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Medium to large natural catchments are often more spatially heterogeneous than small catchments or single landforms. Attempting to model landform evolution of large areas is consequently more complex. This paper demonstrates that modelling landform evolution in medium to large catchments can be improved by calibrating the model to smaller, more geomorphologically homogenous sub‐catchments. The paper investigates landform evolution in the Ngarradj catchment in the Northern Territory of Australia (a medium scale catchment of approximately 67 km2). The catchment is complex and contains two distinct landform regions; an upland plateau region with highly dissected sandstone and shallow, sandy soils, and a lowlands region with gentle, wooded slopes and floodplains with deep, sandy soils. The SIBERIA landform evolution model is calibrated and applied to the Ngarradj catchment. The complexity of the Ngarradj catchment is incorporated into the modelling by dividing the catchment into three sub‐catchments (Swift Creek (SC), Upper Main (UM) and East Tributary (ET)) which are relatively homogeneous and for which hydrology and sediment transport data are available. A discharge‐area relationship and long‐term, sediment loss rates for the catchment are derived based on an annual series flood frequency analysis of a 20 year runoff record predicted in a previous study. Sediment transport modelling incorporates both suspended and bedload sediment loss. The denudation rates derived using these data are 37, 63 and 77 mm kyr?1 for the SC, UM and ET sub‐catchments, respectively. Model predictions indicate that the UM sub‐catchment will have the greatest mean erosion. This is balanced by the large amount of deposition that will occur in the upper Ngarradj valley of the UM sub‐catchment. Further deposition occurs on the floodplain of Ngarradj, with the area between the SC and ET/UM (up‐stream) sub‐catchments experiencing a small net accretion of sediment (15 mm kyr?1).  相似文献   

This study uses GIS techniques to examine the spatial distribution of stream power along major streamlines in the Lane Cove catchment in northern Sydney, Australia. Channel gradient estimates derived from a 5 m resolution digital elevation model (DEM) are combined with streamflow data to estimate stream power along river courses. Stream power and its constituent components are then related to a detailed field‐based assessment of sediment storage along the trunk stream and primary tributaries. At the catchment scale, sediment storage per unit length decreases as channel gradient and gross stream power increase. However, local controls such as variability in valley width and occurrence of confluence zones exert a greater influence upon sediment storage, disrupting systematic catchment‐wide relationships. The total volume of storage along each streamline has a strong linear relationship to the area of the subcatchment, but the distribution of sediment along streamlines varies between subcatchments. The GIS framework employed in this project allows generation of continuous, empirical data, thereby providing catchment‐specific predictive capacity that can accompany theoretical approaches to stream power modelling.  相似文献   

The Illawarra Region some 80 kilometres south of Sydney is characterised by a prominent coastal escarpment that rises to 700 m within 12 km of the coast and forms a locus for frequent, high intensity rainfall events. One of the most recent recorded events occurred on 17 August 1998 with rainfall intensities at several pluviometers exceeding 120 mm hr‐1 over a duration of one hour, with up to 249 mm falling in 3.5 hours during the main storm burst. Detailed pluviometer data indicate that the storm was non‐stationary and moved down catchment producing a widespread zone of 120 mm hr‐1 intensity rainfall over a 30 minute duration across mid‐lower catchment areas after similar intensity but longer duration rainfall in catchment headwaters. Slope‐area reconstructions of peak discharge indicate that small catchments on the escarpment within the zone of maximum intensity experienced close to 100% rainfall‐runoff relationships, with peak discharges correlated to short duration (<1 hr) peak rainfall intensities. Widespread erosion occurred particularly where urban development had encroached on natural water courses. Debris/hyperconcentrated flows originating from both anthropogenic and natural sediment sources caused damage to urban areas. This paper provides an overview of the spatial and temporal characteristics of the 17 August 1998 storm, the hydrologic and geomorphic response of the streams, and the nature of damage to urban areas. It reassesses the frequency of recent high‐magnitude rainfall/flood events in the region, discussing the relationships between rainfall intensities, estimates of flood magnitudes and stormwater channel capacities.  相似文献   

