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Im Australischen Busch, und an den Küsten des Korallenrneeres ; Reiseerlebnisse und Beobachtungen eines Naturforschers in Australien, Neu Guinea, und den Molukken. Von Richard Semon, Professor in Jena. Mit 85 Abbildungen und 4 Karten. Leipzig: Engelmann, 1886. Pp. xvi + 569. Price M. 15 ; bound 16"50.

Monomotapa (Rhodesia). Its Monuments and its History from the Most Ancient Times to the Present Century. By the Hon. A. Wilmot, Member of the Legislative Council, Cape of Good Hope. With Preface by H. Rider Haggard. Maps and Plates. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1896. Pp. 260. Price 6s.

In New South Africa: Travels in the Transvaal and Rhodesia. By H. Lincoln Tangye. London : Horace Cox, 1896. Pp. viii + 432.

Der Amazonas: Wanderbilder aus Peru, Bolivia, und Nordbrasilien. Von Damian Freiherrn von Schütz‐Holzhaiisen. Freiburg im Breisgau: Herdersche Verlagshandlung, 1895. Pp. xix + 444. Price 7M

Streifzüge durch Grossbritannien. Von Gustap F. Steffen. Aus dem schwedischen von Dr. Oskar Keyher. Stuttgart: Hobbing und Büchle, 1896. Pp. 387. Price 7 Marks.

Autour du Tonkin. Par Henri Ph. D'Orléans. 4me édition. Paris : Calmann Lévy, 1896. Pp. 535. Price 3.50 Frs.

A History of Egypt during the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Dynasties. By W. M. Flinders Petrie, D.O.L., LL.D. With 160 Illustrations and 4 Maps. Pp. 353. London : Methuen and Co., 1896. Price 6s.

The History of Mankind. By Professor Friedrich Batzel. Translated from the second German edition by A. J. Butler, M.A. With Introduction by E. B. Tylor, D.C.L., F.E.S. Vol. I. London : Macmillan and Co., 1896. Pp. xxiv+486.

Leitfaden zur Geschichte der Kartographie in tabellarischer Darstellung. Von Dr. W. Woleenhauer, in Bremen. Breslau : Ferdinand Hirt, 1895. Pp. 93.

Complete Geography. By Alex. Everett Frye. Boston, U.S.A., and London: Ginn and Co., 1896. Pp. 208. Price $1.25.

Man and Ms Markets: A Course in Geography. By Lionel W. Lyde, M.A. London : Macmillan and Co., 1896.

Chamonix and the Range of Mont Blanc. A Guide by Edwaed Whymper. London : John Murray, 1896. Pp. xiv + 189. Price 3s. net.

Western Australian Year‐Booh for 1894–95. By Malcolm A. C. Fraser, Registrar‐General of Western Australia, F.R.G.S., F.R.C.Inst. Perth: Richard Pether, Government Printer, 1896. Pp. 393.

The Island of Capri: A Mediterranean Idyll. By Ferdinand Gregorovius. Freely translated by M. Douglass Fairbairn. London : T. Fisher Unwin, 1896. Pp. 155.  相似文献   


Geology and Scenery in Ireland. By J. B. Whitlow. 7 ¾ × 5, 301 pp., 38 plates, 46 figures Index. Penguin, London, 1975. £1.00.

Periglacial Processes and Environments. By A. L. Washburn. 320 pp. Maps, figures andnumerous plates. Edward Arnold, 1973. £6.75.

Global Climate. By Keith Boucher. 6 ½ 9 ¼, 326 pp. 31 plates, figures, glossary, bibliography. English Universities Press, London, 1975. £2.85.

Principles of Applied Climatology. By Keith Smith. 9 ½ × 8 ½, 283 pp. Diagrams, references, index. McGraw‐Hill, Maidenhead, 1975. £5.25.

Plant Geography. By Martin C. Kellman. 9 ½ × 6 ½, 135 pp. 25 figures, 12 plates, biblioography, glossary, index. Methuen, Andover, 1975. £3.20.


The Mineral Resources of Britain: A Study in Exploitation and Planning. By John Blunden. 9 ¼ × 9, 545 pp. 17 plates, index, bibliography. Hutchinson, London, 1975. £12.50.

Locational dynamics of manufacturing activity. Ed. L. Collins and D. F. Walker. 23.5 × 16 cms, 402 pp. Diagrams and tables, index. Wiley, Chichester, 1975. £10.00.

People on the move: Studies on internal migration. Ed. L. A. Kosinski and R. M. Prothero. 9 ½ × 6 ¼. 393 pp. Illustrations, Index, Bibliography. Methnen, 1975. £8 50.

Rural Recreation in the Industrial World. By I. G. Simmons. 9 ¼ × 6, 310 pp. Tables, plates, index, bibliography. Edward Arnold, Maidenhead, 1975. £9.95.


Eastern Europe: A Geography of the COMECON Countries. By Roy E. H. Mellor. 9 ½ × 6 ¼, 358 pp., illustrations, bibliography, index. Macmillan, 1975. £7.90 (paperback £3 95).

An Economic Geography of Romania. By David Turnock. 8 ¾ × 5 ¾. Pp. xiii + 319. Illustrations, index, bibliographical note. G. Bell, London, 1974. £6.25.

Rhodes. By Brian Dicks. 8 ¾ × 5 ½. 200 pp. Illustrations, Bibliography, Index. David, and Charles, Newton Abbot, 1974. £3 75.


Oxford Geography Project: (1) The Local Framework, 126 pp., (2) European Patterns, 130 pp. and (3) Contrasts in Development, 164 pp. By J. Rolfe, C. Rowe, M. Grenyer, et al. 9 ½ × 9, illustrated, O.U.P., London, 1974‐5. £1.25 each.

Patterns in Geography One. By W. R. Rice. 92 pp. + 30 worksheets. Longman, 1973. 85p. The Elements of Geography in Colour. By Dobson ant Virgo. 204 pp. E.U.P., 1974. £1.35. A Geography of Natural Landscapes. By R. Andrews. 138 pp. George Philip, 1975. £3.90.

Aspects of Geography Series: General Editors: Keith Clayton and T. H. Elkins. Energy: Needs and Resources: Peter Odell; Resource Systems: Ian and Caroll Simmons; Weathering and Landforms: Cliff Olier; Recreation and Environment: Peter Toyne; Regional Disparities: Morgan Sant; Slope Development: Anthony and Doreen Young. Macmillan Education Ltd., 1974.  相似文献   

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