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Summary: Impressed by the prevalence of Italic dress ornaments in the earliest colonial graves of Pithekoussai, G. Buchner reasonably argued for widespread intermarriage between the first Euboean colonists and women from Italy. the paper pursues the implications of this hypothesis, and envisages how mixed marriages could well have resulted from Euboean precolonial contacts, notably with southern Etruria. the bilingual offspring of such marriages would have played a leading role in the spread of alphabetic literacy, and in the sharing of other ideas between the first Western Greeks and the Italic mainland.
At other frontiers of the early Greek world, parallel cases of widespread intermarriage are considered, leading to similar results: early Ionians in Caria, and Levantine master craftsmen settling among Cretans. Finally, returning to the West, I offer some fresh thoughts on the Aristonothos krater, seen in the context of several generations of intermarriage between Euboeans and Etruscans.
The text has been read by Dr T.J. Cornell, Dr Lin Foxhall, Dr G.L. Huxley and Mr D. Ridgway. I am most grateful to all four for their constructive comments, and also to those who contributed to the discussion after the paper at Oxford.  相似文献   

Summary.   The first painted tombs in Etruria date to about 675–650 BC, as attested by a few examples at Veii and Caere, which pre-date those of Tarquinia (mainly sixth–third centuries BC). At first glance, tomb painting has no obvious connection with the Early Iron Age or Villanovan period (tenth/ninth–eighth centuries BC), when burial in shaft or trench graves predominated. Nevertheless, some links can be suggested with Villanovan house urns, which reinforce the point that indigenous traditions merit greater consideration than is usual in discussions of Etruscan artistic and cultural development.  相似文献   

Debate has long raged over the nature and extent of contact and cooperation between the Greeks and the Levantines at the site of Pithekoussai on the Tyrrhenian coast of Italy. The native Italic population, however, has been largely overlooked or viewed as a marginal or fringe element. Italic fibula types, which are found extensively in the cemetery, have been traditionally interpreted as evidence for the intermarriage of Italic females into the colonial settlement. This concept has limited our understanding of the role or impact of the Italic population at the site, effectively obscuring any more nuanced or balanced interpretations of their activity. A detailed analysis of several tombs from Pithekoussai, which contained iron tools or instruments, indicates that the Italic population was more actively involved in the creation of material culture at the site than has previously been supposed. Parallels for the practice are found widely on the Italic mainland and have often been associated with elite customs or funerary rituals. The presence of such practices at the site of Pithekoussai indicates the active impact of the native Italic population and the dynamic effect that diverse members of the community had on the creation and promulgation of a uniquely Pithekoussan identity.  相似文献   

An examination of the surface deposit of an Etruscan cup said to have been dug up in Cheshire suggests instead that it had been buried in Italy and brought to England in recent times. The method described here might usefully be employed to assess the provenance of buried artefacts.  相似文献   

A. M. STOUT  A. HURST 《Archaeometry》1985,27(2):225-230
X-ray diffraction has been used to analyse the surfaces and cores of sherds from pottery from Voss and Etne. two late Roman-early Migration Period sites in western Norway. Results show: (1) the presence of illite and illite/smectite in black-burnished ware from inhumation graves which suggests that this ware was never subjected to temperatures as high as 375°C, (2) the absence of these heat-sensitive clay minerals in red ware from cremation graves at these sites which suggests a secondary firing at 700–800°C, (3) the clay minerals are similar in the cores and surfaces of the black pottery which suggests that the colour differences are due to firing procedures rather than the application of a slip, and (4) chlorite is present in all of the samples which is an indication that the ware originated in a Voss workshop where chlorite is present in other pottery found there and in the local geologic deposits.  相似文献   

A NECKLACE ASSEMBLAGE from a small Anglo–Saxon cemetery in Hardingstone (Northamptonshire), was discovered during excavations in the 1960s, but until now has remained unpublished. It is an example of a type commonly found in the distinctive well-furnished female graves of the later 7th century in England and is constituted from beads and pendants, some of unusual type. This paper investigates this discovery, individually assessing the component parts of the necklace and presenting qualitative compositional analysis of the silver and glass used in their manufacture. As a case study, the Hardingstone necklace provides an opportunity to explore the meaning of these kinds of jewellery item and to better understand the prominent role of the women who wore them in 7th-century Anglo-Saxon society.  相似文献   

Owing to its resistance to degradation, hair is an important bio-sample with unique properties used to study post mortem decompositional changes. The present paper is a microscopical approach to preserved human scalp hair discovered at the 18th–19th-century archaeological site of Iași, Romania. The hair fibre alterations were assessed using optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, image analysis and hair histological scores. External alterations showed a statistically significant heterogeneous degradation. Image analysis results of the internal degradation of hairs were correlated to external lesions. The results consider the implication of intrinsic biological factors in the post mortem degradation of human hair preserved in graves with comparable environmental conditions.  相似文献   

