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Pieter de Vries 《对极》2016,48(3):790-808
This article engages with the trajectory of urban participation in Recife, Brazil, from its start as a governance system aimed at ensuring the right of the poor to the city, to the introduction by the Workers’ Party of participatory budgeting. I argue that participation is used by the state in order to include populations within governmental structures while the poor struggle for the right to belong to the city. Drawing on Alain Badiou's ontology of multiplicity I contend that the urban situation is grounded in inconsistency, as manifested in the existence of a category of people who “sit at the edge of the void”, that neither is included nor belongs. I conclude that the popular mobilizations in Recife in the 1980s constituted a true emancipatory event that exposed the divisions of the city, the existence of a fundamental wrong, and that proclaimed the right of the excluded to the city.  相似文献   

The development of a 1300 km natural gas pipeline in Australia in late 1976 is used to unravel some of the more important determinants of state action. The analysis highlights the contradictory position of the state in democratic capitalist societies. The separate actions taken by the state in support of the developer, the environmentalists, or to put into effect political ideals reflect a complex set of determinants of the state's behaviour. It is this fact which makes it difficult always to predict the state's response to individual incidents of conflict over resource use. The analysis also illustrates how time and place influenced the action and reaction of the participants in the debate over the location of the pipeline.  相似文献   


The question of the anthropic or natural origin of land snail deposits within the archaeological record is the subject of debate all over the world. In the Cantabrian region of northern Spain land snail middens are routinely identified in the early Holocene archaeological record. La Fragua Cave (Cantabria, Spain), which contains an early Holocene layer dated to 9600±140 BP (10,932±196 cal BP), offers the opportunity to address this debate through the examination of Cepaea nemoralis (Linnaeus) land snails recovered in direct association with mammal bones, charcoal, lithic artefacts and other materials. It is therefore believed that their presence at the site is clearly anthropic in origin. In addition, the exploitation patterns indicate an occasional collection and consumption of land snails, which confirms the complementary character of these resources in the diet of hunter-gatherers in Cantabrian Spain during the Pleistocene-Holocene transition.  相似文献   

Rural Tuscany has become both a paragon of harmonious beauty and a terrain of legal conflict and recrimination. When they do not resort to essentialist notions of taste, many commentators are prone to explain the ‘preservation’ of Tuscany's countryside as the outcome of locally rooted legislative interventions meant to prevent ‘speculation’ and ‘debasement’ (scempio). Tuscany is indeed the site of layers of normative constraints and guidelines, ranging from local zoning regulations to the expectations associated with UNESCO's World Heritage Site status. Far from being self-evident, however, these normative constructs have been debated in Tuscan society over decades of rapid and often chaotic change. The reinvention of rural Tuscany as a paragon of beauty emerged from the search for an elusive form of coherence and meaning, whose features generated both conflict and accommodations. By focusing on a valley in southern Tuscany which obtained the status of World Heritage Site in 2004 (the Orcia valley), the article shows the power of the circumventions, negotiations and reinterpretations in which rural Tuscans have engaged while navigating the alternative temporalities of global validation, national legitimation and local belongings.  相似文献   


The last material evidence of the former Palace of Brussels, the Coudenberg archaeological site, is situated at the heart of the city, constitutes a remarkable part of its heritage, and has been listed as a legally protected monument. Following the redevelopment of the Royal Quarter in the eighteenth century, the successive archaeological discoveries of the last twenty-five years, and the progressive growth of the areas accessible to the public, the various components of the site have not all been preserved in the same condition. The work involved in developing such a complex has already necessitated considerable resources, and still requires more today. The owners, the City of Brussels and the Brussels-Capital Region, as well as the site’s managers, the not-for-profit association ‘Palais de Charles Quint’, are continuing their programme of developing, promoting, and preserving the remains in order to hand down this important historical evidence to future generations.  相似文献   


Part of a project that has attempted to answer the question ‘does the application of agrochemicals accelerate the corrosion of metals in the top 50cm of the soil? ’ is reported. We have approached the question by a combination of field-based experiments (on two sites), establishing laboratory microcosms (one involving simple aqueous systems and the other a series of simulated burial experiments) and by using geochemical modelling techniques to understand the processes involved. Two different experimental approaches in the field are documented — one using in situ monitoring of corrosion potentials and the other assessing the degree of induced corrosion using image analysis on recovered samples. The first was carried out on arable land close to the University of Bradford to which we applied different fertilizer regimes. The second was established on land owned by the University of Newcastle at Palace Leas, Morpeth, Northumberland, which has a documented field management regime extending back over one hundred years. We focus here on a sub-set of the data relating to the behaviour of the thinnest samples of copper in each case. There does seem to be some evidence of an effect resulting from the applied fertilizer, but the data are sometimes contradictory. We suggest a number of improvements for future field experiments that monitor in situ corrosion in the vadose zone.  相似文献   

