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The Great Frozen Land : Narrative of a Winter Journey across the Tundras, and a Sojourn among the Samoyads. By Feed. George Jackson, F.E.G.S., leader of the Jackson‐Harmsworth Polar Expedition. Edited from his Journals by Arthur Montefiore. London : Macmillan and Co., 1895. With 46 Illustrations and 3 Maps. Pp. xviii + 297. Price 15s. net.

A Vagabond in Spain. By C. Bogue Luffmann. London : John Murray, 1895. Pp. xv+ 345.

Vikings of To‐day ; or, Life and Medical Work among the Fishermen of Labrador. By Wilfred T. Grenfell, M.E.O.S.E., L.R.C.P. Illustrated from original photographs. London: Marshall Bros., 1895. Pp. xvi + 240. Price 3s. 6d.

Five Years in Canada. By W. M. Elkington. London : Whittaker and Co.; Eugby : Geo. E. Over, 1895. Pp. 138. Price 2s. 6d. net.

Sport on the Pamirs and Turkistan Steppes. By Major C. S. Cumberland. With Frontispiece, Map, and Index. Edinburgh: William Blackwood and Sons, 1895. Pp.274.

Au Congo: Comment les Noirs travaillent. Par le Lieutenant Lemaire (Ch.). Bruxelles : Imprimerie Scientifique, 1895. Pp. 139.

Nord‐Kamerun. Schilderung der im Auftrage des Auswärtigen Amtes zur Erschliessung des nördlichen Hinterlandes von Kamerun während der Jahre 1886–1892 unternommenen Reisen. Von Eugen Zintgraff. Berlin : Verlag von Gebrüder Paetel, 1895. Pp. ix + 468.

Vedic India, as embodied principally in the Big‐Veda. By Zénaïde A: Ragozin, Member of the Eoyal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, etc. etc. ; Author of “The Story of Chaldæa,” “The Story of Assyria,” “The Story of Media, Babylon, and Persia,” etc. London : T. Fisher Unwin, Paternoster Square. New York : G.P. Putnam's Sons, mdcccxcv. Pp. xii+457. Price 5s.

Glimpses of the Eastern Archipelago: Ethnographical, Geographical, Historical. Translated from the Dutch by Geo. G. Batten. Pp. 137.

DaendelsRaffles: A Dissertation on the two Celebrated Governors of Java. By M. L. van Deventer. Translated from the Indische Gids by Geo. G. Batten. London : E. Marlborough and Co., n.d. Pp. 128.

Bogen wad Pfeil in Central‐Brasilien. Ethnographische Studie von Dr. Herrmann Meter. Leipzig: Druck vom Bibliographischen Institut, n.d. Pp. vi + 54.

Anthropogeographische Beiträge, Zur Gebirgskunde, vorzüglich Beobachtungen über Hohengrenzen und Hohengürtel. Herausgegeben im. Auftrage des Vereins fur Erkunde und der Carl Ritter‐Stiftung zu Leipzig. Von Friedrich Ratzel. Mit zehn Karten und zahlreichen Illustrationen. Leipzig: Verlag von Duncker u. Humblot, 1895. Pp. 362.

Petrology for Students: An Introduction to the Study of Rocks under the Microscope. By Alfred Harker, M.A., F.G.S. (Cambridge Natural Science Manuals.) Cambridge : University Press, 1895. Pp. viii + 306. Price 7s. 6d.

Ritters Geographisch‐Statistisches Lexikon. Erster Band. A—K. Leipzig: Otto Wigand, 1895. Pp. 1064. Eighth edition. Edited by Jons. Penzler. Pp. 1064.

A New Geography on the Comparative Method. With Maps and Diagrams. By J. M. D. Meiklejohn, M.A., Professor of the Theory, History, and Practice of Education in the University of St. Andrews, etc. Thirteenth Edition— Seventieth Thousand, Revised and Corrected. London : Alfred M. Holden, 1895. Pp. 1 + 504. Price 4s. 6d.

London in 1895. Originally Compiled by Herbert Fry. London : W. H. Allen and Co. Pp. 252. Price 1s.

Horne's Guide to Whitby.’ Whitby: Horne and Son, Gazette Office, 1895. Pp. 136. Price: Paper, 6d; Cloth, with Maps, 1s.

Illustrated Guide to Perthshire and Central Scotland. By Thomas Hunter. Perth : Thomas Hunter, 1895. Pp. 15 + 262.

Deeside. By Alex. Inkson M'Connochie. Aberdeen : Lewis Smith and Son, 1895. Pp. 157. Price, Boards, 1s.; Cloth, 2s.