The shuteibo, a type of communal cemetery characterized by a circular embankment, was constructed in the latter half of the Late Jomon (c. 1520 cal BC–1250 cal BC) in Hokkaido, Japan. Shuteibo at the Kiusu, Misawa-1, Bibi-4 and Kashiwagi-B sites are key to understanding the complex hunter-gatherer societies of the Late Jomon. Elite graves inside the shuteibo and non-elite graves outside them show clear differences in terms of grave goods, red ocher and grave markers at Kiusu-4. These communal cemeteries may have been created and maintained by elites who had access to highly valued materials, such as jadeite, through long-distance trade. Differences in the number of graves and grave goods among shuteibo at the Misawa-1 and Bibi-4 sites indicate differences in group size and intra-site elite differentiation. The Kiusu site has both the largest example and the largest concentration of these cemeteries in Hokkaido. At the inter-site level, differences in the size of these communal cemeteries indicate variability in the number of corporate groups as well as in relative power between sites.  相似文献   

河北满城要庄发掘简报   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
<正> 要庄村位于河北省保定市西北郊区,属满城县管辖。东南距满城县城十华里,西和眺山遥遥相对,北相隔不过一华里为漕河,南傍依著名的一亩泉。 要庄遗址位于要庄村西的高台平地上。1982年初至1983年底,河北省文物研究所联合保定地区文物管理所、满城县文化馆,对这一带进行了考古勘查和初次发掘。 在勘查中,除搞清楚了遗址的分布、面积、文化堆积及内涵外,在遗址以东,与古遗址的中心分布相距一华里的地方,新发现了两处古墓葬,探出古墓葬120余座。探出古代水井5眼(图  相似文献   

To analyse fuelwood collection strategies in Roman funerary rituals in northern Gaul, a large number of charcoal fragments from Roman cremation graves has been identified. The wide variety of taxa found suggests that no particular taxa have been avoided. Also no significant differences have been found between the charcoal assemblages of different types of graves and between graves belonging to different types of settlements. On the other hand, comparison with the charcoal assemblages from Roman refuse deposits, reflecting domestic fuel use, shows an overrepresentation of Quercus sp., Alnus sp. and Fagus sylvatica, and a much lower taxonomic variety in the cremation graves. This is believed to be the consequence of functional rather than ritually or symbolically oriented fuelwood selection strategies.  相似文献   


The Zhunge’er (Junggar) Basin in northern Xinjiang was a key crossroads in antiquity for the dispersal of ideas and technological innovations from the Eurasian steppe into the heartland of central China. The Bronze Age chronology of the Zhunge’er Basin is chiefly based on relative dating and little is known about subsistence strategies, although the strong tradition of nomadic and transhumant pastoralism among modern populations suggests that there may have been a high degree of mobility. The visibility of ancient cemeteries and the need to salvage graves before they are looted have resulted in a lack of focus on settlements, with a consequent assumption that in antiquity agriculture played a limited role. This assumption has been challenged by rescue excavations at the Jimusa’er (Jimsar) Luanzagangzi site, which indicate that agriculture may have been a significant component of Bronze Age subsistence strategies. Small-scale soundings at settlement sites provide well-stratified sequences of material for absolute dating which can be used to place the artifacts recovered from graves in a more secure chronological context.  相似文献   

Detailed ground-penetrating radar surveys were conducted at separate Viking Age and Medieval churchyards on the Stóra-Seyla farm in Skagafjörður, northern Iceland. Surveying over a previously unknown site (ca. AD 1000) that is located just a few meters above the Skagafjörður valley bottom delineated the remnants of a buried circular turf wall that encloses a church structure and several graves. The radar profiles over the graves contain strong hyperbolic reflections that emanated from the skeletal remains. Over one of the graves, an air-filled void within the chest cavity had been detected as noted by reflections with normal polarity which indicated a boundary towards increasing microwave velocity. During excavation, the soil surrounding an intact rib cage collapsed thus confirming the presence of the void. In general, the skeletal remains were very well preserved and yielded strong reflections which permitted the orientation of the body to be determined. Conversely, the radar profiles over a grave from a more recent churchyard (ca. AD 1200) show ground disturbance but lack hyperbolic reflections. Upon excavation, only teeth were recovered. The poor preservation of the skeletal remains is attributed to increase contact with infiltrating groundwater from an overlying gravel layer. Interpretations were aided by time-slice overlay imaging, forward modeling and analysis of the reflection coefficient.  相似文献   

