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In Guatemala local perspectives on heritage often remain unheard. In this paper a case study is presented to show the complex relationship between the highland site of Iximche’ and Tecpán, an Indigenous community nearby. Although Iximche’ is of little importance to the local economy, its significance is derived from its role as a field for different kinds of social and religious interactions. Traces of a spiritual relationship to this place can be dated back to the colonial period and today Maya from all over Guatemala go there to perform ceremonies. The place has also become a focal point of identity constructions for locals, Pan Mayan activists and the nation itself. The ruins of Iximche’ play an important role in the construction of collective memory which also includes ideas coming from external players such as Christian churches, the national government, Mayan activists, and archaeologists as well.  相似文献   

This paper traces the evolution of the environmental implications. Future prospects for tourism in Malta since 1955. Data derived from a questionnaire survey of tourists are used to demonstrate the problems of the industry: discussion focuses on its uneven impact on the Maltese islands, the over‐dependence on British visitors, the seasonality problem, the inadequacies of the infrastructure and the industry are briefly assessed along with marketing strategies.  相似文献   


European Population Transfers, 1939–1945. By Joseph B. Schechtman. Preface by Adolph Lowe. 8 1/2 x 5 1/2. Pp. xi+532. 3 sketch maps. New York: Oxford University Press, 1946. London: Geoffrey Cumberlege. $5.00, or 21s.

Land and Landscape. By Brenda Colvin, F.I.L.A. 8 1/2 x 5 1/2. Pp. xii+266. 17 figs. 106 illustrations. London: John Murray, 1947. 21s.

Planning and the Countryside. By Jaqueline Tyrwhitt. 7 1/2 x 5. Pp. 60. 12 figs. Glasgow and London: Art and Educational Publishers Ltd., 1946. 2s 6d.

I Return to Scotland. By S. P. B. Mais. 8 1/2 x 5 1/2. Pp. 274. 15 plates. 11 sketch maps. London: Christopher Johnson, Publishers, Ltd., 1947. 10s 6d.

The Cathedral and Royal Burgh of Kirkwall. By John Mooney, F.S.A.Scot. 9 1/2 x 6. Pp. xv+251. 19 illustrations. Kirkwall: W. R. Mackintosh. Second edition, 1947. 21s.

Natural History in the Highlands and Islands. By F. Fraser Darling, D.Sc., F.R.S.E. 8 1/2 x 6. Pp. xv+303. 46 photographs in colour, 55 in black‐and‐white. 24 maps and diagrams. London: William Collins, Sons and Co. Ltd., 1947. 16s.

Highways and Byways in the Central Highlands. By Seton Gordon, C.B.E. Foreword, and a glossary of place‐name elements with aids to pronunciation, by W. J. Watson, M.A., L.L.D., D.Litt. Velt., Hon. F.E.I.S. 7 1/2 x 5. Pp. xv+419. Illustrations by Sir D. Y. Cameron, r.a. Map. London: Macmillan and Co. Ltd., 1948. 10s 6d.

In the High Grampians. By Richard Perry. 8 1/2 x 5 1/2. Pp. 173. 32 photographs, a maps. London: Lindsay Drummond Ltd., 1948 15s.

The Lake District and the National Trust. By B. L. Thompson. 8 1/2 x 5 1/2. Pp.viii+223. 24 illustrations. Map (1: 126,720). Kendal: Titus Wilson and Son Ltd., 1946. 10s 6d.

Cornwall. By Peggy Pollard. 9x7. Pp. 48. Drawings and water‐colours by Sven Berlin. 47 photographs. 2 maps. London: Paul Elek (Publishers) Ltd., 1947. 9s 6d.

The Mountains of Snowdonia in History, the Sciences, Literature and Sport. Edited by Herbert R. C. Carr, M.A., F.R.G.S., and George A. Lister, B.Sc. 8 1/2 x 5 1/2. Pp. xiii+312. 15 figs. 27 plates. 6 sketch maps. London: Crosby Lock‐wood and Son Ltd. Second edition, 1948. 15s.

The Atlantic Islands: A Study of the Faroe Life and Scene. By Kenneth Williamson. Foreword by Eric Linklater. 8 1/2 x 5 1/2. Pp. 360. 35 photographs. 4 sketch maps. Glossary. London: William Collins, Sons and Co. Ltd., 1948. 16s.

