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The Settlements and Roads of Scotland: a Study in Human Geography. By Grace Meiklejohn, M. A. Edinburgh : Oliver and Boyd, 1927. Price 12s. 6d.

The Faroe Islands. By G. H. Harris, M.A., Vicar of Acock's Green. Birmingham : Cornish Brothers Ltd., 1927. Price 4s. 6d. net.

Things seen in Norway. By S. C. Hammer, M.A., University of Oslo. London : Seeley, Service and Co. Ltd., 1927. Price 3s. 6d.

Cities of Sicily. By Edward Hutton. London : Methuen and Co. Ltd., 1926. Price 10s. 6d. net

Franciscan Italy. By Harold Elsdale Goad. London : Methuen and Co. Ltd., 1926. Price 15s.


A Year among the Persians. By Edward Granville Browne. With a Memoir by Sir E. Denison Ross. Cambridge : University Press, 1926. Price 25s. net.

China and the Nations. By Wong Ching‐Wai. Translated and edited by I‐Sen Teng and John Nind Smith. London : Martin Hopkinson and Co. Ltd., 1927. Price 7s. 6d.

Ceylon: The Land of Eternal Charm. By Ali Foad Toubla. London : Hutchinson and Co., 1926. Price 21s.

Natural Man: A Record from Borneo. By Charles Hose, Hon. Sc.D. (Cantab.). London : Macmillan and Co. Ltd., 1926. Price 30s.

East of Siam. By Harry A. Franck. London : T. Fisher Unwin Ltd., 1926. Price 16s.

A Griffin in China: Fact and Legend in the Everyday Life of the Great Republic, By Genevieve Wimsatt. New York and London : Funk and Wagnalls Co., 1927. Price 12s. 6d.


The Cliff Dwellers of Kenya. By J. A. Massam, District Commissioner, Kenya. London : Seeley, Service and Co. Ltd., 1927. Price 21s. net.

Denatured Africa. By Daniel W. Streeter. New York and London : G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1926. Price 10s. 6d.

Out in the Blue. By Vivienne de Watteville, F.R.G.S. With a Preface by the Hon. William Ormsby‐Gore, M.P., P.O. London: Methuen and Co. Ltd., 1927. Price 18s. net.


Brazil after a Century of Independence. By Herman G. James. London : Macmillan and Co. Ltd., 1925. Price 17s. net.

The Land of Magellan. By W. S. Barclay, F.R.G.S. London: Methuen and Co. Ltd., 1926. Price 12s. 6d. net.


Life and Laughter ‘midst the Cannibals. By Clifford W. Collinson, F.R.G.S. London : Hurst and Blackett Ltd., 1927. Price 18s.


The Pulse of Progress. By Ellsworth Huntington. New York and London : Charles Scribner's Sons, 1926. Price 21s. net.


Adventures of Exploration. Book V. Australia and New Zealand. By Sir John Scott Keltie, LL.D., and Samuel Carter Gilmour, F.R.G.S. London: George Philip and Son Ltd. Price 2s. 3d.  相似文献   


Racial Realities in Europe. By Lothrop Stoddard, London: Charles Scribner's Sons,1924. Price 12s. 6d.

Europe. Vol. I. The Peninsula. Edited by B. C. Wallis, B.Sc. (Lond.). Compendium of Geography and Travel (New Issue). With Maps and Illustrations. London: Edward Stanford, Ltd., 1924. Price 15s. net.

The Roman Occupation of Great Britain. Being Six Ford Lectures delivered by F. Haverfield. Now revised by George Macdonald. With numerous Plans and Illustrations. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1924, Price 18s. net.

A Pilgrim in Spain. By Aubrey F. G. Bell. London: Methuen and Co., Ltd., 1924. Price 12s. 6d. net.

Die Pflanzenwelt der Hohen Tatra. By Dr. J. Györffy, Kesmai'k: “Turistik und Alpinism us, 1922.”

Unlcnown Warwickshire. By Mary Dormer Harris. Illustrated by J. E. Duggins. London: John Lane, Ltd., 1924. Trice 15s.

Kirlccaldy Burgh and Schyre: Landmarks of Local History. By Rev. John Campbell, D.D.; Rev. Andrew T. Richardson, F.S.A.; Gregor Macgregor, M.A., B.Sc.; George B. Deas, F.S.A.; and Lachlan Macbean. Kirkcaldy: The Fifeshire Advertiser, Ltd., 1924.

The Mineralogy of Scotland. By the late M. Forster Heddle, M.D., F.R.S.E. Edited by J. G. Goodchild. Reprinted under authority of Alex. Thoms, by the Council of University College, Dundee. Assisted by D. E. I. Innes, M.A., M.C. Two volumes. St. Andrews: W. C. Henderson, 1924. Price 15s.

Clydesdale. By A. MacCallum Scott. London: Thornton Butterworth, Ltd., 1924. Price 7s. 6d, net.

Gone Abroad: A Story of Travel, chiefly in Italy and the Balearic Isles. By Douglas Goldring. London: Chapman and Hall, Ltd., 1925. Price 12s. 6d.


Die Feldfrüchte Indiens in ihrer Geographischen Verbreitung. Von Dr. Th. H. Engelbrecht. Erster Teil: Text. Hamburg: L. Friederichsen und Cie., 1914.

Tibet: Past and Present. By Sir Charles Bell, K.C.I.E., C.M.G., Late British Political Representative in Tibet, Bhutan, and Sikkim. Author of Grammar of Colloquial Tibetan, and English‐Tibetan Colloquial Dictionary. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1924. Price 21s. net.


The Vast Sudan. By A. Radclyffe Dugmore. London: Arrowsmith, Ltd., 1924. Price 21s.

Mysteries of the Libyan Desert. By W. J. Harding King, F.R.G.S. London: Seeley, Service and Co., Ltd., 1925. Price 21s. net.

Egypt under the Egyptians. By Murray Harris. London: Chapman and Hall, Ltd., 19–25. Price 12s. 6d.


Mexico in Revolution. By Charlotte Cameron, O.B.E. London: Seele Service and Co., Ltd., 1924. Price 21s.


My Eskimo Friends: "Nanook of the North.’’ By Robert J. Flaherty, F.R.G.S., in collaboration with Frances Hubbard Flaherty. Illustrated with Photogravures and Colour Plates from Photographs by the Author, Half‐tone Drawings by Eskimo artists, and Maps. London: William Heine‐mann, Ltd., 1924, Price 21s.


The Menace of Colour. By Prof. J. W. Gregory, F.R.S., D.Sc. London: Seeley, Service and Co., Ltd., 1925. Price 12s. 6d. net.

Adventures in Turkey and Russia. By E. H. Keeling, M.O. London: John Murray, 1924. Price 10s. 6d. net.

Ben Kendim: A Record of Eastern Travel. By Lieut.‐Col. Hon. Aubrey Herbert, edited by D. McCarthy. London: Hutchinson and Co., 1924. Price 21s. net.

Selected Papers on Anthropology, Travel and Exploration. By Sir Richard Burton, edited by N. M. Penzer. London: Philpot, Ltd., 1924. Price 15s.


Certificate Geographies: The Mediterranean. By O. J. R. Howarth, O.B.E., M.A. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1924. Price 2s. 6d.

Bell's Natural Science Series: Readable Physical Geography. By J. A. O. Muirhead, B.A. London: G. Bell and Sons, Ltd., 1925. Price 2s. 4d.

The “Explorer” Geographies: Asia. By J. Thomas; M.A. London: G. Bell and Sons, Ltd., 1924. Price 2s. 6d.  相似文献   


Pilgrim Spots in Galloway. By G. Marianne M'Kerlie. London : Sands and Co., 1916. Price 5s. net.

Midsummer Motoring in Europe. By De Courcy W. Trom. New York and London : G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1916. Price 10s. 6d. net.


A Naturalist in Borneo. By the late Robert W. C. Shelford, of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, M.A., etc., late Curator of the Sarawak Museum, and Assistant Curator of the Hope Department of Zoology, Oxford University Museum. Edited, with a Biographical Introduction, by Edward B. Poulton, D.Sc., LL.D., F.R.S., Hope Professor of Zoology, and Fellow of Jesus College, Oxford. London : T. Fisher Unwin, Ltd., 1916. Price 15s. net.

In Far North‐East Siberia. By I. W. Shklovsky (“Dioneo”). London : Macmillan and Co. Price 8s. 6d. net.

Provincial Geographies of India. The Panjab, North‐West Frontier Province, and Kashmir. By Sir James Douie, M.A., K.C.S.I. Cambridge : University Press, 1916. Price 6s. net.


David Thompson's Narrative of his Explorations in Western America, 1784–1812. Edited by J. B. Tyrrell. Toronto : The Champlain Society, 1916.


Australia. (University Manuals.) By J. W. Gregory, F.R.S. Cambridge : University Press, 1916. Price 1s. 3d. net.


