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In this short article I consider the relationship between glacial melt water that empties into the sea, and early coastal colonization by hunter‐gatherers. In addition, I contend that this archaeological/oceanographical case study from the Swedish west coast is a model that can be applied to other coastal areas of the world with raised beaches, and where similar conditions prevailed during the close of the Late Glacial and the beginning of the early Post Glacial.  相似文献   


Medial moraines deposited by former glaciers and ice sheets are rare in Scotland. The most prominent example is the Sgriob na Caillich moraine, which consists of two to four parallel belts of angular quartzite boulders that extend northwestwards for over 3.5?km from the SW flank of Beinn an Oir on the Isle of Jura. The boulder belts extend to within 300?m of the present coastline, where they are truncated by a low bluff and raised marine terrace. The source of the moraine coincides with bedrock gullies and cliffs that represent the scars of former rock-slope failure(s), indicating that the moraine debris was sourced by one or more rockfalls or rockslides onto the ice surface after Beinn an Oir had emerged from the thinning ice cover as a nunatak. Exposure dating of boulders on the moraine indicate that it formed at 16.6?±?0.8?ka, consistent with the timing of ice-sheet retreat in this sector. The alignment of the moraine indicates ice-margin retreat to the SE; as regional ice-sheet retreat across the adjacent offshore shelf was to the NE, this anomaly implies that a residual icefield became stranded on Jura during ice-sheet retreat.  相似文献   

Microtidal Middle Harbour, Sydney, contains a range of estuarine beach morphologies from steep reflective beachfaces to wide low‐tide terraces. The most exposed beaches are morphologically similar to lowest‐energy open‐ocean beaches; however, the remainder of the profiles cannot be adequately explained by established beach morphodynamic models. Estuarine beach morphology in Middle Harbour appears to be primarily influenced by storm events. Deep‐water ocean waves rework profiles in the lower part of estuary. For beaches protected from these waves, tidal fluctuations are the main determinant of beach profile. Locally‐generated wind waves are only a significant energy contributor where the fetch is large enough; however, this only occurs on two beaches where low‐tide terraces are formed.  相似文献   

Summary. The soil micromorphological analysis of buried soils and probable 'midden' deposits buried beneath alluvium from six sites in the lower Welland valley between Maxey and Etton (Cambridgeshire) has revealed a deforested early Neolithic landscape which quickly became subject to seasonal alluviation. This paper suggests that the Neolithic/Bronze Age use of this landscape is directly related to its interpretation as an alluviated floodplain rather than an alluviated, former dry-land landscape.  相似文献   

A method is presented for quantifying the degree of edge roundness of large crystalline boulders using a simple instrument. The method utilises the transition due to granular disintegration from sharp to rounded boulder edges, so that the degree of edge roundness is a function of time and can be used as a relative dating tool. Edge roundness can be precisely measured in the field if strict morphological criteria are adhered to when selecting boulders to measure. Roundness can be expressed as a length measurement between fixed points on adjacent facets, as a normalised index, or as a radius of curvature. Boulder edge‐roundness was employed to resolve uncertainty over the extent of the ‘Loch Lomond Stadial’ (LLS) glacier in the North‐east Corrie of Lochnagar. Small but significant differences in edge roundness between two sets of moraine ridges indicate that the LLS glacier was smaller than that mapped by Sissons & Grant (1972). The moraine they ascribed to the LLS relates to an earlier advance within Late Devensian time.  相似文献   

Observations are presented of a newly deposited snow-push ridge superimposed on a Holocene moraine in Coire an Lochain in the Cairngorm Mountains. The ridge formed when a sliding snow slab was thrust up the proximal slope of the moraine, entraining till gravel and redepositing it on the moraine crest. The process was a late-stage event during the complex wastage of a large snowfield resting on a rock slab, involving basal sliding, avalanching and melting. Snow-push landforms appear to be rare in Scotland. Nevertheless, these observations suggest that fresh material may be added to relict moraine crests in the present-day climate, with implications for exposure-age dating of moraines. However, in this case the addition of debris by snow push to a late Holocene moraine crest does not affect the interpretation of moraine age.  相似文献   

