市区地域的县域单元受到临近都市区的影响而呈现出不同的城镇工矿用地扩展特征。都市连绵区内不同亚区域存在发展阶段与空间关系上的差异,加剧了都市连绵区空间结构的复杂性。来自中心城市、外资拉动、县域经济内生的多重力量推动都市地域呈现独特的空间规律。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This paper investigates the relationship between firm location and skilled‐labor location. While existing new economic geography (NEG) models could not explicitly analyze the relationship due to their assumptions, I construct a new NEG‐type model allowing for different location dynamics of firms and skilled labor for this objective. The main results are as follows. First, a relatively large pool of skilled labor attracts firms when trade costs are small, while it might repel firms when trade costs are sufficiently large. Second, assuming that skilled workers are mobile between regions, the model shows that skilled workers agglomerate faster than firms with decreasing trade costs. Third, the model supports the hypothesis that firms follow skilled labor rather than the reverse. These results are consistent to Indian and Chinese experiences, and some “creative‐class” or “skilled‐city” stories.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of the main criterion employed by the European Commission for the allocation of the largest portion of Structural Funds, based on the threshold of the 75% of European Union (EU) average gross domestic product (GDP) per capita. We focus on the 2014–2020 programming period and on EU-15 regions to analyze if this criterion has penalized some of them, as a consequence of the 2004 EU enlargement, which has represented an exogenous shock in the allocation process, due to the economic backwardness of new member states. Through the application of Synthetic Control Methods and Difference-in-Differences estimators at different geographical scales, we show that regions that did not obtain the less developed status in both the programming period 2007–2013 and 2014–2020, but that would have obtained it in the period 2014–2020 without the 2004 EU enlargement, experienced a significantly lower GDP per capita growth between −10.5% and −5.7%. Conversely, territories that in the period 2014–2020 lost the less developed status, previously obtained in the time frame 2007–2013, were not characterized by a significantly lower economic growth, providing some evidence of the effectiveness of the safety net.  相似文献   

Half a century ago a fragmentary series of Elizabethan or Jacobean wall-paintings of the Nine Worthies was discovered in Amersham, Buckinghamshire. By comparing these panels with the illustrations of the Nine Worthies in Thomas Trevelyon's commonplace book (1608), it can be demonstrated that they are virtually the same. This enables us to identify, beyond doubt, those Amersham panels which have hitherto been subject to conjecture, and to show what the missing panels must have looked like. With regard to the exact nature of the relationship between the two series of the Nine Worthies, it is assumed that they have been copied from a common source, which is now lost.  相似文献   

Karen Culcasi 《对极》2012,44(4):1099-1118
Abstract: The “Middle East” is a readily accepted geographical category throughout much of the world. However, within this ambiguous geographic entity, both the term and the idea of the “Middle East” are often rejected as western‐imperialist constructs. Through a critical examination of an extensive sample of maps produced within several Arab states of the “Middle East”, I found that the regional designation “Middle East” is nearly nonexistent, while the Arab Homeland is unequivocally a more common regional category. However, the “Middle East” did occasionally appear in a few maps. This paper provides an explanatory examination of the normative cartographic discourses in this region, and more focused analysis of the atypical maps of the “Middle East”. My analyses render unique insights into how the “Middle East” is both contested and re‐created from within a western‐imperialist defined region.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Regional differences in real wages have been shown to be both large and persistent in the United States and the U.K., as well as in the economies of other countries. Empirical evidence suggests that wage differentials adjusted for the cost of living cannot only be explained by the unequal spatial distribution of characteristics determining earnings. Rather, average wage gap decomposition reveals the important contribution made by regional heterogeneity in the price assigned to these characteristics. This paper proposes a method for assessing regional disparities in the entire wage distribution and for decomposing the effect of differences across regions in the endowments and prices of the characteristics. The hypothesis forwarded is that the results from previous studies obtained by comparing average regional wages may be partial and nonrobust. Empirical evidence from a matched employer–employee dataset for Spain confirms marked differences in wage distributions between regions, which do not result from worker and firm characteristics but from the increasing role of regional differences in the return to human capital.  相似文献   