The dramatic decline in the integrity of Australian river systems in recent decades has seen the development of landcare and catchment management groups across the continent as the main facilitators of river rehabilitation works. There is growing concern for the need to develop adaptive management frameworks that assist informed decision making through the integration of social and geomorphological knowledge into catchment planning. In the Mulgrave River Catchment of northeastern Queensland, difficult management decisions have to be made with limited access to knowledge of natural processes and baseline geomorphological data. To date management decisions have been based almost exclusively on oral histories that state that point bars are accreting and the river is becoming shallower due to bank erosion. As a result bank stabilisation and removal of sand from within the channel have been recommended in the absence of any geomorphological assessments. This study compares oral histories of river bank erosion in the Mulgrave River with geomorphic evidence to highlight the need for integrated landscape scenario planning. The results of grain size analysis of bank and bed material from 27 locations, involving 47 samples, suggest that bank erosion cannot be delivering sediments to point bars. Furthermore, qualitative analysis of historic parish maps and aerial photographs shows that there has only been moderate bank erosion at three locations along the Mulgrave River since European settlement. The study demonstrates the important role that geomorphological investigations have for catchment management and the need for management frameworks that integrate geomorphological processes and landholder priorities for sustainable river management.  相似文献   

Emerging and future climatic change across the Australian continent has been identified as a significant threat to the successful sustainable management of the nation's water resources. However, the impacts of climate change must be viewed within the context of past, present and future climatic variability and human agency. A qualitative screening‐level risk assessment was undertaken for Australia's 325 surface water management areas by aggregating a suite of six relevant risk indicators. Four indicators addressed the antecedent conditions upon which future climate change will act. These included 50‐year trends in rainfall, the status of surface and groundwater development, and catchment condition. Two indicators addressed future drivers of supply and demand; specifically, projected changes in runoff and population. The results indicate that the management challenges currently experienced in Australia's population centres and key agricultural areas such as the Murray‐Darling Basin are likely to increase in future decades. Furthermore, the geographic distribution of net risk, inclusive of multiple biophysical and socioeconomic drivers, is more extensive than is suggested by consideration of surface water development and availability alone. Comparison of at‐risk catchments with the spatial distribution of various social and environmental assets identified a high degree of overlap among catchment risk and human populations, water storages, irrigated agricultural land, and wetlands of international significance. This suggests that the catchments of the greatest value are also those judged to be at greatest risk. Though considerable work remains in evaluating the security of Australia's water resources to climatic and other stressors, this study provides a first‐order scheme for prioritising the risks to which catchments are exposed and an assessment of how some key drivers are likely to interact to drive risk.  相似文献   

Invasive vegetation species can lead to major changes in the geomorphology of coastal systems. Within temperate estuaries in the southern hemisphere, especially Australia and New Zealand, the cordgrass Spartina spp. has become established. These species are highly invasive, and their prolific growth leads to the development of supratidal environments in formerly intertidal and subtidal environments. Here, we quantified the impact of Spartina invasion on the geomorphology and sequestration capacity of carbon in the sediments of Anderson Inlet, Victoria, Australia. Spartina was first introduced to the area in the 1930s to aid in land reclamation and control coastal erosion associated with coastal development. We found that Spartina now dominates the intertidal areas of the Inlet and promotes accretion (18 mm/year) causing the formation of over 108 ha of supratidal islands over the past 100 years. These newly formed islands are calculated to potentially contain over 5.5 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent carbon. Future management of the inlet and other Spartina‐dominated environments within Australian presents a dilemma for resource managers; on the one hand, Spartina is highly invasive and can outcompete native tidal marshes, thereby warranting its eradication, but on the other hand it is likely more resilient to rising sea levels and has the potential for carbon sequestration. Whether or not the potential advantages outweigh the significant habitat change that is anticipated, any management strategies will likely require additional research into costs and benefits of all ecosystem services provided by Spartina including in relation to nutrient cycling, shoreline stabilisation, and biodiversity as well as in response to the longevity of carbon found within the sediments.  相似文献   

