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The data sources available for a study of medieval marketing are extremely limited. However, work in contemporary developing nations illustrates the existence of a detailed structure of periodic marketing. This paper draws cautious parallels between medieval Nottinghamshire and these contemporary patterns. It begins by reconstructing a possible set of markets for the fourteenth century; details of tolls and rents are mentioned in order to indicate the types of produce in circulation and some aspects of the practical functioning of the markets. The spatial and temporal characteristics of these markets are shown not to agree with either the trader or the consumer models of periodic marketing, although there is some evidence to suggest that markets taking place on the same day were generally not located in settlements that were close together. Taxation evidence suggests that a market did not always lead to a relative increase in the importance of a settlement. In addition markets appear to have been established by lords of widely varying social status. By the seventeenth century there had been a large reduction in the number of markets, and they had become essentially urban in character, primarily associated with the few main roads in the county.  相似文献   

Summary: Turdetania was one of the Iron Age cultural blocks which emerged after the disintegration of Tartessos in the later 6th century BC. It corresponded largely to the lower Guadalquívir valley of southern Spain. From the early 2nd century BC it formed the heart of the Roman province of Hispania Ulterior and, from the later 1st century BC, Hispania Baetica. This paper sets out to examine the Romanisation of the region from an indigenous perspective rather than a Romano-centric viewpoint. Until the mid-first century BC Roman impact was negligble and merely served to reinforce the Turdetanian prestige goods economy. Subsequently, however, the foundation of coloniae and a consequent increase in commercial activity were catalysts for rapid change. A new hierarchy of dominant and dependent centres arise and, by the early 1st century AD, the agricultural wealth of the region was being more directly exploited for Rome's benefit. This relatively 'delayed'Romanisation is interpreted as native resistance to cultural change.  相似文献   

Summary. The bronze matrix, now in the collection of the Fogg Art Museum, is said to have been found in southern Thessaly close to Larissa Kremaste. As comparanda for the Scylla on the matrix the silver gilt plaque from the third century BC necropolis of Dyrrhachion in Illyria is discussed, as well as the matrix in the Antikensammlungen of Berlin and silver plaques decorating a belt from a late-fourth-century BC grave at Laos, Lucania. Discussing the Thetis emblem on the other side of the matrix the author analyses the motive in Classical art of the fifth/fourth century BC, paying special attention to the stamped fourth-century BC gold and silver plaques with similar design coming from the Cimmerian Bosporus, Thessaly and Macedonia. Conclusions are drawn about the authenticity of the matrix in the Fogg Art Museum, and the close interconnections between toreutic centres in the late fourth century BC.  相似文献   

The last six years' emergency excavations in Bergen, by pure chance covering the major part of the medieval town, have provided new information on several issues concerning the town's earliest development and structure, enabling us to sketch a development of the two somewhat different from previous suggestions. The original shoreline appears to have left rather less building land than expected, and the evidence for originally two separate centres is strong. A particularly rapid growth in the south suggests this as the major harbour in the town's earliest phase. The settlement expansion in the twelfth century resulted in the gradual merging of the two centres into one town, completed with the rebuilding after the 1248 fire providing an apparently continuous waterfront along the eastern shore of Vågen.  相似文献   

The classical traveling-salesman problem involves the establishment of a tour around a set of points in a plane such that each point is intersected only once and the circuit is of minimal total length. When the length of a salesman's tour cannot exceed a specified constant, the problem becomes that of finding the fewest number of salesmen such that every city is visited by a salesman and the length of each salesman's tour does not exceed a specified constant. This is the chromatic traveling-salesmen problem. An algorithm for this problem is developed and is used to create periodic markets in parts of Sierra Leone. Fifteen rural areas were examined from Sierra Leone, and weekly market places were identified in each area. Salesmen were to be assigned to an area so that each market place was visited and each tour (or periodic ring) did not exceed forty hours. The chromatic traveling-salesmen algorithm was used to minimize the number of periodic rings needed for each area and provide the specific tour for each ring.  相似文献   