Naval and Military Geography of the British Empire (considered in Relation to the War with Germany). By Vaugiian Cornish, D.Sc. London : Hugh Rees, 1916. Price 3s. 6d. net.

Cambridge Travel Books. The Earliest Voyages round the World, 1519–1617. Edited by Philip P. Alexander, M.A., Hertford College, Oxford. Cambridge : At the University Press, 1916. Price 3s.

The German Colonial Empire. By Paolo Giordani. Translated by Mrs. Gustavus W. Hamilton. London : G. Bell and Sons, Ltd., 1916.


New Regional Geographies.—(1) The Americas. (2) Asia and Australasia. By Leonard Brooks, M. A. (Cantab.), F.R.G.S. London : University of London Press, Ltd., 1916. Price 3s. each.

A Nursery Geography. By George S. Dickson. London : T. C. and E. C. Jack. Price 3s. 6d. net.  相似文献   


Cannes and its Surroundings. By Amy M. Benecke. London : George Allen and Sons, 1908. Pp. 94. 40 Illustrations. Price 10s. 6d. net.

Highways and Byways in Surrey. By Eric Parkeb. With Illustrations by Hugh Thomson. London: Macmillan and Co., Limited, 1908. Price 6s.

My Life among the Wild Birds in Spain. By Colonel Willoughby Verner. London : John Bale, Sons, and Danielssohn, Ltd., 1909. Many Illustrations. Price 21s. net.


La Perse d'aujourd'hui. Par M. Eugène Aubin. Paris : Librairie Armand Colin, 1908. Price 5 fr.

Thirty‐five Years in the Punjab: 1858–1893. By G. K. Elsmie, C.S.I., LL.D. Edinburgh : David Douglas, 1908. Price 9s. net.


The Guide to South Africa, for the Use of Tourists, Sportsmen, Invalids, and Settlers. Edited by A. Samler Brows and G. Gordon Brown. 1908–1909 edition. London : Sampson, Low, Marston and Co. Price 2s. 6d.


Through Southern Mexico. By Hans Gadow, M.A., Ph.D., F.R.S. London : Witherby and Co., 1908. Price 18s. net.

Notes of a Botanist on the Amazon and Andes. By Richard Spruce, Ph.D. Edited and condensed by Alfred Russel Wallace, O.M., F.R.S. With a Portrait, Illustrations, and seven Maps. Two volumes. London : Macmillan and Co., 1908. Price 21s. net.

Peru: Its Story, People, and Religion. By Geraldine Guinness. London : Morgan and Scott, Ltd. Price, 7s. 6d. .

Canadian Life as I Found It. By Homesteader. London : Elliot Stock, 1908. Price 1s. 6d. net.

Heaton's Annual: The Commercial Handbook of Canada and Boards of Trade Register. Toronto : Heaton's Agency. Pp. 334. Price $1.

Opportunities in Canada, 1909. Extracts from Heaton's Annual. Toronto : Heaton's Agency. 1909.

The Canada Year‐Booh, 1900. Second Series. Ottawa, 1907.


New Zealand. By Reginald Horsley. (Romance of Empire Series.) London : T. C. and E. C. Jack, 1908. Price 6s. net.


National Antarctic Expedition, 1901–1904. Meteorology. Part I. Published by the Royal Society, London. 1908.

National Antarctic Expedition, 1901–1904. Album of Photographs and Sketches, with a Portfolio of Panoramic Views. London : Royal Society, 1908. Price 31s. 6d.


Handbook of Commercial Geography. By Geo. G. Chisholm, M.A., B.Sc. Seventh Edition. London : Longmans, Green and Co., 1908. Price 15s. net.

Whitaker's Almanack for 1909. By Joseph Whitaker; London, 1908. Price 2s. 6d. net.

Hazell's Annual, 1909. Edited by W. Palmer, B.A. London : Hazel, Watson, and Viney, 1908. Price 3s. 6d. net.

“Daily Mail” Year‐Book for 1909. Edited by Percy L. Parker. London: Associated Newspapers, Ltd. Price 6d. net.

The Englishwoman's Year‐Bool; and Directory, 1909. Edited by G. E. Mitton. London : A. and. C. Black, 1909. Price 2s. 6d. net.

Whititaker's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage, and Companionage for the Year 1909. London, 1908.

Mathematical Geography. By Willis E. Jonsson, Ph.B. New York : American Book Company. London : George Philip and Sons, Ltd., 1908. Price 5s. net.

Martin Bchain: His Life and His Globe. By E. G. Ravenstein, F.E.G.S. London : George Philip and Son, 1908. Price £3, 3s.  相似文献   


The Political Evolution of the Hungarian Nation. By the Hon. C. M. Knatch‐bull‐Hugessen. 2 vols. London : The National Review Office 1908. Price 15s. net.

The Castles and Keeps of Scotland. By Frank Roy Fraprie. London : George Bell and Sons, 1908. Price 7s. 6d. net.

Along the Rivieras of France and Italy. Written and Illustrated by Gordon Home. London : J. M. Dent and Co. New York : The Macmillan Company, 1908. Price 7s. 6d. net.


From, Damascus to Palmyra. By John Kelman, M.A., D.D. Painted by Margaret Thomas. London : Adam and Charles Black, 1908. Price 20s. net

In Japan: Pilgrimages to the Shrines of Art. By Gaston Migeon. Translated from the French by Florence Simmonds. London: William Heinemann, 1908. Price 6s. net.

A Wandering Student in the Far East. By The Earl of Ronaldshay, M.P. 2 vols. Edinburgh : William Blackwood and Sons, 1908. Price 21s. net.


Tunis, Kairouan, Carthage. By Graham Petrie, R.I. London : W. Heinemann, 1008. Price 16s. net.

The Exploration of Egypt and the Old Testament. By J. Gakrow Duncan, B.D. London : Oliphant, Anderson and Ferrier, 1908. Price 5s. net.


The Inner Life of the United States. By Monsignor Count Vay Dk Vaya and Luskod, Apostolic Protonotary. London : John Murray, 1908. Price 12s. net.

Camp Fires on Desert and Lava. By William T. Hornaday. London : T. Werner Laurie, 1908. Price 16s. net.


The Fijians: A Study of the Decay of Custom. By Basil Thomson. London : William Heinemann, 1908. Price 10s. net.


Scottish, National Antarctic Expedition: Report on the Scientific Results of the Voyage of S.Y. “Scotia.” Vol. iv. Zoology. Part I. Zoological Log. By David W. Wilton, J. H. Harvey Pirie, B.Sc, M.D., and R. N. Rudmose Brown, B.Sc. Thirty‐three Plates and two Maps. Edinburgh : The Scottish Oceanographical Laboratory, 1908. Price 13s.

Zoology. Vol. v. Parts I. to XIII. With Thirty‐six Plates. 1909. Price 23s. 6d.


Practical Geography. Part I. By J. F. Unstead. M.A. Oxford : Clarendon Press. 1908. Price 1s. 6d.

Nautical Charts. By G. R. Putnam, M.S. New York: John Wiley and Sons. London : Chapman and Hall, 1908. Price 8s. 6d. net.  相似文献   


Scotland Picturesque and Traditional. By Geo. Eyre‐Todd. Stirling : Eneas Mackay, 1931. Price 5s.

In the Highlands. By Seton Gordon. London : Cassell and Co. Ltd., 1931. Price 7s. 6d.

A Last Voyage to St. Kilda. By Alasdair Alpin Macgregor. London: Cassell and Co. Ltd., 1931. Price 7s. 6d.

Rambles in Dorset. By J. H. Wade. London : Methuen and Co. Ltd., 1931. Price 7s. 6d.

Everyday Life in Old Scotland. By J. F. Geant. Part I.: To 1603. Part II.: 1603–1707. London : George Allen and Unwin Ltd., 1931. Price 2s. 6d. each Part.

So You ‘re Going to Spain. By Clara E. Laughlin. London : Methuen and Co. Ltd., n.d. Price 10s. 6d.

Greek Cities in Italy and Sicily. By David Randall‐MacIver. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1931. Price 12s. 6d.

Modern Germanies. By Cicely Hamilton. London and Toronto : J. M. Dent and Sons Ltd., 1931. Price 7s. 6d.

The Austrian Tyrol. By Ian F. D. Morrow. London : Faber and Faber Ltd., 1931. Price 15s.

Austria. By J. D. Newth. London : A. and C. Black Ltd., 1931. Price 7s. 6d.

An Agricultural Atlas of Scotland. By H. J. Wood. London : George Gill and Sons Ltd., 1931. Price 3s. 6d.

Les Paysages Catalans. Par Marcel Chevalier. Paris : Albert Blanchard, 1929. Prix 30 francs.

Kalabrien. Von Helmuth Kanter. Hamburg : Friederichsen, de Gruyter und Co., 1930.