We present evidence of elevated Holocene sea levels on the north coast of Vietnam, comprising radiocarbon dating of raised coastal geomorphological and palaeobiological features at localities on the margins of the Bac Bo (Red River) Plain. This evidence indicates that by ca. 5500 cal yr B.P. mid‐tide lay approximately 5.4 m above national datum, that is 3.25 m above present local mid‐tide. By c. 3500 cal yr B.P., sea level was lowering and, by ca. 2000 cal yr B.P., mid‐tide lay at or above 1.5 m above present local mid‐tide. It is not yet possible to infer patterns of sea‐level fluctuation other than an overall lowering of elevation, although the separation of the raised and modern erosion notches does suggest two dominant mid to late Holocene periods of erosion — probably periods of sea‐level still‐stand or relatively slow sea‐level change. The intervening period of relatively rapid sea‐level change and associated reduced erosion probably dates to after ca. 2000 cal yr B.P..  相似文献   

This paper describes the hitherto unreported occurrence of mid‐Holocene mangrove deposits in the Richmond River estuary, southeastern Australia, thereby providing evidence for changes in the distribution and composition of mangrove communities within a subtropical estuarine system during the Holocene. Stratigraphic, radiocarbon and palynological evidence indicates that widespread development of mangrove communities took place in the upstream reaches of the Richmond River estuary during the period 7000 to 6000 years BP. These communities maintained their habitat through substrate aggradation under the conditions of a moderate sea‐level rise, in contrast to other estuaries within the region, which generally experienced the submergence of intertidal substrates. Mangrove species belonging to the family Rhizophoraceae, most likely Bruguiera gymnorrhiza and Rhizophora stylosa, dominated these communities, in strong contrast to contemporary communities, which are dominated by Avicennia marina. Moreover, these mid‐Holocene communities were located a considerable distance upstream of the contemporary occurrences of Rhizophoraceae species within the estuary. The changes in the spatial distribution and composition of mangrove communities parallel the large‐scale evolution of the estuary driven by sea‐level variation. Shallow, buried Pleistocene terraces probably contributed to the regionally unique aggradational response of the mangrove communities and their substrates to a sea‐level rise during mid‐Holocene times.  相似文献   

The Upper Forth Valley was glaciated on at least four occasions during the late Cainozoic. The two most extensive glaciations were no younger than early Pleistocene in age. During the last glaciation the limited ice catchment at the head of the valley nourished only a short valley glacier with separate glaciers forming in the tributary valleys to the west During earlier glaciations the Forth catchment was invaded by ice from the Mersey Valley to the east.  相似文献   

先秦社会的氏族残余比较浓厚,昭穆制度影响较大。秦汉时期,皇权取得了独尊地位,"父子相传"的皇统传承规范成为制约帝陵布局的重要因素。西汉葬于渭北祖陵区的皇帝有八位与其前任皇帝属父子关系,而文帝因为平辈冲突,宣帝因为代际缺环,均未入葬祖陵区。平帝虽与哀帝同辈,但西汉后期以来,"为人后"原则日渐成为皇权传承的补充条款,王莽本着这个原则,葬平帝于渭北。  相似文献   

王晓青 《人文地理》1996,11(Z2):54-56
山东省沿海一带有着丰富的旅游资源,本文介绍了山东沿海一带海滩、山石、岛屿、温泉、黄河回等自然风光和名胜古迹。并对沿海旅游业的发展和旅游资源开发提出了设想和建议。  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a multidisciplinary study of the impact of climate change during the Little Ice Age on a medieval village in Asturias, Spain. The research focused on tracing evidence for a catastrophic flood that buried the village beneath a thick layer of debris, including examining the remains of structures and agricultural land sealed beneath the debris, and considering the social and economic implications of the event in the subsequent history of the area. First, a series of test pits was excavated within the area of the modern village to map the full extent of the damage. Following this, analysis of the stratigraphy, architectural remains, datable artefacts and radiocarbon dating contributed further details, while historical evidence revealed the privatisation of the agricultural land following the catastrophe. The findings offer a snapshot of climate change and its social contexts in a specific, under-studied area with possible implications for the study of risk behaviour and disaster response in currently inhabited areas.  相似文献   