Fahrten in Island. By Rudolf Jonas. Appendices by F. Nusser. 9 x 6. Pp. 199. 3 figs. 80 photographs. Map of Iceland (1: 1,970,000) and of Vatnajokull (1: 800,000). Vienna: L. W. Seidel und Sohn, 1948. $3.50.

Bergens Byområde og dets geografiske Utvikling, 1900–1940. By Tore Sund. 10 1/2 x 7 1/2. Pp. 156. 88 figs. Skrifter fra Norges Handelsh0yskole i Rekken Geografiske Avhandlinger, No. 2. Bergen: J. D. Beyer A.S., 1947.

The Land of France. By Ralph Dutton and Lord Holden. Foreword by Raymond Mortimer. 8 1/2 x 5 1/2. Pp. xvi+152. 133 illustrations. End‐paper sketch maps. London: B. T. Batsford Ltd. Second, revised, edition, 1946. 12s 6d.

How do you do, Tovarish? By Ralph Parker. gx6J. Pp. 64. 16 isotype charts. 32 photographs. London: George G. Harrap and Co. Ltd., 1947. 7s. 6d.


Middle East Journey. By Richard Goold‐Adams. 8 1/2 x 5 1/2. Pp. viii+195. 22 photographs. Sketch map. London: John Murray, 1947. 15s.

Syrian Pageant: The History of Syria and Palestine, woo B.C. to A.D. 1945. By Wilfred T. F. Castle, M.A. 9x6. Pp.184. 16 illustrations. Sketch map. London: Hutchinson and Co. (Publishers) Ltd., N.D. 21s.

Soil and Water Conservation in the Punjab. By R. Maclagan Gorrie, D.Sc., F.R.S.E. Foreword by Sir Evan M. Jenkins, K.C.I.E., C.S.I. 10x7. Pp. viii+290. 47 figs. 27 plates. Lahore: Punjab Government (Book Depot), 1946. Rs. 5, or 7s 6d.

Tibetan Venture: In the Country of the Ngolo‐Setas. Second Guibaut‐Liotard Expedition. By Andre Guibaut. Translated by Lord Sudley. 8 3/4 x 5. Pp. ix+206. 23 illustrations. 2 maps. London: John Murray, 1947. 16s.


Liberia. By Charles Morrow Wilson. 8 1/2 x 5 1/2. Pp.226. 27 illustrations. New York: William Sloane Associates Inc., 1947. $3.75.

In the Forests of the Night. By James Riddell. 9 1/2 x 6. Pp. xiv+229. 97 illustrations. London: Robert Hale Ltd., 1948. 15s.

Wild Life in South Africa. By J. Stevenson‐Hamilton. 8 1/2 x 5 1/2. Pp.364. 2 sketch maps. London: Cassell and Co. Ltd., 1947. 12s 6d.


Outlines of the Geography, Life and Customs of Newfoundland‐Labrador (The Eastern Part of the Labrador Peninsula). By V. Tanner. 10 x 6 1/2. Vol. I. Pp. 1–436. Figs. 1–209. Vol. II. Pp. 437–909. Figs. 210–342. Bibliography: Pp. 827–909. Cambridge: University Press, 1947. 50s for the two volumes.

Newfoundland: Economic, Diplomatic, and Strategic Studies. Edited by R. A. Mackay, Ph.D., F.R.S.C. Contributors: The Editor, S. A. Saunders, M.A., Ph.D., A. M. Fraser, M.A., G. S. Graham, M.A., Ph.D., F.R.Hist.S., A. R. M. Lower, M.A., Ph.D., F.R.S.C., G. S. Watts, M.A. Foreword by Sir Campbell Stuart, G.C.M.G., K.B.E. 9x6. Pp. xiv+577. Diagrams. 4 sketch maps. End‐paper maps. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1946. London: Geoffrey Cum‐berlege. 30s.

Mexico South: The Isthmus of Tehuantepec. By Miguel Covarrubias. 9 1/2 x 6 1/4. Pp. xxviii+435+viii. 92 line drawings. 8 colour plates. 91 plates (photographs). London: Cassell and Co. Ltd., 1947. 45s.

Mexican Kaleidoscope. By Norman Pklham Wright, F.R.G.S. 8 1/2 x 5 1/2. Pp.viii+175. 54 photographs. End‐paper sketch maps. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1947. 15s.

