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This article challenges Horner and Hulme's call to move from ‘international development’ to ‘global development’ with a reaffirmation of the classical traditions of development studies. With some adaptation to fit the changing contemporary context, these traditions not only remain relevant but also recover vital insights that have been obscured in the various fashionable re‐imaginings of development. In particular, development thinking and agendas in the past were much more radical and ambitious in addressing the imperatives of redistribution and progressive forms of transformation in the context of stark asymmetries of wealth and power. Such ambition is still needed to address the nature and scale of challenges that continue to face the bulk of countries in the world, particularly given the persistence if not deepening of asymmetries. This reaffirmation is elaborated by addressing three major weaknesses in Horner and Hulme's arguments. First, they do not actually define development, but instead treat it as simply poverty and inequality dynamics, which are better understood as outcomes rather than causes. Second, despite their assertion that the study of (international) development was primarily concerned with between‐country inequalities, this is not true. Domestic inequality was in fact central to both development theory and policy since the origins of the field. Third, the authors ignore the rise of neoliberalism from the late 1970s onwards and the profound crisis that this caused to development outside of East Asia and perhaps India, which the jargon of ‘global’ implicitly obfuscates and even condones. Rather, the experiences of East Asia and in particular China arguably vindicate classical approaches in development studies.  相似文献   

开发区:立创新驱动战略 促高新技术发展(上)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
梦竹 《旅游纵览》2016,(10):122-125
正创新是推动一个国家和民族向前发展的重要力量,也是推动整个人类社会向前发展的重要力量。面对全球新一轮科技革命与产业变革的重大机遇和挑战,面对经济发展新常态下的趋势变化和特点,面对实现"两个一百年"奋斗目标的历史任务和要求,必须深化体制机制改革,加快实施创新驱动发展战略。——中共中央国务院关于深化体制机制改革加快实施创新驱动发展战略的若干意见  相似文献   

梦竹 《旅游纵览》2016,(11):122-125
正以创新驱动为引领,着力打造全国"智慧城市"示范基地;以创新驱动为引领,着力打造全国超高分子新材料生产基地……近段时间以来,"创新"成为了开发区最火热的字眼,一场新的蝶变正在开发区揭开帷幕。创新始终是推动国家、民族向前发展的重要力量。我国是一个发展中大国,正在大力推进经济发展方式转变和经济结构调整,必须把创新驱动发展战略实施好。实施创新驱动发展战略,就是要推动以科技创新为核心的全面创  相似文献   

This paper offers broad and critical perspectives on current development thinking. A brief summary of different meanings of development and a thumbnail sketch of broad trends over the past twenty to thirty years in relation to major development indicators is followed by a discussion of reasons for the emergence of fundamental critiques of conventional development and developmentalism from perspectives known variously as post-structuralist, post-development and anti-development. Connections are made between these and the literatures on post-modernism, postcolonialism and post-traditionalism. Finally, the implications of these rapid paradigm shifts and changing realities for future research, teaching and action across the South/North divide are considered.  相似文献   

Sociological studies of organizational fashions tend to focus on commercial firms. This article looks at the Capacity Development concept that is globally applied as a model in governmentally supported development assistance organizations. The organizations themselves adopt the concept, asserting that an increase in ‘capacities’ in developing countries will contribute to a higher success rate for projects. This article argues that a primary function of concepts such as Capacity Development is to meet the legitimacy requirements of development assistance organizations. The more the effectiveness of these organizations is criticized or challenged, the more they feel the need to defend themselves by developing new — and hopefully more effective — concepts.  相似文献   

中国开发区已走过32多年的历程,其诞生与发展对外顺应国际竞争和新科技革命的发展潮流,对内强力促进区域经济发展,对外提高国家综合竞争力,助力中国实现从落后的农业国家到世界第二大经济体的华丽变身.  相似文献   

Fast-Track Agricultural DevelopmentFast-TrackAgriculturalDevelopment¥BENGYI&GARMACeringSamzhub,vice-chairmanofthepeople'sgove...  相似文献   