We analyse the consequences of traditional use on forest characteristics during the last millennium in a mountain area of Spanish Central System, using information contained in documents, as well as cartography and toponymy. In the Middle Ages the local forests were transformed into municipal dehesas (communal fenced woods), communal wood pastures and arable lands. Pinewoods located in areas above 1500 m decreased because of the high grazing pressure. In the fifteenth century two manors were created (Buitrago and Montesclaros). Livestock became an important factor during this period. As a consequence an open wood was formed and oak coppices were also abundant (the felling of this species was at that time permitted by the Ordinances). At the end of the period of traditional management, pinewoods were disappearing and the main forest areas were located only in municipal dehesas. The area of beech was reduced in favour of melojo oak and scrub, due to the lower sprouting capacity of the beeches and their lower drought tolerance. Open wood pastures remain only in the eastern part of the study area, where there has been less intense human intervention. After the abolition of manors in the nineteenth century, arable land increased in the western part of the area, which had a higher population density. In the twentieth century, both human and livestock pressure decreased substantially and pine species were reintroduced by reforestation. The primitive savannah was transformed into ‘infilled savannah’, while temperate species spread around their refuges in municipal woods.  相似文献   

Density and dispersion: the co-development of land use and rail in London   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article examines the changes that occurred in the railnetwork and density of population in London during the 19thand 20th centuries. It aims to disentangle the ‘chickenand egg’ problem of which came first, network or landdevelopment, through a set of statistical analyses clearly distinguishingevents by order. Using panel data representing the 33 boroughsof London over each decade from 1871 to 2001, the research findsthat there is a positive feedback effect between populationdensity and network density. Additional rail stations (eitherUnderground or surface) are positive factors leading to subsequentincreases in population in the suburbs of London, while additionalpopulation density is a factor in subsequently deploying morerail. These effects differ in central London, where the additionalaccessibility produced by rail led to commercial developmentand concomitant depopulation. There are also differences inthe effects associated with surface rail stations and Undergroundstations, as the Underground was able to get into central Londonin a way that surface rail could not. However, the two networkswere weak (and statistically insignificant) substitutes foreach other in the suburbs, while the density of surface railstations was a complement to the Underground in the center,though not vice versa.  相似文献   

The Terramara Santa Rosa is a Middle and Late Bronze Age archaeological site located in the Po alluvial plain, northern Italy. It is constituted of two moated villages delimited by earthen ramparts. The peripheral structures of the site are sealed by fine-textured flood plain deposits and they have not been fully explored through excavation due to their large extent. Because the shape of the villages and their relation to moats and the fluvial network are of paramount importance to understanding the landscape management and the use of water resources in the Terramare civilisation, a geophysical survey was planned to extend the results of the existing archaeological excavations to the site scale. A frequency-domain electro-magnetic sounding (FDEM) and electrical resistivity imaging (ERI) covered an area of approximately 26 ha; ERI was conducted for a total length >9000 m. Despite the predominance of electrically conductive fine-textured sediments, electrical resistivity anomalies were observed and they were attributed to subtle lithological differences in the sedimentary context of the alluvial plain. The geophysical interpretation, after the calibration with the excavation data, revealed the structures of the Terramara and of the surrounding hydraulic network, which are not visible at the surface due to flood plain deposits. The Santa Rosa site was founded in a favourable geomorphological position, on the top of a crevasse splay lobe of the adjoining Po palaeo-channel, rising above the surrounding alluvial plain. The Terramara and their surroundings were delineated through an artificial modification of this pre-existing crevasse splay lobe and a well-targeted urban design, with the objective of diverting water, most likely from a palaeo-channel of the Po River, through the digging of peripheral moats used to collect water around the site and to distribute it to the surrounding fields for irrigation. The water management documented by this study in the Terramara Santa Rosa can be considered as paradigmatic for the whole Terramare civilisation, which is therefore responsible of the introduction of the irrigated agriculture into western Europe for the first time.  相似文献   

This article investigates the authorised heritage discourse (AHD) through the lens of conservation planning practice. The AHD is characterised as an exclusionary discourse that privileges the physical nature of ‘heritage’, defined scientifically by ‘experts’. Set within the context of wider international trends towards more inclusive heritage practices, the article advances understanding of the contemporary AHD. Using local heritage designation as an investigatory platform, a thesis is developed to explain professional representations of heritage operating in this setting. In doing so, a pervasive, yet nuanced AHD is exposed. At the same time, a complex variety of contextual factors that constrain radical readjustment of the AHD are also uncovered. These include struggles over the subjectivity and operationalisation of social and cultural heritage values in rational planning environments. The conclusions drawn from this research challenge and subtly refine the AHD, and crucially, propose that wider trends in the heritage discourse cannot be adequately implemented within the current legal apparatus and mind-set of traditional rational planning. The article suggests that further research is required to understand how the multiple and diverse layers of heritage meanings can be emplaced and legitimised within planning settings.  相似文献   