This paper argues that the net economic impact of new firm locations or expansions is determined by a multitude of opposing forces. Using a unique database, I set out to evaluate the net effects of these opposing forces by looking at the net change in local employment and population arising from large (greater than 300 new jobs) firm locations or expansions in the State of Georgia. The analysis suggests that the employment multipliers associated with new firm locations are much less than one; that is, the net employment effect of a large firm opening is smaller than the gross employment impact. This result is consistent with other empirical economic impact studies, which find multipliers much smaller than those of typical input–output models, often less than unity, and a previous study showing little net effect of large plant openings. Expansions of existing establishments are shown to have substantial multiplicative effects, however, with an average employment multiplier of 2.0. I discuss possible reasons for differential impacts across new and expanding firms, focusing on the nature of the firms. Differences in net impact across industries and high‐tech versus low‐tech firms also is evaluated. I find that the impact of large firm locations or expansions on population in the resident county generally is negative, but positive for the broader region encompassing the county of location and its contiguous neighbors.  相似文献   

Universities are increasingly involved in regional economic development and innovation. In the long-established industrial city of Lowell, Massachusetts, in the US north-east, firms, community groups, and various centres, institutes, and academic departments at the University of Massachusetts have been engaged in systematic activities designed to revitalize neighbourhoods and improve industry performance. This paper examines these relationships and assesses changes made at the University since 1990 as it seeks to implement an enhanced regional development mission. An iterative process has begun at Lowell that involves faculty from diverse disciplines and off-campus constituencies. Internal relationships among faculty and between faculty and administrators are being altered, while external relationships are being reconstituted to make certain that the campus listens better and engages the community in collaborative activities in the best land-grant university tradition.  相似文献   

秦代山川祭祀格局研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
山川祭祀在中国古代国家祭祀体系中地位显要,秦代首创了统一王朝山川祭祀的大格局,将名山大川整合为一个体系,其中又有"崤以东"与"华以西"的区分。西汉中前期对秦的格局既有延续也有调整。本文逐一梳理了秦至西汉初年"名山大川"的地望,考证其祠庙具体位置及设立时间。同时,本文考察了秦至西汉中期的国家山川祭祀格局,并分析了这一格局形成的原因及其意义。秦汉的山川祭祀不仅是国家祭祀中的重要组成部分,也是政治地理格局的一种反映,承担着宣告王朝正统性及皇帝控制力的意义。  相似文献   

A new generation of airborne bathymetric laser scanners utilises short green laser pulses for high resolution hydrographic surveying in very shallow waters. The paper investigates its use for the documentation of submerged archaeological structures, introducing the concept of airborne laser bathymetry and focussing on a number of challenges this novel technology still has to face. Using this method, an archaeological pilot study on the northern Adriatic coast of Croatia has revealed sunken structures of a Roman villa. The results demonstrate the potential of this novel technique to map submerged archaeological structures over large areas in high detail in 3D, for the first time providing the possibility for systematic, large-scale archaeological investigation of this environment. The resulting maps will provide unique means for underwater heritage management.  相似文献   

The p‐regions is a mixed integer programming (MIP) model for the exhaustive clustering of a set of n geographic areas into p spatially contiguous regions while minimizing measures of intraregional heterogeneity. This is an NP‐hard problem that requires a constant research of strategies to increase the size of instances that can be solved using exact optimization techniques. In this article, we explore the benefits of an iterative process that begins by solving the relaxed version of the p‐regions that removes the constraints that guarantee the spatial contiguity of the regions. Then, additional constraints are incorporated iteratively to solve spatial discontinuities in the regions. In particular we explore the relationship between the level of spatial autocorrelation of the aggregation variable and the benefits obtained from this iterative process. The results show that high levels of spatial autocorrelation reduce computational times because the spatial patterns tend to create spatially contiguous regions. However, we found that the greatest benefits are obtained in two situations: (1) when ; and (2) when the parameter p is close to the number of clusters in the spatial pattern of the aggregation variable.  相似文献   