The east coast of Australia includes many beaches exhibiting a zeta-form or log spiral curve when viewed in plan. It has already been established that there is a relationship between the orientation of such beaches and their curvature. This paper extends understanding by examining the relationship of the upswell headland and the curvature of model beaches. A wave tank model simulates the variation in beach orientation relative to wave approach direction and examines the response in beach curvature to changes in headland alignment.  相似文献   

The remains of Henry V's flagship, the Grace Dieu, currently lie buried within the inter-tidal sediments of the River Hamble (S. England). Previous archaeological investigations have been hindered by difficult excavation conditions resulting in a poor understanding of the dimensions, shape and degradation state of the hull's deeper structure. This study therefore aimed to image, characterize and reconstruct the buried remains of this vessel using a high-resolution 3D acoustic sub-bottom Chirp system with RTK-GPS positioning capability. The accurate navigation and high-resolution data that were acquired enabled the construction of a full 3D image of the site that not only identified the remains of the wooden hull, but also features buried within it. In addition, the degradation state of these buried wooden remains were investigated by calculating reflection coefficients while a hypothetical larger reconstruction of the Grace Dieu's hull was achieved, through the use of the ShipShape ship design software package.  相似文献   

Abundant wood remains and buried trees have been found in the western part of Lithuania near Zakeli?kiai and Lyduv?nai on Dubysa River (a tributary of Nemunas River) where deposits are rich in organic remnants and buried soils. In Zakeli?kiai and Skiru?iai sections of Dubysa River oxbow sediments were investigated by various methods (dendrochronological, carbonate, granulometric, pollen and mollusc fauna analysis). In addition, these sections were dated using the radiocarbon method. Samples were collected from deposits of Dubysa River outcrops. The studied oxbow lakes have existed for more than 5 thousand years (from ca. 4300 BC to 1000 AD). During this period organic rich deposits with trees and branches were formed in the oxbow lake. This indicates that at the end of Atlantic, during Subboreal and in the early Subatlantic periods there was a forest growing that contained mainly oaks which were falling down into an oxbow lake and later were covered by sandy and silty deposits. The granulometry of alluvial deposits, as well as the mixture of medium-grained sand and silt show different stages of Dubysa River palaeochannel formation: riverbed and oxbow lakes. Three climate warming cycles were revealed according to carbonate analysis data in all investigated sections. The rheophile thermophilous Holocene age molluscs species Bithynia tentaculata L., Unio cf. crassus Philipsson, Pisidium amnicum (Müller), Theodoxus fluviatilis (Linnaeus) have been found. The pollen composition and sequences have been divided into five local pollen assemblage zones (LPAZ) and described according to pollen spectra in each zone. In this way it is possible restore palaeoclimatic coherent evolution, trends and cyclical change.  相似文献   

Yelang (夜郎), a mysterious state located in the south‐western area of early China and dating from the Bronze Age to the Early Iron Age (1300 bc – ad 25), is a cultural interactive junction between the Yunnan–Guizhou Plateau and the Yangtze River Basin. The Zhongshui Basin in Weining County, Guizhou Province, was one of the important distribution areas of the Yelang civilization. This area, which includes sites at Jigongshan (鸡公山; 1300 – 800 bc ), Hongyingpan (红营盘; 700 – 400 bc ) and Yinzitan (银子坛; 400 bc – ad 25), has provided a very integrated chronology, spanning from the Bronze Age to the Early Iron Age in the eastern Yunnan – western Guizhou area. To investigate human migration and horse‐trading at these Yelang sites, we conducted a strontium isotopic analysis on the teeth enamel of humans and horses unearthed from these three sites. The results indicated the following: (1) people at the earlier sites (Jigongshan and Hongyingpan) were all indigenous, whereas in the Yinzitan cemetery, there was a more immigrant population, and all the people who were buried in an upper limb flexed supine position were non‐local; and (2) most of the horses found at the Jigongshan and Yinzitan sites show different provenances, probably related to the famous Dian (滇) and Zuo (筰) horses recorded in historical documents, providing more clues for further study on horse‐trading in South‐West China during the Bronze Age and the Early Iron Age.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Beyond the Green Myth: Borneo's hunter‐gatherers in the twenty‐first century. Edited by Peter Sercombe and Bernard Sellato . Guardians of the land in Kelimado: Louis Fontijne's study of a colonial district in eastern Indonesia Edited by Gregory Forth Journeys in a Small Canoe: The life and times of a Solomon Islander. By Lloyd Maepeza Gina Edited by Judith Bennett with Khyla J. Russell .  相似文献   