Dedicated arts centres were a common outcome of the great expansion of the public sphere in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. In the early twenty-first century, however, many of our arts centres present a challenge to cultural policy-making. Expensive to maintain and operate, they are often ill-equipped to host the increasingly diverse range of communities and arts practices that have emerged with each generation. The article outlines the difficulties that the presence of such arts centres present to cultural policy-makers, using case studies of four Australian centres. It argues that the ‘mobilities turn’ in sociology provides a useful framework for considering the challenges posed by a static building and its array of highly mobile stakeholders. The study focuses on the perceptions of arts centre managers as cultural intermediaries – giving voice to the opportunities and constraints for the arts centre building and to the needs and interests of public policy-makers, artists and audiences, and juggling the tensions between the ideological, political, demographic and cultural forces that define the field in which they routinely operate. The managers negotiate distinctive challenges that arts centres face within the context of decentralised and fluid understandings of creative spaces for contemporary leisure practices.  相似文献   

This paper presents a study of a representative selection of lustre ceramics dating from the last quarter of the 10th century AD to the second half of the 13th century AD from Egypt, Syria and Iran. The study concentrates on the structure and chemistry of the lustre itself over the historical period considered and has found a number of significant similarities between the production centres studied. Previous work on the reproduction of lustre under laboratory-controlled conditions allows the archaeological data to be related to the historical technological aspects of lustre production. The results obtained, although restricted to the limited number of samples studied, have demonstrated the occurrence of significant differences and similarities between lustre productions during this period. The possible reasons for these changes are discussed.  相似文献   

周厚琴 《史学理论研究》2020,(2):125-138,160
苏联解体后,俄罗斯学界开始反思20世纪初的革命,在深化对17世纪初大动乱研究的基础上,形成一种以“动乱”取代“革命”的话语,采用多学科综合研究的方法,构建以“动乱—帝国”为模型的俄国国家系统性危机理论体系的动乱学研究范式。该范式强调,17世纪初、20世纪初和20世纪末发生的历史事件是俄国国家制度的三次系统性危机(即动乱),前两次危机都以建立帝国而结束,俄国历史在“动乱—帝国”的周期性节律中循环。动乱学的提出,是21世纪“俄罗斯学”和“帝国学”研究热潮下的产物,也是一部分俄国学者对当前俄罗斯向何处去的一种回答。但作为建构一门新学科的尝试,其学科体系尚待进一步深化。  相似文献   

This article situates the Pearl River delta market town of Jiujiang within a system of market towns and cities along the West River and its tributaries in southern China. Exploring the history of this town as an emigrant community, this article follows the upstream movement of officials, civil service examinees, merchants, and permanent settlers along the West River basin between the sixteenth century and the nineteenth century. The trajectory of migration from this market town was shaped by the geographical factors of the West River system. At the same time, migration, which was related both to strategies that Jiujiang families embraced for socioeconomic advancement and to policies that the Ming and Qing states adopted for controlling the southwestern frontier, played an important role in the historical construction of a unified region linked by economic ties and personal networks.  相似文献   

Summary.   The contents of 25 elements in 74 stamped (and some unstamped) amphora finds from nine Thracian sites in Bulgaria dated to the fifth–third century BC have been determined using INAA. The samples investigated were grouped by cluster analysis on the basis of the similarity in their chemical composition. The chemical profiles of the 16 clusters formed were determined and common production centres for some of the stamped amphorae are identified.  相似文献   


Until the middle of the eighteenth century Dutch paper makers had a leading position on the international paper market, both commercially and technically. From around 1700 a decline set in, which became dramatic after 1780. The introduction of new machinery and processes from Britain and elsewhere during the nineteenth century was slow, but when it came about, the Dutch paper industry regained an important part of the international market. This article attempts to explain the technological aspects of this development in the light of theories about the economic and technological history of the Netherlands in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.  相似文献   

Studies of the improving movement in North Scotland have revealed a sharp contrast between agricultural holdings on the east and west coasts. This paper suggests that in the Grampian uplands a transitional pattern is evident, with a period of planned village development followed by greater emphasis on smallholdings as the prospects for rural industry declined through the nineteenth century. Evidence is drawn from an extensive study area embracing the upland parts of the Gordon and Moray districts of the Grampian region. But particular attention is given to the former Gordon estates in the parishes of Inveravon and Kirkmichael, for the planned village of Tomintoul (celebrating its bicentenary in 1976) in Kirkmichael parish and the legacy of nineteenth-century smallholdings in Glenlivet and Inveravon provide very clear illustrations of the two stages. Research is facilitated by the survival of many eighteenth- and nineteenth-century estate maps for these two parishes as well as the availability of census enumeration books for the late nineteeth century. Criteria affecting the siting of planned villages are considered and the significance of these growth centres for current rural planning strategies is brought out.  相似文献   