Peninsular Europe. By L. W. Lyde, M.A. London : Longmans, Green and Co. Ltd., 1931. Price 10s. 6d. net.

The Baltic States : Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia. By Hebe Spaull. London : A. and C. Black Ltd., 1931. Price 2s. 6d. net.

Skara Brae : A Pictish Village in Orkney. By V. Gordon Childe, B.Litt., Professor of Prehistoric Archaeology in Edinburgh University, author of The Most Ancient East, The Aryans, The Dawn of European Civilisation, etc. With chapters by Professor T. H. Bryce, F.R.S., and Professor D. M. S. Watson, F.R.S. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner and Co. Ltd., 1931. Price 31s. 6d.

A foot in Portugal. By John Gibbons. London : George Newnes Ltd., n.d. Price 7s. 6d.

Wanderings in Greece. By F. S. Burnell. London : Edward Arnold and Co., 1931. Price 7s. 6d.

Wanderings. By Arthur Symons. London : J. M. Dent and Sons Ltd., 1931. Price 8s. 6d.


Life in the Chinese Church. By T. Ralph Morton. London : The Student Christian Movement Press. Price 1s. 6d. net.

Romantic Ceylon : Its History, Legend, and Story. By R. H. Bassett. London : Cecil Palmer, 1929. Price 7s. 6d.

The People of the Leaves. By Vivian Meik. London: Philip Allan and Co. Ltd., 1931. Price 12s. 6d.


A Wayfarer in North Africa : Tunisia and Algiers. By Fletcher Allen. London : Methuen and Co. Ltd., 1931. Price 7s. 6d.

Early Days in East Africa. By the late Sir Frederick Jackson. London : Edward Arnold and Co., 1930. Price 21s.

A Vagabond in Barbary. By Harry L. Foster. Illustrated. London : John Lane (The Bodley Head Ltd.), 1930. Price 12s. 6d. net.

Through Unknown Africa, By William Jaspert. Translated by Agnes Platt. London : Jarrolds Ltd. Price 12s. 6d. net.

Jungle Ways. By William B. Seabrook. London : Harrap and Co. Ltd., 1931. Price 10s. 6d. net.


Land of Wonder and Fear. By F. A. Mitchell‐Hedges. London : Duckworth and Co. Ltd., 1931. Price 18s.

A Yankee in Patagonia. Edward Chace: His Thirty Years There, 1898–1928. By Robert and Katharine Barrett. Cambridge: W. Heffer and Sons Ltd., 1931. Price 12s. 6d.


South Georgia. By L. H. Matthews. Bristol: J. Wright and Sons. London: Simpkin Marshall Ltd., 1931. Price 15s. net.


A Short History of British Expansion. By James A. Williamson. London: Macmillan and Co. Ltd. Second Edition, 1930. Two vols. Price 15s. each.

Plant Life through the Ages : A Geological and Botanical Retrospect. By A. C. : Seward. Cambridge : University Press, 1931. Price 30s.

Memoirs of a Ceylon Planter's Travels. By Mountsteven Bremer. London : Rivington and Co., 1930. Price 10s. 6d.

The World Mapped : Being a Short History of Attempts to Map the World from Antiquity to the Twentieth Century. By I. J. Curnow, B.A., Ph.D. (Lond.). London : Sifton Praed and Co., 1930. Price 5s.

Geographische Grundlagen der Geschichte. Von Hugo Hassinger. Freiburg im Breisgau : Herder und Co., 1931. Preis M. 10.50.

Climatology. By A. Austin Miller. London : Methuen and Co. Ltd., 1931. Price 12s. 6d. net.

Climate. By W. G. Kendkew. Oxford : The Clarendon Press, 1930. Price 15s.

Raw Materials of Commerce. By J. Henry Vanstone. Two vols. London : Sir Isaac Pitman and Sons Ltd., 1929. Price 40s. net.

Blood and Oil in the Orient. By Essad Bey. Translated from the German by Elsa Talmey. London : Nash and Grayson Ltd., 1930. Price 18s. net.


South America. By Edward V. Lane. (Harrap's New Geographical Series.) London : George Harrap and Co. Ltd., 1931. Price 3s.

Social and Economic Geography. By L. Brettle, M.A., B.Litt., F.R.G.S. London : Sir Isaac Pitman and Sons Ltd., 1931. Price 10s. 6d. net.

Land Forms and Life. By C. C. Carter. London : Christophers, 1931. Price 6s.  相似文献   

New books     
Baedeker's Central Italy and Rome. With 11 Maps, 46 Plans, a Panorama of Rome, etc. Thirteenth Revised Edition. London : Dulan and Co., 1900. Pp. 454. M. 7.50.

Baedeker's Southern Italy, Sicily, etc. With 28 Maps and 19 Plans. Thirteenth Revised Edition. London : Dulan and Co., 1900. Pp. 431. M. 6.

The Baces of Man: An Outline of Anthropology and Ethnography. By J. Deniker, Sc.D. (Paris). With 176 Illustrations and 2 Maps. London : Walter Scott, Ltd., 1900. Pp. 576. Three Appendices and Index. Price 6s.

The Story of West Africa. By Mart H. Kingsley. ("The Story of the Empire Series.”) London : Horace Marshall and Son, N.D. Price 1s. 6d. Pp. 165 and Index.

The Story of West Africa is of extreme interest, and from Miss Kingsley's previous work one was led to expect that it would be well told, nor are we disappointed, for she has managed, with great ability, to give the history of the West

The Races of Europe: A Sociological Study. (Lowell Institute Lectures.) By William Z. Ripley, Ph.D. Accompanied by a Supplementary Bibliography of the Anthropology and Ethnology of Europe. Published by the Public Library of the City of Boston. London : Kegan Paul, 1900. Pp. 608 and Index, and 160. 222 Portrait Types, and 87 Maps and Diagrams. Price 18s. net.

Natal, the Land and its Story. A Geography and History, with Maps. By Robert Russell, Superintendent of Education, Natal. London: J. M. Dent and Co., 1899. Pp. 280 + Index ix. Price 2s. 6d. net.

Journals and Papers of Ghauncy Maples, D.D., F.R.G.S., late Bishop of Likoma, Lake Nyasa, Africa. Edited by Ellen Maples. Longmans, Green, and Co., 1899.

Twelve Pioneer Missionaries. By George Smith, C.I.E., LL.D. With Portraits. Pp. 304. London, Edinburgh, and New York : Thomas Nelson and Sons, 1900. Price 7s. 6d.

Bougie, die Perle Nord‐Afrikas. Prag : Heinr. Mercy Sohn, 1899. Folio. Pp 122.  相似文献   


The Glory of Scotland. By J. J. Bell. London : George G. Harrap and Co. Ltd., 1932. Price 1s. 6d.

The A.A. Road Book of Ireland. London: Cassell and Company Ltd., 1932. Price 1s. 6d. net.

Ireland. The Blue Guides. Edited by Findlay Muirhead. London : Ernest Benn Ltd., 1932. Price 12s. 6d. net.

The Story of Dublin. By D. A. Chart. London : J. M. Dent and Sons Ltd., 1932. Price 5s. 6d. net.

Loch Lomond : A Study in Angling Conditions. By Henry Lamond. Glasgow : Jackson, Wylie and Co., 1931. Price 12s. 6d.

The Lakes of Wales: A Guide for Anglers and Others. By Frank Ward. London: Herbert Jenkins Ltd., 1931. Price 10s. 6d.

At the Western Gate of Italy. By Edward and Margaret Berry. London : John Lane (The Bodley Head) Ltd., 1931. Price 8s. 6d.

The Challenge of Russia. By Sherwood Eddy. London : Herbert Jenkins Ltd., 1931. Price 10s. 6d.

Slovakia, Then and Now. A political survey by many Slovak authors, arranged by R. W. Seton‐Watsoh. London : George Allen and Unwin Ltd. Prague : Orbis Publishing Co., 1931. Price 12s. 6d.

Water and Grass. By E. H. Carrier. London : Christophers, 1932. Price 21s. net.

The Baltic Region ; A Study in Physical and Human Geography. By E. G. Woods. London : Methuen and Co. Ltd., 1932. Price 18s. net.

Gone Abroad. By Charles Graves. London : Ivor Nicholson and Watson, 1932. Price 9s. 6d.

West Highland Scenes and Stories. By Margaret Brown, London : Cecil Palmer, 1932. Price 7s. 6d.

Please Take Me Next Time. By Percy Colson. London : Nash and Grayson, 1931. Price 12s. 6d.

Rambles in Shakespeare's Country. By J. H. Wade, M.A. London : Methuen and Co., 1932. Price 7s. 6d.

Up at a VillaDown in the City. By Nesta de Robeck. London : J. M. Dent and Sons Ltd., 1932. Price 7s. 6d.


