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The Future of Scotland. By James A. Bowie, M.A., D.Litt. London and Edinburgh : W. and R. Chambers, Ltd., 1939. Price 7s. 6d.

Hebridean Journey. By Halliday Sutherland. London : Geoffrey Bles Ltd., 1939. Price 10s. 6d.

The Islands of Scotland. By Hugh MacDiarmid. London : B. T. Batsford Ltd., 1939. Price 10s. 6d.

To Introduce the Orkneys and Shetlands. By Iain F. Anderson. London : James Clarke and Co. Ltd., 1939. Price 7s. 6d.

My Kingdom for a Horse. By Margaret Leigh. London : Macmillan and Co. Ltd., 1939. Price 7s. 6d.

North Cape. By F. D. Ommanney. London : Longmans, Green and Co. Ltd., 1939. Price 10s. 6d.

The Land of France. By Ralph Dutton and Lord Holden. London : B. T. Batsford Ltd., 1939. Price 8s. 6d.

Greek Earth. By Sidney W. Hopper. London: Michael Joseph Ltd., 1939. Price 12s. 6d.

The Mirrors of Versailles. By Elisabeth Kyle. London : Constable and Co. Ltd., 1939. Price 10s.

Towns and People of Modern Poland. By Robert McBride. London : Jarrolds Ltd., 1939. Price 10s. 6d.


Minaret and Pipe‐Line: Yesterday and To‐day in the Near East. By Margret Boveri. Translated by L. M. Sieveking. London : Humphrey Milford at the Oxford University Press, 1939. Price 21s.

Settlements in the Lower Indus Basin (Sind), Parts I and II ; and Sind's Changing Map. By Professor M. B. Pithawalla. Karachi: The author. Prices Rs. 5 and Rs. 2 respectively.


Peaks and Lamas. By Marco Pallis. London : Cassell and Co. Ltd., 1939. Price 18s.

Eastern Journey. By J. H. MacCullum Scott. London : The Travel Book Club, 1939. Price 3s. 6d.

The Naked Nagas. By C. von Fürer‐Haimendorf. London : Methuen and Co. Ltd., 1939. Price 15s.

Karakoro: At Home in Japan. By Henry Noël. Tokyo : The Hokuseido Press, 1939. Price 6s. 6d.

I went to the Soviet Arctic. By Ruth Gruber. London : Victor Gollancz Ltd., 1939. Price 10s. 6d.


Afrique Équatoriale, Orientale et Australe (Géographie Universelle, vol. XII). By Fernand Maurette. Paris : Librairie Armand Colin, 1938. Price, 150 francs.

Ethiopia: An Empire in the Making. By Ferdinando Quaranta. London : P. S. King and Son Ltd., 1939. Price 7s. 6d.

By Bus to the Sahara. By Gordon West. London : The Travel Book Club, 1939. Price 3s. 6d.

Dark Subjects : Twenty‐four Adventurous Years in Nigeria. By H. L. Ward Price. London : Jarrolds Ltd., 1939. Price 15s.


Journey to the World's End. By Hakon Mielche. Edinburgh and London : William Hodge and Co. Ltd., 1939. Price 12s. 6d.


A Voyage to New Holland. By William Dampier. Edited, with Introduction, Notes and Illustrative Documents, by James A. Williamson, D.Litt. London : The Argonaut Press, 1939. Price 12s. 6d.

Australian Journey. By Paul McGuire. London : William Heinemann Ltd., 1939. Price 12s. 6d.


Polar Exploration (” Epics of the Twentieth Century “). By Andrew Croft. London : A. and C. Black Ltd., 1939. Price 7s. 6d.

Sir John Franklin's Last Arctic Expedition. By Richard J. Cyriax. London : Methuen and Co. Ltd., 1939. Price 12s. 6d.


Admiralty Weather Manual, 1938. By Order of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. London: H.M.S.O., for the Hydrographic Department, Admiralty, 1938. Price 10s. 6d.

White Settlers in the Tropics. By A. Grenfell Price, with additional notes by R. G. Stone. New York: American Geographical Society, Special Publication No. 23, 1939. Price $4.00.


Livingstone et l'Exploration de l'Afrique. By René Maran. Paris : Gallimard. Eighth Edition, 1938. Price 25. francs.