Land of the Condor; By Hakon Mielche. Translated from the Danish by M. A. Michael. 8 1/2 x 6. Pp. 1352. Marginal drawings. 13 photographs. Edinburgh, Glasgow, and London: William Hodge and Co. Ltd., 1947. 12s 6d.


Grtnlands Historie: En Oversigtfra'ca. 1500 til 1945. By Finn Gad. 10 x 6 1/2. Pp.272. Illustrated. Det Grønlandske Selskabs Skrifter, XIV. Copenhagen: Ejnar Munksgaards Forlag, 1946. Kr. 10.

South ivith Mawson: Reminiscences of the Australasian Antarctic Expedition, 1911–1914. By Charles Francis Laseron. 8 1/2 x 5 1/2. Pp. 223. 17 illustrations. Endpaper sketch maps. Sydney: Australasian Publishing Co. Pty. Ltd. London: George G. Harrap and Co. Ltd., 1947. 12s 6d.


Catalogue of Maps in the Essex Record Office, 1566–1855. Edited by F. G. Emmison, F.S.A., f.r.hist.s. Foreword by E. Lynam, d.utt., f.s.a. 11 x 8 3/4. Pp. xx+106. 4 figs. 6 plates in colour. 28 maps in half‐tone. Map of Essex Hundreds and Parishes (1: 126,720). Chelmsford: The Essex County Council, 1947. 21s.

Geschiedenis der Kartografie van Nederland, van den Romeinschen Tijd tot het Midden der 19de Eeuw. By S.J. Fockema Andreae and B. van't Hoff. 12 1/2 x 9 1/2. Pp. viii +127. English summary: pp. 104–121. 25 plates. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff N.V., 1947. 15f.


Douglas of the Fir: A Biography of David Douglas, Botanist. By Athelstan George Harvey. 9x6. Pp. x+290. Bibliography. 7 illustrations. 4 maps. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1947. London: Geoffrey Cumberlege. $4.00, or 22s.

Arabian Days: An Autobiography. By H. St. J. B. Philby. 9 1/2 x 6. Pp. xvi+336. 52 illustrations. London: Robert Hale Ltd., 1948. 21s.

In Memory of J. M. Shokalsky. Edited by I. J. Krachovsky. 10 x 6 1/2. Pp. 375. 30 illustrations. Bibliography. Moscow and Leningrad: Akademiya Nauk SSSR, 1946. 38 roubles.

Mariner of the North: Captain Bob Bartlett. By George Palmer Putnam. Pp. x+246. New York: Duell, Sloan and Pearce Inc., 1947. $3.50.


This is Kenya. 5 x 7 1/4. Pp. 112. 104 photographs. Nairobi: The Kenya Information Office, 1947. 2s.


Glacial Geology and the Pleistocene Epoch. By Richard Foster Flint. 9x6. Pp. xviii+589. 88 figs. 6 plates. Bibliography. New York: John Wiley and Sons Inc. London: Chapman and Hall Ltd., 1947. $6.00, or 36s.

Plough and Pasture. By E. Cecil Curwen. 7 1/2 x 5. Pp. iii+122. 21 figs. 14 plates. Past and Present, Vol. 4. London: The Cobbett Press, 1946. 7s 6d.

Revolution of Environment. By E. A. Gutkind. 8 1/2 x 5 1/2. Pp. ix+454. 60 figs. 74 plates. 3 maps. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner and Co. Ltd., 1946. 30s.

World Words: Recommended Pronunciations. By W. Cabell Greet. 9 1/2 x 6. Pp. liii+608. New York: Columbia University Press, by arrangement with the Columbia Broadcasting System. Second edition, revised and enlarged, 1948. London: Geoffrey Cumberlege. $6.75, or 37s 6d.

Compass of the World: A Symposium on Political Geography. Edited by Hans W. Weigert and Vilhjalmur Stefansson. 8+5$. Pp. xvi+466. 39 figs., with maps by Richard E. Harrison. London: George G. Harrap and Co. Ltd.,1946. 15s.

British Sources of References and Information: A Guide to Societies, Works of Reference, and Libraries. Edited by Theodore Besterman. 8 1/2 x 5 1/2. Pp. ix+56. London: Aslib (for the British Council), 1947. 6s, or 5s to Aslib members.

Britain and Her Export Trade. Edited by Mark Abrams. 8 1/2 x 5 1/2. Pp. 329. London: Pilot Press Ltd., 1946. 15s.

