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The Immigration Act 2016 has heralded an era of amplified Government intervention into day‐to‐day life, placing increased responsibility for border protection on UK citizens. Using interviews with representatives from the field of housing in Scotland, this paper examines one specific aspect of the Immigration Act 2016, the Right to Rent scheme. We investigate how the Right to Rent creates a precarious environment for all those who may appear to be non‐UK citizens. We argue that it may endorse senses of fantasy citizenship to inculcate people into acting on behalf of the state and is a driver for further division in society. Scotland provides a particularly interesting case study, as housing is a devolved power, but immigration is not. This creates an additional layer of tension in our interview data, as housing organisations are faced with a set of conditions imposed from Westminster, infringing on a field that Scotland has self‐determined for some time. Our interviews illustrate the level of confusion around the scheme, the fact that it is increasing criminalisation in the housing sector, and stresses that the scheme is offloading state responsibility for border protection.  相似文献   

唐宋试经剃度制度探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
白文固 《史学月刊》2005,50(8):31-36
试经剃度制度,就是用测试经业的办法遴选、剃度僧尼的制度,它是中国封建政府控制僧尼剃度权的历史产物,同时又是作为科举制度的蘖生物而出现的。试经剃度制度始创于唐高宗、中宗朝,成于开元以后,至唐末、北宋前期更趋成熟、完善。但由于禅宗的南宗一系提倡顿悟,扫去大量读经拜佛的修行仪式,因而在僧团内部对试经存有一股潜在的抵触力量,影响了试经制度的正常发育。特别是北宋熙宁初期推行卖度牒政策,极大地败坏了僧尼刻苦攻读经业的良好风气,试经制度也渐次变成了纸上的条文,中国历史上兴起的第一次寺院学院化、僧伽学员化的教育活动也随之衰落了。  相似文献   

The results of Booker and Majidiahi (1981) concerning refractive scattering by large-scale irregularities in a phase-changing screen are combined with the theory of diffractive scattering by small-scale irregularities in order to study three intensity scintillation phenomena. The first is the reflection of radio and optical waves from an ocean surface disturbed by a spectrum of water waves. The second is the scintillation of VHP, UHF and SHF radio waves traversing the ionospheric F-region. The third is the scintillation of VHF, UHF and SHF radio waves traversing the solar wind. In each case appropriate values are chosen for the mean square fluctuation of phase, for the outer scale, for the inner scale and for the spectral index. Spectral diagrams are drawn to show how the outer scale, the inner scale, the Fresnel scale, the focal scale, the lens scale and the peak scale vary with a relevant parameter (electromagnetic wave-frequency for the ocean, RMS fractional fluctuation of ionization density for the ionosphere, and distance of closest approach to the Sun for the solar wind). For the ionosphere and the solar wind, multiple refractive scattering by weak irregularities occurs in practice whereas it is strong single scattering that is assumed in the thin-screen theory ; potential consequences of this are discussed qualitatively.  相似文献   

Vertical fluxes of momentum and energy through the middle atmosphere are calculated by using a simple semi-empirical model of quasi-monochromatic internal gravity waves with dominant vertical wavenumbers. In this model those dominant gravity waves are assumed to saturate and break at each observational altitude by an effective critical-layer mechanism. The dominant value of the vertical wave-number is expressed by an exponential function of altitude, decreasing upward with a scale height of 34 km. This expression gives the momentum and energy flux densities decreasing upward with scale heights of 12 and 18 km, respectively, and typical values at 100 km altitude are estimated as 4 × 10−5 Pa and 4 × 10−3 W/m2. A heat flux induced by wavebreaking turbulence also has an order of magnitude similar to that of the wave energy flux. Variabilities around these values and comparisons with other momentum and heat inputs to the upper atmosphere are only briefly discussed.  相似文献   