A Dictionary of English‐Palaung and Palaung‐English. By Mrs. Leslie Milne. Rangoon : Supdt. Govt. Printing and Stationery, 1931.

The Romance of the Indian Frontiers. By Lieut.‐Gen. Sir George MacMunn, K.C.B. London : Jonathan Cape, 1931. Price 16s. net.

With Mystics and Magicians in Tibet. By Alexandra David‐Neel. London : John Lane (The Bodley Head) Ltd., 1931. Price 15s. net.


A Game Warden among his Charges. By Captain Pitman. London : Nisbet and Co. Ltd., 1931. Price 16s.

Cape to Cowley via Cairo in a Light Car. By M. L. Belcher. London : Methuen and Co. Ltd., 1932. Price 8s. 6d.

Rambles in Cairo. By Mrs. R. L. Devonshire. Cairo : E. and R. Schindler, London : Luzac and Co., 1931. Price 8s. 6d.

The Birds of Tropical West Africa. By David Armitage Bannerman. Vol. II. London : The Crown Agents for the Colonies, 1931. Price 22s. 6d.


The New Newfoundland. By J. R. Smallwood. New York : The Macmillan Company Ltd., 1931. Price 12s. 6d.

The Great Plains. By Walter Prescott Webb. London and New York : Ginn and Co. Ltd., 1931. Price 21s.


Hidden Wealth and Hiding People. By Michael Terry. London and New York. G. P. Putnam's Sons Ltd., n.d. Price 15s. net.


The Pioneer Fringe. By Prof. Isaiah Bowman. New York ; American Geographical Society, 1931. Price $4.

Jenseits der Grossmächte. Von Dr. Karl Haushofer. Leipzig u. Berlin : B. G. Teubner, 1932. Preis R.M. 13.50.

The English Adventurers. By Clennell Wilkinson. London : Longmans, Green and Co. Ltd., 1931. Price 3s. 6d. net.

Manual of Meteorology. Vol. IV. By Sir Napier Shaw with the assistance of Elaine Austin. Cambridge : University Press, 1931. Price 30s.

The Company of Scotland : Trading to Africa and the Indies. By Groege Pratt Insh., D.Litt. F.E.I.S. Author of Scottish Colonial Schemes, 1620–1686, and Editor of Darien Shipping Papers, 1695–1707. (Scottish History Society.) London and New York : Charles Scribner's Sons, 1931. Price 12s. 6d.

To the Ends of the World and Back. By J. Walker M'Spadden. New York : Thomas Y. Crowell, 1931. Price $3.

Doubloons. By Charles B. Driscoll. London : Chapman and Hall Ltd., 1931. Price 18s. net.


A Primer of Economic Geography. By L. W. Lyde, M.A. London : Sir Isaac Pitman and Sons Ltd., 1931. Price 5s. net.

The Approach to Geography. By E. Bown, F.R.G.S.. London : Christophers, 1931. Price 3s. 6d.

Southern Europe : A Regional and Economic Geography of the Mediterranean Lands. By Marion I. Newbigin. London : Methuen and Co. Ltd., 1932. Price 15s. net.  相似文献   


Hawick and the Border. By the late E. S. Craig, Advocate. Edited by the Rev. James Wotherspoon. Hawick: W. and J. Kennedy, 1927. Price 25s.

Wild Drumalbain, or The Road to Meggernie and Glen Coe. By Alasdair Alpin MacGregor. London : W. and K. Chambers Ltd., 1927. Price 7s. 6d.

A Highland Parish: A History of Fortingall. By Alexander Stewart. With a Foreword by Professor W. J. Watson. Glasgow: Alex. MacLaren and Sons, 1928. Price 10s. 6d.

Spain from the South. By J. B. Trench. London : Methuen and Co. Ltd., 1928. Price 10s. 6d.

Marching Spain. By Mr. V. S. Pritchett. London: Ernest Benn Ltd., 1928. Price 10s. 6d.

Pass‐Staaten in den Alpen. Albrecht Haushofer. Berlin‐Grunewald: Kurt Vowinckel, 1928. Preis M 10.

Italy from End to End. By H. Warner Allen. London : Methuen and Co. Ltd., 1927. Price 10s. 6d.


Humanity and Labour in China. By Adelaide Mary Anderson, D.B.E., M.A. London: Student Christian Movement, 1927. Price 10s. 6d. net.

Sketches of Vanishing China. By Arthur H. Heath. London: Thornton Butterworth Ltd., 1927. Price 30s. net.

The British Connection with India. By K. T. Paul. Student Christian Movement, 1927. Price 5s.

The Ordinary Man's India. By A. Claude Brown, M.B.E. London: Cecil Palmer, 1927. Price 10s. 6d.

A Tour in Southern Asia. By Horace Bleackley. London: John Lane, The Bodley Head Ltd., 1928. Price 12s. 6d.

Magic Ladakh: An Intimate Picture of a Land of Topsy‐Turvy Customs and Great Natural Beauty. By “Ganpat” (Major M. L. A. Gompertz, 10th Baluch Regiment, Indian Army), author of The Road to Lamaland, Harilek, The Voice of Dashin, etc. London : Seeley, Service and Co. Ltd., 1928. Price 21s. net.


Kenya from Within: A Short Political History. By W. M'Gregor Ross, B.A., M.Sc., B.E., M.Inst. C.E., sometime Assistant Engineer, Uganda Railway Construction, 1900; Director of Public Works, East Africa Protectorate (later Kenya Colony), 1905–1923; also Member of Legislative Council, 1916–1922. London : George Allen and Unwin Ltd., 1927. Price 18s. net.

The Black Journey. By Georges‐Marie Haardt and Louis Audouin‐Ddbreuil. London : Geoffrey Bles, 1928. Price 16s.

Nigeria under British Rule. By Sir W. N. Geary, Bart. London: Methuen and Co. Ltd., 1927. Price 16s. net.

A History of South Africa. By Professor Eric A. Walker. London: Longmans, Green and Co. Price 12s. 6d. net.

On the Trail of the Veiled Tuareg. By Dugald Campbell, F.R.A.I., author of In the Heart of Bantuland. London: Seeley, Service and Co., 1928. Price 21s. net.


A Wayfarer in the West Indies. By Algernon Aspinall, C.M.G. London: Methuen and Co. Ltd., 1927. Price 7s. 6d.

To the Foot of the Rainbow. By Clyde Kluckhohn. London: Eveleigh Nash and Grayson Ltd., 1928. Price 12s. 6d.

Old Trails and Roads in Perm's Land. By John T. Faris. London: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1927. Price 25s. net.

The South American Handbook, 1928. Edited by J. A. Hunter. London: South American Publications Ltd. Price 2s. 6d. net.


Adventures in the Big Bush. By Cyril Grant Lane. London: Hutchinson and Co., 1928. Price 18s.


Etah and Beyond; or, Life within Twelve Degrees of the Pole. By D. B. Macmillan. London: Chapman and Hall Ltd., 1928. Price 21s. net.

Antarctica: A Treatise ore the Southern Continent. By J. Gordon Hayes. London : The Richards Press, 1928. Price £2, 2s. net.


Peoples and Problems of the Pacific. By J. Macmillan Brown. 2 vols. London: Ernest Brown, 1927. Price 50s. net.

The Human Habitat. By Ellsworth Huntington. London: Chapman and Hall Ltd., 1928. Price 15s.

The Voyage of the "Caroline” to Van Diemen's Land and Batavia in 1827–38. By Rosalie Hare. With additional chapters by Ida Lee. London: Longmans, Green and Co. Ltd., 1927. Price 15s.

Human Migration and the Future: A Study of the Causes, Effects, and Control of Emigration. By J. W. Gregory, F.R.S., D.Sc., Professor of Geology in the University of Glasgow. London : Seeley, Service and Co. Ltd., 1928. Price 12s. 6d. net.

Grenzen: In ihrer Geographischen und Politischen Bedeutung. Dr. Karl Haushofer. Berlin‐Grunewald : Kurt Vowinckel, 1927. Preis M. 18.


An Introduction to Oceanography: With Special Reference to Geography and Geophysics. By James Johnstone, D.Sc. Second Edition, completely revised. London: Hodder and Stoughton Ltd., 1928. Price 15s. net.

Field Astronomy for Engineers and Surveyors. By David Clark, M.A., B.Sc. London: Constable and Co. Ltd., 1926. Price 10s. 6d. net.

Handbook of Commercial Geography. By Geo. G. Chisholm, M.A., B.Sc., Hon. LL.D. (Edin.). Eleventh edition, revised and edited by L. Dudley Stamp, D.Sc., B.A. (Lond.). London: Longmans, Green and Co. Ltd., 1928. Price 25s.