British imperial and American experiences in conservation and planning are providing fresh interdisciplinary challenges for university teaching and research. The Roosevelt administration's ‘New Deal’ included government‐sponsored interventions in soil erosion and water management and sophisticated regional development agendas. Reviewing samples of the latter areas of concern, this article explores the proposition that, although the British Empire was scarcely bereft of comparable interwar programmes and was becoming somewhat preoccupied with centrifugal tendencies, persistent porosity, exhausting struggles with postwar reconstruction, and comprehensive economic depression, New Deal evangelism was in fact variously anticipated, harnessed, challenged and ignored. A discussion of widely separated national and regional examples locates a layered interplay between uneven imperial and US pulsations, independent local manoeuvres, and critical inputs from key individual agents. The most important filters included the presence of comparatively robust bureaucratic infrastructures and the cultivation of international relationships by scientists and technologists. Encounters with convergent revisionism suggest cautionary leads for students, researchers and teachers alike. Reconstructions of selected contexts underline the presence of familiar posturing, opportunism, and astute patriotic deployment during the emergence of modern styles of globalization.  相似文献   


This article discusses the use of newspaper resource files in economic geography, in particular focusing on a simple method of production involving student participation. It connects two related issues: first, the question of topicality in course content; and second, the problems associated with the collection and collation of up‐to‐date material at a time when there are both teaching pressures and an unrelentingly wide array of information and sources available to economic geographers. Against this background, the paper discusses the rationale for such a student‐based media monitoring activity, the simple procedures that might be used, and the advantages and disadvantages involved. It concludes that media monitoring is useful for students in maintaining up‐to‐date ideas and information in their course activity and that it may also trigger a series of valuable debating points, adding to the richness of the educational experience in economic geography.  相似文献   

Linear correlations between the three solar cycles in the period 1956–1987 and high-latitude stratospheric temperatures and geopotential heights show no associations. However, when the data are stratified according to the east or west phase of the quasi-biennial-oscillation (QBO) in the equatorial stratosphere significant correlations result: when the QBO was in its west phase the polar data were positively correlated with the solar cycle while those in middle and low latitudes were negatively correlated. The converse holds for the east phase of the QBO. Marked relationships existed throughout the troposphere too.No major mid-winter warming occurred in the west phase of the QBO during a minimum in the three solar cycles. In the east phase major warmings tended to take place in the minima of the cycle. Thus the signal of the quasi-biennial-oscillation in the extratropical stratosphere tends to be strengthened in solar minima, and weakened in solar maxima.  相似文献   

Every time a physician conducts a neurological examination the process continues a biomedical search for understanding the nervous system which is as ancient as the earliest civilizations in human history. Most of the modern neurological examination evolved in a short time span, between 1850 and 1914, but the origins of neurology as a medical quest for knowledge date to the first evolution of urban life, in the valleys of the Euphrates and the Nile. This paper reviews this history in two chronological segments: part 1 up to 1850 and part 2 the subsequent period.  相似文献   

This article examines relations in thirteenth-century Tuscany between the minor rural aristocracy and great rural lords, that is, those based outside cities. The subject is approached through a study based on three families, with special emphasis on the way they were bound to the extended family of the Guidi counts, who were prominent at the highest level in the thirteenth-century kingdom of Italy. In the thirteenth century, attendance on the counts was not attractive to families of the minor aristocracy: it was universally acknowledged that the great rural lords of Tuscany had little to offer their adherents in terms of wealth, power and prestige, incentives which could be obtained from the cities of the region. Minor aristocrats who chose to live as professional soldiers were particularly attracted to the cities, which were always in need of soldiers for their armies.  相似文献   

This article examines relations in thirteenth-century Tuscany between the minor rural aristocracy and great rural lords, that is, those based outside cities. The subject is approached through a study based on three families, with special emphasis on the way they were bound to the extended family of the Guidi counts, who were prominent at the highest level in the thirteenth-century kingdom of Italy. In the thirteenth century, attendance on the counts was not attractive to families of the minor aristocracy: it was universally acknowledged that the great rural lords of Tuscany had little to offer their adherents in terms of wealth, power and prestige, incentives which could be obtained from the cities of the region. Minor aristocrats who chose to live as professional soldiers were particularly attracted to the cities, which were always in need of soldiers for their armies.  相似文献   

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