This article attempts to convey something of the importance of sport in Italy by tracing a brief outline of its development in parallel with the modern Italian state. It then looks at Patrick McCarthy's vision of Italian sport to see how this fits with the latest developments in this turbulent world. It suggests that the fortunes of Italian sport will be somewhat dependent on the wider economic and political system, where the past and present record is not encouraging. Much bolder reform is needed if the trends of bleeding sport dry through commercial exploitation and the erosion of local loyalties are to be reversed. But even if there is not further reform, sport will use its powers of resistance to survive. Much of the article focuses primarily on soccer, both because it is the country's most popular sport and because it has led trends affecting other major sports including cycling and motor racing.  相似文献   

When used for archaeological purposes, geophysical methods are often useful for the exploration, detection and mapping of archaeological remains. In the case of ancient metallurgical activities, slag accumulations form precious mineral records of these activities. Evaluating the volume of slag produced in such locations is an important issue, since it enables an estimate of the amount of metal produced in the smeltery. Unfortunately, slags themselves cannot be easily detected by DC electrical methods. Although they can be easily detected using magnetic techniques, these methods do not allow for an estimate of the quantity of slag, because magnetic fields do not conserve magnetic flux. In the present study we show that the Induced Polarization method (IP) is suited to the quantification of buried slags, provided the slag response has been suitably calibrated prior to the field measurements. The ability to quantify the quantity of slag is based on the quasi-linear relationship between the main IP parameter, i.e., the chargeability, and the slag concentration. This approach provides a new, non-invasive tool for the estimation of the volume of buried slag in palaeometallurgical sites.In this paper, an application of this technique for the site of Castel-Minier, Ariège, France, is presented.  相似文献   

天山是横贯亚洲中部的一条巨大山系,在中国新疆境内总长1 700多公里,以其雄伟高大的身姿引起万众瞩目,多样化的地形地貌和民族风情令中外旅游探险者趋之若鹜.屈曲盘旋的天山公路不仅是经济通道,生命通道,也是探究历史文化的时空隧道,是展示大美新疆的风景画廊. 今年6月,第37届世界遗产大会正式宣布中国"新疆天山"列入世界自然遗产名录,包括博格达、喀拉峻-库尔德宁、巴音布鲁克和托木尔4个遗产地,这些地区保存了完整的景观和生物进化过程,将炎热与寒冷、干旱与湿润、荒凉与秀美、壮观与精致等反差巨大的特质奇妙地汇集在一起,展现了天山独特的自然美,真实体现了"一山有四季,十里不同天"的意境.  相似文献   

Spacing Palestine through the home   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper explores connections that can be made between houses, homes and violence in Palestine, and representational consequences of making such connections. Drawing on ethnographic field research in Birzeit, I put recent work on critical geographies of home into conversation with geographies and geopolitics of Palestine. I criticise the tendency to represent Palestinian geographies almost entirely through the lens of the Israeli Occupation. While such studies have a great deal of value both academically and politically, this paper augments such work by developing a different focus and a different representational approach. I use detailed ethnographic vignettes and interviews to engage with the domestic practices that make particular Birzeiti homes. These intimate domestic encounters underpin my argument that there is a need for more work that apprehends Palestinian geographies as complexities that bear a relation to, but are not fully determined by, the Israeli Occupation.  相似文献   

辽宁的民贸工作是全省民族工作的重要组成部分,本文认真总结了“十五”以来辽宁省民贸工作的成绩和经验,阐述了“十一五”期间国家坚持并发展了的民族贸易、民族特需用品生产优惠政策,提出了进一步推进全省民族贸易和民族用品生产工作的任务、目标和具体工作措施。  相似文献   

辛玄革命后,黄兴认为民族革命的任务已经完成,故而提出了实业建国、政党治国、教育兴国三位一体的政治主张。即通过积极扶植和建设资本主义商企业,发展经济,增强国力,以实现民生主义;建设资产阶级政党,积极参加竞选活动,实行责任阁,以实现民权主义;振兴教育,培育人才,则是建国、兴国的重要途径。  相似文献   

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