Maps, their History, Characteristics, and Uses. By Sir Herbert George Fordbam. Second Edition. Cambridge : University Press, 1927. Price 6s. net.  相似文献   

The Mameluke or Slave Dynasty of Egypt. By Sir William Muir, K.C.S.I., LL.D., D.C.L., Ph.D. (Bologna). London : Smith, Elder, and Co., 1896.

Hausaland; or, Fifteen Hundred Miles through the Central Soudan. By Chas. Henry Robinson, M.A. London : Sampson Low and Co., 1896. Pp. 304.

Terre d'Espagne. Par René Bazin. Paris : Calmann Lévy, 1896. Pp. 336. Price 3 fr. 50 c.

The Gold Diggings of Cape Horn: A Study of Life in Tierra del Fuego and Patagonia. By John R. Spears. New York and London : G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1895. Pp. x + 319.

Parts of the Pacific. By A Peripatetic Parson. London : Swan Sonnenschein and Co., 1896. Pp. 388. Price 10s. 6d.

Folk og Natur i Finmarken. Af Hans Reusch. Kristiania : i Kommission hos T. O. Brögger, 1895. Pp. 176. Price 3 Kr.

National Geographic Monographs, prepared under the auspices of the National Geographic Society. New York, Cincinnati, Chicago : American Book Company, 1895. Vol. i., large 8vo, pp. 336. Price $1.50.

Elementary Physical Geography. By Ralph S. Tare, B.Sc., F.G.S.A. New York : Macmillan and Co., 1895. Pp. xxxii + 488; illus. 267 + plates 29. Price 7s. 6d. net.

Ice‐work, Present and Past. By T. G. Bonney, D.Sc., LL.D., F.R.S., etc., Professor of Geology, University College, London. London : Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner and Co., Limited, 1896. 8vo, pp. 295. Price 5s.

Ethnology. In Two Parts. I.—Fundamental Ethnical Problems; II.—The Primary Ethnical Groups. By A. H. Keane, F.R.G.S. Cambridge : At the University Press, 1896. Pp. xxx + 442. Price 10s. 6d.

Bibliographie du Congo, 1880–1895. Catalogue méthodique de 3,800 Ouvrages, Brochures, Notices, et Cartes. Par A. J. Wauters. Bruxelles : Administration du Mouvement Géographique, 1895. Pp. 356.

Postal Directory of the Madras Circle, showing the Name of each Village in the, Madras Presidency and of the Post Town through which it is served. First edition. 3 vols. folio, pp. 1506. Madras, 1893 [not for sale].

Pacific Line Guide to South America, containing information for Travellers and Shippers to Ports on the East and West Coasts of South America. London : Simpkin, Marshall, and Co. ; Liverpool: Rockliff Brothers, 1895. Pp. 157. Price 2s. 6d. net.

Cocoa : All about it. By Historicus. London : Sampson Low, Marston, and Co., 1896. Pp. 99.  相似文献   


To Venice and Back in a Two‐Seater. By E. Halford Ross. London : Cassell and Co., Ltd., 1924. Price 6s.

Through Central France to the Pyrenees. By Maude Speed. London : Longmans, Green and Co., 1924. Price 10s. 6d. net.

Eynhallow: The Holy Island of the Orkneys. By John Mooney, F.S.A. Kirkwall: W. R. Mackintosh, 1923. Price 8s. 6d.

Impressions of Soviet Russia. By Charles Sarolea, Professor of French Literature in the University of Edinburgh. London: E. Nash and Grayson, 1924. Price 10s. 6d. net.

The Road to Rannoch and the Summer Isles. By T. Ratcliffe Barnett. Edinburgh: Robert Grant and Son. 1924. Price 7 s. 6d.

The Hill Paths, Drove Roads and "Gross Country” Routes in Scotland from the Cheviots to Sutherland. By Walter A. Smith, F.F.A., Edinburgh. Edinburgh: Macniven and Wallace, 1924. Price 2s. 6d.

Le Mont Olympe (Thessalie). Monographie par Marcel Kdrz, Ingénieur de la Mission suisse près le gouvernement Hellénique. Paris and Neuchâtel: Victor Attinger, 1923.


Sport and Service in Assam and Elsewhere. By Lt.‐Col. Alban Wilson, D.S.O. London: Hutchinson and Co., 1924 Price 18s. net.

Arab Asia. A Geography of Syria, Palestine, Irak, and Arabia. By Lanice Paton Dana.

My Nestorian Adventure in China. By His Excellency Fritz Holm, G.C.C., G.C.O.M., etc. London : Hutchinson and Co., 1924. Price 18s.


Big Game and Pygmies : Experiences of a Naturalist in Central African Forests in Quest of the Okapi. By Cuthbert Christy, M.B., C.M. (Edin.). With an introductory chapter by Sir Harry H. Johnston, G.C.M.G. London: Macmillan and Co., Ltd., 1924. Price 21s. net.


Jamaica: The Lodestar of the Caribbean. By E. M. Cook. Bristol: J. W. Arrowsmith, 1924. Price 2s. 6d.

Desert Trails of Atacama. By Isaiah Bowman, Director of the American Geographical Society. The American Geographical Society, New York, 1924. Price $5.

Economic Geography of Indiana. By S. S. Visher, Ph.D. New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1923.


Cotton in Australia. The Possibilities and the Limitations of Australia as a Cotton‐growing Country. By Richard Harding. London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1924. Price 12s. 6d. net.


The Cosmic Bust. By Rajani Ranjan Sen, B.A., B.L. Chittagong : M. R. Sen, 1923. Price Rs. 6/8.


Grundzüge der Länderkunde. Von Alfred Hettner. Band 1 : Europa. 2nd (revised) Ed. Preis 9 Goldmark Band 2: Aussereuropäische Erdteile. Preis 11.20 Goldmark. Leipzig and Berlin : B. G. Teubner, 1923.

Regional Geographies: I. The British Isles. By J. Hamilton Birrell, M.A., F.R.S.G.S. ii. The British Umpire. By T. S. Muir, M.A., F.R.S.G.S. Edinburgh : W. and E. Chambers, Ltd. Price 1s. 3d. each.

Economic Geography of the British Empire. By Ciias. B. Tiiurston, B.Sc., F.R.G.S. Fourth and Revised Edition. London : University of London Press, Ltd., 1924. Price 5s.

Junior Regional Geographies. Book III. The Regions of the World. By W. H. Barker, B.Sc. F.R.G.S., and Leonard Brooks, M.A., F.R.G.S. London: University of London Press, Ltd., 1924. Price 2s. 9d.

A Junior Economic Geography. By O. J. R. Howarth. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1923. Price 2s. 6d. net.  相似文献   

Note on The Lake‐Dwellings of Europe.

The Realm of Nature—An Outline of Physiography. By Hugh Robert Mill, D.Sc., Edin., F.R.S.E. London : John Murray, 1892. Price 5s.

Galloway in Ancient and Modern Times. By P. H. M'Kerlie. Edinburgh : William Blackwood and Sons, 1891. Price 7s. 6d.

The Trade Policy of Imperial Federation from an Economic Point of View. By Maurice H. Hervey, Principal of Illawarra College, New South Wales. London : Swan Sonnenschein and Co., 1892. Pp. x. + 182. Price 2s. 6d.

Two Happy Years in Ceylon. By C. F. Gordon Cumming. Illustrated, in 2 vols. Edinburgh and London : W. Blackwood and Sons, 1892. Price 30s.

Travels in the Mogul Empire, 1656–1668. By François Bernier. Edited by Archibald Constable, M.As. Soc. Beng., F.S.A. Scot. Vol. I. of Constable's Oriental Miscellany. Westminster : Archibald Constable and Co., 1891. Pp. li + 498. Price 6s. net.

The Real Japan : Studies of Contemporary Japanese Manners, Morals, Administration, and Politics. By Henry Norman. London : T. Fisher Unwin, 1892.

Japanese Girls and Women. By Alice Mabel Bacon. London : Gay and Bird, 1891. Pp. 333. Price 5s.

Coomassie and Magdala. The Story of Two British Campaigns in Africa. By Henry M. Stanley. New Edition. Pp. x + 402. Price 3s. 6d

The Great Lone Land: A Narrative of Travel and Adventure in the North‐West of America. By Colonel W. F. Butler, C.B., F.R.G.S. Fourteenth Edition. Pp. x + 386. Price 3s. 6d. London : Sampson Low, Marston, &; Company, Limited, 1891.

Untrodden Jamaica. By Herbert J. Thomas. Kingston : Aston W. Gardner and Co., 1890. Pp. 90.

The New Jamaica. By Edgar Mayhew Bacon and Eugene Murray Aaron, Ph.D. New York : Walbridge and Co. Kingston: Aston W. Gardner and Co., 1890. Pp. xi + 243.

The Statesman's Year‐Book, 1892. Edited by J. Scott Keltie, Assistant‐Secretary to the Royal Geographical Society. Pp. 1151. Price 10s. 6d.