The flat topography of the Red River Valley reflects the morphology of underlying bedrock covered with late Quaternary glacial and glaciolacustrine sediments. The meandering Red River occupies a shallow stream‐cut valley that became incised into the Red River Valley plain following the final recession of glacial Lake Agassiz. Extreme flows carried by the river overtop the sides of the stream‐cut valley and spread laterally up to several tens of kilometres across the plain. An array of flood protection infrastructure has been constructed in the landscape to mitigate the flood hazard.  相似文献   


Semi-arid landscapes are vulnerable to cultivation, overgrazing and climate variability, although it is difficult to identify the relative significance of these three factors. In the South African Karoo, the ‘desertification debate' seeks to explain a change to more shrubby vegetation in heavily grazed areas. We examine these issues in catchments where farm reservoirs provide sediment stores with 137Cs, 210Pb, geochemical and mineral magnetic signatures. Rainfall data and stocking numbers are reported and current erosion rates are estimated. Sediment accumulation in the reservoirs increases between 1935 and 1940, probably due to rises in the frequency of rainfall events of >25mm day. Significant increases in sedimentation rates (×8) occur during rain-fed wheat cultivation. In an uncultivated catchment, sediment yields remain relatively high and reflect increases in erosion from hillslopes, colluvial storage, and cultivated land sources. Gully systems have acted as transport routes rather than sediment sources over the last ~70 years. Badland erosion rates average ca. 50t ha?1 yr?1. At Ganora, their development in the 1920s strongly influences peak sedimentation between 1970 and 1980. Any delay between badland initiation and increased sediment yield appears to be a function of landscape connectivity. Recovery following disturbance is occurring slowly and is likely to take >100 years. De-stocking and better management systems are reducing erosion rates but may be offset by increases in rainfall intensity.  相似文献   

Investigation of shallow‐marine environments for submerged prehistoric archaeology can be hampered in many localities by extensive bedrock exposure and thus limited preservation potential. Using the concept of ‘seamless archaeology’ where land‐based archaeology is integrated across the intertidal zone through to the offshore, a multi‐disciplinary approach is essential. This approach taken in the Bay of Firth, Orkney uses geophysics, historical archive and ethno‐archaeology, coastal geomorphology, palaeo‐environmental analyses and sea‐level science, and allows a clearer understanding of the landscape in which prehistoric settlers lived. While acknowledging the limitations of the preserved environment, we are successful in identifying areas of archaeological potential on the sea‐bed for both upstanding structural elements as well as sediment preservation that contains evidence for human occupation. This has wider implications beyond Orkney's World Heritage sites to provide a blueprint for similar studies elsewhere in the coastal zone. © 2012 The Authors  相似文献   

Australian river landscapes offer many challenges for management. Much Australian river research is novel, but practical concerns have always had an influence on the research agenda. Australia’s distinctive contributions to fluvial geomorphology include recognition of the great age of many fluvially eroded landscapes; understanding complex levee, terrace and valley fill sequences; analysing the impacts of rare major floods; interpreting the effects of impoundment, mining and urbanisation; and understanding the great anastomosing inland river systems. River restoration is now a major theme in the literature of river engineering, fluvial geomorphology and landscape design. Great achievements are occurring in geo‐ecological river management and engineering. Changing people’s thinking is becoming at least as important as gaining new scientific knowledge. The existing understanding needs to be more widely shared and enhanced by greater involvement with Asian countries where river management issues daily affect the lives of millions of people.  相似文献   

Soils in a lower Hunter valley vineyard, New South Wales, Australia, were sampled and analysed for caesium‐137, an indicator of soil erosion status, in 1984–1985 and 2004. From the time of the vineyard's first establishment in 1971 to 1985, estimated soil losses were 250 tonnes (equivalent to 64.2 t ha?1 yr?1). Re‐sampling in 2004 showed that soil losses were 48 tonnes in the 19 years since 1985, equivalent to 9.7 t ha?1 yr?1. The decline in erosion rates may be explained by a change in land and soil management from intensive cultivation to one of no cultivation (sod culture) in 1998, and a lower annual rainfall and fewer rain‐days per year in the period from 1986 to 2004.  相似文献   