Bruckmann's Illustrated Guides. The Highlands of Bavaria, with Salzburg and the Adjacent Parts of the Tyrol. By Dr. Gsell Fels. Pp. xvi + 238. Price 2s. 6d. Munich. By Dr. Gsell Fels. Pp. xvi+61. Price 1s. Munich: A. Bruckmann ; London : Asher and Co., 1895.

An Oriental Holiday. Bosnia and Herzegovina. A Handbook for the Tourist. By Henri Moser. Drawings by Georges Scott. London: 14 Cockspur Street, 1895. Pp. 76.

The Guide, to South Africa for the Use of Tourists, Sportsmen, Invalids, and Settlers. Edited annually by A. Samler Brown and G. Gordon Brown, London : Sampson Low, Marston, and Co. ; Cape Town : J. C. Juta and Co.. 1895. Pp. xlii + 354. Price 2s. 6d.

Guides of the Swedish Tourists Club, No. 8. Swedish Scenery and Places of Interest. Some Hints for Visitors to the “Land of the Midnight Sun.” Second edition. Stockholm : Wahlström and Widstrand, 1894. 14 Illustrations. Pp. 56.

Wegweiser des Schwedischen Touristenvereins, No. 10. Stockholm, die Havptstadt Schwedens. Stockholm : Wahlström and Widstrand. Leipsig : K. F. Koehler. With 60 Illustrations. Pp. 147.  相似文献   

Early maps of Scotland at a national scale provide historical geographers with an important source of data. One of the most important of these maps but still relatively unexploited and poorly understood is the Military Survey of Scotland or Roy Map. Examination is made here of its two versions, the Protracted Copy and the Fair Copy, to check the veracity of the draughtsmen who produced the latter and most commonly consulted version. An examination is made by focussing on two areas of Fife.  相似文献   

蔡副全 《文博》2009,(4):40-47
东汉摩崖《西狭颂》与《都阁颂》、《石门颂》并称“汉三颂”。清末张祖翼提出近拓《西狭颂》笔画肥肿,神气索然,乃吴大敬剜洗所致,是说证据不足。然《西狭颂》摩崖“正文”、“文前题记”及文后第一行“题名”的确有刻洗迹象。《五瑞图》下题名第四行“记”字也系后人重刻,其重刊时间约在嘉庆十七年(1812)至道光二年(1822)间,《西狭颂》剜洗亦或同时。另外,《西狭颂》正文末“时府”二字,字形、刀法、位置均与整篇不和谐,当为摩崖刻竣后补刊。  相似文献   

汪菁华 《安徽史学》2005,1(6):93-96
国家主权意识构成了陈独秀前期国家思想的理论起点.由此,陈独秀阐明了有关现代国家理论,对中国封建专制制度及其黑暗现实进行批判,并积极探索了在中国实现宪政制度的具体途径,表现出鲜明的时代特色,代表了历史发展的方向.  相似文献   

Recent lidar and pedestrian surface surveys have remapped the well-known Mesoamerican site of Izapa and the surrounding Soconusco piedmont. These data document: 1) occupation from the surrounding piedmont environment, 2) significantly larger estimates of the site's size during both the Formative and Classic periods as well as 3) new architectural features from the monumental site core. Methodological issues are outlined for combining high precision lidar mapping with ground truthing and pedestrian survey that focuses on surface collection of temporally diagnostic artifacts. Results are presented for 670 mounds documented in an area of 43.1 sq km in and around the ancient capital of Izapa.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: This paper examines some of the philosophical and epistemological issues surrounding current theories of political economy. By focusing on the historicism that postcolonial theorists have employed to critique the writings of Karl Marx and the lack of focus on the environment on the part of many political theorists, this paper argues for a political economy that accommodates the role of the disenfranchised and the environment as part of an archaeology of the future.  相似文献   

This article discusses the process and findings of a study in which video annotation (VideoANT) and a learning management system (LMS) were implemented together in the microteaching lessons of fourth-year geography student teachers. The aim was to ensure adequate assessment of and feedback for each student, since these aspects are, in general, a shortcoming of micro-lesson facilitation. VideoANT is an online environment synchronizing web-based video application with timeline-based text annotations, and it was imported into and managed in the university's LMS called eFundi. The web videos of the geography students' micro-lessons on VideoANT were made accessible by the lecturer according to a rotational time schedule managed in eFundi. This enabled students to assess fellow students' micro-lessons in a collaborative blended learning environment and to receive feedback on their own lessons. Qualitative as well as quantitative data were collected, and the results indicate that geography student teachers held positive views of these technology applications for geography microteaching in particular and for their teaching training in general.  相似文献   

《全明词》是一部重要的文献整理著作,但由于工程浩大,该书还存在一些需要订正补充之处。现根据《三旌义门王氏族谱》、《锡山秦氏宗谱》、《于氏族谱》等家谱资料对一些人物的小传进行订正与充实,并根据《皱水轩词筌》、《倚声初集》、《妇人集》等增补了一些词作,同时对一些相关问题加以考证。  相似文献   

