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In the light of calls for children's geographers to attend to happenings beyond the localised perception of children themselves, this piece considers the state of migration studies when it comes to the experiences of children and young people. It provides an overview of existing research and suggests that in the context of migration, more could be done to foreground the perspectives of children in their own right. Given that attending to everyday experience is an endeavour of concern to adult-centric migration research, the paper concludes by suggesting that this might be an area in which children's geographers could contribute to another sub-discipline.  相似文献   

Archaeologists often discuss the First People of the Western Hemisphere (the Americas) and their descendants, as Immigrants from Asia or Solutreans from France. In this paper, I discuss how archaeologists as handmaidens of the late modern state control the past in the present. This control keeps Indigenous people of the Western Hemisphere as recent migrants on a global history time scale. Arguing against recent initial migration time frames to the Western Hemisphere, I discuss the Indigenous Palaeolithic of the Americas; and what an acknowledgement of the ancient past may bring to contemporary Indigenous communities.  相似文献   

Motivated by the thirdnational conference onwort in Tibet held by theCPC Central Committeeand the State Council meeting in July1994, Shanghai and Shandong provincedecided to provide aid to the Xigazearea from May 1995 onwards. Thefourth confernce on work in Tibet heldin May 2001 again established that theprovinces of Heilongjiang and Jilin, andthe Shanghai Baoshan Iron and SteelGroup and the China National ChemicalIndustrial Group should give aid to theXigaze area.  相似文献   

ince1994,theyeartheCPCCentralCommiteeandtheCentralGovernmentheldtheThirdWorkConferenceonAidtoTibet,theregionhasseenaconsider...  相似文献   

This article argues that aid is not the prime mover of development, but rather a catalyst. It might be used as a reward for good development governance. However, it will fulfil its catalytic function better by creating conditions for policy improvement. Better governance should be seen not only as a pre‐condition for development and for development aid, but also as a development objective in itself. This is particularly true for aid recipient countries in disarray.  相似文献   

This paper examines the spatial and potential economic consequences of relaxing the geometrical packing requirement of classical central place theory. Diagrams are used to demonstrate that geometric packing is not necessary to satisfy demand at all discrete points at a given hierarchical level. With unpacked landscapes the same population can be served from fewer, more widely spaced, central places without increasing the length of journey to shop. Consumers have fewer choices in an unpacked landscape, but economies of scale may increase the array of consumer goods and services available. Relaxing the packing requirement allows the development of a range of stable k systems (i.e., further market entry is disallowed). Between the limits of the k = 3 system (Christaller's marketing principle) and the k = 7 system (the sociopolitical or administrative principle), a range of unpacked k systems can develop including a k = 5 and a k = 6 system. Noninteger k systems are also possible as are systems which are stable mixtures of coexisting k principles. In certain instances, it is economically advantageous for two or more entrepreneurs to co-locate in the same central place rather than attempting monopolistic control over a more limited hinterland. Such a result is consistent with both Berry and Garrison's concept of the duplication ratio and with recent trends in retail location.  相似文献   

YagrigangisavillageinMaizhokunggar,Lhasa.Inthepast.abouthalfofthe264villagerssufferedfromdeformedbonesresultingfromdrinkingwaterlackingcalciumIn1991,theBritishSocietyforSufferingChildreninvested110.000yuantoinstallatapwatersystem.And,intheensuingyears,withaidfromthelocalauthorityconcerned,ittrainedmedicalorderliesforthevillage.Arecentphysicalexaminationshowsonlytwochildrenareslightlysufferingfromdeformedbonediseasetoday.TheBritishsocietybegantoworkonTibetinearly1990withassistancefromtheChi…  相似文献   