A geomorphic regionalization of the main river valleys of Siberia is proposed for purposes of selecting potential sites for hydroelectric power stations. The regionalization is based on geomorphic features that relate to the stability of dams and to construction conditions: valley morphology; composition and thickness of sediments; geological structure and properties of dam-foundation rocks; permafrost and slope processes; seismic activity; local availability of building materials. Six basic regions are distinguished: mountains, plains, the intermediate piedmont, trap plateau, stratified plateau, tableland. Potential dam sites are listed for each major region together with projects that have been completed or are in progress.  相似文献   

The Blue Mountains region of New South Wales, including the World Heritage listed Blue Mountains National Park, is arguably one of Australia's most highly valued and iconic wilderness areas. Common to this region are upland swamps (formally ‘temperate highland peat swamps on sandstone’), which play a vital hydrological role at the headwaters of the river catchments, as well as providing the habitat for an array of flora and fauna species. This paper involves an interdisciplinary examination into the need and potential for adaptive management in the Blue Mountains. It uses geomorphic (physical) knowledge of swamp condition and social data about the volunteers who rehabilitate them. Research involved using the River Styles river condition framework across 47 swamps and questionnaires and interviews with local rehabilitation volunteers. It is proposed that there is a need and a potential to combine geomorphic understanding with further engagement of community volunteers in order to enable an interdisciplinary approach to adaptive management. Such an approach could result in the effective environmental management of upland swamps in the Blue Mountains.  相似文献   

New Zealand provides a useful environment to test the notion that the Anthropocene is a new geological epoch. There are two well‐dated anthropogenic impact ‘events’: Polynesian settlement c. AD 1280, and European colonisation c. AD 1800. Little attention, however, has been given to regional catchment response to these, although it has been assumed that both Polynesian and European farming and land use management practices significantly increased erosion rates across most of New Zealand. This paper addresses the nature and timing of human impacts on river systems using meta‐analysis of a recently compiled nationwide database of radiocarbon‐dated fluvial deposits. This shows highly variable human impacts on erosion and sedimentation in river systems, which are often difficult to separate from naturally driven river activity. Catchment‐scale data with high resolution dating control record clearer evidence of human disturbance. In Northland, anthropogenic alluviation is recorded from c. AD 1300 linked to early Polynesian settlement, enhanced further in the late 19th and 20th centuries by European land clearance, when sedimentation rates exceeded 25 mm year?1. This study demonstrates significant geographical variability in the timing of human impact on river dynamics in New Zealand, despite two synchronous phases of human settlement, and highlights the difficulty of formally designating a simple and single ‘Anthropocene Epoch/Age’.  相似文献   

On the 19th and 20th September 1981 heavy rain fell throughout Scotland. Almost 140mm was recorded for the 24 hours up to 9.00 am on the 20th at Dundonnell in Wester Ross, an event with a recurrence interval of approximately 120 years. The storm generated a peak discharge of c.60m3 s‐1 on the Ardessie Burn which drains a 13.3km2 catchment on the northwestern slopes of An Teallach. The resulting flood caused severe localised bank erosion and partially destroyed a fish farm. The total volume of measured flood deposits exceeded 1800 tonnes, approximately equal to 14 years normal average annual non‐dissolved sediment output. The identification of specific sediment source areas and deposition sites allows an assessment of geomorphic work in terms of direct landscape adjustment in response to extreme rainfall. The flood stresses the importance of rare events in the landscape evolution of upland environments and the influence of antecedent catchment conditions.  相似文献   