福建入境旅游市场中台湾客源市场特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
林德荣 《旅游科学》2007,21(1):46-49
自1987年以来,台湾旅游客源市场在福建省入境旅游业中占据重要位置.该市场自从20世纪80年代开始,直到本世纪初以来,在客源结构、游客流向和旅游消费方面都发生了很大变化.分析入闽台湾客源市场特征,将有助于福建省旅游企业更有针对性地开发出适合台湾客源市场需求的旅游产品,最大限度地满足台湾入闽旅游者的旅游需求.  相似文献   

基于市场竞争态的上海国际旅游客源市场分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈杨  贾铁飞 《旅游科学》2007,21(2):13-16,51
通过运用市场竞争态指标对上海国际旅游客源市场1997-2004年统计数据进行分析,可以发现,21世纪以来上海国际旅游客源市场呈现出明星市场空白、金牛市场壮大、幼童市场回落、瘦狗市场积聚的变化趋势与特征,说明上海国际旅游客市场发展的后续动力不足;本文认为:加强日本、韩国、德国、美国四个金牛市场的宣传和促销,对英国、印度、瑞士三国进行市场细分,保持主要客源市场和潜力客源市场的持续增长,是今后上海国际旅游市场拓展的关键.  相似文献   

James the Great, son of Zebedee and brother of St John, was one of the three Apostles privileged to accompany Jesus on special occasions like the Transfiguration and the Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane. He was beheaded in 42 AD by order of Herod. His connection with Spain is here the subject of critical enquiry, and it is demonstrated that there is virtually no evidence at all to substantiate the belief that his mortal remains lie in Spain, at Santiago de Compostela, which became one of the most important pilgrimage centres of the medieval West; nor indeed that he ever preached in Spain or visited that country. It is only in the ninth century that sources begin to mention the discovery of James' burial-place in Spain, while from the seventh century his preaching in Spain is mentioned. From about 800 the legend of St James in Spain took root in Latin Christian tradition.  相似文献   

中世纪晚期英国市场结构的转型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
前工业时期英国城乡市场体系初步形成于12至14世纪,其中各级城市市场和农村市场发挥着不同的作用。中世纪后期由于市场需求结构的变化、纺织业的兴起及出口贸易的扩大、国际性大集市的衰落、交通运输状况的改善,使得市场结构完成了从以农村市场为主体向城市市场为主体的转型。市场结构的转型改变了市场的性质,密切了城乡关系,促进了城市体系的成熟,加速了以伦敦为聚核的经济一体化进程。  相似文献   

This article proposes a reassessment of the role that Kios played as a nexus of trade between the northern Aegean, the Black Sea and inland north-west Anatolia. The city was founded as an emporium at the end of the seventh century BC and joined the Delian League in the following century. The autonomous city was subsequently ruled by a Persian dynasty during the fourth century BC, while retaining its Greek identity. Three groups of ceramics will be analysed for this reassessment: one from rescue excavations at Kios itself; another from surveyed sites in the surrounding region; and a third from other excavated settlements. It is argued that both locally-produced fine wares and transport amphoras allow chronological periods to be traced to relatively high resolutions, and that these reveal Kios to have been a significant market town that was deeply involved in trade with the Aegean and the Black Sea.  相似文献   

徐建融 《收藏家》2004,(3):17-20
20世纪的中国画坛所呈现的是一个多元化的格局,不同各元既相对立又相统一,它们各有不同风格的艺术追求,因此,也就各有不同可能的收藏前景。其中,侧重于古典的一元,以张大千、吴湖帆、于非厂、陆俨少、谢稚柳、徐悲鸿、李可染等为代表,所传承的是中国的古典传统晋唐宋元,或西方的古典传统写实画派。其间虽有中、西之异,但在讲究“绘画性”方面却是相通的。所谓“绘画性”,也就是“外师造化,中得心源”的以生活作为艺术创作的唯源泉,对  相似文献   

"This paper identifies the changing locational patterns of the Jewish community in Britain during the past century. Two major trends are identified. At the national level there has been movement out of many small provincial communities to the large urban centres, particularly Greater London and Manchester. Within the city, there has been movement out of the traditional inner city ghettos to the suburbs, thus reflecting the upward socio-economic mobility and integration of what was an immigrant group. Both these trends closely mirror the general patterns of population movement in Britain during the twentieth century." The lack of reliable data for the Jewish population is noted, and a methodology is suggested for identifying the changing locational patterns and intensity of Jewish community life. The method is applied to the case of Greater London.  相似文献   

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