I Was There. By Edith Tyrrell. Toronto : The Ryerson Press, 1938. Price $2.00.


Memorandum on the Teaching of Geography. Issued by the Incorporated Association of Assistant Masters in Secondary Schools. London : George Philip and Son Ltd. Second Edition Revised 1939. Price 8s. 6d.

The World of Man. Book IV. Europe, The British Isles and the World. By C. C. Carter and E. C. Marchant. London : Christophers Ltd. Price 3s. 9d.

Geography for To‐day : North America and Asia (also issued separately) : Europe and the British Isles (also issued separately). By a Committee including L. Dudley Stamp and L. S. Suggate. London : Longmans, Green and Co. Ltd., 1939. Price, 4s. each, or 3s., 2s. 6d., 2s. 9d. and 2s. 9d. respectively.  相似文献   

The intention of this paper is to examine the role of the Franciscans in the Scottish Wars of Independence. Many of the studies relating to this period have been confined to either the political or ecclesiastical arena. They also choose to treat the individual countries of the British Isles in an unconnected fashion. This paper is intended to redress the balance, using the involvement of the Franciscan friars in Ireland and Scotland to study political events on either side of the Irish Sea. By examining the actions of diverse nationalities belonging to a single order I hope to establish why the Franciscans saw fit to involve themselves in either the nativist or royalist causes and to determine it was purely race that dictated their actions when their countrymen went to war.  相似文献   

《Anthropology today》2005,21(5):26-26

鄙小  军营 《旅游纵览》2008,(2):48-48
<正>冬来了,年到了,一些摄影人用月历、周历、日历牌,来晾晒一年四季兜里藏着的风景。十几年前,年历好像只时兴大挂历,那上边又时兴展示俊男靓女大明  相似文献   

Widespread layers of well-preserved organically and archaeologically rich palaeosols dating to the Bronze Age and Iron Age are known from across the Atlantic seaboard of Scotland, including the Western Isles, Orkney and Shetland. The survival of these soils has been facilitated by an overburden of Aeolian sand forming dunes above them. Whilst these soils display archaeological importance, they are constantly under threat from erosion through storm damage due to their exposed coastal position. This presents certain challenges with regard to heritage management, since their extents are largely unknown, normally only being identified when exposed by wind and storm erosion. Consequently, following such damage mitigation can only be reactionary in response to archaeological deposits being uncovered, and left open to threat, Without accurately mapping the extent of these important deposits, archaeological landscape management is compromised.This paper presents a case study aimed at enabling proactive management of these deposits through rapid three-dimensional mapping undertaken using a combination of borehole-calibrated GPR survey and GIS modelling. The results demonstrate how effective baseline data can be generated to highlight areas of greater or lesser risk thereby providing the potential for quantifying and predicting the effects of damage from future storm events.  相似文献   

The oil refinery/petro‐chemical complex at Grangemouth has played an important part in the rise of the United Kingdom petro‐chemical industry which has been one of the most dynamic elements of the nation's manufacturing sector.1 The complex has a special significance within Central Scotland in view of the contrast between its rapid development and the declining fortunes of the traditional industrial base. This paper analyses its structure and development and also examines its role as the focus of official attempts to promote Grangemouth/Falkirk as a ‘growth centre’.  相似文献   

The key questions in interpreting objects in museums are: What are they doing there? and Where did they come from? National and local importance are not mutually exclusive: the critical difference is between intrinsic value, and value through context or association. Context is an integral part of interpretation. Experts can visualise an original location or environment; ordinary museum visitors need the context of people, or place, or familiar activities, to be able to relate to unfamiliar objects. Is seeing a good replica as good as seeing the original?  相似文献   

James Hamilton, duke of Hamilton and the Scots jacobites are generally linked in analyses of the final years of the Scots polity. Indeed, Hamilton is often presented as the leader of the jacobite party in the Scottish parliament. Yet both contemporaries and historians have been unsure what to make of his on-again, off-again, conduct with respect to the exiled Stuarts and France. This has fuelled an ongoing debate about Hamilton's erratic and highly enigmatic behaviour during the winter of 1706–7, when the Union was passing the Scottish parliament. Was he genuinely opposing the Union? Was he duped by the court? Or was he, ‘bought and sold for English gold ’? This essay takes a fresh look at the duke and his part in the Union crisis in the light of new and previously underused jacobite sources with a view to better understanding Hamilton's aims, objectives, and influence with this crucial group. Only the jacobites and the Cameronians were potentially willing to take their opposition to the Union to God's Acre. But neither party immediately flew to arms in response to passage of a union they both believed was a betrayal of everything they held dear, and Hamilton was a major factor in their failure to do so. This essay thus takes a close look at the duke's part in preventing a major national uprising against the Union in the winter of 1706–7 and advances a new interpretation of his conduct and significance throughout the Union crisis.  相似文献   