The Northern Counties Red Book and Chronicle Almanac for 1892. Inverness: Northern Chronicle Office. Pp. 88. Price 3d.

Smith American Railways. Argentina and Uruguay. By J. K. Carter, F.G.S. London : Fred. C. Mathieson &; Sons, 1891. Pp. xii.+ 204. Price 2s. net.

Britannic Confederation : A Series of Papers by Sir John Colomb, Professor Edward A. Freeman, George G. Chisholm, Professor Shield Nicholson, Maurice H. Hervey, and the Bight Honourable Lord Thring. Edited, with an Introduction, by Arthur Silva White, Secretary and Editor, Eoyal Scottish Geographical Society. With a new map of the British Empire. London: George Philip and Son, 1892. Pp. 180. Price 3s. 6d.  相似文献   


Spanish Summer. By George Craig Stewart. Milwaukee : Morehouse Publishing Company, 1928. Price 5 dollars.

Travels in France during the years 1787, 1788, and 1789. By Arthur Young. Edited by Constantia Maxwell, Lecturer in Modern History, Trinity College, Dublin. Cambridge : University Press, 1929. Price 12s. 6d.

French France. By Oliver Maddox Hueffer. London : Ernest Benn Ltd., 1929. Price 10s. 6d.

Things Seen in Sicily. By Isabel Emerson. London : Seeley, Service, and Co. Ltd., 1929. Price 3s. 6d.

A Wayfarer in the Pyrenees. By E. I. Robson. With 12 Illustrations by J. R. E. Howard, and a Map. London : Methuen and Co. Ltd., 1929. Price 7s. 6d.


In Java and the Neighbouring Islands of the Dutch East Indies. By John C. Van Dyke. London : Charles Scribners Sons, 1929. Price 8s. 6d.

Express to Hindustan. By M. H. Ellis. London: John Lane (The Bodley Head Ltd.), 1929. Price 12s. 6d.

From Leipsig to Cabul. By G. Stratil‐Sauer. Translated by Frederic Whyte. London : Hutchinson and Co. Ltd., 1929. Price 18s.

A Persian Caravan. By A. Cecil Edwards. London : Duckworth and Co. Ltd., 1928. Price 8s. 6d.

Bush Whacking and Other Tales from Malaya. By Sir Hugh Clifford. London : William Heinemann Ltd., 1929. Price 10s. 6d.

Asie des Moussons. Tome IX. Par Jules Sion. Première Partie, Chine‐Japon, 1928. Deuxième Partie, Inde‐Indochine‐Insulinde, 1929. Paris: Armand Colin. Price 70 francs each part.


Kirk on the Zambesi: A Chapter of African History. By R. Coupland, M.A., C.I.E., Beit Professor of Colonial History, Oxford. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1928. Price 18s. net.

Lion: African Adventure with the King of Beasts. By Martin Johnson. New York and London : G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1929. Price 21s.


The South American Handbook, 1929. Edited by J. A. Hunter. Founded upon The Anglo‐South American Handbook of the late W. H. Koebel. London : South American Publications Ltd. Price 2s. 6d.

Géographie Universelle, publiée sous la direction de R. Vidal de la Blache et L. Gallois. Tome XV. Amérique du Sud. Par P. Denis. Première Partie, Prix 50 francs ; Deuxième Partie, Prix 70 francs. Paris: Armand Colin, 1927.


High Pressure: Being some Record of Activities in the Service of "The Times” Newspaper. By Colonel Lionel James, C.B.E., D.S.O. London: John Murray, 1929. Price 12s. net.

On Mediterranean Shores. By Emil Ludwig. Translated from the German by Eden and Cedar Paul. With Illustrations. London : George Allen and Unwin Ltd., 1929. Price 10s. 6d.

Anson's Voyage round the World. By Richard Walter, M.A., Captain to the Flagship Centurion. A New Edition with Prefatory Notes by G. S. Laird Clowes. London: Martin Hopkinson. Boston : Charles E. Lauriat Co., 1928. Price £1, 11s. 6d.

Buccaneers of the Pacific. By George Wycherley. London: John Lane (The Bodley Head Ltd.,) 1929. Price 21s.

Astronomy and Cosmogony. By J. H. Jkans, M.A., D.Sc., LL.D., F.R.S. London : Cambridge University Press, 1928. Price 31s. 6d. net.

Europa. 3 Auflage. Europa ausser Deutschland. Von Professor Dr. Alfred Philippson. Price 22 RM. Afrika. 3 Auflage. Von Professor Dr. Fritz Jaeger. Price 20 RM. Allgemeiner Länderkunde, begründet von Professor Dr. Wilhelm Sievers, neu herausgegeben von Professor Dr. Hans Meyer. Leipzig: Bibliographisches Institut A.G., 1928.


The Trade of the Indian Ocean. By V. Anstey, B.Sc. “The University Geography” Series. London: Longmans, Green and Co. Ltd., 1929 Price 8s. 6d.  相似文献   


Island Farm. By F. Fraser Darling. Demy 8vo. Pp. 223. Illustrated. London : George Bell and Sons Ltd., 1944. Price 15s.

A History of the City of York. By Charles B. Knight. Royal 8vo. Pp. ix+774. 3 plans. York : The Herald Printing Works, 1944. Price 42s.

British Survey Handbooks. 1. Belgium. Edited by John Eppstein. Fcap 8vo. Pp. xiv+111. Map. Cambridge : University Press, 1944. Price 3s.

The Dutch Nation: An Historical Study. By G. J. Renier. Demy 8vo. Pp. 272. 1 map. London : George Allen and Unwin Ltd. for The Netherlands Government Information Bureau, 1944. Price 15s.


China and Britain. By Sir John T. Pratt. Demy 8vo. Pp.128. 11 plates. 66 other illustrations. London : William Collins, Sons and Co. Ltd., 1944. Price 8s. 6d.


Canadian‐American Relations, 1875–1911. By Charles Callan Tansill. Med. 8vo. Pp. xviii+507. 3 sketch maps. New Haven : Yale University Press ; Toronto : The Ryerson Press ; London : Humphrey Milford, Oxford University Press, 1943. Price $3.50 or 23s. 6d.


The Geographical Basis of Government, Specially Applied to New South Wales. By J. Macdonald Holmes. 9 1/2×7 inches. Pp. 168. 34 figs. Sydney: Angus and Robertson Ltd., 1944. Price 12s. 6d.


GeomorphologyAn Introduction to the Study of Landforms. By C. A. Cotton. Third Edition, revised and enlarged. Pp. 505. 473 figs. Christchurch, N.Z. : Whitcombe and Tombs Ltd., 1942. Price 25s.

Principles of Physical Geology. By Arthur Holmes, D.Sc., F.R.S. Pp. xii+532. 95 plates. 262 text illustrations. Edinburgh and London : Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd., 1944. Price 30s.


The Oceans : Their Physics, Chemistry and General Biology. By H. U. Sverdrup, Martin W. Johnson, and Richard H. Fieming. Demy 8vo. Pp. x+1087. 265 figs. 7 charts. Bibliography. New York : Prentice‐Hall Inc., 1942. Price $10.00.


Higher Surveying. By Arthur Lovat Higgins. Demy 8vo. Pp. viii+463. 172 figs. London : Macmillan and Co. Ltd., 1944. Price 25s.


The Statesman's Year‐Book : Statistical and Historical Annual of the States of the World for the Tear 1944. Edited by M. Epstein, M.A., Ph.D. Crown 8vo. Pp. xxxvii+1484. Map of Boundaries of Poland. London : Macmillan and Co. Ltd., 1944. Price 30s.  相似文献   

The Swiss abroad     

A Camera in the Hills. By F. S. Smythe. Demy 8vo. Pp. 147. London: A. and C. Black Ltd., 1940. Price 12s. 6d.

British Hills and Mountains. By J. H. B. Bell, E. F. Bozman and J. Fairfax Blakeborough. Illustrated. Demy 8vo. Pp. viii+120. London: B. T. Batsford Ltd., 1940. Price 8s. 6d.

Island Tears. By F. Fraser Darling. Illustrated. Demy 8vo. Pp. xii+300. London: Bell and Son Ltd., 1940. Price 12s.

Hertfordshire. Edited by Arthur Mee. Illustrated. Buckinghamshire. Edited by Arthur Mee. Illustrated. Demy 8vo. Pp. ix+256 and ix+284. London: Hodder and Stoughton Ltd., 1940. Price 7s. 6d. each.

By Many Waters. By A. R. B. Haldane. Illustrated. Crown 8vo. Pp. x+223. Edinburgh: T. Nelson and Sons Ltd., 1940. Price 10s. 6d.

Highland View. By James Bramwell. Demy 8vo. Pp. 230. London: Robert Hale Ltd., 1939. Price 8s. 6d.