梦竹 《旅游纵览》2017,(2):122-125
<正>开发区的发展已经进入一个经济转型升级的全新阶段,发展机遇千载难逢且稍纵即逝,发展依然是时不我待,依然需要在审慎稳妥地把握好宏观大局的前提下,发扬敢闯敢试的精神,推动经济全面、协调、可持续地发展。随着开放的不断深化,国家之间进一步的经贸往来需要更高层次的承载平台。在国际合作和开发区发展新常态中,中外合作产业园建设能契合多方共同的需求。在这样的背景下,  相似文献   

There are wide variations between the developing countries in the capabilities of their enterprises to import, utilize and improve upon industrial technologies. It is important for the purposes of industrial policy to understand why these differences exist and how industrial capabilities may be improved. This article presents the findings of recent research into the nature of capability development and the role of government policies in promoting such development. The process of becoming efficient in industry is very different from the usual textbook portrayal, in which firms costlessly access and absorb new technologies. In reality, there is a long and uncertain learning process involved, differing with the nature of the technology, the efficiency of factor and product markets, and the provision of various technological information and services from the infrastructure institutions. There is a widespread risk in developing countries that all these markets suffer from failures: the scope for technology development policies rests on the need to remedy these failures. The experience of the most successful newly industrializing economies (NIEs) suggests that well-designed interventions, both selective and functional, are needed to promote technology development. Experience clearly shows the dangers of government failure, but it is necessary to retain a large role for the government if industry is to succeed. The pattern and implementation of interventions have to be very different. This article points out the outlines of economically desirable interventions.  相似文献   

Bringing the railways into Tibet would hardly destroy its religion and culture,for these are not objects to be stored in museums,argues.  相似文献   

<正>中国的昨天已经写在人类的史册上,中国的今天正在亿万人民手中创造,中国的明天必将更加美好。全党全军全国各族人民要更加紧密地团结起来,不忘初心,牢记使命,继续把我们的人民共和国巩固好、发展好,继续为实现"两个一百年"奋斗目标、实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦而努力奋斗。——习近平在庆祝中华人民共和国成立70周年大会上的讲话  相似文献   

This paper examines the processes and impact of modernization and development paradigms upon poor communities in non-Western societies. It traces the original classical meaning of modernization as being a process of transformation of the rural economy into modern industrial urban-based capitalist society. This transformed society at a later stage through colonization exports "modern development" to these non-Western societies but with very different consequences in terms of their impact on the lives of millions of people who are marginalized and exploited through these means.
Instead of transforming their agriculture into modern industrial development, these societies are subjected to a "reverse modernization" in which the prior European industrial relations and structure are superimposed on to the traditional structures of the Third World using neo-traditional ideologies and structures as part of the process of penetration. This "enforced development" is resisted in many parts of the world and rejected through diverse means including post-traditionalism. The paper ends by posing questions as to what are the appropriate responses to modernization and development as we move towards the twenty-first century.  相似文献   

Some basic propositions of a theory of economic regional development are proposed. Development is viewed as the complex historical process of the man-nature relationship in a particular territory through time. The result of that process at any given time would be the level of territorial development. The developmental process consists of several closely related components, such as agricultural, industrial, transport development and the formation of a system of places. At any given time, one of these components may predominate and govern the evolution of the others. The process is thus endowed with a certain structure that may vary in time and in space. No territory can be developed indefinitely. At any given socio-economic and technical level, there is a certain limiting capacity for development. The existence of territories with different levels of development accounts for the existence of geographical types of territorial development as a form of spatial differentiation. This differentiation results from a sequence of two processes: concentration and stratification. A concentration of population and productive capacity proceeds until the capacity for development is reached, and gives way to stratification into concentric zones. This cycle may be renewed when the process of development resumes.  相似文献   

Thirty-four out of the 117 aid-Tibet projects, undertaken according to the decision of the 4th National Conference on Work in Tibet held by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, have been completed; they consumed an investment of 7.886 billion Yuan. This helps with local economic development.Agriculture and Animal HusbandryThanks to efforts made to optimize the production structure, both farmers and herders increase their income mainly through export of labor. Their net income in 2002 increased 9 percent  相似文献   

本主要记述了从新石器时代至明清时期玉鱼的演化进程。  相似文献   

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