Medium to large natural catchments are often more spatially heterogeneous than small catchments or single landforms. Attempting to model landform evolution of large areas is consequently more complex. This paper demonstrates that modelling landform evolution in medium to large catchments can be improved by calibrating the model to smaller, more geomorphologically homogenous sub‐catchments. The paper investigates landform evolution in the Ngarradj catchment in the Northern Territory of Australia (a medium scale catchment of approximately 67 km2). The catchment is complex and contains two distinct landform regions; an upland plateau region with highly dissected sandstone and shallow, sandy soils, and a lowlands region with gentle, wooded slopes and floodplains with deep, sandy soils. The SIBERIA landform evolution model is calibrated and applied to the Ngarradj catchment. The complexity of the Ngarradj catchment is incorporated into the modelling by dividing the catchment into three sub‐catchments (Swift Creek (SC), Upper Main (UM) and East Tributary (ET)) which are relatively homogeneous and for which hydrology and sediment transport data are available. A discharge‐area relationship and long‐term, sediment loss rates for the catchment are derived based on an annual series flood frequency analysis of a 20 year runoff record predicted in a previous study. Sediment transport modelling incorporates both suspended and bedload sediment loss. The denudation rates derived using these data are 37, 63 and 77 mm kyr?1 for the SC, UM and ET sub‐catchments, respectively. Model predictions indicate that the UM sub‐catchment will have the greatest mean erosion. This is balanced by the large amount of deposition that will occur in the upper Ngarradj valley of the UM sub‐catchment. Further deposition occurs on the floodplain of Ngarradj, with the area between the SC and ET/UM (up‐stream) sub‐catchments experiencing a small net accretion of sediment (15 mm kyr?1).  相似文献   

Residential location choice models are an important tool employed by urban geographers, planners, and transportation engineers for understanding household residential location behavior and for predicting future residential location activity. Racial segregation and residential racial preferences have been studied extensively using a variety of analysis techniques in social science research, but racial preferences have generally not been adequately incorporated into residential location choice models. This research develops residential location choice model specifications with a variety of alternative methods of addressing racial preferences in residential location decisions. The research tests whether social class, family structure, and in‐group racial preferences are sufficient to explain household sensitivity to neighborhood racial composition. The importance of the interaction between the proportion of in‐group race neighbors and other‐race neighbors is also evaluated. Models for the San Francisco Bay metropolitan area are estimated and evidence of significant avoidance behavior by households of all races is found. The results suggest that social class differences, family structure differences, and in‐group racial preferences alone are not sufficient to explain household residential racial preference and that households of all races practice racial avoidance behavior. Particularly pronounced avoidance of black neighbors by Asian households, Hispanic neighbors by black households, and Asian neighbors by white households are found. Evidence of a decrease in household racial avoidance intensity in neighborhoods with large numbers of own‐race neighbors is also found.  相似文献   

Trust is a key mechanism for explaining the ease and frequency of knowledge spillovers within regions. While the importance of trust is virtually uncontested, there have been few attempts to rigorously disentangle the way in which trust formation is related to space and proximity. The aim of this paper is to advance the understanding of trust formation in terms of its main antecedents within the context of regional studies. This is done by reviewing the rich literature on trust formation from psychology, sociology, and organization studies and connecting it conceptually to different types of proximity. In doing so, the paper maps out a number of avenues for future research on trust and geography.  相似文献   