宁夏固原市北塬东汉墓   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
樊军 《考古》2008,(12)
1999~2000年,宁夏文物考古研究所等对固原市北塬的两座东汉墓进行发掘。两座墓均为带斜坡墓道、前室穹隆顶、后室券顶的多室墓。出土遗物有陶器、铅釉陶器、铜器、骨器、玉器、琉璃器和钱币等,从墓葬形制和出土遗物看,M1的时代为东汉早期偏晚,M5的时代为东汉中期,墓主可能为地方豪强。  相似文献   

The important Viking Age and early Medieval site of Sebbersund in northern Jutland, Denmark, contains a large churchyard from the 11th–12th century AD. Sebbersund was an important trading center in this period and the location of one of the first churches in Denmark, perhaps an entry point for the introduction of Christianity to the country. Excavations have exposed almost 500 graves of an estimated 700 individuals in the cemetery. Here we report on the analysis of strontium isotopes in human tooth enamel from burials in the cemetery as a signal of place of birth. Some 19 samples have been measured and at least three non-local outliers identified. Futhermore, six archaeological fauna samples had been analyzed in order to define the local bioavailable strontium isotope baseline range and these values were compared to the more general bioavailable baseline range values for Denmark. The burials are evaluated in light of the available archaeological, chronological, anthropological, and isotopic information.  相似文献   

Four sets of lead anchor-stock cores have been found recently on the 5th-century BCE Greek shipwreck at Tektag Burnu, Turkey. The anchor type these cores represent was the earliest departure from the use of stone in anchor construction. Scholars have dated this technological advance to c . 400 BCE, but the Tektas Burnu cores now indicate that the anchor type already existed in the third quarter of the 5th century BCE.  相似文献   

Landscape research in the last decade, in human geography as well as in anthropology and archaeology, has often been polarized, either according to traditional geographical methods or following the principles of a new, symbolically orientated discipline. This cross–disciplinary study in prehistoric Östergötland, Sweden, demonstrates the importance of using methods and approaches from both orientations in order to gain reasonable comprehension of landscape history and territorial structure. Funeral monuments as cognitive nodes in a prehistoric cultural landscape are demonstrated as to contain significant elements of astronomy, not unlike what has been discussed for native and prehistoric American cultures, e.g. Ancestral Pueblo. A locational analysis with measurements of distances and directions was essential in approaching this structure. A nearest neighbour method was used as a starting–point for a territorial discussion, indicating that the North European hundreds division could have its roots in Bronze Age (1700–500 BC) tribal territories, linked to barrows geographically interrelated in cardinal alignments. In the European Bronze Age faith and science, the religious and the profane, were integrated within the framework of a solar cult, probably closely connected with astronomy in a ritual landscape, organized according to cosmological ideas, associated with power and territoriality. Cosmographic expression of a similar kind was apparently used even earlier, as gallery–graves (stone cists) from the Late Neolithic (2300–1700 BC) in Östergötland are also geographically interrelated in cardinal alignments.  相似文献   

Ethnographic parallels are used to explain the presence and significance of caprine or antelope metapodial bones principally in children's graves in Iron Age contexts in the Congo. Beyond Africa, in the Neolithic in France and Italy, but also during the Bronze Age in the Levant, the same mysterious bones have often been collected in similar contexts. It is likely that the natural shape of these bones led them to be seen as human figures and to be used as dolls. This is an example of how natural objects may be construed in a similar way in various societies and which raises many issues regarding what a doll actually is, its various functions and how it blurs boundaries between play and ritual.  相似文献   

Summary. The aim of the present project is to put to the test by using chemical analysis the origin of early Greek vases imported to Cyprus. In the present case samples were taken from vases found in the cemetery at Amathus published by Prof. J. N. Coldstream. The scientific results coincide with his attributions and confirm the suggestion that there was a revival of communication between the Aegean and Cyprus from the end of the tenth century, and that Euboean vases were the earliest imports to have reached the island and outnumbered other imports.  相似文献   

The basic features of broch architecture are discussed. There were probably a large number of classic, hollow-walled, dry-stone towers, as opposed to lower, less architecturally sophisticated 'Atlantic roundhouses'. Various kinds of dating imply that most were built – probably by professionals – in the Middle Iron Age, from c.100 BC to AD 200, although a few emerged earlier in Shetland, perhaps from 400–300 BC. Wheelhouses seem to have emerged from these early Shetland brochs. The MIA material culture includes many new items found all over the province, though much of the pottery is regional. Everted Rim ware was clearly connected somehow with the spread of the brochs from Shetland. The details of the MIA mixed farming economy are reviewed, as is the varied if indirect evidence for the social organization of the broch families; a hierarchical clan society is implied. The MIA now seems to have lasted until the sixth century AD and in the west at least its end may have been precipitated by a drastic climatic downturn.  相似文献   

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