The Medieval Fenland. By H. C. Darby. Illustrated. Demy 8vo. Pp. xvii+200. London: Cambridge University Press Ltd., 1940. Price 12s. 6d.

The Draining of the Fens. By H. C. Darby. Illustrated. Demy 8vo. Pp. xix+312. London: Cambridge University Press Ltd., 1940. Price 21s.

Down River. By J. Lehmann. Illustrated. Demy 8vo. Pp. xii+291. London: Gresset Press, 1940. Price 12s. 6d.

Sketches of Finland. Illustrated. 4to. Pp. 135. Helsinki: Suomen Kirja Ltd., 1939. Price 8s. 6d.

Footsteps in Finland. By Joan and Peggy Webster. Illustrated. Demy 8vo. Pp. 256. London: Skeffington and Son Ltd., 1940. Price 12s. 6d.

Finland. By Agnes Rothery. Demy 8vo. Pp. ix+257. London: Faber and Faber Ltd., 1940. Price 6s.

Ikons and Oxen. By P. Thornton. Illustrated. Demy 8vo. Pp. 300. London: Collins and Co. Ltd., 1939. Price 12s. 6d.

Buffer States of the Balkans. By Harry Gregson. Illustrated. Demy 8vo. Pp. 239. London: Hutchinson and Co. Ltd., 1940. Price 12s. 6d.

In Old Romania. By H. Baerlein. Demy 8vo. Pp. 287. London: Hutchinson and Co. Ltd., 1940. Price 12s. 6d.

Stalin. By Eugene Lyons. Illustrated. Demy 8vo. Pp. 255. London: Harrap and Co. Ltd., 1940. Price 9s.

The Russian Enigma. By A. Ciliga. Demy 8vo. Pp. xi+304. London: Routledge and Sons Ltd., 1940. Price 7s. 6d.

Mountaineering Holiday. By F. S. Smythe. Illustrated. Demy 8vo. Pp. xi+229. London: Hodder and Stoughton Ltd., 1940. Price 12s. 6d.

Alpine Pilgrimage. By J. Kugy. Illustrated. Demy 8vo. Pp. 367. London: John Murray, 1940. Price 6s.

Problems of the Baltic. By W. F. Reddaway. Pp.120. London: Cambridge University Press Ltd., 1940. Price 3s. 6d.

Mediterranean Problems. By Gordon East. Edinburgh: T. Nelson and Sons Ltd., 1940. Price 2s. 6d.


Mauretania, Warrior, Man and Woman. By Sacheverell Sitwell. Illustrated. Demy 8vo. Pp. 328. London: Duckworth and Co. Ltd., 1940. Price 15s.

A History of the Gambia. By J. M. Gray. Imperial 8vo. Pp. x+508. London: Cambridge University Press Ltd., 1940. Price 30s.

The Swazi. By B. A. Marwick. Illustrated. Demy 8vo. Pp. xvii+320. London: Cambridge University Press Ltd., 1940. Price 18s.

Portrait of a Colony. The Story of Natal. By A. F. Hattersley. Illustrated. Demy. Pp. viii+233. London: Cambridge University Press Ltd., 1940. Price 8s. 6d.

Livingstone the Liberator. By J. I. Macnair. Crown 8vo. Pp. 382. London: Collins and Co. Ltd., 1940. Price 2s. 6d.

Lions on Trust. By Cleland Scott. Illustrated. Demy 8vo. Pp. 317. London: Michael Joseph Ltd., 1940. Price 12s. 6d.


Ecuador the Unknown. By V. W. Von Hagen. Illustrated. Demy 8vo. Pp. 296. London: Jarrolds Ltd., 1939. Price 15s.

Riddle of Hell's Jungle. By Schulz‐Kampfhenkel. Illustrated. Demy 8vo. Pp. 242. London: Hurst and Blackett Ltd., 1940. Price 16s.

To the Lost World. By P. A. Zahl. Illustrated. Demy 8vo. Pp. 242. London: Harrap and Co. Ltd., 1940. Price 11s.

Refuge in the Andes. By Rudolph Messel. Illustrated. Demy 8vo. Pp. 285. London: John Lane The Bodley Head Ltd., 1940. Price 10s. 6d.

Americas to the South. By J. T. Whitaker. Demy 8vo. London: Macmillan and Co. Ltd., 1939. Price 12s. 6d.

Caribbean Treasure. By I. T. Sanderson. Illustrated. Imperial 8vo. Pp. 292. London: Hamish Hamilton Ltd., 1940. Price 12s. 6d.

Tristan da Cunha, 1506–1002. By J. Brander. Demy 8vo. Pp. 336. London: G. Allen and Unwin Ltd., 1940. Price 12s. 6d.

The Lonely Island. By E. Christopherson. Demy 8vo. Pp. xii+243. London: Cassell and Co. Ltd., 1940. Price 12s. 6d.

North America. By E. G. Ashton. Illustrated. Crown 8vo. Pp. 383. London: Harrap and Co. Ltd., 1940. Price 8s. 6d.

Steam Conquers the Pacific. By A. C. Wardle. Demy 8vo. Pp. 200. London: Hodder and Stoughton Ltd., 1940. Price 10s. 6d.


The Story of Jericho. By J. and J. B. E. Garstang. Illustrated. Demy 8vo. Pp. xv+200. London: Hodder and Stoughton Ltd., 1940. Price 8s. 6d.

Once in Sinai. By J. M. C. Plowden. Demy 8vo. Pp. ix+302. London: Methuen and Co. Ltd., 1940. Price 12s. 6d.

A Winter in Arabia. By Freya Stark. Illustrated. Demy 8vo. Pp. xii+328. London: John Murray, 1940. Price 16s.

Burma Road. By Nicol Smith. Demy 8vo. Pp. 320. London: Victor Gollancz, 1940. Price 16s.

The Baiga. By Verrier Elwtn. Demy 8vo. Pp. xxxi+550. London: John Murray, 1940. Price 30s.

Himalayan Honeymoon. By B. Pares. Illustrated. Demy 8vo. Pp. 301. London: Hodder and Stoughton Ltd., 1940. Price 15s.

Land of a Thousand Buddhas. By T. Bernard. Demy 8vo. Pp. 320. London: Rider and Co., 1940. Price 18s.

The Wandering Lake. By Sven Hedin. Illustrated. Demy 8vo. Pp. x+293. London: Routledge and Sons Ltd., 1940. Price 18s.

Chaos in Asia. By Hallett Abend. Demy 8vo. Pp. 313. London: John Lane The Bodley Head Ltd., 1940. Price 10s. 6d.

A Cavalier in China. By A. W. S. Wingate. Illustrated. Demy 8vo. Pp. 327. London: Grayson and Grayson Ltd., 1940. Price 15s.

Inner Asian Frontiers of China. By Owen Lattimore. Demy 8vo. Pp. xxiii+585. Oxford: University Press, 1940. Price $4.00.

Journey into China. By Violet Cressy‐Marcks. Illustrated. Demy 8vo. Pp.320. London: Hodder and Stoughton Ltd., 1940. Price 21s.

Turkestan Tumult. By A. K. Wu. Illustrated. Demy 8vo. Pp. xiii+279. London: Methuen and Co. Ltd., 1940. Price 12s. 6d.

Phoenicia and Western Asia. By R. Weill. Crown 8vo. Pp. 208. London: Harrap and Co. Ltd., 1940. Price 6s.

Sea Power and Empire. By F. C. J. Hearnshaw. Demy 8vo. Pp. 192. London: Harrap and Co. Ltd., 1940. Price 10s. 6d.


Suez and Panama. By A. Siegfried. Demy 8vo. Pp. 400. London: Jonathan Cape Ltd., 1940. Price 10s. 6d.

Life of Captain Cook. By H. Carrington. Demy 8vo. Pp. ix+324. London: Sidgwick and Jackson Ltd., 1940. Price 16s.

Velvet Voyaging. By E. Wasserman. Demy 8vo. Pp.316. London: John Lane The Bodley Head Ltd., 1940. Price 12s. 6d.

The Adventures of a Mountaineer. By F. S. Smythe. Demy 8vo. Pp. viii+228. J. M. Dent and Sons Ltd., 1940. Price 7s. 6d.

An Escaper's Log. By D. Grinnell‐Milne. Illustrated. Crown 8vo. Pp. vii+306. London: John Lane The Bodley Head Ltd., 1940. Price 3s. 6d.

Edward Whymper. By F. S. Smythe. Illustrated. Demy 8vo. Pp. 330. London: Hodder and Stoughton Ltd., 1940. Price 21s.

Approach to the Hills. By C. F. Meade. Illustrated. Demy 8vo. Pp. 265. London: John Murray, 1940. Price 10s. 6d.


The Gifts of the Earth. By E. Brooks and R. Finch. Illustrated. Demy 8vo. Pp. 272. London: University of London Press, 1940. Price 3s. 6d.