This paper examines the existence of regional agglomerations of manufacturing, service and creative industries, the relationship between these industries and the wealth of regions and their industrial structure. Through an analysis of 250 European regions, three important conclusions can be inferred from the results obtained in this paper. The first is that creative industries play an important role in the wealth of a region. The second is that the most creative regions are characterized by having more high-tech manufacturing industries than the rest of the regions although the number of low-tech manufacturing firms is similar. Lastly, the industrial structure of each region has a greater influence on regional wealth than the existence of industrial agglomerations. The importance of this paper resides in the fact that up until now no analysis has demonstrated that creative industries are the most important industries in regional wealth.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The increase in national earnings inequality in Great Britain over the last two decades has predominantly been a result of increasing earnings inequality within the regions of Great Britain, and not rising inequality between regions. However, there is a severe lack of empirical research exploring the evolution of earnings inequality within regions. This paper investigates the causes of rising within‐region inequality in Great Britain. It examines the changes that have taken place between 1976 and 1995, and regional quantile regressions are estimated to reveal those factors that have contributed to the rise in within‐region inequality.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the establishment of trading regions in the global economy at the national level using a measure of trade intensity and a regional assignment algorithm that generates economically meaningful trading regions. Although there is definite regionalization in the global economy with regard to international trade, there is no evidence of an increase in the concentration of that regionalization over time. The geography of international trade is incredibly dynamic, with change related to political, historical and economic forces. Overall, trading regions have relatively few members and are increasingly a set of geographically close countries.  相似文献   

Location and Growth in the Brazilian Northeast   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract Clustering of economic performance across jurisdictions has generated considerable research on the spillovers and linkages among geographical neighbors. Much of this work, however, has been aspatial, implying that the influence of location attributes on growth has been largely ignored. In this paper, we examine the contribution of location to regional economic growth using municipio‐level data for the Brazilian Northeast—a historically lagging region of the country. We test if productivity among northeastern municipios is converging to a steady state and whether spatial externalities are linked to productivity growth in individual municipios. We find that, conditional on structural characteristics, productivity among municipios is converging at about 3 percent per year. Further, productivity in individual municipios is positively associated with own‐structural characteristics but negatively associated with productivity growth in neighboring municipios. This means that there are negative spatial externalities coming from productivity improvements in neighboring regions.  相似文献   

Geostationary satellites provide measurements over a wider geographical area with high temporal sampling, while microwave measurements are more accurate but sparse. For continuous monitoring of the Indian monsoon, geostationary platform would be ideal. In this study, INSAT (Indian National Satellite) Multi‐spectral Rainfall Algorithm (IMSRA) has been used for the estimation of rainfall from Kalpana‐1 very high resolution radiometer (VHRR) measurements. IMSRA benefits from the relative advantages of infrared and microwave sensors and is operational at the India Meteorological Department (IMD). In this paper, rainfall is estimated over India at meteorological sub‐divisional scale during the south‐west monsoon season of 2009 using Kalpana‐1 satellite measurements. This is the first experimental attempt to generate meteorological sub‐divisional scale rainfall maps using Kalpana‐1 satellite measurements. The rainfall maps for the south‐west monsoon season over the Indian land region are successfully utilised as a space input for the drought monitoring of the year 2009. The results have been compared with the IMD gauge‐based accumulated rainfall maps at monthly and seasonal time scales. The qualitative comparison suggests that rainfall maps generated using the present methodology is in good agreement with the IMD rainfall maps. The quantitative comparison of the sub‐divisional monthly accumulated rainfall shows a correlation of 0.77 and standard error of 71 mm over the non‐orographic regions, whereas a correlation of 0.60 and standard error of 117 mm is observed over the orographic regions. The present study shows that Kalpana‐1 satellite‐based rainfall estimates (IMSRA technique) can act as a complementary tool for the monsoon monitoring over the Indian meteorological sub‐divisions and can be used for various meteorological and hydrological applications.  相似文献   

谭慧芳  杨扬 《人文地理》2016,31(1):102-107
通过建立计量分析模型研究区域中心城市航空物流与宏观经济的内在关系,提出匹配度参考系数和匹配性分析象限图,将我国航空物流与经济的匹配程度划分为六类:以航空物流为推动的高度匹配型、以经济为拉动的高度匹配型、航空物流为支撑的良性匹配型、经济为支撑的良性匹配型、航空物流为瓶颈的低度匹配型、经济为瓶颈的低度匹配型。以我国30座区域中心城市2000年至2013年的统计数据为样本,实证研究了航空物流与宏观经济的匹配程度和相互作用特点,并对各匹配类型提出了针对性的发展建议。研究结果表明,中国东部地区与西部地区的中心城市在匹配性上存在巨大差异,高度匹配型城市在地理空间上呈现出明显的"T"形分布特点。  相似文献   

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