In this article, I discuss how neoliberal state policies and practices and processes of negative differencing have contributed to growing economic and housing insecurity for citizens in need, in particular disabled women in need of provincial income assistance in Ontario, Canada. I argue that their increasingly insecure relationships to housing and home can be explained as outcomes of dialectical processes of differencing through neoliberal regimes of state rule. A key advantage of this approach is that it emphasises how growing economic and housing security for more affluent citizens is linked causally to increasing insecurity and misery for others. I begin by discussing how diverse relations to housing and home can be conceptualised as outcomes of dialectical processes of differencing in advanced capitalist societies. Next, I illustrate this approach by discussing how changes in state regulation of housing and income assistance programmes in the province of Ontario have worked to advantage more affluent citizens at the expense of disabled and other citizens in need. This is followed by a detailed analysis of regulatory processes shaping how women receiving provincial income assistance are negatively differenced and situated in relation to housing and home. Here I draw on interviews with women receiving provincial income support through the ODSP (Ontario Disability Support Programme).

Las dialécticas de hacer diferencia: Mujeres discapacitados, el estados y asuntos de vivienda

En éste artículo, discuto como los procesos, practicas y políticas neoliberalistas estatales de la producción negativa de diferencia han contribuido al crecimiento de inseguridad económica y de vivienda para ciudadanos marginalizados, especialmente mujeres discapacitados que requieren asistencia económica provincial in Ontario, Canadá. Argumento que las relaciones cada vez más inseguro a vivienda y hogar para éstas mujeres se pueden explicar como consecuencias de procesos dialécticos de hacer diferencia a través de regimenes neoliberalistas del estado. Una ventaja de ésta enfoque es que enfatiza como la aumentación de seguridad económica y de la vivienda para ciudadanos afluentes está entrelazado con indiferencia al crecimiento de inseguridad y desesperación para otra gente. Empiezo discutiendo como las diversas relaciones a viviendas y hogares se pueden conceptualizar como consecuencias de procesos de hacer diferencia en sociedades capitalistas avanzadas. Luego discuto, ilustrando ésta enfoque, como los cambios de reglas estatales de viviendas y programas de asistencia económica in la provincia de Ontario han ayudado más los ciudadanos afluentes a costa de los ciudadanos discapacitados y en necesidad de ayuda. Ésta discusión se sigue por un análisis detallado de los procesos que determinan como las mujeres que reciben asistencia económica se hacen diferente negativamente y se sitúan in relación a vivienda y hogar. Aquí utilizo entrevistas con mujeres que reciban asistencia provincial económica por el ODSP (Ontario Disability Support Program, Programa de Asistencia para Discapacitados de Ontario).  相似文献   

This article examines how to evaluate claims about the extent and impact of globalisation. A focus on the significance of earlier phases of globalisation is essential, but underestimating the importance and scope of recent developments is the wrong lesson to learn from a more historically informed analysis. While it is necessary to maintain a healthy scepticism towards endings, inevitability and irreversibility, it is important to remain open to the possibility that the world political economy has indeed undergone substantial transformation. This article argues that quantitative measures of globalisation need to be supplemented with an analysis of the pivotal role of the state in spurring and sponsoring the process of global economic interaction. State constructions of the imperatives of globalisation have aimed to bolster the acceptance of policy changes that support globalisation and transform domestic political economies. There is continuing potential for state activity to have effects--both positive and negative--on the progress of economic globalisation.  相似文献   

Japanese foreign policy is at a crossroads. A global power transition is under way; while the United States remains the leading global power, across the globe non‐western developing states are on the rise. Within Asia, China is a growing presence, wielding expansive claims on islands and maritime rights, and embarking on a defence buildup. As power shifts across Asia and the wider world, the terms of leadership and global governance have become more uncertain. Japan now finds itself asking basic questions about its own identity and strategic goals as a Great Power. Within this changing context, there are three foreign policy approaches available to Japan: (1) a classical realist line of working closely with the US in meeting China's rise and optimizing deep US engagement with China by pursuing a diplomacy focused on counterbalancing and hedging; (2) a transformative pragmatist line of rejuvenating itself through Abenomics and repositioning itself in East Asia; and (3) a liberal international line of pursuing a common agenda of enhancing global liberal‐oriented norms and rules through multilateral institutions along with the United States and the Asia–Pacific countries. Current Japanese foreign policy contains a mix of all three approaches. The article argues that a greater focus on the second and the third lines would enhance the current approach; it would ensure that Japan is more in harmony with the global environment and help it work positively for global and regional stability and prosperity, thus enabling Japan to pursue an ‘honorable place in the world’ (as stated in the preamble to its constitution).  相似文献   

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