This paper explores new approaches to economic development in peripheral regions in the context of constraints on public expenditure, declining employment in traditional natural resource based industries, and globalisation of the economy. Three conceptual pairs ‐resource mobility and immobility; tangible and intangible factors; and global‐local interrelations — underpin three ideas about these new approaches, and their impact on differential economic performance observed in otherwise similar localities and regions. A case study is given to illustrate the role played by less mobile cultural, social and environmental assets in these strategies. However, a key feature of the cases is the importance of both local and extra‐local linkages, often at international level, whether this has to do with market or non‐market activity. The conclusions raise questions for research about the root causes of differences in economic performance between rural localities, whether local initiatives will suffice to counter further likely declines in public subventions and natural resource based employment and also about the focus of policy in such regions.  相似文献   

Some 10,000 years ago with the disappearance of the last Devensian ice, the climate of the British Isles began a slow but general warming. This continued until the middle of the fifteenth century when the Little Ice Age developed, ushering in several centuries of colder weather and violent fluctuations in weather associated with the expansion of the circumpolar vortex. Detailed information of the effect on Scotland's weather of this major climatic disturbance is rare but The Chronicle of Fife written in the seventeenth century by John Lamont does provide some remarkable insights.  相似文献   


Mountain snowline is important as it is an easily observable measure of the phase state of water in the landscape. Changes in seasonal snowline elevation can indicate long-term trends in temperature or other climate variables. Snow-cover influences local flora and fauna, and knowledge of snowline can inform management of water and associated risks. Between 1945 and 2007 voluntary observers collected a subjective record of snow cover across Great Britain called the Snow Survey of Great Britain (SSGB). The original paper copy SSGB data is held by the Met Office. This article details the digitisation of the Scottish SSGB data, its spatial and temporal extents, and a brief example comparison of Met Office snow-lying gridded data. The digitised SSGB data are available from the Met Office authors.  相似文献   


Archive material relating to Mortonhall, Edinburgh, indicates that there was a World War I army camp within the grounds of the estate, which was occupied by the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. However, excavations carried out by CFA Archaeology Ltd during Scottish Water’s Edinburgh Drinking Water Project revealed physical remains which relate to a later World War II army camp. This appears to have been initially occupied by the 16th Battalion of the Durham Light Infantry in 1940, who were billeted in tents, with the permanent camp being constructed by private contractors from 1942. Archive material suggests that the camp largely consisted of Nissen huts. This evidence is supported by the limited archaeological excavations which uncovered a number of concrete hut bases of the size pertaining to the standard dimensions of Nissen huts. However, there was also evidence of different architectural styles with a number of the buildings having been constructed from brick and asbestos. Reports that Mortonhall was a POW camp were probably unfounded, but it seems to have functioned as a camp for displaced Eastern Europeans. The exact date of closure is unknown, but the size of the camp was clearly being scaled down by the 1950s.  相似文献   

Gauged river runoff records extend only over limited timespans, mostly commencing post‐1940. Historical sources can provide additional material to assist in extending the hydrological record into the nineteenth century and earlier. Such sources vary, however, in the nature of the detail, in their reliability and in their potential use in hydrological reconstruction. This paper outlines the main categories of sources available, subdivided into those which have been authenticated and those of variable reliability.  相似文献   

Although the authors of recent literature on the Patarine movement in Milan (1057-75) have very different intellectual backgrounds, they all try to study and interpret the movement in its complete historical context, and they point to the circumstances or special combination of circumstances which caused the movement to fail. Its failure was due in part to its relationship to the social structure. In this article we first show why this relationship needs to be re-examined and then go on to investigate how the place of the movement in the social structure contributed to its failure and dramatic collapse.  相似文献   

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