Artifacts of spherulitic rhyolite derived from two locations in northern New Hampshire are significant to minor components of numerous Paleoindian, Archaic and Woodland archaeological sites in Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Vermont and easternmost Quebec. The two known sources of are a dike near the city of Berlin, New Hampshire, and blocks-in-till near the village of Jefferson, New Hampshire. The source near Berlin has been a known source for “Indian relics” since the middle of the nineteenth century. The second source near Jefferson New Hampshire was first recognized in 1997. Both sources are situated along prominent east–west routes between the east flowing Androscoggin River on the east and the south flowing Connecticut River on the west. Mount Jasper is located above the Dead River. The Dead River flows east and enters the Androscoggin River approximately 3 km from Mount Jasper. Passage between the Connecticut and Androscoggin Rivers would have taken the travelers directly beneath Mount Jasper. To the west, from the upper reaches of the Dead River, the portage to Head Pond is approximately 0.9 to 1.5 km. From Head Pond access to the Connecticut is by way of the North Branch Upper Ammonoosuc River. The Jefferson source is located on terraces on the northwest side of the modern Israel River. The Israel River flows west and north for approximately 25 km into the Connecticut River. To the east the Israel River rises to a divide which separates it from the east flowing Moose River, which empties into the Androscoggin. Attribution to source is based upon comparison with known outcrops which include the combined characteristics of gross lithology, weathering characteristics, and bulk mineralogy. Comparison of dike samples with artifacts also indicate that the thickness and continuity of the flow bands together with spherule characteristics, which include, size, shape, volume, microscopic structures and weathering character, further suggest a limited source.  相似文献   

Soil profiles buried beneath earth banks of five abandoned enclosures, ranging in age from late Bronze Age to early 19th century AD, were compared with unburied profiles inside and outside the enclosures. Soil particle size analyses and micromorphological studies show that the banks were constructed of mixed topsoil and subsoil from adjacent ditches; on some banks the soil has begun to podzolize. At the two oldest sites (Dark Hat and Long Slade Bottom, which are late Bronze or Iron Age) the soils within the enclosures were homogenized, probably by occasional cultivation for cereal growing. At Dark Hat an ironpan has developed on the upper surface of a layer compacted by smearing during cultivation. The later enclosures, at Burley Moor (Anglo-Saxon), East Boldre (mediaeval) and Hatchet Gate (early 19th century AD), were probably used entirely for pasture. Pollen assemblages from the buried soils and overlying banks, and chemical comparisons of the buried soils with profiles inside and outside the enclosures together provide new evidence for a history of soil and vegetation changes over the past 2500–3500 years. Heathland vegetation associated with podzolic soils existed on plateau gravels before the late Bronze Age, but on other parent materials heath vegetation and acidic soils with incipient podzolization appeared only in later periods. The present patchy vegetation pattern of mainly deciduous woodland with open areas of ferny grassland and heath seems to have persisted since before the late Bronze Age. The most obvious human influences on the vegetation during the last 2000 years have been periodic temporary use of open areas and woodland clearings for protected grazing.  相似文献   

Little is known about the Battle of Good Friday in Uppsala. The historical records are scarce and of limited extent. Moreover, the more spectacular event of the Stockholm Bloodbath has drawn most of the attention from both the contemporary public and later historians. This is why the discovery of a mass grave in the steep slope of Uppsala Castle in 2001 has provoked much interest. An analysis of the osseous material showed that the remains of at least 60 male individuals, mostly between 25–34 years of age, were buried in the excavated area. The demographic profile is largely similar to other European war‐related skeletal assemblages of the same era. Sharp force trauma was exhibited primarily on the skulls, with no obvious dominance to either side. The trauma distribution pattern suggests that the battle was not fought face‐to‐face. Blade wounds concentrated in specific regions imply a standardised technique when delivering the blows. The combination of commingled bones and articulated elements suggests that the individuals were in different stages of skeletonisation when buried. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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