From the late 1600s to the early 1800s, Irish migrants journeyed to Newfoundland to take advantage of opportunities in the lucrative Newfoundland cod fishery. Focusing on the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, this essay explores constructions of Irish-Newfoundland womanhood as articulated by local British officials, the Catholic Church, and male-centred family history narratives. These discourses located women at the margins of early settlement experiences or rendered them invisible altogether. Yet Irish-Newfoundland women were able to negotiate their own subjectivities within this discursive terrain, finding spaces for identity construction in the disjuncture between rhetoric and lived experiences. Some resided more immediately under the hegemonic gaze and struggled to break free from dominant narratives. But most became essential workers in household fishing production outside the capital of St John's, and their vital contribution as shore crews gave them considerable power and authority both in their households and in the broader community. Performing demanding physical work on stages and flakes (elevated wooden structures) or in gardens and fields, carrying out various economic activities in their own right, they were hardly the unproductive, unruly bodies of British official discourse or the passive flowers of civilisation narrated from Catholic pulpits. And far from being absent from the migration story, they were central players in community formation and the economic life of the island. In this historical context, proximity to/distance from hegemonic knowledge production created variations in identity construction within a group often represented in the literature as homogeneous and powerless.  相似文献   

Kavita Ramakrishnan 《对极》2014,46(3):754-772
In this paper, I examine how linguistic tropes that emerged during ethnographic fieldwork in a Delhi resettlement colony both capture and reaffirm the experiences of forced eviction and marginalization on the urban periphery. By analyzing the urban subjectivities embedded in recurrent metaphors, I explore how people “make sense” of dispossession and ultimately, articulate their “place” in the city. Drawing on Lakoff and Johnson (1980, Metaphors We Live By; 1999, Philosophy in the Flesh: The Embodied Mind and its Challenge to Western Thought), I argue that the utilization of metaphors in everyday language influences how people structure their relationships—with the state, with other residents of the resettlement colony, and with the city itself—and captures the pervasive uncertainty of resettlement. Unpacking such metaphors as “guides” to thought and practice can contribute to theories on spaces of insecurity and performativity of the marginalized in the city.  相似文献   

In the past 40 years since the founding of the Tibet Autonomous Region, the area has developed at an extraordinarily fast rate. All this has taken place with the strong support of the Central Government and various fraternal provinces and municipalities directly under the Central Government. Blind to the situation, however, the 14th Dalai Lama and his clique, last April,again dished up the so-called Intemational Development Project in Tibet and Guidelines for Sustainable Development (hereinafter referred to as the Guidelines). The proposal contains lies and distorted facts,negating the great achievements in the social and economic development in Tibet, openly attacking national aid to the region and rejecting the idea of the Tibetan people accepting the socialist system.  相似文献   

The Photo Show was always packed with viewers. In a hall showing how people sent to Tibet work, this reporter talked to a woman named Li. Here is our dialogue: Reporter: I noticed you are very careful in viewing photos, and very often took notes. Do you have special interest in Tibet?Mrs Li: Yes. As a magazine editor, I do have special interest in Tibet. The Photo Show is gorgeous in the broad sense. The Central Government has done a lot to aid the Tibetan region. Reporter: How do you…  相似文献   

This article examines the concept of ‘jointness’ in India’s Joint Forest Management (JFM) programme, understood as an engagement between the state (in this case the Forest Department) and people organized into ‘communities’, with NGOs, where available, acting as the interface. By examining the commonalities between older examples of joint or co‐management of resources and current practices of joint forest management, the article challenges the notion that ‘jointness’ is a new feature of forest policy, or that it represents a resurgence of civil society against the state. Further, insofar as the basic agenda of the programme is pre‐determined, it cannot be considered very participatory in nature. None the less, within the limited degree of choice that JFM allows, there is a new and joint construction of needs.  相似文献   

TibetReceivesCentralGovernmentAid¥byZhagyaiSincethepeacefulliberationofTibet,theCentralGovernmentofthePeople'sRepublicofChina...  相似文献   

This paper argues that foreign aid programmes originated as part of the ideological confrontation known as the Cold War and that the motives behind aid were always more political than economic. It is further argued that the economic justifications for foreign aid — filling ‘gaps’ in capital, technology and skills—are suspect and that the economic benefits in terms of long-term development are at best negligible. Turning to the future, foreign aid programmes are bound to change to reflect the new realities of global international relations. Nine specific predictions are made about the future size and composition of aid programmes. The outlook for those who favour aid is not bright, but recent changes in thinking about development suggest that more sell-reliant strategies could well be more beneficial to the poor than conventional aid-supported strategies.  相似文献   

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