This paper describes environmental impacts of tourism and recreation activities in the world heritage listed rainforests of northeast Australia and presents management strategies for sustainable visitor use of the protected area. Tropical rainforests are characterised by their low resistance and moderate to high resilience to impacts associated with human visitation. Visitor use in the World Heritage Area is mostly associated with walking tracks, camping areas, day use areas and off‐road vehicle use of old forestry roads and tracks. Adverse environmental impacts range from vegetation trampling, soil compaction, water contamination and soil erosion at the local scale through to spread of weeds, feral animals and soil pathogens along extensive networks of old forestry roads and tracks at the regional scale. Concentration of visitor use is the most desirable management strategy for controlling adverse impacts at most World Heritage Area visitor nodes and sites, and includes methods such as site hardening and shielding to contain impacts. For dispersed visitor activities, such as off‐road vehicle driving and long‐distance walking, application of best practice methods by the tourist industry and recreational users such as removal of mud and soils from vehicle tyres and hiking boots before entering pathogen‐free catchments, together with seasonal closure of roads and tracks, are the preferred management strategies. Retention of canopy cover at camping areas and day use areas, as well as along walking tracks and forestry roads is a simple, yet effective, management strategy for reduction of a range of adverse impacts, including dispersal of weeds and feral animals, edge effects, soil erosion and nutrient loss, road kill and linear barrier effects on rainforest fauna.  相似文献   

The influence of altered fire regimes on the denudation of a catchment is determined from alluvial deposits of the last 10,000 yrs and by monitoring runoff and erosion before and after a wildfire. An increase in fire frequency beginning at 3,000–4,000 yrs BP, as a result of intensified Aboriginal burning, did not change the mechanisms or rates of denudation nor did it cause widespread alluviation as suggested by others. The results of monitoring show that before and after mild fires there is insufficient runoff on most slopes to entrain sediment. Only after intense fires are runoff and erodibility increased enough to significantly accelerate erosion. Conditions are then identified which are most likely to lead to accelerated erosion from altered fire regimes in other catchments.  相似文献   


A survey of valley fills in south-facing combes (headwater valleys) along the south side of the Exmoor massif revealed an anomalously deep infill in one valley. This infill of up to 5 m depth had been gullied revealing a complex stratigraphy. Studies of the stratigraphy, clast orientation and shape suggested several accumulation episodes under different environmental conditions commencing in a periglacial climatic regime. Later units included sandy silts which can be dated using optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) of quartz grains. The OSL dates, indicate that the inter-gravel silts accumulated in two periods, the Romano-British period and the 16th–17th centuries AD. A survey of the very small valley catchment revealed a linear trench of a type associated with early iron mining. Given the anomalously high volume of accumulated sediment from such a small catchment and evidence of mining on the slope above the site, the geomorphic mechanism is almost certainly the downslope transport of mining debris from the slope to the valley floor. This study suggests that the systematic survey of headwater valleys in metalliferous uplands may be one way of locating areas of early mining activity and that such deposits could provide a chronology of working and abandonment.  相似文献   

Erosion gullies at Wangrah Creek expose walls of at least two previous episodes of gully erosion. Past gullies were of a similar size to those of today but were not as widespread across the region at any particular time. The causes of past and present erosion are examined by mapping points of gully initiation and comparing the geomorphic history with an independent palaeo-environmental history. Past gullies were the result of intrinsically unstable conditions, possibly caused by the expansion of swampy deposits increasing runoff. In contrast, the present gully erosion is the result of major environmental change caused by European settlement, which had a greater effect on gully erosion than any other environmental change over the last 10,000 years. At Wangrah Creek, sites of gully initiation indicate that the present erosion was caused by localised disturbances to the valley floor.  相似文献   

This study is part of the project ‘Vegetational development and land use during the pre‐Viking period. A comparative study of environmental history in northern Uppland, Sweden, and East Anglia, England’. The main aim of the project is to reconstruct the palaeoenvironments within the catchment areas of Lake Vendelsjön, northern Uppland, and the river Deben, East Anglia. The project employs a variety of palaeoecological methods such as sedimentation processes and rates, erosion levels, changes in sea level and climatic influences, the effects of land uplift and changes in land use. The time period covered by the project is the last 3000 years.  相似文献   

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