Twenty Essential Studies in Geography. By G. Noyle. Demy 8vo. Pp. vii+184. London: Macmillan and Co. Ltd., 1940. Price 2s. 6d.

Structural and Field Geology. By James Geikie, revised by R. Campbell and R. M. Craig. Illustrated. Imperial 8vo. Pp. xxiv+395. Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd Ltd., 1940. Price 25s.

Kingsway Social Geographies. Book I. Hunters and Fishers, Book II. The Herders. Book III. The Cultivators. Book IV. Miners and Manufacturers. Book V. Traders and Carriers. Edited by Ernest Young. London: Evans Brothers Ltd., 1940. Price 1s. 6d. each.  相似文献   

New books     
In Western India: Recollections of my Early Missionary Life. By the Rev. J. Murray Mitchell, M.A., LL.D. Edinburgh: David Douglas, 1899. Pp. 405. Price 5s.

British Africa. With four Maps. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner and Co., Ltd., 1899. Pp. 400 +Appendix, pp. xiii. Price 6s.

Bihar. By Stanley Lane‐Poole, M. A., Professor of Arabic at Trinity College, Dublin. ("Rulers of India.”) Oxford : The Clarendon Press, 1899. Pp. 206. Price 2s. 6d.

Tirol. Von Max Haushofer. Schweiz. Von J. C. Heer. Land und Leute, herausgegeben von A. Scob'el, Nos. IV. and V. Bielefeld und Leipzig: Verlag von Velhagen und Klasing, 1899. Pp. 198 and 192. Price M. 4 each.

Nederlandsch Indie onder het Begentschap von Koningin Emma, 1890–1898. Batavia: G. Kolff and Co., 1898. Pp. xvi + 351.

From the Alps to the Andes. Being the Autobiography of a Mountain Guide. By Mattias Zurbriggen. London : T. Fisher Unwin, 1899. Pp. 269. Price 10s. Gd. net.

Two Women in Klondike. By Mart E. Hitciicock. New York and London : G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1899. Pp. 485. Price 12s. 6d.

In India. By G. W. Steevens, author of With Kitchener to Khartum, Egypt in‐1898, The Land of the Dollar, The Conquering Turk, etc. Crown 8vo. Pp. vi + 365. With a Map. London and Edinburgh : William Blackwood and Sons, 1899. Price 6s.

Our Island Empire. A Handbook of Cuba, Porto Rico, Hawaii, and the Philippine Islands. By Charles Morris. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott and Co. Pp. 488.

A Class‐Booh of Modern Geography. With Examination Questions, Notes, and Index. By William Hughes, F.R.G.S., late Professor of Geography in King's College, London. London: George Philip and Son, 1898. Pp. xvi + 472. Price 3s. 6d.  相似文献   


La Lorraine Métallurgique: Axel, Somme, Nancy, etc. Paris: Editions Berger‐Livrault, 1930.

Abbeys of Old Romance. By Charles G. Harper. London: Cecil Palmer, 1930. Price 15s.

Russia at Random. By Oliver Tweedy. London: Jarrolds, 1931. Price 7s. 6d.

European Encounters. By Hubert Griffith. London: John Lane (The Bodley Head Ltd.), 1931. Price 8s. 6d.

1. Between the River and the Hills. By Sisley Huddleston. London: George G. Harrap and Co. Ltd., 1931. Price 12s. 6d.

2. Travels in Normandy. By Roy Elston. London: G. Bell and Sons Ltd., 1931. Price 7s. 6d.

3. Folktales of Normandy. By W. Branch Johnson. London: Chapman and Hall Ltd., 1929. Price 7s. 6d.

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French Leaves. By E. V. Lucas. London: Methuen and Co. Ltd., 1931. Price 5s.

Beautiful Mountains: In the Jugoslav Alps. By F. S. Copeland. Split: The Jugoslav Bureau, n.d. Price 5s.

Italy Yesterday and To‐Bay. By A. Marinoni. New York: The Macmillan Company Ltd., 1931. Price 21s.

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A Journey to China, or Things which are Seen. By Arnold Toynbee. London: Constable and Co. Ltd., 1931. Price 15s.

The Japanese Population Problem: The Coming Crisis. By W. R. Crocker. London: George Allen and Unwin, Ltd. 1931. Price 10s. 6d. net.

Conflict: Angora to Afghanistan. By Rosita Forbes. London: Cassell and Co. Ltd., 1931. Price 15s.


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New Brunswick, Canada: Its Natural Resources and Development. By L. O. Thomas, B.Sc. Ottawa: Natural Resources Intelligence Service, 1930.

British Policy and Canada, 1774–1791. By Gerald S. Graham. London: Longmans, Green and Co. Ltd., 1930. Price 10s. 6d. net.


Little America. By R. E. Byed. London: G. P. Putnam's Sons Ltd., 1931. Price 21s.


The Mysterious Universe. By Sir James Jeans. Cambridge: At the University Press, 1930. Price 3s. 6d. net.

Jungle Islands: The "Illyriain the South Seas. By Sidney N. Shurcliff. London: G. P. Putnam's Sons Ltd., 1930. Price 42s.

Trodden Ways: 1895–1980. By Sir Ian Malcolm. London: Macmillan and Co. Ltd., 1930. Price 12s. 6d.

The Island of Penguins. By Cherry Kearton. London: Longmans, Green and Co. Ltd., 1930. Price 10s. 6d.

Turkey: Yesterday, To‐day, and To‐morrow. By Sir Telford Waugh. London: Chapman and Hall Ltd., 1930. Price 18s.

Dark Trails: Adventures of a Naturalist. By George K. Cherbie. With a Foreword by Kermit Roosevelt. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons Ltd., Price 15s.

Changing Conditions of Imperial Defence: Essays on Military Geography. By Capt. D. H. Cole, M.B.E. London: Sifton, Praed and Co. Ltd., 1930. Price 6s.

Downhill Ski‐Racing. By Harold Mitchell. London: George Allen and Unwin Ltd., 1931. Price 5s.

VancouverA Life: 1757–1798. By George Godwin. London: Philip Allan and Co. Ltd., 1930. Price 15s.

Kultur im Spiegel der Landschaft. Das Bild der Erde in seiner Oestaltung durch den Menschen. Ein Bilderatlas. Von Nikolaus Creutzburg. Leipzig: Bibliographisches Institut A.G., 1930. Preis RM. 45.

Peru from the Air. By Lieutenant George R. Johnson. With Text and Notes by Raye R. Platt. New York: American Geographical Society, 1930. Price $5.

The Autobiography of a Wanderer. By Major A. Radclyffe Dugmore, F.R.G.S. London: Hurst and Blackett Ltd., n.d. Price 18s. net.

Through the Caucasus to the Volga. By Fridtjof Nansen. London: George Allen and Unwin Ltd.. 1931. Price 12s. 6d. net.

Chorus to Adventurers. By Roger Pocock. London: John Lane (The Bodley Head Ltd.), 1931. Price 12s. 6d.

Impacts: The Trip to the States, and other Adventures of Travel. By Douglas Goldring. London: Eyre and Spottiswoode. Price 7s. 6d.


Geographische Kausalprofile: Eine Beispielsammlung aus der Praxis fur die Praxis. Von Dr. Kurt Keause. Breslau: Ferdinand Hirt, 1930. Preis RM. 2.50.

The Peoples of the World. Vol. II. People and Homes in Many Lands. By F. G. Moss, B.A. Illustrated. London: George G. Harrap and Co. Ltd., 1930. Price 2s. 6d.

An Introduction to Regional Surveying. By C. C. Fagg and G. E. Hutchings. Cambridge: At the University Press, 1930. Price 7s. 6d.

Introductory Studies in Geography. By E. Irene Daughtry, B.A. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1930. Price 2s. 3d.

The Seal Princess, by C. A. Dawson Scott, and With the Australian Aborigines, by E. L. Grant Wilson. “New Prospect” Readers. London: George Philip and Son Ltd., 1930. Price 8d. each.

The World‐Wide Geographies. Book IV. The World We Live In. By J. H. Stembridge. London: Oxford University Press, Humphrey Milford, 1930. Price 1s. 9d.

Individual Geographies: North America. By R. Finch. London: A. and C. Black Ltd., 1930. Price 1s. 6d.

Progressive Studies in Geography. Book II. The Atlantic Hemisphere. Book III. Euro‐Asia. By H. Sankey and E. A. Meerett. London: George Philip and Son Ltd., 1930. Price, Book II., 10d.; Book III., 9d.

A Text‐Book of Geography. By G. C. Fey, M.Sc. 7th Edition. London : University Tutorial Press, 1930. Price 6s. 6d.

Earth and Sky. By C. H. Dobinson, M.A., B.Sc., F.G.S. London: A. and C. Black Ltd., 1930. Price 3s. 6d.  相似文献   

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