A Book of Voyages. Edited by Patrick O'Brian. 8 1/2 x 5 1/2. Pp.274. Decorations by Joan Burton. London: Home and Van Thai Ltd., 1947. 15s.

Portuguese Voyages, 1408–1663. Edited by Charles David Ley. 6 3/4 x 4 1/4. Pp. xxii+360. Everyman's Library, No. 986. London: J. M. Dent and Sons Ltd., 1947. New York: E. P. Dutton and Co. Inc. 4s 6d.

A Book of Recent Exploration. By Charles E. Key, M.A., F.R.G.S. 7 1/4 x 5 1/4. Pp.233. 13 illustrations. 11 sketch maps. London: George G. Harrap and Co. Ltd., 1946. 8s 6d.


The "Contour” Road Book of Scotland. By Harry R. G. Inglis, F.R.S.G.S. Revised and extended by R. M. G. Inglis. 6x3 1/2. Pp. xvi+288. 500 maps and plans. Edinburgh: Gall and Inglis. Twentieth Revision, n.d.

Norway in Maps. By Tore Sund and Axel Sømme. 10 x 7 1/2. A. Text‐Volume. Pp. 96. B. Sketch Maps and Photographs. Pp. 52. 82 figs. C. Maps (Norges Geografiske Opmaling). Index map (1: 2,800,000). 19 maps (1: 200,000). Skrifter fra Norges Handelsheyskole i Rekken Geografiske Avhandlinger, Nos. 1–2. Bergen: A. S.John Griegs Boktrykkeri, 1947.

Kleine geologische Overzichtskaart van Nederland op de Schaal 1:600,000. Geologische Stichting, Afdeling Geologische Kaart. Explanatory text, and summary in English. 11 1/4 x 8. Pp. 16. Map: 22 1/4 x 19 1/2. The Hague: Staatsdrukkerij, 1947.

Maly Atlas Polski [Little Atlas of Poland], Edited by Jerzy Kondracki. 8 x 12 1/4. 28 maps in colour. Warsaw: G16wny Urzad Pomiarow Krajy [Head Office . of Survey], 1947.  相似文献   


This article summarizes observations from field studies with reindeer herders in northwest Russia (Murmansk Region) carried out between 1994 and 1999. The work has been done by living with reindeer‐herding crews at their seasonal tundra camps.

For a large majority of the herders and their families, the concept and practices of the Soviet State Farm (.sovkhoz) tend to represent not only the most desirable form of livelihood, but indeed the only conceivable, although now seriously shattered, reality. In the face of a grim present, new reinterpretations of the sovkhoz are constantly being tried out. The pool of options is found in pre‐Soviet traditions and tends to reveal links between the Sami pogost (siji) social organisation and practices and those of the Soviet and post‐Soviet reindeer‐herding crew (brigadd).The article pursues these connections and discusses the sovkhoz not as destroying all previous tradition, but as drawing from and incorporating pre‐Soviet pasts. The underlying continuity with such pasts may explain the tenacity of the sovkhoz concept in this particular Arctic setting and, possibly, in a variety of others.  相似文献   

none 《巴勒斯坦考察季》2013,145(4):299-315

An attentive examination of the impressive finds of the mausoleum uncovered in 2007 in Herodium has demonstrated that these are not in accord with the characteristics of Herodian architecture as postulated by the late Prof. Ehud Netzer. The following four arguments show that this monument, which was indeed built by Herod, did not serve as his eternal resting place: ? Its moderate dimensions.

? The absence of an appropriate gateway to the burial ground, and an adequate assembly space around the tomb.

? A stratigraphic argument: The stairway leading up to the palace-fortress on the hilltop leaves the mausoleum ‘in its shade’, being also overlaid on top of the single irrigation pool that served the small garden that had surrounded the tomb.

? The absence of any correspondence between the axis of symmetry of the mausoleum, and that of Greater Herodium, indicating that these two were entirely different building projects.

Two alternative proposals are presented for the possible locations of the tomb, which might have disappeared.  相似文献   

This article charts the establishment and expansion of the ready‐to‐wear Max Mara label before the birth of the Max Mara group in 1967. Until recently, little consideration has been given to the evolution of Italian fashion, and few histories of dress or Italian culture even mention its presence before the 1970s. Still fewer acknowledge the crucial emergence of fashionable ready‐to‐wear in Italy in the 1960s, in which Max Mara played a key role, and which anticipated the international success of ‘Italian style’ in the 1970s and 1980s.  相似文献   

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